Forums / In game politics / Zetamania wars ( Era 35 )

Zetamania wars ( Era 35 )
23:34:19 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Augusto Maralunda Velez:

Pimp, why do you seriously doubt it???

I have already PMd Mr. Military, and he has replied that he will not cede power to me, and that it is his imperial order that Ms. Holly stays in the kd. I am not going to revolt against him...thats betrayal...

23:34:54 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

convenient...guess what...bull*beep* player by that name here

23:35:31 Sep 30th 08 - Ms. Holly:

augusto, we as in predators took in a betrayer earlier this era

how are predators any better

23:36:20 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Mr. Augusto Maralunda Velez


9/30/2008 10:34:19 PM
Pimp, why do you seriously doubt it???

I have already PMd Mr. Military, and he has replied that he will not cede power to me, and that it is his imperial order that Ms. Holly stays in the kd. I am not going to revolt against him...thats betrayal...
then the point is proven ...Military are dishonourable...and i now unleash the big guns

23:37:01 Sep 30th 08 - Ms. Holly:

predators are just as dishonorable

23:37:03 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Ms. Holly


9/30/2008 10:35:31 PM
augusto, we as in predators took in a betrayer earlier this era

how are predators any better
As the vice who accepts or rejects ALL applications, I know that he was not with us

23:37:47 Sep 30th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

...were the big guns that army that was turned around by Inco's army named "Pimp Lost His Balls?" oh and the 62 nazzies you have coming for us is kind of insulting

23:37:59 Sep 30th 08 - Ms. Holly:

ask your kingdom

23:39:10 Sep 30th 08 - Lord Incognito:

That was a scout Charley :)

23:39:41 Sep 30th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

:p made it sound like it was his army XD but at least your army name made me rofl

23:40:35 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

I AM PREDS YOU DUMB *beep*...I have held the KD together and trained half its players....I built its embassy and wrote the training manual...

Lord Charley Deallus


9/30/2008 10:37:47 PM

...were the big guns that army that was turned around by Inco's army named "Pimp Lost His Balls?" oh and the 62 nazzies you have coming for us is kind of insulting

I turned them around because your little lap dog finally felt "strong enough with my armies out the core"...big its PIMPING time *beep*ers

23:41:13 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Military:

In regards to Mr. Augusto Haralunda Velez's Message...

I never mad ethe official call to accept Holly, another viceroy did that I will keep his name secret for fear of conflict. The fact of the matter is...Holly is with us and she stays with us. Why dont you and the rest of the Preds go cry and complain with Mr. Dianmanto. A Military member you accepted without haste.

Mr. Augusto you have broken my last straw. Insulting my leadership in public?
Let me just recall how many armies you have sent against the invading forces...I believe one killed a scout then quickly ran back to safety inside the core you've been building up all era. Not once have you sent forces against our real threat, you are the true coward here.

Now your trying to gain control of the kingdom? Excuse me? What kingdom wants a viceroy who has told fellow members, and I quote to "lick my hairy ___sack". Dont worry, I have people who have had that sent to them. A king that hides behind his castle, one that does not send aid to the very people he tries to win over in the end?

As the true king of Military I pretty much died fighting alongside my brothers, while I sent countless messages to you ordering for help. Sure a few EITS's casts here and there, but any troops? Nope. I can honestly bet that my brothers would die fighting alongside me rather then with some backstabbing farmer.

You sir are the coward!

Now lets get back to the question shall we? You ask me to step down and prosecute me? The very person who is going to "prosecute me" should be prosecuted for treason and for watching their brothers die.

You ask me to stand down? My answer to you...and I mean this in the most respectable way possible...

*beep* You.

23:41:47 Sep 30th 08 - Ms. Holly:

pimp its not your kingdom

i think it would be beter if darkmarsbar kicked you and brought it back to a good kingdom

23:41:55 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Augusto Maralunda Velez:

Mr. Pimp


9/30/2008 4:36:20 PM
Mr. Augusto Maralunda Velez


9/30/2008 10:34:19 PM
Pimp, why do you seriously doubt it???

I have already PMd Mr. Military, and he has replied that he will not cede power to me, and that it is his imperial order that Ms. Holly stays in the kd. I am not going to revolt against him...thats betrayal...
then the point is proven ...Military are dishonourable...and i now unleash the big guns

Yeah, I'll admit it...this move was not honourable at all. Personally, I do not agree Militarys decisions regarding this issue. Still though, that does not bound me to revolution which in fact is even more dishonourable.  Thats that.

