Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 98

Fantasia 98
04:20:09 Jul 6th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Mr. Waffle Fiend):

Sable don’t even bother. Now we will be called out for eating and feeding our way to the top rather then the other kingdoms joining the early war and actually working together to challenge the “threat” or in their words “new bully” right? 

06:06:15 Jul 6th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Eivor):

Problem is most smaller kds don't talk amongst themselves to plan an attack like that so it's already too late. 

07:02:48 Jul 6th 24 - Prince Mirelurker:

So anyone who does not spawn with another kingdom is a farmer kingdom? Was just looking for an explanation, being called a farmer kingdom is no insult.

11:07:00 Jul 6th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Twicecursed):


Problem is most smaller kds don't talk amongst themselves to plan an attack like that so it's already too late. 

Get good, complain less.

Prince Mirelurker:

So anyone who does not spawn with another kingdom is a farmer kingdom? Was just looking for an explanation, being called a farmer kingdom is no insult.

You're adjacent to MAD and Duchy my guy

13:31:56 Jul 6th 24 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dominion):

Yes our kingdom has no armies on HoH. There is really no need to talk when one side decides they want to be blind.

15:53:41 Jul 6th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Uhtred):

I wasn't even replying to you miss entitled. The world isn't about Sable. 



Problem is most smaller kds don't talk amongst themselves to plan an attack like that so it's already too late. 

Get good, complain less.

Prince Mirelurker:

So anyone who does not spawn with another kingdom is a farmer kingdom? Was just looking for an explanation, being called a farmer kingdom is no insult.

You're adjacent to MAD and Duchy my guy

18:31:43 Jul 6th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Twicecursed):

I think you'll find this world might absolutely revolve around me <3 

At least for a small time

I wasn't even replying to you miss entitled. The world isn't about Sable. 



Problem is most smaller kds don't talk amongst themselves to plan an attack like that so it's already too late. 

Get good, complain less.

Prince Mirelurker:

So anyone who does not spawn with another kingdom is a farmer kingdom? Was just looking for an explanation, being called a farmer kingdom is no insult.

You're adjacent to MAD and Duchy my guy

23:22:26 Jul 11th 24 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dominion):

I stand corrected. We are defeated.

Congrats to Waffles, very impressive era. We have much to learn and mistakes to fix in future eras. 

Its possible we might get a mantrax FW situation, in which all kingdoms must ally to fight one kingdom. This era we did not need the Duchy war, or the Illuminati one. Next era we are writing peace messages to all, and hereby I apogize to Duchy as they said if we war Waffles win easy. 

I guess when you have Binh, Bogdan and Roxy, together with Else and techies, there is no other solution than mass nap. 

Good luck to everyone next era!

01:22:40 Jul 12th 24 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Duckies Besty):

lol sounds like you need to get good

08:22:19 Jul 12th 24 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dominion):

I can take criticism but from someone who lost against them in record time, is funny.

12:26:58 Jul 12th 24 - Friendly Waffle Bringer:

we havent even begun fighting and you are already admitting defeat?

13:38:44 Jul 12th 24 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Duckies Besty):

Considering I'm still alive 17 days into the era you don't have much room to talk either dark

14:25:57 Jul 12th 24 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Duckies Besty):

kinda like how yall didnt make it but what 2 days into last era. seems like you took a page from last era and are already folding without even trying to put up a fight. maybe yall could raze so the other KDs on the map have a chance to fight waffles with out them getting fed.

19:50:42 Jul 12th 24 - Mr. Ghost Riders:

Maybe he’s just trying to make the enemy think they have the upper hand? Make them little bit less focused. But damn, the conversation between people in this game are something else. We all have been playing the game for years, we all know each other. Have people always been this hostile to each other?

20:14:27 Jul 12th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Uhtred):

Everyone keyboard warriors on here lol that's why everyone so hostile. No one would act this way in person. If you did I'm sure you would get popped lol

22:28:25 Jul 12th 24 - Mr. Ducky:


Everyone keyboard warriors on here lol that's why everyone so hostile. No one would act this way in person. If you did I'm sure you would get popped lol

We’ve found the American here. No hands so has to resort to shooting 💀

22:31:31 Jul 12th 24 - Mr. Ducky:

Every era there is a new villain and it’s not going to magically fix itself. We tried that on Valhalla many years ago and it still imploded.

