Forums / In game politics / fuzzy little man peach that !

fuzzy little man peach that !
18:46:57 Aug 2nd 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

gongratz gallyon u know how capitalism works ;P
you should like be a big manager or something.
as much as im tempted bye your offer i would have to pass. u know what they say about hot females on a ship or KD. its bad luck. ;)

19:15:53 Aug 2nd 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

Thank You Dreadlord :) We are having the females here to keep our morale up :) and this far it is working great :D.

I know, I should be a big manager. but I kinda am :P..I am Arranging really everything that happens on Nirvana, I keep suprising myself. I am even controlling the market prices got a bit sloppy in my absence though :D

03:03:05 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Luis Pocho:

that is a lie, I am the who is controlling the stone market price :P

04:18:43 Aug 3rd 08 - Ms. Viper:

I'd like it to be known, I am real. Those photos are of me. Shot just yesterday. :)

09:11:02 Aug 3rd 08 - Prince Insomaniak:

prove it...turn on the webcam next time everyone is on msn ;)

10:01:09 Aug 3rd 08 - Ms. Viper:


12:09:58 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Old Greg:

now i cant wait for our msn party!!! :)

14:34:32 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

i just decided im gonna stay playing vu lol

20:11:08 Aug 3rd 08 - Prince Insomaniak:

just dont let us see you spanking your hanky...or at least say a thanky ;)

10:16:40 Aug 5th 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

can we get a war update on wats going on like to hear from you guys :)

10:45:34 Aug 5th 08 - Mr. Whoop:

Currently we are fighting SoulSoceity ;) There is not much left of them.. ;)

10:49:21 Aug 5th 08 - Sir Chucky:

war my multi

13:04:13 Aug 5th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:


well, since Mr. Khalifa requested a War update from us, I will be so kind to give it to him.

We have been Warring The Soul Society Kingdom. And we are winning, We broke trough their defenses. and beat almost every army in their core. there are only a few city's left of them, which we are sure will also be gone very soon.

This morning The Legions declared war upon us, and they have attacked us. this was a complete suprise, since i thought they were friendly with us. just as we were friendly to them. anyway, They took one city from us, and prepared on two other city's. by now we have beaten the preparing army's with ease, and have taken back that city. this evening we expect that there is nothing left of the Legions Kingdom anymore. I am still sad that they choose to do this.

King Gallyon

15:07:48 Aug 5th 08 - Mr. Luis Pocho:

you are the hero of the movie, dont you?

15:55:14 Aug 5th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

if this was a movie, I wonder who would be watching it :p

16:01:56 Aug 5th 08 - Mr. Woody:

all of the civilized world. :p

if it was a movie, i would have to be played by danny dyer, the best british actor ever :)

21:04:35 Aug 5th 08 - Mr. Whoop:

Gallyon, don't you have to introduce our new members?

21:48:34 Aug 5th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

oh, right right :). well we got 2 new once..will introduce them with some details tomorrow morning :D:)

22:47:03 Aug 5th 08 - Mr. Whoop:

okay :) I will be glad to hear your speach about our new members gallyon ;)

13:22:26 Aug 6th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

New Member introduction

and again, The Fuzzy Little Man Peach Kingdom has received a new member. This Member is an Old Visual Utopia player. which started playing again after we convinced him to do so. He is an amazing player. And is known for his good war strategics. He only just started, but he will probably stay with us next era. We are very proud to have him here.

Welcome Sir Blake!

13:25:28 Aug 6th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

New Member Introduction

Again :), We must be very populair, and Good in Recruiting new members. Anyway, We have indeed received another new member. He is still quite new to the game, and needs to learn some things. But the Kingdom of The fuzzy Little Man Peach trust that we will be able to make a great player out of him :). therefore, we are indeed also very proud to have him here in our kingdom. and we hope to spend many more era's with him.

Welcome Sir Golcus!

10:47:08 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

WAR Update

Alright, The Kingdom of The Fuzzy Little Man Peach, Killed the Kingdom of Legion of Legends and the Kingdom of Soul Society. We are really happy this war is finished. though suddenly another Kingdom.. named the Kingdom of Mystical is warring our honourable kingdom :)

I wonder if they are just trying to commit suicide..or still wanna send their big lvl 1 army's at us :D we'll see what happens.


