Forums / In game politics / Zetamania wars ( Era 35 )

Zetamania wars ( Era 35 )
03:30:30 Oct 2nd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I decided that I would stop posting here at 1000 -_- enjoy your flame war...I will enjoy life on the battlefield... but first im going to do some work...

03:35:17 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Patriot:

1001, Huzzah!

03:46:57 Oct 2nd 08 - Lord Random:

gah i missed it, why did i have to have a shower....

03:49:17 Oct 2nd 08 - Ms. Holly:

i know, i was waiting to do it too

03:52:54 Oct 2nd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Ms. Holly


10/1/2008 10:49:17 PM
i know, i was waiting to do it too

O_O err....

I wasn't and I just happened to sign on while doing my chemistry lab report and found it at 999...saw a double post...made a quick post so that I could edit afterwards, yet hold the 1000 post that I look back on it, I didn't care...maybe I just didn't want anyone else to have it and brag? And of course I broke my promise to stop posting in here...soooo...XD*stops posting in here*

04:02:46 Oct 2nd 08 - Ms. Holly:

ya right we know u waited ;-)

10:28:33 Oct 2nd 08 - Lady Jasmina:

All this arguing about backstabbing makes be laugh... Some KDs really are against it and they do the same... Gruumsh you should really stop talking about backstabbing cause you have a backstabber too.

15:47:04 Oct 2nd 08 - Ms. Psykee:

Lady Jasmina, I love what you just said. lol So true

15:53:18 Oct 2nd 08 - Lord Incognito:


Backstabber who? Nobody in our Kd ever backstabbed while in Gruumsh, as far as I know.

16:26:45 Oct 2nd 08 - Duke Spud:

"Holly, so tell us, why did you not just ask the KD or some to the other vices for help? And how did Preds let you down? Im just curious..."

16:39:35 Oct 2nd 08 - Ms. Holly:

i already answered, but my answer cannot be right if it is going against you and pimp so there is no reason to give more answers, isn't that correct

17:06:27 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. David:

The only answers I can find are statements that confirm you're dishonourable scum. I take it you stand by that?

17:58:22 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Jackdaniels:

thanks david but seeing as i will put aside past differences even though you attacked us and wiped the floor with our armies but my enemies enemy is my friend and i agree with david that your a backstabbing punk *beep* who thinks there all bad ass becuase they can stab there kd in the back

18:01:32 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

Oh, and Alexander....

19573 Muskrat Rd Se Rainier WA, 98576      Come get some B*tch.

you coward! you have no idea whats coming!

18:05:57 Oct 2nd 08 - Lady Jasmina:

Lord Incognito
10/2/2008 4:53:18 PMo.O
Backstabber who? Nobody in our Kd ever backstabbed while in Gruumsh, as far as I know.


Mr. Jaxen [] (9/19/2008 1:19:36 AM) GOOD BAD
I have to jump ship. I am all alone in the south and gruumsh is going to take all my cities.. I have no choice but to side with him.. I thank you for your stay but dont want to add to the failures of your kingdom by losing my cities and armies under your rule. Please forgive me I just want to play and not die.

  • 01:19:36: We received a message from Mr. Jaxen.
  • 01:19:54: Jaxen has left your kingdom!

So not only you have a backstabber you also have a coward, when danger came he just joined the enemy :D Well good luck with that lol

18:08:52 Oct 2nd 08 - Lord Incognito:

I'd pot a guess at flour in an envelope...

18:18:40 Oct 2nd 08 - Lord Incognito:

Why didn't you tell us anything? o.O
Bit bloody late now -_-

18:57:49 Oct 2nd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Well Jasmina you still have no room to talk :p I think RIP and a few of the KDs under 2-3 members are still honorable :p and RIP will never stop being just that...Inco would never accept a traitor because me and him have been talking on MSN everyday about what has been happening.  He is more honorable than most people here so don't think that he should be dishonored from a misunderstanding.  Bling did something similar last era, but I fought for his name because Elements were being a bunch of f*ckers...