Enjoy the highs and ride out the lows of the game. Win some and you lose some, enjoy the banter on the forums and move on. People are too salty here lol 

23:11:47 Jul 12th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Twicecursed):

Wait are we the bad guys?

00:25:25 Jul 13th 24 - Mr. Ducky:


Wait are we the bad guys?

Depends which side you’re looking from lol

00:29:50 Jul 13th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Twicecursed):


Wait are we the bad guys?

Depends which side you’re looking from lol

What if I look from the correct side

00:53:49 Jul 13th 24 - Mr. Ducky:



Wait are we the bad guys?

Depends which side you’re looking from lol

What if I look from the correct side

There is no correct side though. Just your side vs the other side 

01:54:18 Jul 13th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Twicecursed):

Issa joke

05:00:08 Jul 13th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Uhtred):

Mr. Ducky:


Everyone keyboard warriors on here lol that's why everyone so hostile. No one would act this way in person. If you did I'm sure you would get popped lol

We’ve found the American here. No hands so has to resort to shooting 💀

Popped means punched but guess shooting is your go to. 

22:09:11 Jul 14th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Mr. Viral):

13:28:25 Jul 12th 24 Mr. Ducky:


Everyone keyboard warriors on here lol that's why everyone so hostile. No one would act this way in person. If you did I'm sure you would get popped lol

We’ve found the American here. No hands so has to resort to shooting 💀

This sh** had me weak af lmao 😂 

23:31:26 Jul 16th 24 - Konspyre (Captain Mayo Sausage):

Both Jarl and Cyrus live their entire lives just making the wildest assumptions about everything in life.

The only reason Cyrus has beef with me is because he forcibly tried to involve himself into a situation that wasn't even related to him, literally an outsider, yet it got his panties up in a bunch so bad not even a world class puzzle solver can fix it.

The first era Jarl returned to VU, he and I were both troll, and I naturally outtrained him because he was rusty. His response? He loudly accused me of cheating/feeding/whatever, and never even considered that it might just be a skill issue. And calling him out on his assumptions just gets him angry, as most people know by now. And every interaction since has just been built on that.

Dark Spawn mentioning that Ducky is going through what they did and being happy about that is, unfortunately, far funnier than anything Jarl and Cyrus could manage, since I apologised about the trolling before he even said that. Deep respect for being able to be that oblivious.

I would like to respectfully end this essay with my congratulations to WTF since, unlike some, they're actually likeable and honest people. Weird right, how they can be in such an overpowering position yet still get appreciation? <3

23:45:30 Jul 16th 24 - Schepp (Doctor Schepp):

Well done Waffle. Kicked my butt with ease.

15:27:57 Jul 17th 24 - Mr. Giant Slayer:

Just so everyone is aware, the reason Jasper highlights his honestly is because he is extremely dishonest himself. He can't stop bending the truth!

The situation which I was "not a part" of? Did you forget I was the kingdom leader that era? Here's the exact situation you're talking about, and you yourself pointing that out!

Just stop embarrassing yourself Jasper. I realize you're trying to save face after completely embarrassing yourself, but no need to lie and bring up 2 year old discussions! I also realize you're completely obsessed with me, but at this point it's getting a little creepy!

Anyone who buys into Jaspers lies should really hear both sides before just blindly listening to him. 

16:49:20 Jul 17th 24 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dominion):

Most people (or groups/clans) get along with each other fairly well, there are actually only a few exceptions. Most of it is simply trolling, joking around, very harmless. But then, there is the clear dislike (not to say hate) between Konstant and Berserkers, and in newer times dislike between Cyrus and Jasper (and Jarl). The rest of us, objective viewers of the beef will not really take a side, maybe we’ll just point fingers and laugh at people who fight and argue in such way over a silly game.  

We might troll you a bit about your activity, but that is on us, we are just unable to be more active atm. This era should not be taken as indication of power of kingdoms as there were series of unfortunate events taking place that lead us to lose core almost like nobody in the kingdom was playing. I fully believe if Mad did not fall in under 24 hours we would perform significantly better. Learn from our mistake and get better is what we’ll take from this era.

