Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 45

Fantasia 45
18:28:05 Nov 16th 16 - Sir Justanius Fontanius XXX:

booty calls sometimes have to wait while i get my grove on, bring skim and eddi they are my favourites, plus some broccoli or sprouts if you still have some. Dont be calling me while im near my baby mama too!

16:30:29 Nov 21st 16 - Mr. Ivanho The Great:

Guys i'm back :) Sorry for the inactivity in few era's. i was known as Dastan The Dragonor too. I understood that VU isn't a game to leave :D 

Those of you thinking who i'm, just give me 48 hours please. :P  Here's the Latest Update:

IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Albatross23Lord Caedus100
The Incorrigible Gentlemen15Mr. Hanky Panky91
The Sensitive Fellas12Mr. Von Darkmor41
Mad and Dangerous11Sir Aloysius LXXVI29
Rivendell Riders6Mr. Eagle Eye4
Order of the Corrupted4Mr. Larloch1
Pink Legacy6Princess Still Not Playing0
Ideal Society2His Excellency Ciekavas0

00:10:54 Nov 25th 16 - Fordius (Mr. Khorne The Blood God Fordius):

Meh this game has gone downhill.

People can't be trusted on their words either nowdays in this game.
Back than an agreement seemed something you should honor.

But glad I was gone and will be gone from vu again.
Bashing newbies who just learning the game great community. well done.

00:19:01 Nov 25th 16 - Haldimir (Mr. Haldimir III):

What happen?

00:26:30 Nov 25th 16 - Fordius (Mr. Khorne The Blood God Fordius):

I had an agreement with a new guy I wouldn't attack him.

Cause he was new.

Others in the area I asked not to either in return he wouldn't do anything to them.
As he could learn the basics as building and such.
He kept his word and didn't attack him.

He got prepared by mad I explained he's newbie want to learn the game.
They were like okey sure blablabla. Yet they sieged when he couldn't take city moved on. Other guy that agreed he wouldn't attack ( water bender ) 

Than suddenly decided honor doesn't mean anything.
I as an old skool player loved this game and back in the day somebodies word meant something. Touching someone that doesn't even have the basic of the game was left alone to learn or teached instead of killed.

Makes me sad what the vu community has come to.

01:34:25 Nov 25th 16 - Haldimir (Mr. Haldimir III):

Who is this new guy?

06:05:39 Nov 25th 16 - Ivanho (Mr. Ivanho The Great):

Mr. Khrone i'm sorry to hear that. but the truth is all games are same... i was out from vu too(came back after 6 months) n played almost all mmo games specially popular ones, they're all same n pay to win. Thats why i came back again though i was a top rank player.

Your word has been heard, we'll see what we can do 'bout him in next era. :P Leaving won't do anything, believe me.

07:36:11 Nov 25th 16 - Haldimir (Mr. Haldimir III):

Yeah, I been through it too when I started playing this several years ago but I overcome it. 

07:59:27 Nov 25th 16 - Fordius (Mr. Khorne The Blood God Fordius):

Dude when the community is small you just welcome the players. 
Give them advice in teh hope they play. That's how vu was back in the days.

Nowdays people just wants free Fearsome. And don't give a crap about anybody besides themselfs.

Meh it's not like Im active this era just old time sakes I wanted to give it a look.
But it was a good reminder to why I had left in teh first place. The old community is no longer here. Not like somebody would even care.
It's just sad.

There was so much to gain if you had put time in the player rather than to take the persons city. Who had 0,0% harm for you. As he promised he wouldn't do anything as he would take the era to learn basics. 

Dude isn't even from my own kd and from the enemy.
Yet I told em to build next to me and gave em some advice. Yes even when some newbie might betray ( what he could but didn't ) you as a more experienced player are always ready for those moments. Awh well.

08:29:58 Nov 25th 16 - Mr. Bling:

Thats the story of MAD. And why they are a kd of losers.

09:28:55 Nov 25th 16 - Random (Duke Random):


09:31:47 Nov 25th 16 - Mr. Pussygrabber:

eh feck... going from bad to worse now

10:48:02 Nov 25th 16 - Mr. Zovoz:

I built a beautiful city and nobody comes to visit. Nobody calls. The birds never stay for long. My feet hurt. I want to go home. Why does Bogdan's Mom let him have TWO cities?

10:59:02 Nov 25th 16 - Ivanho (Mr. Ivanho The Great):

lol  @zovoz 

11:44:13 Nov 25th 16 - Mr. Bling:

You got a neighbor called Satanic Demon... that neighborhood is suspect. That's why. Probably explains the missing birds too.. all those animal sacrifices

15:06:12 Nov 25th 16 - Lord Caedus:

Zovos, you need to look more carefully - we're coming to knock.

22:37:18 Nov 25th 16 - Zond (General Wankster):

Who's there?

23:59:09 Nov 25th 16 - Mr. Zovoz:


00:06:26 Nov 26th 16 - Mr. Toroth The Corinthian:

Think We have that age old problem of picking on newbies every single era. It's not just MaDD who does it either. The other era we had an argument on here because Albatross' Edi comitted this horribly wrong backstabbing crime. We do have some honor though. Enough to sacrifice our kingdom winning an era to attempt to defend new members into our ranks for example. I've found waterbender to be quite an honorable person myself.  I've been fighting with him for eras now. 

I don't know how newbies are a common issue in this game, must be a good game. 

00:07:15 Nov 26th 16 - Mr. Zovoz:

Caedus I wanted a dog, not two hundred and sixty thousand ponies. Can you ask Kasakas to send his sexenty thousand adult sized horses? This is going to end up being one of those animal sacrifices that Bling was talking about.