23:42:02 Sep 30th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Come get some, beyotch. I'm still waiting on empty threaths... to think I was worried I was playing with fire.... I'd get burnt more sitting outside at midnight -_-

23:44:37 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Military:

Dianmanto's new name is Sir Worldlicker.

23:48:16 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Augusto Maralunda Velez:

And whose walls are now defending ALL of Military KDs borders from attack????

Maybe I should just open the gates, stand at attention, and give a hail to the ODC, and RD troops as they walk thru...maybe then you will understand the magnitude of this situation?

And quit arguing with are (for now) in the same kd as me.  I wasn't calling you out or anything, I was just trying to cite a way to get you out of your current predicament.

23:56:23 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Military:

Face it, you care nothing about the kingdom. You have been farming all era, there are messages where you havn't even responded to me asking for help.

If you had sent armies and helped defend our flanks, we might be in a different spot. But no its okay, just keep farming. Its not like anybody had any respect for you in the beginning of the era. Its funny, so many people sent me messages asking me to kick you out and demote you. I defended you countless times and this is how you repay me?

Like you understand the situation? Where were your men when we needed them? Standing idle at your gates, making sure nothing got near your cities. Using the rest of your kingdom like a human shield while you continued to turn a blind-eye to our cries.

As for opening the gates...I know you wont, it'd be too big of a blow to your economy that you've been building up all era. Wouldn't wanna hurt that by helping anyone out...enemy or friend. God forbid you do anything to help anybody out.

00:06:11 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Van Effen:

Why are you to arguing about this in a public forum?

Your only making your enemies stronger by doing so.

00:06:45 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Athens:

Augusto, let me make clear.

YOU started to make laws in our kingdom which were inappropriate, self-centred and unfair, even worse, you do not have the authority to enforce them but only to propose them to another leader of whom must also speak to Mr. Military to pass or get a 75% majority vote.

YOU think you blocked people out, but hang on to that note, who exactly are you blocking, I've never seen a half threatening ODC army near you or seen an army of yours near there's. I remember you have a 10k army against a 2-4k one, you stood a 76% chance of winning so you told me and you turned back to defend your own city, which I had to compensate for with a city of mine being lost plus taking an army 18 ticks away from due course, in turn causing more losses for Mr. Military in his armies.

YOU make indecent insults and arguments on public forums. You have no idea how many times I have had to stand up for you and even more, how many time Mr. Military has stood up for you.

YOU are not a leader, you are a figural leader. This was stated by the council to you. Don't you get the point that you only have the position, but not the authority over other members and every other vice has a higher position than you thus having the powers to order you around.

YOU continue to mock me, have you noticed that I've had to delete several of your lame posts in the kingdom forums, where the hell did half the statements come from, most of which were flaming or criticising other members not helping you out, when did you ever help them?

If you talk about Mr. Military being a bad @$$, then you haven't met me yet. If it were up to me, I'd have your head up diamato's @$$ and his head down a toilet. Just take a moment to think, what is currently stopping me from kicking you out the kingdom without permission, yes I'd get in trouble for it because I have no reason, but you have tempted me many times in the past. But I can demote you whenever I wish if I feel that you have caused a problem in or out of the kingdom, and you will stay demoted regardless of other Vice's decisions until Mr. Military can assess the situation, of whom has a good judgement.

And what the hell is imperial order? Mr. Military will never force you to do anything, expects very little of people yet you don't do it. The reason he isn't happy is because your brain capacity doesn't seem to operate on the same lines as a phrase such as "Can you spare some troops" when he could easily say "Abandon the blocker and send all your troops to my city". The kingdom is mainly a council and no decision is made alone unless absolutely neccersary.

And once more, you son of a B1T(H had to make me post on this forum again after saying I wasn't. Maybe you should got get yourself fukked a few times, smash your head against a steel post and then wake up to relealise what the hell is wrong with you.

00:09:26 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Augusto Maralunda Velez:

No, the armies would have been dead, just like all of yours and the rest of the kds. And now, I am here defending you all because I conserved.  I have tried to make some sense of this political turmoil that you have caused, and when I finally can help the kd, help YOU, you turn it down!

