Forums / In game politics / Era of threehundredpoundlezzie

Era of threehundredpoundlezzie
22:48:05 May 10th 08 - The Architect:

Mr. Threehundredpoundlezzie

So Carnage, Legacy and PKS went dumb, deaf and mute all of the sudden? *rollseyes*
I want a goddamn pat on the back and a kiss on our collective forehead for being the sexiest!
I know it's hard to say "g'job guys" with your teeth comming out of yer behind, but still...

Wow...  Are you serious?  You've got to be kidding me.  We already admitted defeat, congratulated you, took our lumps, got back up to take them again, took all your crap, and it's still not enough for you is it.  You've just got to keep trying to find ways to beat people down further and further.  Are you incapable of being content with where you are at and letting everyone else go on their way? 

I will not be congratulating you or DB anymore.  I did it once out of the slight bit of respect I had for you and the fact that it seemed like the nice thing to do.  However when you take something like that and shove it back in our faces, saying that what we said earlier was not good enough and that you want more, I say hell no.  We fought and we lost, and I don't think you can get over the fact that we are fine with that. 

I'm frustrated right now, so I'm gonna stop talking, however I'll be back later with a clearer mind to sort your crap out.

@ Q
Have you ever wondered why I'm not at all a fan of DB?  It's because of this kind of attitude plain and simple.  They can't be content with winning, they've got to make sure they piss everyone off along the way and even once they do, it's still not enough for them.

23:48:16 May 10th 08 - Mr. Threehundredpoundlezzie:

/me laughs at Architect...

Damn it's really easy to rile you up :) I'm getting the feeling you are stomping yourself into the ground, whereas we are looking for (literally) a pat on the back and a cup of ale to be shared over a nice cozy campfire. But then again some of you are uncapable of that. Suprisingly so :->

00:33:43 May 11th 08 - Dreadlord Actively Inactive:

*gasp* at sweeping generalisations Architect. =/


To be perfectly honest with you mate, there has been precious little flaming going on this era. Sure somebody feels the urge to slap his epeen in some face, but thats just normal. Personally I am gratefull for the nice atmosphere this era and would not like it seen ruined at this point simply out of boredom.


So zip up guys, not even I am interested.

00:35:14 May 11th 08 - The Architect:

You've gotten your pats, and your message was a direct bash towards all members of PKS and Carnage, and yeah I took offense to it.  If you would have been able to ask for a pat without putting down all the guys I play with, maybe this would have turned out differently, but thats not what you did...

00:35:49 May 11th 08 - Dreadlord Actively Inactive:

Can I have a pat?:(

04:36:20 May 11th 08 - Mr. Thatguy:

so there giving the kingdom DB the credit... interesting

04:39:55 May 11th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

they shouldnt, the player should still get era named after him, it may be a stupid name but he still won, if you dont like it then too bad

04:41:58 May 11th 08 - Mr. Orcinus of The Orca:

y u all livin in the past..........era is ovr lets look 4ward 2 the future n b all nice 2 eachother until the real fightin starts again!

05:40:06 May 11th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

pj still raises a good point :P

06:45:31 May 11th 08 - Mr. Ransom:

how about if you get in the top 10 on one of first 3 world and are voted weirdest name you get 5 bt the next era!!!!

13:06:12 May 11th 08 - Dreadlord Actively Inactive:

Actually your point is totally moot. If you wanted you could simply have your name changed 1-2 days before the era ends, costs you like 12 bucks and you get a nifty title as well...

22:44:31 May 12th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

That would defeat the purpose of getting 5 *FREE* BT's lol.

Still, I guess some would be more than sad enough to do it anyway :P

14:02:27 May 19th 08 - Mr. Riku Kurosuki:

Nice flame thread :D

"Rable rable rable rable"

09:46:14 May 20th 08 - Mr. Arctic Devil:

lezzie ;)

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