Forums / In game politics / where is he

where is he
10:14:21 Jan 29th 11 - Mr. Knigh:

where is zeta? does anyone act know? did he give up? did he have an accident and fataly hurt?

10:27:42 Jan 29th 11 - Mr. Barny:

He logs into MSN, or so I have heard. I know that he checks his messages in VU a few times a month as well.

In terms of game development, or even moderating his own game, he "doesn't have time anymore".

10:33:45 Jan 29th 11 - Mr. Xanatos The Crazy:

hes... not going to say what i wanted to say but he really needs to come check up on this because this game used to be on top (when i quit it was 2nd on the top 100 gamesites)

10:33:51 Jan 29th 11 - Mr. Victor:

Surely the community should be able to look after itself after so long a time.

10:53:01 Jan 29th 11 - Mr. Knigh:

how can the community look after itself.... we have no features to update game

12:00:23 Jan 29th 11 - Mr. Eirian Draconis III:

Zeta needs a partner :/

13:07:34 Jan 29th 11 - Mr. Tyr Tokugawa:

yep he does...

18:38:19 Jan 29th 11 - Mr. Brick:

Zeta needs more player that buy premium features so that he can earn some money.

Ecomomic wise he should have pull the plug a few years ago, invest ing time with his program skills without earning money is stupid and naive.

23:07:53 Jan 29th 11 - Mr. Xanatos The Crazy:

well perhaps had he have invested more time into this game it would still be at the top like it was several years ago, and then he could start making special maps and shlt for people who pay.

08:27:08 Jan 30th 11 - Mr. Fuzzy Orangebeard:

It's not so easy to abandon a game, you've spent so many years creating. VU is in limbo.

13:42:16 Jan 30th 11 - Judge Kobuskan:

I appriciate him doing that and i am gratefull for all those years of pleasure i had, but business is business.

Maybe he should find an investor or big onlinegame business to sell it to and do some restyling for them against a fee, give it a new name and do some advertising, it could still be a succes that way

14:11:51 Jan 30th 11 - Mr. Tyr Tokugawa:

yep, VU has potential, it just needs more than one person working on it.

15:16:07 Jan 30th 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

Doesn't really need many working on it, it just needs someone who has a genuine interest in updating it. 

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