Forums / In game politics / ~Insubordination Embassy~

~Insubordination Embassy~
04:24:22 Sep 12th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

Pieguy did not join us >.< He started on fantasia and wasted his gold on getting the first hoh topping army and city within the first few ticks. Hes probably died at least once or twice by now.

06:20:02 Sep 12th 08 - Mr. Yoshi:

*yoshi farts on Mr. Rubyian*


Hope that smells good you ________________________________

nice person

06:46:27 Sep 12th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Mr. Yoshi sounds like sad...

07:11:38 Sep 12th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

Mr. Yoshi sounds very Childish :)
and yeah, Pieguy did prolly die :D, he didn't even knew how to apply.

Anyway, Finally..some nice it :D..

oh, Insub is going to be the strongest Kd on Mant soon again :D:)..
I love this :D

07:13:18 Sep 12th 08 - Mr. Vapor:

heaven ?

i thought you guys were buddy buddy

07:14:05 Sep 12th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

what with heaven?

07:14:26 Sep 12th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

heavens is going to be the second most powerfull kingdom :D

07:41:18 Sep 12th 08 - Mr. Vapor:

o lol my bad i thought you said insub is going to war with the strongest kd on mant

my bad

07:45:11 Sep 12th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

no, ofcourse not :D..
we war one person at a time..we're already at war With MAD :p.
And I love heaven :D

17:08:09 Sep 12th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

Just friendly competition ;-) We got on top and stayed there last era, I really want to see how it goes this era since we started at the same time.

18:10:15 Sep 12th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

yh, I'm kinda curious ab that aswell :D
I dnno how it will end :D...
I think we'll end around the same strength :p

03:32:34 Sep 15th 08 - Sir Kratos Wolf:

Gallyon farts out of his mouth and I flame out of my butt ;P....


I really do thinks its great, even though I got it from a google search >.>

03:33:22 Sep 15th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

I think Gallyon was drunk when he wrote that last message :P

whoooo...tis Fuzzeh!!! :P

16:38:30 Sep 15th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

lol :D..
haven't checked ur banner yet Wolf..

and Shezmu...u still on zeta?? :P

01:00:12 Sep 16th 08 - Necromancer Lust:

sir gallyon?

03:27:05 Sep 16th 08 - Sir Kathandarion:

Lust due to your *beep*ty armies you dont have the right to post here.Take your gaia elsewhere(and the gaia is a verified fact from EiTs of his army and from calculation that my small armies killed his giant ones (calculating OP and DP it must of been gaia or i would of died)).

thank you


03:27:25 Sep 16th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

Yes Gallyon...I'm still on Zeta...RIP is starting to tear apart a few players from ODC...I reckon one big mouth from that KD is shut enough already with my massiveness ;)

Charley and myself will be posting all his messages and our replies in a thread sooner or started with him telling me to turn around, ending with me asking him when exactly he is going to "kill me" and with what troops...I reckon you know enough about the way that little war went down ;)  same old flaming fun...bunch of nublars :P

16:54:37 Sep 16th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

haha :D, show them all u got Shezmu ;)...

Yes, it's Sir Gallyon these days ;p
and Necromancer Lust got more right to post in this topic then u Kathandarion.

17:34:19 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Piece Maker:

Kathandarion, leader of IoK last era right?

Then you should just be greatful I didn't keep the eits of your armies from last era.  All those mighty swordsmen ;)

18:41:40 Sep 16th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

Member Introduction
I forgot to do this, So I'll just introduce everyone again ;), hope you like it ;d

King Gallyon

Third member of Fuzzy, and the Founder of Insubordination. When He joined Fuzzy he soon became a viceroy. And soon after it the King of the Great kingdom. He decided to dedicade his Future VU life to the Fuzzy Kingdom. Which he greatly enjoys.
in the past, he has been a member of various Kingdoms that do not need mentioning. After he got kicked out of DarkBlood, He didn't had much time for VU anymore and got Bored. Therefor He took a break for a year or something. When He came back, Fuzzy was found :).

