Forums / In game politics / ~Wolf Pack~ Embassy [NEW*]

~Wolf Pack~ Embassy [NEW*]
23:18:04 Sep 20th 08 - Sir Kratos Wolf:

I made a new embassy because the old one is full of *beep* ;)

So here it is, If you want a NAP or Alliance please post here AND send me a message.

23:18:28 Sep 20th 08 - Sir Kratos Wolf:

 is a Kingdom for those who wish to stay, everyone in this Kingdom will cooperate with his/her Kingdom-mates and we will all stand by eachother until the end. So if you are looking for a team of active and loyal players then send an application.

1) to be active and log on everyday unless you have a good reason not to.
2) to be loyal, if you leave without a good reason then you not only hurt your honor but you get hurt by the rest of us.
3) know how to have fun, its just a game and we are all playing so lets just have fun but show you are mature when it is necessary.


* Kratos Wolf 24 Leader Human Star. Today
Vladmir 1 Lord Orc Star. Today
Yoshi 42 Mr. Orc Star. Today
Last Savior 11 Mr. Dwarf Star. Today
Edd 16 Mr. Orc Star. Today


If you wish to be part of this Kingdom please send an application now.. we are in STARTA.

23:21:45 Sep 20th 08 - Mr. Basch:

07:59:48 Sep 21st 08 - Mr. Bladedge:

Yea...I have a banner is to bright... it hurts my eyes when i look at...could you change it....

09:23:59 Sep 21st 08 - Duke Elliott:


11:48:15 Sep 21st 08 - Sir Stirlin:

<3 wolf

11:57:48 Sep 21st 08 - Duke Slade:


13:58:44 Sep 21st 08 - Sir Magetherydon:

I might have a problem.. or at least you will if I can attack you for building in my territory...

19:26:56 Sep 21st 08 - Mr. Edd:

hey mage thanks for that mine its way better than mine and thanks for the 90k slaves too =)

10:23:10 Sep 24th 08 - Duke Slade:


10:39:16 Sep 24th 08 - Mr. Ping:

i have a problem xD

tell vladmir not to try and walk 300 naz through our core :P


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