Oh, I do understand the situation, King.  I understand it well! We accept multis, traitors, and cowards, and expect to live a happy respectable life.  Theres no honor in this.

00:11:47 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

.....I think everyone has been smoking weed...people's logic is really screwed up here...

00:17:17 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Military:

Cowards? Yes I suppose thats true... I mean we did accept you. Who has been hiding since the start of the era.

You have done nothing for us, you try and make it seem like your defending the kingdom against death, when the real situation is. If your mines weren't in that area, you would run for the hills..not giving a damn about those who fight for their lives. How do I know, cause its exactly what happened just a few ticks south.

Mr. Augusto Velez, at the risk of causing further damage and complaints, I am ejecting you from my kingdom. I know about seven members who will literally jump for joy upon reading this message.

So good day my friend, I hope that you contribute all that you've done here to another worthy kingdom. Which is nothing but high-blood pressure and a years worth of anger-management.

Last words from me.
Some of Military is moving to a lesser world.

See ya guys.

00:24:19 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Augusto Maralunda Velez:

Athens, believe me when i say that you are SO lucky you have no cities or towns to destroy because I would take them out in a heartbeat.  Personally attacking me in the forums was dishonourable, and I highly doubt that you would say the same thing to me if we were face to face.

00:25:29 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Augusto Maralunda Velez:

Pfft, ejecting me...I left.

00:25:53 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Athens:

We never turned it down. Correct me if I'm wrong but making NAP's with ODC players?! Complete violation of some of our basic laws and you call it participation? You have only been conserving for yourself. You saved up whilst we died and when we can no longer recover, you pour the troops in on your own cities to hold your own gates.

00:30:15 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Mr. Augusto Maralunda Velez


9/30/2008 11:25:29 PM
Pfft, ejecting me...I left.

Preds have a vavancy


00:34:27 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Augusto Maralunda Velez:

Lol, I bet they do Pimp. 

00:35:20 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Augusto Maralunda Velez:

And not with ODC players Athens, with Jasmina herself ;)

No, I call it saving our country...

00:48:10 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Wow...stuff like this would not happen on Fant...glad I am outa here at the end of this era...there is so much under-the-table deals going on and backstabbings are becoming common...

Mr. Augusto Maralunda Velez


9/30/2008 7:35:20 PM
And not with ODC players Athens, with Jasmina herself ;)

No, I call it saving our country...

Lol what better way to save it then by screwing over everyone in people then need saving -_-

00:59:18 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Pimp:

I remember many eras ago, wars would stop and the traitors exterminated when this thing happened.

01:05:03 Oct 1st 08 - Ms. Holly:

yeah you can talk of honor, why not offer that to military when you accepted theirs

01:34:42 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Mr. Alexis Leonov
Lived in Era 34, got 1 heirs (Augusto Maralunda Velez) and was a member of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Mr. Augusto Maralunda Velez
Lived in Era 35.

No known history.
Funny...another member of USSR backstabbed horrible last era and caused so many issues.  Remember one of those members from last era Bling?

01:37:46 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Pimp:

yep...too well


Ms. Holly


10/1/2008 12:05:03 AM
yeah you can talk of honor, why not offer that to military when you accepted theirs

wtf u talking about

01:43:39 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Augusto Maralunda Velez:

Deallus pray you don't mind me saying but who the HELL are you?  How about ya piss off outta my personal info you tw4t? FYI I wasn't even on last era...I don't even think I made a city in kd don't diss them.

01:48:12 Oct 1st 08 - Duke Spud:

Ms. Holly


10/1/2008 6:41:47 AM
pimp its not your kingdom

i think it would be beter if darkmarsbar kicked you and brought it back to a good kingdom


Holly, Pimp is the one that made Preds good in the first place. He is the one that trains all of us. And if you pulled your head out of your a$$ then you would realize that Pimp is more of a leader than DMB. No offence DMB.

01:56:24 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I am a person from the KD who got backstabbed by that prick from USSR and exposed him to the fraud that he was...oh and history is completely public so I can look where I want...hell you can look at my info all you want...KDs people join are a good thing to look at.  I mean...look at the situation now...You mentality that if you send troops to help out your KD will get them killed makes me laugh! Maybe we should play a game of peace where no one dies or anything like that...If I sat in my own corner and farmed and just built up my own defenses I would deserve to be killed by anyone who had a sense of honor...You speak of you know of the meaning yourself? You have argued about your own KD's honor when you yourself fail at it.