Viceroy Stirlin

Stirlin was together with Sir Woody one of the two founders of Fuzzy Little Man Peach. Fuzzy was started as a joke back then. But soon it turned out to become a succesfull kingdom. Sir Stirlin was known under the name of Sir Old Greg those days. He is a great tactician. And knows how to make war ;). Stirlin has been Viceroy of Fuzzy ever since it existed. We are all very happy that he is still part of this great kingdom.

Sir Woody

Sir Woody was the original Founder of Fuzzy, He made it together with Sir Stirlin. He has been King for half an era on Valhalla, and then decided to leave the king position to make Sir Gallyon King. Sir Woody is an excellent mage (when he's active). And knows quite some things about war. We are really happy that he is still with us today. He is invaluable to this kingdom. Without him, we wouldn't even have existed.

Sir Hanky Panky

Hanky Panky joined us soon after last era started. We persuaded him to start playing VU again. As everyone is aware of. He is a very good Vu player. unfortunately these days his activity is quite low, because he is in Greece. (ask him yourself if you want details) Hanky is a very good friend of ours. and We love to have him with us. Ofcourse to most ppl he will stay the original founder of trio. To us, Hanky is one of the Fuzzy's :D

Sir Rubyian

Sir Rubyian joined as 7th member (i think..not really sure). anyway, In the Beginning I thought he wasn't the best, coz we recruited him from Valhalla. But i must honoustly say that I am very suprised by his skills on everything. He is a great warrior/defender/diplomat and farmer ;p. He is one of the kindest persons I have met on Vu. and I think lots of ppl will agree with me on that. I wouldn't wanna lose him to another kingdom. he's really one of the best we have. oh, I do need to mention that his name was Sir Ruby Knight last era when he joined us.

Miss Viper

Lady Viper, what should I say about her. I could brag about her. But I won't. Since then I'll start to exagerate. And She doesn't like it when I make her look like a whore :p.  Anyway, Miss Viper Joined our Kingdom last era. I knew her from my past on VU. it's always joyfull to have her in a conversation. We are also very happy she decided to join us when we persuade her to play again. We know she has a personal job to live up to. So we do not expect much from her. We just like to have her in our kingdom. I do need to say that I was suprised that when I asked for Blocker Defence, she had lots of troops to send there :D Great job! keep it up. (btw, she's better then u think she is.)

Sir Coaltrain

Coaltrain joined us quite late last era. He was originally a member of The Great Kingdom of mystical. but he didn't really felt himself home there. So after discussing a deal with mystical leadership and good coordination and discussions. Sir Coaltrain joined our side. He is an excellent warrior. and His skills are growing constantly. I am very happy that he joined us. And I know he feels at home with us :D

Alright, All the above were members that joined us Last era. Ofcourse there were more members that joined us. But quite some left, and others were kicked because of Inactivity. therefor we are Very and very happy we recruited Great players that joined us this era. We really made the right choice recruiting them. Since the Ex-Fuzzy's are still Friends of us, I will mention them here. They will always stay Fuzzy's. Members that left Fuzzy last era are 'Sir Whoop' 'Demonic Shezmu(carrothian)' 'Miss Panda' 'Sir Golcus' 'Sir Debat' 'Sir Blake'. In replace of those Great players, we got the following persons:

Sir Free

ooh, I love him :p...I love much people lately.., when we spawned on Mantrax, he wasn't a member of insub yet. though he spawned as a tagless next to us. When he applied I was expecting a trainable newb. but he turned out to be just great :D. Really :D..he has already done lots for our kingdom. He is a Great Warrior and Mage. I hope he will stay with us for quite some era's. Keep up the Good Work Free :D.

Sir Chimey Chonga

Chimey was Recruited by our Great Friend Hanky. we were kinda desperetly in need of new good members because as you heard Fuzzy's best members were leaving us because of either lack of time or promises made in the past. anyway, We were very lucky Hanky Knows Chimey. He joined us at the end of last era. This is the first era that he plays with us. I have to congratulate him on the amazing work he has done. He's a good player. I hope he'll be a fuzzy for many era's. There's not really much more to say about him. I am just very happy fuzzy received such great members like him.