06:25:49 Nov 26th 16 - Mr. Eddie Late Starter:

  • 01:06:26 Nov 26th 16 - Mr. Toroth The Corinthian:

    Think We have that age old problem of picking on newbies every single era. It's not just MaDD who does it either. The other era we had an argument on here because Albatross' Edi comitted this horribly wrong backstabbing crime. We do have some honor though.

Say what? I commited horibly wrong backstabbing?
What are you talking about? What did I do?

Last era I was not even part of Albatross... I joined a smaller kingdom to see what will that experience look like, ended up getting killed right away, so I joined Albatross again. Leaving Albatross was not backstabbing, otherwise I would not be able to join them right away like I did.

Unless you know of some other backstabbing? Please explain.

08:42:15 Nov 26th 16 - Kasakasz (Mr. Bolek The Noone):

Zavoz my horses dont want to go to a city where there is no birds it sucks

17:11:25 Nov 26th 16 - Mr. Zovoz:

Can you convince them to change their minds? There are vultures now.

18:03:14 Nov 26th 16 - Kasakasz (Mr. Kasakas The Relentless):

vultures are not enough

18:37:23 Nov 26th 16 - Mr. Zovoz:

There's an excellent view as well

20:33:38 Nov 26th 16 - Mr. Toroth The Corinthian:

edi..not last era..that desert oasis era where you ransacked that one guys cities on the southerwestern lower mountains outer circle. Think you all made a truce with him, he built some troops and something got complicated and you took his cities. 

20:40:00 Nov 26th 16 - Kasakasz (Mr. Bolek The Noone):

we didnt had truce with him... he asked for it but never got it

21:13:37 Nov 26th 16 - Lord Caedus:

Yeah that was a big mis-communication on my part to be fair but there was no formal agreement. 

Equally, he was quite capable as a player - wasn't a noob. Was just untagged. 

01:54:05 Nov 27th 16 - Sir Justanius Fontanius XXX:

also it was Caedus's fault, so lets all all blame him.

02:04:12 Nov 27th 16 - Lord Caedus:

Yeah - blame me! I hate the game and I'm secretly a mole sent by Kings of Chaos... they want me to destroy the game from the inside out. 

06:33:00 Nov 27th 16 - Ivanho (Mr. Ivanho The Great):

It seems it was that player's problem, he was untagged n non-noob. Its definitely his fault. 

19:40:00 Nov 27th 16 - Mr. Toroth The Corinthian:

Still, it's another example of how often that goes on.

23:48:49 Nov 29th 16 - Random (Duke Random):

So uhm.. what's good friends?

09:30:16 Nov 30th 16 - Sir Justanius Fontanius XXX:

Random how are ya buddy. Erm nothing other then a little 3kds vs 1kd war

12:05:00 Nov 30th 16 - Mr. Zovoz:

Well played and well fought to The Incorrigible Gentlemen & Albatross. We slapped each other around a bit and you got me in the end, best of luck to both kingdoms!

11:35:35 Dec 1st 16 - Lord Caedus:

Bling - did you fall out with your KD?

11:36:50 Dec 1st 16 - Mr. Bling:

No, we have regular oral sex now with no commitments anymore

21:02:58 Dec 1st 16 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax of Mantrax):

Gheee. Only oral sex allowed should be with a bottle of stout(!) until the bottle is empty.

21:04:34 Dec 1st 16 - Mr. Aes Sedai:

Im just saddend by the quality of enemy around here :P its like a month of the entire map being allied and were not dead.

21:07:54 Dec 1st 16 - Kasakasz (Mr. Kasakas The Relentless):

did You noticed the fact that nobody is attacking?

21:30:56 Dec 1st 16 - Mr. Aes Sedai:

yeah because your terrible :p how can it take 3vs1 over a month to do anything

22:30:41 Dec 1st 16 - Stewie Griffin (Prince Stewie Griffin):

The best part is that they are still not sure if they can win this era 51 vs. 14. Might need to recruit a few more players.

23:28:51 Dec 1st 16 - Endless (Lady Tinuviel):

idunno about the rest of the map but we're not super active, our forums are bare and probably our cupboards soon too :p  holy smokes, who did you guys plunder to spam the lite armies?

02:20:09 Dec 2nd 16 - Mr. Archmeister:

What you fail to mention Stewie is that even if we have 20+ members more than half of those are new or little experiences players. How many of your members are new? How many people have you helped and guided to make the game grow? From where I am standing all I see is people that have a ton of experience in the game and do little to nothing to help the new guys. 

Endless, I'm there with you, some of us communicate on the daily but most people in our kingdom don't talk much unless directly addressed.

03:07:23 Dec 2nd 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Gimme a fecking break...

No one gives a horseshit about the new players. 

Mostly because you never know if its a fake account just waiting for a coward personal revenge.

Knobs shall die anyways. They are a waste.

04:06:49 Dec 2nd 16 - Ivanho (Mr. Ivanho The Ocro Imperor):

I do. I brought few new players already. Requested few great peoples to make a review on this game in Youtube, those have lots of viewers n they're here n told me they'll do it. Have respect please... 

05:37:19 Dec 2nd 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Valhalla is a excellent example that this community do not give a horseshit about new players. 

06:25:21 Dec 2nd 16 - Random (Mr. Definitely Not Random):

I feel like you have no chill uwer

06:54:14 Dec 2nd 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Im sorry for being too realistic. 

06:58:43 Dec 2nd 16 - Endless (Ms. Sari Luvs Company):

It's always been that way, newcomers get their butts whipped.  But you learn from it and get better.  Kingdom strategies change all the time, so do the people in them.  It use to be Fantasia wasn't accessible to newbies, then we all got access and got ours handed to us ... fun times :)

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