Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 45

Fantasia 45
15:48:20 Dec 30th 16 - Mr. Bling:

Soon, they will understand the meaning of ownage. No Harry Potter shit, just a good ol fashion beatdown

02:20:46 Dec 31st 16 - Mr. Lala:

..which, Mr. Trump, so far, you aren't involved in. Unless you agree to do a 1v1 in the middle of the map.

btw, I heard you been going around trying to reclaim lost territory riding on those zombie level 1's. Is it true?

03:16:26 Dec 31st 16 - Mr. Bling:

sorry... were you talking or farting? cause strangely enough, both those action from you not only sound the same, but smell the same too.. very odd.

03:16:51 Dec 31st 16 - Mr. Toroth The Corinthian:

he's right bling..your core looks pretty clear, should be bout time to make your army present on the frontlines. Fordius even has you beat..he might even take out Lala..he's pretty close to one of his hordes..

03:19:24 Dec 31st 16 - Mr. Bling:

whaa??? Im still playing spanky with aisha's zerky's

My level 1's been working out in the gym over christmas.

03:28:32 Dec 31st 16 - Mr. Bling:

Army Info
Commander:Mr. LalaKingdom Banner
Size:Scout (1-5)

We have made 24 hostile attacks on them and they have made 26 hostile attacks on us.

We own more than three times as much land as this ruler.

03:57:59 Dec 31st 16 - Mr. Lala:

haha Bling what's the use of all that barren land when it can't even put you on the HoH. Just burn your mines already. :P

Fordius's army looks pretty decent. Someone post an EITS of that gorgeous army here already!

04:00:59 Dec 31st 16 - Mr. Bling:

Well, I can spam pony killers and easily bump you off your little "position"

I just love my nazzies too much. Dont think your little pony army is anything scary kiddo. Its a pony :P

05:01:41 Dec 31st 16 - Mr. Drug Addict:

Yeah I know it's nothing but still better than the Gaia horde you are running around on.

23:51:59 Dec 31st 16 - Mr. Corithius:

U heard him lala...if you want bling. Your going to have to abandon your kingdom to madd and ig and take the fight to him.

00:40:14 Jan 1st 17 - Mr. Lala:

.. so he gets time to farm up? 

Ah, I see where this is going.

00:48:00 Jan 1st 17 - Mr. Bling:

you've farmed for 6 weeks now. Should be able to take little ole me out

00:55:00 Jan 1st 17 - Mr. Drug Addict:

I think you need glasses. Do you have an optician or should I ask mine to give you a call?

05:18:28 Jan 1st 17 - Sir Aloysius LXXVI:

Happy New Year, guys!

05:51:29 Jan 1st 17 - Mr. Drug Addict:

Happy New Year! :)

08:41:10 Jan 1st 17 - Mr. Toroth The Corinthian:

Happy New year =D

10:15:57 Jan 1st 17 - Mr. Lala:

Lost half the Horde due to no gold. 

Well played everyone .. next era will be fun!

10:16:42 Jan 1st 17 - Mr. Pussygrabber:

What, you fell off your pony onto your ass?

10:19:26 Jan 1st 17 - Mr. Drug Addict:

Well, I didn't know you loose half your troops within a couple of ticks when army morale drops to 50%. 

Might just have to read the game guides finally. :/

10:23:50 Jan 1st 17 - Mr. Bling:

Well, donkeys are generally stupid to train.

Now you gonna see what a nazzie does. So the owners know, every city burnt is courtesy of Lala and Aisha :P

10:32:49 Jan 1st 17 - Mr. Drug Addict:

Nah man your 2 Nazguls won't do much. 

Don't brag much tho, you might end up getting illiterate Gaia's again. :P

10:43:47 Jan 1st 17 - Mr. Bling:

Game guides dont have many pictures, so the big words wont make sense.

Keep training more and more donkeys. Bigger the ass the better.

11:53:25 Jan 1st 17 - Mr. Toroth The Corinthian: you say you can't pay upkeep for such a large army? I was correct then. I also made the right decision burning those 40k mines in the city you just took back from me =D

11:59:51 Jan 1st 17 - Mr. Drug Addict:

Prolly why you need to farm big early in the era if you're an Halfing .. you also made the correct decision to run away when you could. Smart play! :P

21:16:18 Jan 1st 17 - Lord Caedus:

Respect to MaD for being able to make a comeback like this... Definitely taught us a lesson about mercy ;)

02:17:25 Jan 2nd 17 - Sir Justanius Fontanius XXX:

LOL we have all been taught that lesson before. Also dont be surprised you used every antic to avoid all out war even on the crator map. Eventually when MAD ended up fighting you are surprised your face has been all mauled off. 

04:26:41 Jan 2nd 17 - Mr. Uwer:

I warned you, Caedus. Now, to your grave.

06:15:49 Jan 2nd 17 - Mr. Pussygrabber:

So nice ALL of SF came out to greet me, especially after the racist Aisha and her members of the KKK in RoC abused me so badly.

06:48:33 Jan 2nd 17 - Endless (Lady Tinuviel):

I confess, can't resist the urge to spank ya <3

07:04:06 Jan 2nd 17 - Mr. Bling:

I was actually very turned on by that.