Sir Lurk

Sir Lurk was also newly recruited by us, strangely Enough I don't exactly know how we recruited him. I think Stirlin got in contact with him somehow. Anyway, He's very active, and has great Coordination. I love working with him. I wouldn't wanna lose him. It's Great getting to know you.

Sir Elon II

well, he was probably once named Sir Elon..instead of the second part.. He was also taken in by Fuzzy this era. just as all the other players I have mentioned. He is a great warrior. And I think we really made the right choice with taking him in our kingdom. I put Elon in the Defenders group a few days ago. But I am thinking about perhaps moving him over to the Attackers group :D. But I'll still think that over. He's just doing great :D Isn't just everybody great?? :)

Sir Leoric VII The Lazy One

I always wanted that...a number behind my name for all the era's I played..and a statement behind it. Ofcourse I wouldn't wanna be called Lazy..but, it's about the idea ;p About Leoric, If I remember correctly He was Recruited by Hanky (hanky recruited for us quite alot last era). Leoric is a very good defender and attacker. I love working with him. perhaps I am overjoyed coz under his command we beat the MAD merge. but even if he didn't I would still speak praise about him.

Sir Orcinus Orca

okay, i'm getting kinda tired from writing all thise kinda useless messages, But it would be stupid to stop now. and Not introduce the rest of the members. Orcinus was recruited at the start of this era. he may not be too active. but N'either am I. and I must say that I really enjoy having him with us. coz he did quite some nice things for us. And he does exactly like I ask him too. Keep up the good work Orcy :)

Sir Peacemakerofdoomwawa

pfff..his name was even longer last era.., it really makes our Kdpage look strange. anyway, I want him to shorten his name next era =D (that counts for Leoric aswell) Anyway, peacemaker is the Youngest member of Fuzzy...he's even younger then me. and That says alot..coz I'm young compared to the average Vu player age :).. now, don't think he's childish..well he's a bit..but he's not rude. And he has great ideas. I like his activity, his skills. and his Coordination with the rest of the kingdom. I don't exactly know how we recruited him. but atleast it was a good choice to let him in. He might become viceroy soon...though that's not sure yet;)

Sir Wildspy

And again someone who was recruited by our great friend Hanky Panky. Wildspy already started when he joined fuzzy. so he's not too close to us. but apart from that i must say he does very well. And he's good to talk too. He was the last member we took in this era. ofcourse we have more members that we will take in next era (we already send a few invitations). but for now.. this was probably the last.
Wildspy is a great warrior and explorer. Im thankfull to hanky for advicing me to take him inside Fuzzy :D

Well, that were all i think..I was planning to put pictures next to it. but after writing this I got too tired to do that. perhaps i'll make a grouppicture and post it here later :D. I don't expect anyone has read all of that completely :):D. anyway, Good luck with that :D i'm done :)

King Gallyon

19:09:03 Sep 16th 08 - Mr. Spiderman:

Looks like a great team :) You guys need to come to Fantasia next era..... we do not have enough kingdoms in here :(

19:44:35 Sep 16th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

dnno about that yet..It does sound nice.., but I think we would've been dead by now..if we were on fant ;p..

06:11:58 Sep 18th 08 - Sir Miller:

learn how to fight 1on1 ;)

06:20:44 Sep 18th 08 - Duke Slade:

yay Hanky Panky

and good luck guys looks like you have a group of players so you should be number one in no time :)

06:21:42 Sep 18th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Great member summaries Gallyon!
+1 CD Pts for you :D

06:24:02 Sep 18th 08 - Duke Slade:

Lord Charley Deallus


9/18/2008 8:21:42 AM
Great member summaries Gallyon!
+1 CD Pts for you :D


-_- you just couldnt Wait 2 seconds to post that could you

06:27:10 Sep 18th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

lol...I have done cooler post at the EXACT same time as Karac once...

