Forums / In game politics / ~`Assassins Creed~`

~`Assassins Creed~`
04:16:33 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Fatal:

hey assassins creed is taking applications we are on mantrax now, we did great last era and are going to do even better this era so send an application to plague and be an Assassin!

(i know there is already an assassins creed topic, dont *beep* me)

04:27:48 Feb 8th 08 - Duke Altron:

fun game

04:37:28 Feb 8th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

i didnt think it was. I like the game guild wars better

04:44:57 Feb 8th 08 - Duke Altron:

guild wars and assassins creed are two completely different games....

16:17:19 Feb 8th 08 - Sir Valentine:

I saw the game Assassin Creed. Is it nice? I thought of buying it.

Lol. Ambrosias is posting -LDK Rules- at every thread.

05:49:57 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Mayhem:

bump hehehe

i love assassins creed

03:53:15 Feb 11th 08 - Sir Plague:

Come on come all, join Assassins Creed. Its a good kingdom thats fairly new but doing good so far. We are currently accepting applicants from people who are new to the game or have played it before. everyone can apply if they are on mantrax or is dead.

03:54:56 Feb 11th 08 - Duke Altron:

Sir Valentine


2/8/2008 11:17:19 AMI saw the game Assassin Creed. Is it nice? I thought of buying it.

Lol. Ambrosias is posting -LDK Rules- at every thread.

rent it, its not worth buying in my opinion. its fun to play once through but thats pretty much it :P

06:25:32 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Holypaladin:

lol im the owner of a luxon guild on guild wars "_"

09:27:58 Feb 11th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

AC is not a bad Kingdom. At least they're organised and honourable :)

Good luck all of you guys there ^_^

12:51:05 Feb 11th 08 - Sir Plague:

it rally isn't a bad kingdom for its second era. we are very organized and honorable so far and it will stay like that and if thats not enough we'll show you what we can do this era when we do good.

12:56:55 Feb 11th 08 - Sir Evans:

yeh your not doing to abdly ocnsidering youve only got 9 members....

Big WOOT for the small kingdoms (15 or less members)

01:30:08 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Harkaa:

Hey guys a totally honourable KD you have there.

Hope to run into you this era again (I'm in a different KD now though)

01:39:12 Feb 12th 08 - Sir Plague:

lol hope to run into you to. Good Luck this era

05:33:50 Feb 14th 08 - Sir Plague:

come on people join us. we are doing good so far. we've been teaching new and old players new stuff and this is helping them play the game better. so come join us!!

13:56:59 Feb 16th 08 - Sir Plague:

Hey everybody without a kingdom on Mant come join assassins creed, or people who are dead without a kingdom join assassins creed.

01:35:24 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Plague:

okay people we are opening spots in our kd to fill and we are going to Nirvana soon. we will take everybody and you'll stay in the kd as long as your active and respectful to everybody. so come join us because we'll help you improve your skills and you'll learn a couple new stuff.


23:57:18 Feb 26th 08 - Sir Plague:

hello everybody, this kd in now in NIRVANA and is currently accepting applications from everybody. if you new we'll train you to be like everybody else.  we recruiting this era and training you for next era on zeta. so sign up now to get trained in an easy going environment.

02:34:20 Feb 28th 08 - Sir Plague:

Is anyone going to join us next era?? i need to put together a list for next era. if you think you might them pm me in the game and if your not sure still pm me. were going to zeta next era but are recruiting on Nirvana right now.

03:22:06 Feb 28th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

*Septim hops from rooftop to rooftop until reaching the building, he then drops in, and equips his wrist dagger. The guards attack but Septim counters, and after five counters the guards all lie dead. Septim approaches Plague, Septim stabs him in the chest, soaks a feather with his blood, and runs from the building.

03:33:40 Feb 28th 08 - Sir Plague:

*Plague like what Septim tried to do, but he didn't know Plague had a twin brother.  Plague Puts on his Master Assassins Suit and weapons and follows Septim back to his City.

03:46:13 Feb 28th 08 - Mr. Rtas Vadumee:



ass ass


you like ass

03:48:28 Feb 28th 08 - Sir Plague:

lol who are you to say that?

04:58:57 Feb 28th 08 - Mr. Frank Sonatra:

that game was SO GOOD for the first 2 hours then it got major boring

21:31:57 Feb 29th 08 - Sir Plague:

People come join Assassins Creed. We are a kd that is good and fight till the end. i'm a good leader and i'll teach you the basic if you need it and advanced stuff.  Ask some people about me if you want proof. But in the end come join my kd in Niv or next era on Zeta

00:17:33 Mar 1st 08 - Sir Plague:

Join US!!

04:37:43 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Justin:

the game was awesome wat are u guys talking about, i loved sneeking up on ppl and sticking my hidden blade in there back. Oh good luck Plague hope u guys do well this era just like the last one

13:37:22 Mar 1st 08 - Sir Plague:

this era is for recruiting.

18:52:42 Mar 1st 08 - Mr. Relativity:

Im joining, approve my application please.

02:25:16 Mar 2nd 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

*Septim walks in and opens his coat, to reveal flamingos.

"Septim's flamingo stand is open for come and gettum!"

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