Now if Tuma joins in, it gets very sexy

07:21:13 Jan 2nd 17 - Endless (Lady Lyanna Mormont):

I liked, strong :)

07:22:33 Jan 2nd 17 - Mr. Bling:


08:38:27 Jan 2nd 17 - Lord Caedus:

Loving the new KD Lala has created! haha Bling - you gunna join?

10:32:51 Jan 2nd 17 - Mr. Bling:

I'd rather let Endless use my scrotum for spanking practise

11:50:28 Jan 2nd 17 - Mr. Bling:

LALA ... hows ur ass, i mean donkey.. i mean ponies

01:53:54 Jan 3rd 17 - Mr. Lala:

They running around hungry looking for your gaia's but your armies seem to be hiding away.

22:09:23 Jan 3rd 17 - Mr. Bling:

lol, SF turned to feeding on their own players now

22:12:59 Jan 3rd 17 - Endless (Lady Tinuviel):

that was me actually and apparently it didn't work out for any particular player in our kingdom but it did work in preventing you from cashing in :p over 30 days inactive, not /<ool

22:14:18 Jan 3rd 17 - Mr. Bling:

I got a player with 2 90k's and non active for the last 6 weeks. think he will make me bazillions of nazzies

my estimate. probably 45k :)

22:24:28 Jan 3rd 17 - Endless (Lady Tinuviel):

then you might want to go for it, I won't flame you for something I did myself (although I didn't actually get any spoils from doing it)

I'm starting to think anything past two weeks should be dealt with right then and make those cities a working asset for someone who is actually playing...  we do have another inactive, you'll find him before he gets kicked no doubt so don't whine, lots o goodies still to be had :p

can you tell I'm still irked about Zetamania and only 4 of us active? :p

22:36:49 Jan 3rd 17 - Princess Aisha:

Well all the flaming and arguments aside, I would like to congratulate MAD for a really nice come back, after you were defeated you found your little place on the map, defended well against IG, and you did good diplomatic decisions this era, first to CF Alba and end it when it was best for you, and after that CF with IG to secure the win. In the end VU is a game of strategy and diplomacy, you as a kingdom were clearly the best this era and you deserve the win.

Also congrats should go to IG as well for basically taking on the entire world, and even when things were bad, you stayed strong, did some good decisions, and bounced back from a bad situation. Thumbs up to Bling for a very high activity, you did great but the buying of the BTs just put a stain in your performance, but you did well anyways.

Albatross was good, they are a group of nice people, helping new people, teaching newbies best they can. Every kingdom that has auto join us deserves respect as they allow newbies to join them and they are there to teach them. Thought bad diplomatic decisions and lack of teamwork I think resulted in defeat.

SF really was not active enough this era to make any kind of impact, we did our best the few of us that played. 

22:46:40 Jan 3rd 17 - Mr. Lala:

I'd agree with everything except for the MAD part. This was my first era back and I think what they did wasn't honorable on their part at all imho.

Either way, fun era and I hope the next one is better. Now, can someone please cast arma already?

22:57:56 Jan 3rd 17 - Sir Justanius Fontanius XXX:



Army Info
Commander:Mr. LalaKingdom Banner
Kingdom:The Crybaby Federation
Size:Group of Armies (Around 500,000)
Status:Moving West

We have made 5 hostile attacks on them and they have made 8 hostile attacks on us.

We own more than three times as much land as this ruler.

Send Mr. Lala a message

22:58:09 Jan 3rd 17 - Mr. Bling:

Contrary to the flaming, I orchestrated the CF with MAD  :P

And the only reason you lot got BT'd was cause on 3 maps it was turning into NAP fests with gangbangs going on. So I levelled the playing fields bling style

23:13:36 Jan 3rd 17 - Mr. Toroth The Corinthian:

Im sorry bling...your mule friend...fred killed him today. I know he was your friend...and you two were so bent on meeting. Maybe next  era.

Eras not over yet just cause lala turns  into a crybaby

23:14:28 Jan 3rd 17 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

DAMNIT Fred. Always one that wont listen.

23:22:00 Jan 3rd 17 - Mr. Drug Addict:

14:13:36 Jan 3rd 17 - Mr. Toroth The Corinthian:

Im sorry bling...your mule friend...fred killed him today. I know he was your friend...and you two were so bent on meeting. Maybe next  era.

Eras not over yet just cause lala turns  into a crybaby

hahah hahaha .. except I haven't actually cried yet.

Only if you all showed these guts on the field instead of running away back to your core all shit scared from the mules. Good job forum warrior! 👍🏼

23:32:31 Jan 3rd 17 - Kasakasz (Mr. Kasakas The Relentless):

Bling go back to pages i think 7-8 where You cry about 51 vs 20- something

00:17:16 Jan 4th 17 - Lord Caedus:

Well played all, I hope that this was fun enough to keep you all on in your respective kingdoms for another era at the very least. 

This was certainly more action packed and was such valuable experience for us in Albatross! Really loved it and for my part in the flaming - I just like to add to the troll fest and flame - always a good aspect to this game ;) 

I still <3 the MaD lot. 

01:15:53 Jan 4th 17 - Mr. Bling:


I'm part of a 4 man kd. I'm the little guy on the map, saying fcky'all with my middle finger up ... bite me bitches

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