09:56:33 Sep 18th 08 - Duke Slade:

:O thats cool


11:09:19 Sep 18th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomwawa:

YAY! im childish!@

15:31:41 Sep 18th 08 - Sir Banshee:

Don't worry we'll make it~ Master Cheif

15:33:09 Sep 18th 08 - Sir Banshee:

Peacemakerofdoomwawa not to be rude or anything but how old are you cause im 12...

15:34:40 Sep 18th 08 - Mr. Lurk:


16:02:14 Sep 18th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomwawa:

i am 13 and a half, which means you are even younger then me banshee :)

16:14:25 Sep 18th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

haha, now i'm starting to feel old...;)

08:56:03 Sep 20th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

MAD is...almost dead :p..(they don't got defences left..and they know it themselves aswell=) )

well, that means Fuzzy will soon move on to our next target

18:52:51 Sep 20th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Kids these days...I feel older already O_o

23:28:27 Sep 20th 08 - Mr. Roxbury:

Much better bannerz!

00:26:26 Sep 21st 08 - Sir Thomas The Anomas:


04:52:17 Sep 21st 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

I voted for a modified version of that second one. It was kinda a combination of those 2.... I liked it better to :'(

06:24:43 Sep 21st 08 - Necromancer Lust:

is that from V for Vendatta?

06:37:54 Sep 21st 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

Woot!! Fuzzy FTW!!

Kingdoms in Mantrax
FuzzyInsubordination15Sir Gallyon100
HHeaven17Duke Argyle98
ROCRoyal Order of Claidhmore21Lord Kevdwayne80
AoAArmy of Anubis21Mr. Anonymous77
TDSThe Devastators10Lord Sabbath The Dark68
DDrugs14Sir Miller50
IoKImperium Of Knights11Sir Kathandarion47

07:41:23 Sep 21st 08 - Necromancer Lust:

good job guyz "_"

09:16:25 Sep 21st 08 - Mr. Pinky:

Note, they are 7,5 times as big, yet not 750%

FuzzyInsubordination15Sir Gallyon434
KoEKingdom of Evil2Mr. Brain100

10:37:25 Sep 21st 08 - Sir Gallyon:

lol ;) that's cause ur not under attack Pinky ;) but that could change if u want too :p
about those banners roxy..I agree that they are indeed better banners than the one we are facing now. but, if u make them smaller, and place them on the map, they start looking strange. and the one we have now, looks great on the map.

but perhaps, just for you :p, i'll change the banner in a few days..

11:34:01 Sep 21st 08 - Mr. Pinky:

Attacking is the best defence :)

14:40:57 Sep 21st 08 - Sir Gallyon:

true ;) that's what we're doing :p

05:18:32 Sep 22nd 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

Mr. Pinky


9/21/2008 5:34:01 AM
Attacking is the best defence :)

Not against the Dharan Empire its not >.< But we've been on the attack all era so far and we haven't been stopped yet :-)

06:08:53 Sep 22nd 08 - Necromancer Lust:

well in one case Fuzzy did a weird strategy against the Dharan's but only in that one case, it shouldent have worked but DeD was pretty much soloing it "_"

07:12:55 Sep 22nd 08 - Sir Kathandarion:

Sir Woody

Sir Woody was the original Founder of Fuzzy, He made it together with Sir Stirlin. He has been King for half an era on Valhalla, and then decided to leave the king position to make Sir Gallyon King. Sir Woody is an excellent mage (when he's active). And knows quite some things about war. We are really happy that he is still with us today. He is invaluable to this kingdom. Without him, we wouldn't even have existed.

Unless you had a era i didnt know about you mean on NIRVANA
as IoK were ruling valhalla at that time and it was about the time you sent BS that i feel insulting message.

08:26:50 Sep 22nd 08 - Sir Gallyon:

lol ;) I never noticed that ;p..well, ur right it was on NIRVANA :p..

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