Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 45

Fantasia 45
09:24:15 Jan 15th 17 - Sir Justanius Magni Fontainius:

woah i can see the sparks coming now. But can we set the record straight because word on the street is alba has a revolted city water takes it. Trash talk starts and then war. I dont see any backstabbing

09:27:41 Jan 15th 17 - Mr. Drug Addict:

well regardless of the all the trash talk they should've honoured the 72hr CF call off since they knew all our troops were in IG core and their teeny tiny and shitty armies followed us there to get the economy cities. 

That's the issue .. especially after Albatross decided to honor the previous era relations with them and let them live after their OOP war where they were almost wiped.

Not being a bad looser but the war was not fair at all which is why I can't agree that MAD won the last era.

IG and Bling's little KD (did well enough to stay alive till the wave was over) won imho .. they were the winners .. did remarkably well to bounce back from where they were .. almost wiped!

09:34:25 Jan 15th 17 - Mr. Drug Addict:

Can never have respect for a KD like MAD after what they did. If the game is about honor, you play for it even if there are a few disagreements. 

If something like that happened in my KD, I'd prolly give everyone a fair chance to play. Not act like they did and run off to get my win like that .. totally not cool.

11:07:31 Jan 15th 17 - Mr. Justanius The Elf:

Im glad they kicked alba's ass in the end all it got us out of a gangbang. That was a lucky break for us that made all the difference, including binh to be honest he came through too. 

13:31:21 Jan 15th 17 - Sir Aloysius LXXVII:

MAD and Alba relations broke down, yes. Both kingdom's councils did not even tried to repair it or at least, when I wakeup and login, war is on.

AFAIK, Mr. Lala broke the CF by attacking Water's army instead of asking nicely and explain the situation. Alba was all high and mighty at that moment. How can we even ask the most powerful to compensate for the army he slaughtered? after all, it is just our low level troops. :D

Mr. DrugAddict, for the record.. you are always against MAD kingdom, for all I know. That is just being you, no doubt about it. Yeah, I agree to everything you say. I cannot argue to someone who is high and great. :)

16:27:23 Jan 15th 17 - Kasakasz (Mr. Bolek The Not Magical):

Aloy its not that Lala just attacked and killed Waters army... Lala took city after which it revolted and Water took it before Lala took it back me and Lala both talked to Water about this... and from the start we were getting hints that it will not be resolved peacefully You did not wanted peace You wanted pretense so You can war us...

17:29:30 Jan 15th 17 - Lord Caedus:

As much as I don't want to get embroiled into a debate over last era - I reject that Albatross is high and mighty! The leadership of the KD have always been keen to ensure we come across as welcoming and honourable (despite some mistakes). 

Players that have come across high and mighty haven't meant to. 

The situation was unfortunate, but we still congratulated MaD in the win. I messaged Water and understood that the situation was regrettable but did not effect future relationship. 

I think we should let this go now guys - let's focus on making sure we can kill Bling over and over again as that is more entertaining in the forum ;) 

18:55:06 Jan 15th 17 - Mr. Death Chocolate:

So many have tried, and yet I keep coming back.

19:05:08 Jan 15th 17 - Kasakasz (Mr. Kasakasz The Kasakasz):

so You are like cockroach

19:21:26 Jan 15th 17 - Mr. Bling:

After 10 years of playing, trust me, if thats the best flame you can do, you should go back to preschool and start your education again.

In fact, your mother should have her knees surgically connected to ensure she doesnt spawn anymore of your kind.

19:41:18 Jan 15th 17 - Kasakasz (Mr. Bolek The Not Magical):

that is not a flame that is a fact You are just trying to insult which is below me...

19:46:52 Jan 15th 17 - Mr. Bling:

Your mother was below me a few times. Luckily for you, i left some change on the nightstand so she could buy you your xmas present.

19:51:39 Jan 15th 17 - Kasakasz (Mr. Kasakasz The Kasakasz):

yea i would be angry if You would know what to do to a woman

19:55:21 Jan 15th 17 - Mr. Bling:

I have that all worked out fine. And to be honest, as long as I get my job done, who gives a fck about some trashy broad.  But clearly you are the result of an incestuous relationship.

19:57:13 Jan 15th 17 - Kasakasz (Mr. Kasakasz The Kasakasz):

its so fun to make You respond to my posts ;p

19:58:41 Jan 15th 17 - SFD (Mr. Hodr The Blind):

well i for 1 think bling is really nice.
this one time when he was asleep he let me stick my teeny weeny in his mouth :)

19:59:39 Jan 15th 17 - Mr. Bling:

shame, you dont get out much do you. 

I'm happy to sit here all day and tell you how pathetic your life is :p
However, later im gonna go eat a $90 steak and sip an 80 year old whiskey and toast to you having to try work all week to make that kind of money.

20:05:06 Jan 15th 17 - Kasakasz (Mr. Bolek The Not Magical):

as always You think You are right

21:04:21 Jan 15th 17 - Mr. Bling:

no, I know I'm right. 

21:18:22 Jan 15th 17 - Kasakasz (Mr. Kasakasz The Kasakasz):

nope You think that but You never are

21:23:41 Jan 15th 17 - Lala (Mr. Lala Bragi):

Zeta should really pin this thread up on top of the forums and call it the best era ever already! So much action!

21:40:13 Jan 15th 17 - Kasakasz (Mr. Bolek The Not Magical):

Yea even after era has ended!:D

22:10:22 Jan 15th 17 - Mr. Bling:

No, I'm always right.

Peeps asked me if Alba and Lala would be a problem that era. I said no, they would self destruct. poof, they died.
Would SF be a problem. No I said. Im gonna make them follow me out the core. What did they do. They saw my sexy ass and followed.

22:14:49 Jan 15th 17 - SFD (Mr. Hodr The Blind):

bling tbh you shake that $90 steak my way ill follow you ;)
just dont call me a wh.ore though yeah bc thats undermining ;3

22:22:56 Jan 15th 17 - Princess Aisha:

The amount of effort you guys put in pointless arguments is quite disturbing

23:50:39 Jan 15th 17 - Lala (Mr. Drug Addict):

VU is the day job for most of us. Thus, the effort!

00:28:58 Jan 16th 17 - Zond (General of Aishas Tits):

What's a job? Am I the only one who is jobless and still lives in mommy's basement and hollers up at her to bring me pizza rolls 

01:16:33 Jan 16th 17 - Mr. Lazy:

You live in Stormy's basement too? 0_0

01:29:53 Jan 16th 17 - Lala (Mr. Drug Addict):


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