"Honor is the evaluation of a person's trustworthiness and social status based on that individual's espousals and actions. Honour is deemed exactly what determines a person's character: whether or not the person reflects honesty, respect, integrity, or fairness."

According to members of your KD, you have done nothing to show any speck of honor.  You sit in a corner and build up your walls while they are outside getting killed, fighting their enemies.  What sort of person does that? Your actions speak louder than words...


02:09:27 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Frank Castle:

We are sorry to report, that due to many problems within our KD, many members of Military will be moving to a lesser world for the rest of this era. I would personally like to acknowledge the loyal members of of KD, and thank them for sticking with us. I would also like to acknowledge the good work of our enemies, ODC and Preds, you are two very strong KDs and i wish you luck for the rest of the era..till i fight you again of course ;). I also would like to give credit to the KDs of POFF and Guild of the fallen, who also fought valiantly against us....Goodbye Zetamania.

02:09:47 Oct 1st 08 - Ms. Holly:

i think you are wrong spud, DMB is a better leader cause of his social skills

02:32:20 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Andane II:

Lords and Ladies of Military,

With Honor and Respect,  it was good to fight you...what little we did actually do.  You proved honorable...and as a Paladin of Lothon, I salute what you managed to accomplish.  In the past the POFF suffered from traitors and bickering...we are stonger now.  Fewer members...but stronger.

I wish you well, in whatever world you may be within.  May the Flame guide you...even if you see not its light.

With Respect and Honor

Andane Keplar II.

02:36:39 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Van Effen:

But now that military has fallen what will happen next?

Will ODC and Preds tear each other apart for the top place?
Will Burnt usurp there allies and claim zeta?
Or will the mystical Mystical offer some resistance to those seeking glory?

Does Doom await us all?


only time will tell.

02:46:04 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Ms. Holly


10/1/2008 1:09:47 AM
i think you are wrong spud, DMB is a better leader cause of his social skills
Mars is the Gaffer...what he says not here to be social...go play on your *beep*ing facebook page slag...Im here to fight...thats what i do and will never apologise for beating scum like you

03:11:25 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Mr. Frank Castle


10/1/2008 1:09:27 AM
We are sorry to report, that due to many problems within our KD, many members of Military will be moving to a lesser world for the rest of this era. I would personally like to acknowledge the loyal members of of KD, and thank them for sticking with us. I would also like to acknowledge the good work of our enemies, ODC and Preds, you are two very strong KDs and i wish you luck for the rest of the era..till i fight you again of course ;). I also would like to give credit to the KDs of POFF and Guild of the fallen, who also fought valiantly against us....Goodbye Zetamania.
Take care Frank. Will contact our friends in other worlds to prepare a fitting welcome for you. Good luck.

03:11:54 Oct 1st 08 - Ms. Holly:

pimp you deserve every bit of this

03:39:39 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Ms. Holly


10/1/2008 2:11:54 AM
pimp you deserve every bit of this
??? for taking a KD to victory era after era through tactical know how and training....what have you done,,,,farmed and great skill there

03:42:14 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Pimp:

oooh....look...i found another message where i was "mean" to you

Ms. Holly [OORAH] (9/20/2008 3:12:46 PM) GOOD BAD
i got a bit into their core and took a city

greyfish killed all of my nazgules i had about 300

lmao...i didnt mean of me..."aw shame...we'll hold a funeral for them...boohoo..."

Big *beep*ING wank....

03:42:41 Oct 1st 08 - Ms. Holly:

your kingdom will be forever tainted

03:44:59 Oct 1st 08 - Ms. Holly:

i almost halted my attacks for DMB.  you should watch him a little more.

don't get so heated up over stuff so easily it's just a game, you sound like a 12 year old boy on here

03:51:26 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Jackdaniels:

dude you went and pissed off the wrong kd you have *beep*ed yourself for a very long time cause predators don't forget we remember stupid little *beep*es like you for a long time why so we can exact our vengeance upon your stupid *beep* ass and you have gone and royally *beep*ed yourself  and even though you made one good blow to us you also ave to think there's 19 players you have to fight 1 vs 19 yeah and even though you have buddy's there a ways away so you have to hold out until they get there witch i doubt

03:53:46 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Incognito:

I don't want to attack Preds now.... :\ Maybe I'm just getting soft... *sigh*

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