21:19:52 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Luis Pocho:

there arent anotehr topic about this? oh wait, propaganda is always stupid :P

21:48:25 Aug 9th 08 - Demonic Insomaniak:

then this equasion is true?!

Mr. Luis Pocho = Propaganda


05:25:02 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Luis Pocho:


no this equation is correct:

Luis Pocho never use propaganda= he is not stupid

09:40:00 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

U aren't?? that's something new

09:43:37 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

New Member Introduction

Today we received an application of someone very special. We werent expected to receive this application at all. He is an Old Friend of Hanky Panky, Me and some other people in The Fuzzy Little Man Peach Kingdom. That is why we are very happy that he applied to us. and not some other kingdom. He is a great warrior on the battlefield and in the bed (ask viper). We very proud to have him in our kingdom. and I am very honoured to be able to introduce him in our Embassy.

Welcome Sir Gonzo The Great (Revenge)

09:54:40 Aug 10th 08 - Demonic Insomaniak:

Mr. Luis Pocho


no this equation is correct:

Luis Pocho never use propaganda= he is not stupid


LMFAO...just by that reply you actually show that you are :P

10:13:47 Aug 10th 08 - Ms. Viper:

Hey, I don't like it sounding like I'm sleeping with the kingdom members. Especially new recruits I don't even know. o.O

... Only the hot ones. :) j/k

14:54:05 Aug 10th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Fear me biatch :D

16:59:40 Aug 10th 08 - Demonic Insomaniak:

Revenge?! ah hell no!!! I quit! :P

18:59:28 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

Fuzzy Update

Again, I thought it was time to post an update on our Kingdom in Nirvana. Since last time. The Kingdom of Mystical has broke the NAP between both our kingdoms, And warred us. This wasn´t the best decision they have made. As you can see down here, they don´t have much strength left.

greg Fuzzy Little Man Peach 14 Mr. Gallyon 100
H Heaven 15 Duke Argyle 45
Ghost Mystical 21 Mr. Mystery 29
SS Soul Society 9 Mr. Aizen 8
SF Suomenniemi 2 Mr. Taika 0
Wolves Wolf Pack 2 Sir Another Wolf 0

At this point of the era we are owning a very big part of nirvana. The other part belongs to our friends in the kingdom of Heaven.

I am also very Proud to present you all with our Kingdom name for next era. Our Kingdom will be named ´´Insubordination´´, and our tag will become Fuzzy (reminds us of the Fuzzy Feeling).

Our Goals for the rest of this era are to complete the ''The Fuzzy Feeling'' word made of scouts. we have already completed The Fuzzy. Another one of our goals is to get all our members in the top20, and ofcourse try to become more powerfull then the Kingdom of DarkBlood. (would be cool)

Yours Sincerely,
King Gallyon of Fuzzy

23:27:46 Aug 15th 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

interesting??? doing good one era doesnt mean your going to own "all members in top 20" the following era...

23:50:19 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Shoon:

I wonder if peach will explode from ambush on its weak side XD

23:59:10 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

"Our Goals for the rest of this era are to"

He wasn't talking about next era Paladin, read it a little better next time;-) Check the Nirvana hoh.....

00:47:25 Aug 16th 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

i did read it but they cant compete with a KD they arent in the same world with. so they cant be "more powerful then the Kingdom of DarkBlood."

00:55:01 Aug 16th 08 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

On the hoh we can.... We aren't competing directly to see who's a better kingdom, just trying to have a higher power percentage... Nothing wrong with that right?....

06:32:27 Aug 16th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

no way, you need to triple your score

08:12:30 Aug 16th 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

gratz on beating SS so whats your plans for next era were are you going.

08:53:58 Aug 16th 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

cept being on a world with a bunch of *beep*s isnt hard to win being on a world with a bunch of experts is a completely differant story

09:41:44 Aug 16th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

Lust, please shut up will ya ;), All our players have been on a world with 'experts' in the past. we came in nirvana because of Vacations. and we kinda did beat all the kingdoms there. even though we had to deal with the less than 50% rule. (I thought u were nice on Irc yesterday ;( )

Opportunity, no..we do not need to triple our score..we only have to double it.