19:53:01 Oct 2nd 08 - Lady Jasmina:

Well I am only saying that you should all just stop about backstabbing cause every KD is the same. And just because you're smaller does not make you honorable. We are smaller now, we are new KD, we learn from our mistakes, we merged another KD and that was a big mistake. But we will learn from it. And all you guys do is whine about backstabbing :) Everyone should just stop it :)

By the way Inco, it does not really matter, I told Jaxen that I have no hard feeling about it, I rather see him survive. But I am just saying the backstabbing crap needs to stop :)

20:01:02 Oct 2nd 08 - Lord Incognito:

If it doesnt matter then why bring it up? -_-
And it does matter to me.

20:58:10 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Dead:

Mr. Alexander The Great


10/2/2008 5:01:32 PM

Oh, and Alexander....

19573 Muskrat Rd Se Rainier WA, 98576      Come get some B*tch.

you coward! you have no idea whats coming!

He tells you his address so he's a coward? That makes no sense.

20:58:50 Oct 2nd 08 - Lord Incognito:

Lmao, a hundred bucks says Alex is too pussy to go for him :p

21:42:11 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Chaser The Final Son:

Icognito i have told you once stop *beep*ing about everything on the forums you are everywhere. just shut up already god damn man.

21:44:11 Oct 2nd 08 - Lord Incognito:

Wtf?! Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?! o.O
And no. Shut the f**** up. I don't listen to little nobodies like you.

22:17:08 Oct 2nd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Lady Jasmina


10/2/2008 2:53:01 PM
Well I am only saying that you should all just stop about backstabbing cause every KD is the same. And just because you're smaller does not make you honorable. We are smaller now, we are new KD, we learn from our mistakes, we merged another KD and that was a big mistake. But we will learn from it. And all you guys do is whine about backstabbing :) Everyone should just stop it :)

By the way Inco, it does not really matter, I told Jaxen that I have no hard feeling about it, I rather see him survive. But I am just saying the backstabbing crap needs to stop :)

Well even if our KD was large, we would remain honorable...Sci and Shezmu have been around long enough to know what honor is and how to maintain it. 

Mr. Chaser The Final Son


10/2/2008 4:42:11 PM
Icognito i have told you once stop *beep*ing about everything on the forums you are everywhere. just shut up already god damn man.

Just ignore him Inco...he is mad that you keep shooting down all of the stupid ideas in the suggestions forum...sorry if the truth hurts Chaser...

01:59:40 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Lord Charley Deallus


10/2/2008 5:57:49 PM
Well Jasmina you still have no room to talk :p I think RIP and a few of the KDs under 2-3 members are still honorable :p and RIP will never stop being just that...Inco would never accept a traitor because me and him have been talking on MSN everyday about what has been happening.  He is more honorable than most people here so don't think that he should be dishonored from a misunderstanding.  Bling did something similar last era, but I fought for his name because Elements were being a bunch of f*ckers...
My story from last era got nothing to do with anyone. I challenged certain bighead players to one on one battles...they lost their nerve not me. Also we had a player who felt he was stronger than the rest of us and could ignore the leadership. I chose to make an example of him that no player is greater than the kingdom....not even me with my ego and talk. you respect the leadership and in turn the leadership respects you.

04:02:42 Oct 3rd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I was talking about you accepting that backstabber who jumped from RoC to Preds last era...then Elements started flaming you for that...They blew it out of proportion trying to ruin Preds name, but you did kick the person immediately afterwards... 

04:18:56 Oct 3rd 08 - Duke Spud:

Duke Spud

10/2/2008 11:26:45 PM

"Holly, so tell us, why did you not just ask the KD or some to the other vices for help? And how did Preds let you down? Im just curious..."

Ms. Holly


10/2/2008 11:39:35 PM
i already answered, but my answer cannot be right if it is going against you and pimp so there is no reason to give more answers, isn't that correct
Mr. David


10/3/2008 12:06:27 AM
The only answers I can find are statements that confirm you're dishonourable scum. I take it you stand by that?

Holly, David has made an excellent point... You never answered that question, why else would I keep posting it? Now your probably just trying to make something up and stall...

Mr. Dead


10/3/2008 3:58:10 AM
Mr. Alexander The Great


10/2/2008 5:01:32 PM

Oh, and Alexander....

19573 Muskrat Rd Se Rainier WA, 98576      Come get some B*tch.

you coward! you have no idea whats coming!

He tells you his address so he's a coward? That makes no sense.

