Forums / In game politics / FATE TO BREAK RELATIONS

23:50:21 Feb 11th 10 - Mr. Skinnyvinny II:

i am sorry, but this is the stupidest complaint ever.  what should have happened was the KD you were in should kick you and let Fate swallow you up.  you have no right to CW walls on a NAP parter.  once is forgivable i gues, twice is a death wish.

00:01:00 Feb 12th 10 - Judge Kobuskan:

Its was probably strategically better not to open the blocker, alltough it was politically better to open it, strategie should come above politicis (i hate politics)

00:03:55 Feb 12th 10 - Mr. Pantheon Alive:

I don't get into all the Politics & details of NAP's, but you make a good point Lady Katie

01:37:41 Feb 12th 10 - Loser The Born Loser The Enforcer:

At least Uther is willing to give Stu a second chance....

Stu, MAKE SURE you treat Uther properly... or we'll kick you arse again next era.

01:45:24 Feb 12th 10 - Duke Random:

fucks sake stu, you are actually retarded.

first off, you BROKE a NAP.

You have to honour all terms in a NAP for it to be upheld. what if you were sharing a blocker with a nap partner from behind you, all your armies were elsewhere fighting and they opened the gate, for another nap partner to come kill you from behind.

I'd be pretty fkn pissed off if that happened. The fact that they're napped to both parties and have agreed to closed gates for both of you means just that. the fucking gates stay closed.

For offences like that its standard for a player to be kicked and killed. not only for breaking a nap, but being a complete jackass.

It happened where a gate was opened by HIV on me earlier to a fate player attacking me and you shoulda seen the kinda shit I said to him (won't post because I'll probably be banned for it) but you get the idea.

This is all your fault, you broke the nap, with a fairly serious offence and Uther, if he had any honour would kick you for your retarded actions.

02:17:35 Feb 12th 10 - Master Windu:

Duke Random


19:45:24 Feb 11th 10

This is all your fault, you broke the nap, with a fairly serious offence and Uther, if he had any honour would kick you for your retarded actions.

Sorry to point this out but do you mean Uther, if he had any honour, would have kicked you for your retarded actions?

02:39:15 Feb 12th 10 - Mr. Millman XIV:

If i'm not mistaken wasn't BL kicked earlier in the era for speaking about breaking NAP terms with a kingdom.  None the less BL was a vice at the time,  He was kicked and all his cities taken.  Stu DOES break NAP terms TWICE and is allowed to stay.  What happened there?

03:09:31 Feb 12th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

BL was not kicked for breaking the NAP - he was kicked as he stopped lliicckkiinngg Uther; well I am not surprised to see this happening again and again with a KD run by Uther - he is collecting all rubish as he is a rubish himself; there are a few honorable players there, whom I suggest you find another KD ( a few of those who fought Midgard the last era).

Not my business but I am surprised why HIV didn't mentioned about another NAP break by Federation (with HIV enemy armies passing through Fed opened blockers) - maybe HIV players are to nice to do that.

03:28:02 Feb 12th 10 - Master Windu:

Last era was a good era. I was doing pretty good fighting No Pulse.

03:43:05 Feb 12th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:


We have full respect for Uther and the way he runs hes kd, becuase he is doing it the best he can. We have some mad stuff in our area, probably becuase of a Federation gate that wasnt closed. 

However i honestly dont think Uther is wortking against us or is planning to run other kds through their blockers to go harm us. 

I did msg Uther about some blocker stuff a couple of times that needed to be looked at. He allways replies right away and sorts things right away the best he can. 

Also i would like to mention that you are completely wasting your time by trying to pick a fight with Uther and Fed instead of looking at other potential enemies. I dont see any whatsoever reason that you want to insist on fighting one of the few kds you have actually made agreements with. Yet you continue theese postings on the boards instead of dealing with stuff in pms. 

Another thing is that we didnt realy want to nap Federation to begin wtih. But you, yourself convinced us to do so. However apperantly the difference between us is that after the nap was made we started working with Uther opposite you who continiously are working against Fed. 

I have no real opinion on the actual case here as we have absolutely nothing to do with it, so i dont know why you are trying to drag us into involment. But a solid advice from me to you is. Waste your energy on your enemies instead of your allies. The game also gets more fun that way. 