Khalifa, we are still working on our plans for next era, but we already have some things in mind.

09:46:22 Aug 16th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

oh... mine says that you are 200 something percent of us, and DB is 600 something, so i assumed

10:24:46 Aug 16th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

over here we are 100 and Db is like uhm...220 or something..

15:09:29 Aug 16th 08 - Demonic Insomaniak:

plz...stop comparing Fant (+Mant) with any of the lower worlds...I'm currently the #1 player on the HoH on Nirvana and I actually don't do much...Fant (+Mant) needs way more skill, effort and added to that...activity...the Kingdoms opposing you there are way more powerful, so being the top-Kd there or the top player is not to be compared with the lower worlds...

20:59:11 Aug 16th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

yup I know :), but that's not the point ;p

11:07:26 Aug 17th 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

insomaniak.. point was im pretty sure what i was trying to make

12:50:51 Aug 17th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

Mr. Gallyon


8/16/2008 8:41:44 AM

Lust, please shut up will ya ;), All our players have been on a world with 'experts' in the past. we came in nirvana because of Vacations. and we kinda did beat all the kingdoms there. even though we had to deal with the less than 50% rule. (I thought u were nice on Irc yesterday ;( )

Opportunity, no..we do not need to triple our score..we only have to double it.

Khalifa, we are still working on our plans for next era, but we already have some things in mind.

You cant compete with Fant from a lower world.Remember that Wars on fant are harder.thereforth KD's are under heavier fire.thereforth a KD could go fant and be 10% of you then come to your world an OWN means NOTHINGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[IoK] Imperium Of Knights
With Sir Lord Nitral as leader.

[Evo] Evolution
With Mr. Acerf as leader.

[CF] Crucifiction
With Mr. Piece Maker as leader.

[SK] Sarafan Knights
With Mr. Shakenbake as leader.

[Epoch] Dawn of Epoch
With Mr. Epoch of Wisdom as leader.

[nova] supernova
With Mr. Evo as leader.

[GS] Guilty Spark
With Mr. Hiroshima The Infestation as leader.

[Savage] Savage Killers
With Mr. Bunsablazing as leader.

[kdm] Kingdom
With Ms. Peach as leader.

[TSS] The Shadow Syndicate
With Mr. Kanbei as leader.

Mr. Midget Mac
Member of: Imperium Of Knights.

Mr. Grimdeath
Member of: Imperium Of Knights.

Mr. Waver
Member of: Imperium Of Knights.

Mr. Piece Maker
Member of: Crucifiction.

Mr. Heripy
Member of: Imperium Of Knights.

Mr. Suan
Member of: Imperium Of Knights.

Mr. Webster
Member of: Imperium Of Knights.

Mr. Orrises
Member of: Evolution.

Mr. Brick
Member of: Imperium Of Knights.

Ms. Typhoon
Member of: Imperium Of Knights.

HoH doesnt mean *beep*.We could say ohh ohh DB were 130% of us before we had a big power drop but we dont as we know it means nothing.We Own the HoH and the maket and a large amount of the map with Evolution our ally.doesnt mean nothing when your on a world below Zetamania.

22:00:26 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

You talk to much..... And compare the amount of members as well... Fuzzy won their first war with only 6 members, I was the seventh, and joined Nirvana after the war was already over. Many members are experienced but either really aren't focusing on NEaB and just joined Fuzzy for the heck of it or they just started on Nirvana and haven't been able to build much yet...

We have double your power and a 3rd of your members...... And owning the hoh doesn't mean anything if you also own all the players....

IoKImperium Of Knights36Sir Lord Nitral55
gregFuzzy Little Man Peach14Mr. Gallyon100

22:01:57 Aug 17th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

and fant players pwning newbs doesnt mean a lot either :)

22:02:46 Aug 17th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

lol.we won our first with 7 members.and regardless you started two weeks before us.if you didnt have double us you'd be laughable.We arent talking about have just done exactly wot i sed your KD was doing.Comparing KD's on other worlds you NUB.

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