Forums / In game politics / what the F is this

what the F is this
00:15:30 Jan 24th 09 - Sir Caradoc:

(had to re-make post)

i recently left PKS for many reasons this era. i have been very upset with who they have been warring latly, i dont think who they have been warring all this time has been the right choice for the KD. at the begining of the era, we were warring almost everyone but dark. then it stoped, we expanded relationd to FF which i had no problems with. then we started negotiation with ODC, Foundation, GLN, and LGC. i really hated 3 of those (all but foundation but they denined us a NaP last era (survivor for nubs)). Anyways thing came where i thought it was time to leave PKS due to terms with FF and i got this message when i went to war FF with Dark...

You can not join a kingdom when there is less then ten days left of the era. Wait until the era has ended.

00:50:27 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Soki:

well it war of the world and if your alone you won't survive for that long, that happen to me too i left at day 9.9 day left so i just start a kingdom and when solo :(

03:18:50 Jan 24th 09 - Sir Crimson Xtc:

next time look at the time left before you leave ;)

07:35:41 Jan 24th 09 - Demonic Shezmu The Genderless:


01:45:46 Jan 25th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

what the F is this

Your mother in a cat suit?

02:04:17 Jan 25th 09 - Sir Caradoc:

uh this isnt the descusion i was hoping for again. i was hoping for the honarable/nonhonerbale FF and DARK descussion....

03:20:22 Jan 25th 09 - Sir Pesterd:

too bad your not deserving og it..
Scientist is honorable and you arent so just gtfo bc no one cares about your little sally sob story..

05:36:19 Jan 25th 09 - Endless Delerium:

a keen sense of ethical conduct : integrity
<wouldn't do it as a matter of honor>

one's word given as a guarantee of performance
<on my honor, I will be there>


a concern for one's own advantage and well-being <acted out of self–interest and fear>

one's own interest or advantage <self–interest requires that we be generous in foreign aid>

Thucydides identified three reasons why nations go to war:  fear, honor, and self-interest.  We need a VU guide called

When self-interest and the honor code collide

or something ^_^

01:22:31 Jan 26th 09 - Demonic Shezmu The Genderless:


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