17:31:54 Jul 17th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Rahzalgul):

Jas has already lied about why hes got beef with me. Its because hes a 2 faced individual is why I don't like him, among other reasons.

19:28:45 Jul 17th 24 - Mr. Rick Sanchez The Scientist:

Kumbaya my Lord, kumbayaKumbaya my Lord, kumbayaKumbaya my Lord, kumbayaOh Lord, kumbaya

We all need a VU bonfire with beer, wine, liquor, some good food, possible fire dancers and then a S'more station. These heavy conflicts are harshening my mellow vibes, yall!

03:11:02 Jul 20th 24 - Matthew (Mr. Barney):

I hope everyone obeyed Rule #1: To have fun!

23:45:47 Jul 20th 24 - Konspyre (Captain Mayo Sausage):

Dark Spawn really does have a solid point. Everyone already knows everything there is to know. Jarl and Cyrus are very well known individuals across many channels and kingdoms, I'm just the one guy they already hate on, so I can safely explain a lot of people's views on them without getting any new backlash.

Have any of you two ever been genuinely open to what other people tell you? Not just "Yeah I listen to people", but genuinely listen, try to understand how they work, what they mean, why they think the way they do?

I've been taught to avoid making blind assumptions.

And the both of you are somehow the absolute worst people I've ever met in terms of making blind assumptions.

Maybe use that for your names next era on whatever world? One can go for Blind and the other for Assumptions? It'd be fitting.

05:27:15 Jul 21st 24 - Jarl (Jarl Rahzalgul):

They arent assumptions about you. Lol

07:45:00 Jul 23rd 24 - Marquess Whoop:

Time to cast arma? 

13:01:39 Jul 23rd 24 - Jarl (Jarl Uhtred):

Lol WTF needs to kill every scout in map it seems, to win.

13:03:19 Jul 23rd 24 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Big ego,s probably

13:52:04 Jul 23rd 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Twicecursed):

Could be big egos (rightfully so too, I think you guys have been talking about how awesome we are for eras now wow time flies)

Could be payback for the last two eras of 100+ days and Arma canceling bs a nonzero amount of you made us endure

Could be that we want you guys to get better to avoid this in the future

Could be that I'm just talking smack for no reason at all

Could be that some of you are so insufferable whining that I'd rather deal with the peace and quiet for a few more days before we start a new era and you find something new to whine about.

Who knows

14:47:37 Jul 23rd 24 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

lol now I gonna vote no for sure when you guys cast arma :) 

15:00:20 Jul 23rd 24 - Friendly Waffle Bringer:

oh man you are gonna show us good with that no vote! it will annoy us so much! (its not like that would waste literally everyones time not just yours)

17:08:31 Jul 23rd 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Twicecursed):

Duke Vytautas Didysis:

lol now I gonna vote no for sure when you guys cast arma :) 

That'll show us 

17:10:06 Jul 23rd 24 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Hafling):

That just mean we get to dominate this world 10 days extra!!! More glory for us. Hoooray!!!!!

18:09:49 Jul 23rd 24 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Cool, I don't care, same as you don't care :) Eat your egos

18:31:16 Jul 23rd 24 - Venomz (High Warlord Venz):

No point in starting a new era when there's nobody willing to play anyway.

Maybe WTF can bring some new or old players back to the game.
I heard you're good at recruiting.

23:04:43 Jul 23rd 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Twicecursed):

Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Cool, I don't care, same as you don't care :) Eat your egos

Ain't no one over here having an ego big dog, it's okay you'll get to play half of next era again before you guys get bored or whatever and decide to barely play

01:00:17 Jul 24th 24 - Mr. Burrito:

Lmao you guys always talking shit for no reason... I thought I talked alot of shit till I became part of this community 

01:02:17 Jul 24th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Twicecursed):

It's the only way to get anyone to talk in this community. People paint good players as bad guys, so the only thing to do is to pretend to have an ego about it. 

If they don't hate me they won't want to beat me.

11:16:41 Jul 24th 24 - Friendly Waffle Bringer:

thats one way but not the only way to play the game 😁

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