Lord Incognito


10/3/2008 3:58:50 AM
Lmao, a hundred bucks says Alex is too pussy to go for him :p


04:28:09 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Alexander The Great
I'll hold Spud down for you and you'll probably still loose the fight

16:18:06 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Partypooper:

Lady Jasmina


10/2/2008 6:05:57 PMLord Incognito
10/2/2008 4:53:18 PMo.O
Backstabber who? Nobody in our Kd ever backstabbed while in Gruumsh, as far as I know.


Mr. Jaxen [] (9/19/2008 1:19:36 AM) GOOD BAD
I have to jump ship. I am all alone in the south and gruumsh is going to take all my cities.. I have no choice but to side with him.. I thank you for your stay but dont want to add to the failures of your kingdom by losing my cities and armies under your rule. Please forgive me I just want to play and not die.

  • 01:19:36: We received a message from Mr. Jaxen.
  • 01:19:54: Jaxen has left your kingdom!

So not only you have a backstabber you also have a coward, when danger came he just joined the enemy :D Well good luck with that lol

> this is a load of bullcrap ... It's not like he gave us any useful advantages towards your kingdom, and he wasn't holding any strategic key points towards your kingdom. He may have left your kingdom, but if he isn't anyway near your core to help out, what does it matter?

Exactly nothing :)

P.S, we weren't even warring back then :)

18:55:38 Oct 3rd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Whoa...I just noticed the date of the messege....I wonder why Jasmina didn't bring it up earlier....? Maybe it seemed an appropriate time to throw some crap on other KDs...

19:08:50 Oct 3rd 08 - Lady Mia Valerie:

Better late than never.

19:11:42 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Partypooper:

maybe ... but if you shove it as betrayal then you better went for the never ... as it has nothing to do with it.

19:12:41 Oct 3rd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

...if it wasn't an issue before, why drag it up now? Because it was relevent now even if it didn't matter to you at the time...

20:49:00 Oct 3rd 08 - Lady Mia Valerie:

She brought it up because we are now on an issue about backstabbing and etc. Jaxen left ODC and joined Gruumsh. I have nothing against it. But maybe into someone's else eyes, it is backstabbing? Maybe Jas will be happier if Jaxen fight for ODC and not join the enemy. I may like that idea too. But maybe it is not backstabbing, but she just wants to bring up the topic because now is the good time? It is not wrong right? If you say it has got nothing to do with it, then it is fine. Just don't mind about it. All she just want is to share with you. But if you don't want to, like i said, don't mind about it.


And Charley. I respect your KD RIP. But no offense, i think you have no respect for other people. Yes, your message sent to me is really cool. The way you reply, is RP kind of thing. You are really into VU. It is good because you are making this game more interesting. It is not something bad to have a person like that. I am okay with that.

And now, if in your heart you say ODC is not honourable, then you are wrong. We learn to respect other people. Yes we make mistakes. So please do not make it worse and please do correct us to make us better. We are sorry that we are not as good and honourable as RIP, because we do not have Shez and Sci. And sorry that our previous member called you names. They were ex-KIE members. Before the merge, all of ODC members are honourable players. And IF they are not, no one is perfect. Don't expect the politics to be clean.

About respect or friendliness, i was browsing around and i just saw this.

Mr. Utkarsh Bhardwaj


10/1/2008 12:19:43 PM haha ernie...just dont ask bro..i joined them this era and also played with them last era for a bit...y do u ask?
Lord Charley Deallus


10/1/2008 12:53:51 PM idk...never heard of you with them this era...since I was a vice for like...a few days before I left

PS-I am not your bro...

How are you going to get a respect from people when you think you are so darn cool by sayin I am not your bro. I may be sensitive. But i expect you should reply something nice. Maybe Utkarsh is some guy who were rude before? But maybe he is just being nice to you? Some people do not know. But you don't have to be the same level as him by doing that. And never know he might look up on you or something because you are some big time VU player, hanging around with all the top VU players. Yes, i heard some people say you have run a KD very good and lots more good stuff. That is really good. Thumbs up from me. Maybe a lot of people respect you. I do not know. If it is so, just let me tell you this. Do not be arrogant. Maybe you think you are not, but it is better to prevent than to be cured. And please be humble and polite.