04:20:24 Feb 12th 10 - Mr. Malimor:

Uther sent several messages to lock down all cities close gates even non-blockers to even buy time for HIV 

04:34:48 Feb 12th 10 - Duke Random:

Master Windu


12:28:02 Feb 12th 10

Last era was a good era. I was doing pretty good fighting No Pulse.


and I only missed one comma, the tense was fine. lrn 2 grammar before you correct people.

04:36:40 Feb 12th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

you mispelled honor though.....EVERYONE knows there is no u in honor :P

04:48:23 Feb 12th 10 - Duke Jictelious The Younger:

Bloody Yanks!

05:18:08 Feb 12th 10 - Sir Cadmus The Reborn:

So how about a nice cup of tea, gentlemen? There's no need to become uncivil here. First cup is on me. ;)

05:21:39 Feb 12th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

BL was not kicked for breaking the NAP - he was kicked as he stopped lliicckkiinngg Uther; well I am not surprised to see this happening again and again with a KD run by Uther - he is collecting all rubish as he is a rubish himself; there are a few honorable players there, whom I suggest you find another KD ( a few of those who fought Midgard the last era).

Not my business but I am surprised why HIV didn't mentioned about another NAP break by Federation (with HIV enemy armies passing through Fed opened blockers) - maybe HIV players are to nice to do that.

I am sorry but this entire paragraph reeks of propaganda fueled misinformation.

Burninglegion acted out in a hard and emotionally jeopardizing way against HiV and took one city, i told him that we could get it settled and then he quieted down for a bit. Then i get back on to find that he killed 1 or 2 armies and took another city because he wanted to get even. AFTER i had specifically told him to drop and it get to his normal duties. After this he demoted him and plotted his quick and clean demise for not only double crossing HiV but double crossing the trust i had in him.

Glad i do not know why you are on this escapade against me but it seems that on Zeta and Midgard last era you were smaller and weaker and you we all sorts of happy that i was a friend of yours. Though now you actually have people to back you, you are stabbing my back in every way that you can without physically in game doing it.

Glad what respect i have ever had for you as a single person has left hotel room without paying, and pissed on the pillows on the way out. I would have called you a friend but somewhere in this era it seems that you have decided that this is not what you want.

Yes i do live in Ga, but i do not go to either UGA or GT. Though i have a list of places that i would like to go to grad school at and GT is a potential choice.Though that would only be if i wanted take my physics degree and move to aeronautics with it.

@ Deno and the rest of HiV

I am thankful for all of you and as a whole you are the best allies that i have had since my first era playing and that is really saying something. I hope you do not take the MAD incident too harshly. We have locked the gates to our cities and ar not allowing access from that direction and i apologize on behalf of the fact that the first army did get through.

@VU community

Please stop with the flaming and constant bashing and name calling to people on the forums. People play games to have fun, not to have some guy call them retarded and incompetent. If you had any respect for zeta and what he does here then you would not run around making fun of those who play his game.

Also call me and my kingdom what you will, because to us it truly doesn't matter. It may result to something similar to the magnitude of a fly landing on our shoulder, but we are a team and a family and we are together and we aren't planning on letting this change. I thank all of you who stand by me as a friend (even though my decisions aren't the best).

Once again i suggest if you have a problem with me then say it to me over PM and save yourself some humiliation, because when you pick a fight with someone and they dont necessarily fight back it just makes you look bad.

so ill just let you all make your choice man up and PM me or continue to masquerade yourself as someone who isn't a fool while proving yourself to be one by trying to pick a fight with me.

05:22:13 Feb 12th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

I agree with Cadmus

tea would be nice

05:23:56 Feb 12th 10 - Mr. Doomhammer:

I don't know you as a person, Uther, but that was a great first post.

05:38:29 Feb 12th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Never had any trouble with uther. hes always been a loyal partner to me at least, we even helped keep each other alive a few eras ago.

05:38:46 Feb 12th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Thank you Doomhammer. Our kingdoms are allied and if it stays so then you will have plenty of time to get to know me

no homo


05:39:47 Feb 12th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Thank you Teir!


Once again i would be more then happy to help you and your kingdom out. If you guys need anything just feel free to ask.

