Forums / In game politics / Heaven I

Heaven I
01:34:43 Oct 31st 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

Its not any of your bussiness he dosnt want 2 blive in god he/she is free dont try 2 convet ...

01:42:50 Oct 31st 08 - Duke Arzun:

015. What’s your favorite song? Your so vain - carly simons

Its actually called Clouds in my Coffee you tool :P

02:12:05 Oct 31st 08 - Necromancer Apprentice:

ok back on topic this is Heaven thread the Heaven kingdom currently on Fant, we dont want this moved to the Hang-around. thanx

06:03:41 Oct 31st 08 - Lord Random:

im sorry for not knowing the name of the song arzun, can you ever forgive me :(

07:00:36 Oct 31st 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Lol. Not off to a bad start this era... we all seem to be doing decently

09:53:36 Oct 31st 08 - Sir Gallyon:

yup ;) I was expecting worse ::D

10:49:46 Oct 31st 08 - Sir Raymond of Tripoli:

one last seems to be that oppurtinuty has just demonastrated an old saying.Its easy to have faith when nothing is going wrong.

12:31:23 Oct 31st 08 - Dreadlord Valarion:


16:26:31 Oct 31st 08 - Mr. Oziiach:

Go away Kath-.-

17:13:32 Oct 31st 08 - Duke Argyle:

actually I don't mind if this thread moved or deleted, it's not like it's serious or anything, we can just make a new one when we have something important to announce :P

First I thougth it was me you talked about, the one to have faith in XD I guess I think to much of myself sometimes...

00:54:26 Nov 1st 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

God Argyle, so concieted ;)

03:56:50 Nov 1st 08 - Necromancer Apprentice:

fine then Chapel of Satan opens here.

06:37:30 Nov 1st 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

I'm confused, are we worshipping Argyle? ☺

07:11:54 Nov 1st 08 - Mr. Methane:

Yes. Now get down on your knees and start worshiping him like you mean it!!

/me holds a rocket launcher 30 cm away from Opportunity's head, ready to blast him away.

09:57:29 Nov 1st 08 - Sir Stirlin:

<3 Argyle

06:27:46 Nov 3rd 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

just do this: ¢¾ argyle

07:13:23 Nov 3rd 08 - Sir Gallyon:

¢¾ argyle

that okay??

08:09:13 Nov 9th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Wtf??? i didn't post that...

10:15:03 Nov 9th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

well apparantly u did

12:06:14 Nov 9th 08 - Sir Raymond of Tripoli:

Mr. Oziiach


10/31/2008 3:26:31 PMGo away Kath-.-

Who are you........

12:08:02 Nov 9th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

 I ¢¾ Argyle

12:08:22 Nov 9th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

wtf it supposed to be a heart . alt+3

12:18:21 Nov 9th 08 - Sir Wilber:

well it didnt work then did it? :P

02:11:26 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Oh!!! i did post that, but I was trying to post a heart, see: ♥

I wonder... ♦╝£∟♣│♥#π♠◙☺♂•╟☻▬▐«╬♫Ä♥§╒•○╤◘╕τ☼ƒ⌂

hmmm... works there....  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

07:02:33 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Oziiach:

Mr. Oziiach


10/31/2008 3:26:31 PMGo away Kath-.-

Who are you........

Mr. Rubyian, I am not nearly as active this era as I was last era though unfortunately...

07:59:37 Nov 10th 08 - Ms. Sloth The Girl:

Tbh, you guys are just doing jack *beep*

Your sitting behind blockers, allowing PKS+Fate to attack and you guys farm


08:35:45 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Who says we aren't training?

19:58:40 Nov 10th 08 - Duke Argyle:

actually, we are so confident anyone who gets close will die, so we don't need blockers.

20:35:07 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

I ¢¾ Argyle

20:35:28 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

LOL i even copyed the heart u made opportunity

20:43:49 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Mr. Punny Monsta


11/10/2008 8:35:28 PM
LOL i even copyed the heart u made opportunity

Guess you have to live with it.

VU doesn't allow you to :love: Argyle

20:45:43 Nov 10th 08 - Sir Stirlin:

everybody loves Argyle
but do you own the dirty pictures of Argyle? no you dont! no you dont! all mine... hahahahah

21:42:50 Nov 10th 08 - Sir Wilber:

send plx

13:13:49 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

zeta doesnt want us to love ar*beep*le

13:16:11 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Snoppiora:

Alt+F4 to enable cheats

23:59:05 Nov 12th 08 - Sir Antharic Grudgebringer:

*presses Alt+F4*



.....................................................................................................-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I'm old greg

I made this thread fat.

00:12:53 Nov 13th 08 - Necromancer Apprentice:

great.. fat threads

00:58:43 Nov 13th 08 - Sir Stirlin:

sir antharic grudgeblablabla :)
your not old greg, im old greg! check my history :)

01:25:25 Nov 13th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

that closed my browser... :(

12:11:39 Nov 13th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

LOL :D loosers

20:43:52 Nov 13th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Ok so Heaven will survive its first era on fant for years. next i would like to see you live up to the name of Heaven of old and not have so many allies :)

21:02:39 Nov 13th 08 - Mr. Oziiach:

Alliances were kind of inevitable this era because of the close landing spots. Kinda figured you would of realized that... You and LGC for example.....

21:04:51 Nov 13th 08 - Duke Arzun:

Why is everyone c3/4 argyle? Thats not nice :(

22:12:54 Nov 14th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

us and lgc = mass nap? :o Heaven used to be a strong widly respected non mass napping kd :D if it returns to that i would be happy

23:07:35 Nov 14th 08 - Duke Loren Soth:

lol Fate & Heaven = mass NAP? Ret could have been a strong and widely respected kingdom :D if next era they do not complain about being attacked by a collective of those who they initially attacked and those who they alientated by flaming too thoroughly ;)


23:08:51 Nov 14th 08 - Ms. Sloth The Girl:


Fate / PKS / Heaven / Fusion / Aurora

Thats not mass nap?

23:10:16 Nov 14th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

sure its only fate and H? want to bet on that :) tell me this. is thier a point playing next era if PKS Heaven Fate and aurora work together? and did we attack Heaven Or fate or Aurora no? maybe duke LS should get a clue :) I remember back in the day when Heaven was a great kd. its a shadow of its former self and it saddens me to see it that way

23:30:13 Nov 14th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Fate is our only NAP. There's the facts. I just think Rev likes flaming lol

23:31:13 Nov 14th 08 - Ms. Sloth The Girl:

Lol Opportunity

Why you guys walking through PKS blockers right at us then?
Don't talk *beep*

23:33:47 Nov 14th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

ive seen some msgs where you talk about sending troops to help pks. so maybe your only nap? but not your only ally

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