05:43:12 Feb 12th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

I just meant which one do you cheer for in the biggest football game of the year :P  And, yes, there is still a right answer :P

05:53:54 Feb 12th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


i would have to say GT

06:03:20 Feb 12th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

good choice, all ur sins are now absolved :P

06:08:10 Feb 12th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


so are you a Georgian then?
I am also glad to see that you agree with me

06:12:39 Feb 12th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

Well, not any more, but I'm a Ramblin' Wreck from Georgia Tech :)

07:18:27 Feb 12th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


glad to hear it
Your status in my eyes just jumped about 40places

jk i thought you were pretty cool anyways

07:42:13 Feb 12th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@ Deno Pan - I am a bit surprised by your naivity - you can't see the other half of the Zet map though; and we don't want to pick a fight with a NAP partner - we don't fight this way;

with regards to your NAP partners - i'm quite sure you are a mature KD and surely won't go only by my advice with regarding whom you should or shoudn't NAP; so why have you added that comment, I don't understand - I didn't hide the fact that few of Fed members played with honor last era, but it seems to me now they did it without Uther's permission

@ Uther - I see Deno Pan is not interested but maybe you'd like to explain other HIV members how did the yellow Dwarf passed Block Aid of Bkbob (I guess you didn't even know)??  I know the answer  - so you shoudn't  be addressing this to me.

08:25:29 Feb 12th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@ Uther - I wasn't weak last era - check my final score; we only had plenty of enemies as I started half era and took a weaken KD

09:54:23 Feb 12th 10 - Mzz Mzzery The Mzzchievous:

I didn't read the whole thread, so I am prolly saying what's been said before:

We don't let people thru to attack NAP partners, and we definitely don't let people who we have neutral, ie not a NAP with, thru to attack a NAP partner.

It's just common sense.

I barely log in this era, and I will take next era off... but I will spend that era to read up on the forums. Maybe I'll have something smart to say then.

Now, where's my tea?

15:20:53 Feb 12th 10 - Mr. Stu:


Its pretty obvious you guys cant control yourselves to just disagree with me, and start a non-ending chain of flaming. :) Welcome to the forums, baby :)

15:26:14 Feb 12th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

Mr. Stu


09:20:53 Feb 12th 10


15:27:34 Feb 12th 10 - Sir Medusa of The Red Hairs Lover:

you betrayed your agreement by crushing walls and disrespected your leader's orders.  casting magic and marching an army to attack fate's allies through their blocker  is not a minor offense.  a minor offense would be killing a scout or casting eye in the sky or something.

15:31:00 Feb 12th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

Also, instead of posting more, I'd recommend you take TBL's 2nd line of advice instead of coming on trying to bump the thread:

Loser The Born Loser The Enforcer


19:37:41 Feb 11th 10
At least Uther is willing to give Stu a second chance....

Stu, MAKE SURE you treat Uther properly... or we'll kick you arse again next era.

16:03:59 Feb 12th 10 - Mr. William Snowman:

i don't think CW a NAP partner is a minor offence... if they don't want you to get through they don't so suck it up. NAP's have their pro's and con's. blockers are a major con but they doesn't mean that you can just CW them...

16:08:27 Feb 12th 10 - King Charley The Webnazi Kgb Mod:

Mr. Stu


09:20:53 Feb 12th 10

Careful! He must have the long lost "Official VU Handbook on NAP Breaking" because he seems to KNOW that it is a minor offense and you are all wrong!

/me runs

16:44:49 Feb 12th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

@ Deno Pan - I am a bit surprised by your naivity - you can't see the other half of the Zet map though; and we don't want to pick a fight with a NAP partner - we don't fight this way;

with regards to your NAP partners - i'm quite sure you are a mature KD and surely won't go only by my advice with regarding whom you should or shoudn't NAP; so why have you added that comment, I don't understand - I didn't hide the fact that few of Fed members played with honor last era, but it seems to me now they did it without Uther's permission

@ Uther - I see Deno Pan is not interested but maybe you'd like to explain other HIV members how did the yellow Dwarf passed Block Aid of Bkbob (I guess you didn't even know)??  I know the answer  - so you shoudn't  be addressing this to me.

You act like you pay attention Glad but you do not.

That MAD army came into Zeta and set its path. Whether or not those city walls are open or not does not matter because if the city is outside of you LOS then you can travel over it. He did close his walls after i issued the order to do so but because they had already set their paths from 50 ticks away, they were able to pass.

once again save yourself of humiliation and stop trying to pick fight with me. I will not lower myself to your level and pick a fight with a NAP partner. If you continue then i will simply stop acknowledging your existence.

and what i said earlier wasn't referring to you as a single person but your influence in the VU world. The second your kd gets in the top 5 you start acting like the 3rd derivative in respect to distance.

just stop before you loose a friend and not just an ally

17:05:51 Feb 12th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

Mr. Gladiatorul


07:42:13 Feb 12th 10
@ Deno Pan - I am a bit surprised by your naivity -

I think you are confusing naivity with not giving a shit. No matter how much drama we try to squeese out of this the armys are still going to be there to be dealt with in the end. 

17:05:56 Feb 12th 10 - Death Lord Draven The Pitbull:

What I don't understand is how Stu views crush walls as something minor? Even in the past this was never considered a minor action but an aggressive action with a penalty of voiding a nap and or an agreement, that's why it was added to the terms generally to begin with. Food for thought on the newer players of the game. Not meaning to point out anyone or other people's actions, as Uther stated in basics, we all live and learn.

17:33:43 Feb 12th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Thank you Draven

So how is your conquest of the old republic going?

Well had we actually made terms then it would have been easier to keep this kind of thing under control. Ask HiV.

We made terms and i've stayed as true as i can to them. I booted one of my formerly most trusted Vices and exterminated him for trying to start a war with them.

Regardless of Gladiatoruls mindless and misinformed blabbing in the situation that is what happened. He talks about alot of what he cannot see in Zeta

18:00:46 Feb 12th 10 - Mr. Adakis The Fate:

one clarification.

Fate had a 'no touchy' agreement with The Federation not a NAP.  We had a NAP with 3 kingdom's on the other side of the discussed blockers. So the end result was breaking a 'no touchy' agreement and not a NAP.

Semantics, I know - but in this case...very important rhetoric to adhere to.

18:06:58 Feb 12th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Right, but my point being had i been offered something more serious with actual visual boundaries then problems like so wouldn't have been present.

Though that is what we agreed on so do not mistake what i am saying for some way to point a finger at someone. Im just saying it wasn't a very good idea. It sounded like one at the time...


19:40:32 Feb 12th 10 - Mr. Shadow:

then we should rewrite nap rules. it just adds to the stagnancy of the game. i could see that in a map, but a nap? your not helping them, your just not gonna kill them in a nap.

20:35:21 Feb 12th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

A nap breach is a nap breach. I blame Fate for letting it go once without any direct retaliation or concenquence. You gave him the ability to do it and let him get away with it. For that you are guilty. However, to cw on a nap partner is pure ignorance. If you were warring them i assume there was more than a good enough reason for it, but to war i also assume there is a front. Take your troops to that front and duke it out. Dont break a NAP with another kd. Especially the strongest one...

20:38:12 Feb 12th 10 - Endless Spankings The Naughty:

I wish you guys had stuck with your " we are seizing and taking control of the whole border so we may pass through Mant without going through your territory." instead of disrespecting our core and dropping cities in it, crushing walls  but that is just me

21:35:24 Feb 12th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@ Uther - with every post you make you are re-confirming you don't know much about what Fed players are doing. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to pick a fight with you, I am only showing VU KDs what's the hidden face of Federation (under your leadership), in the nicest way possible. And I am doing that by posting real facts.

And I'd suggest you'd be paying more attention reading first before answering - I was referring to Dwarf army and not the elf army (there are at least 30 players who witnessed those gates closed / opened / closed. If you know about it it is bad, if you don't know it is worse.

Regarding our 4th position, we are not making vaves such as Federation does (or use to do). We know the winning KDs will gain top positions at the end era, be them fighting or farming KDs. And for your knowledge, I don't like to have hyena friends, so don't pose you are my friend - we will only honor our NAP because we care about what we said - be careful next time not to break NAPs and annoy friendly KDs, if you wish to build up long term relations.

21:43:11 Feb 12th 10 - Mr. Adakis The Fate:

Thanks Teirdel - I blame us for it too.


04:41:45 Feb 13th 10 - Death Lord Draven The Pitbull:

So far so good Uther ;) at your question.

05:01:49 Feb 13th 10 - Sir Aussie:

Stu you broke a nap and created a problem for your kd give apology and get on with it.Wont solve the problem but will show that you can learn.
The reason that i post is to congratulate Uther on his leadership skills and attitude in this circumstance.

>but i know we make mistakes. If we do not sift through it together then we are nothing  with no ties to bind us and i refuse to come to that low.<

06:03:24 Feb 13th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Np Adakis, i understand you guys wanted to show some tolerance and try to be the adults. however you said yourself that it endangered a nap partner or at least implied that. So im just saying their shouldve been some pushback on stu. of course there is always apossibility that there was and im just oblivious to it but if thats the case it hasnt been made apparent.

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