And what i see, within 50 post, there is surely your post in it. How many post do you do in a day? What do you do in RL? And when last time, when someone has brought up a topic that this thread will be up to 1k post, i bet Inco that you, Charley, will get it. And i am so darn right about it. And you can't keep to your promise that you will not post anymore after 1k messages right?

Oh yeah. Your respect for Shezmu starting to make me feel like you are worshipping Shezmu. I am telling you the truth, Charley. Shezmu is somebody. Yeah. I can see that. He is great player. Played for many eras. Knows everyone. Famous! You too want to be that right? You are hanging around with the big guys. You speak high of Shezmu. You tell everyone that you want to attack a KD with Shezmu. You made a blocker with Shezmu name. You joke with Shezmu. Bunsen burner with Shezmu. Camping out with Shezmu as well? One or two is okay but i think it is too much. Is everything about Shezmu correct? Yeah. Maybe Shezmu is a politician. I do not know him in RL but i am just feeling eerie about it. (Sorry Shez that i brought up your name.) But if i am the only one who feels about it, then you should not stop what you are doing. I will try to immune to it. 

After my post, i think you will reply me with sarcastism and all. Someone who are on Charley's side will help him too. I do not mind. As long as i have told you this, i am happy with it. You hate me? I don't mind. Everyone has enemies. I might be in your hate list, but i am actually helping you to be better, but it looks like in a tough way. Lol.. Sorry Charley. I will still love you... :)

And, if you don't want me to help you, you got to know, at least there is someone that cares. I care for everyone. I love everyone equally, i think. Lol.. :P:P But well, i am done here. Tata.

20:59:02 Oct 3rd 08 - Lord Incognito:

I love everyone equally, i think.

Awww I thought I was special :'(

Lol, but seriously now... the only problem I have is that nobody so much as mentioned that they had a problem at the time with Jaxen, so it just isn't fair that you suddenly call it backstabbing. If you have a problem, speak up about it to begin with. If you don't have a problem, don't bring it up :)

Like... when I went up past your blocker, I even made a post about it to ask if it was a glitch so nobody calls me a cheater and your leader herself told me it was just a bad blocker so I got annoyed when Sky called me a cheater or whatever it was he called me.

Other than that, I can't say I saw ODC do something I didn't like, honour-wise. Could be I just don't remember but anyway.... :p

21:13:48 Oct 3rd 08 - Lady Mia Valerie:


Yeah okay. I am just defending my KDmate by saying it is not wrong to bring up the topic. Maybe she used a wrong term for it? Maybe it is not backstabbing. Maybe a disloyal person? Who jumps KD and all? And plus, we never know Jaxen has some hints on our further attack or whatsoever. And you do know that girls will get moody and all for a week in&nb*beep*onth right? So yeah. So please excuse us if we get too heaty up.

Yeah. I understand that.. But well, if you don't know, Sky was too darn sleepy? It was like 3am for him that time and you guys had pass through his blocker. So he got pissed with it. He expect you guys will prep at his city and he can kill it and straight to snore on bed but nah. The bloody gap there made him pissed. Same goes for me. I had to whip my troops to triple their march towards the sneaky army and kill it. So yeah. I hope Zeta will really really REALLY do something about it. Worst come to worst, just bring up the great wall. My slaves look useless though.

Lol. At least it is good to hear that. Thanks. :)

21:19:56 Oct 3rd 08 - Lord Incognito:

Yes, its ok. I know(hope) you didn't mean anything bad about us with it so I'm not taking it offensively :) You all know I do what I do for your own good outta love ;) xD

21:20:11 Oct 3rd 08 - Lady Mia Valerie:

 And you do know that girls will get moody and all for a week in&nb*beep*onth right? So yeah. So please excuse us if we get too heaty up.

Thanks for the beeps!, i have to post another.

.....all for a week in a month right? So yeah. So please excuse us if we get too heaty up.

21:20:52 Oct 3rd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Ugh...I dont want to quote your entire post so I will make statements based on the paragraphs.

-Ok, maybe peoples opinions are my world, the past is the past and should not be brought back for many reasons.

-In response to Utkarsh, him and Slade accused me of ruined Sarafan Knights when I left it for Royal Order of Claidhmore two eras ago because of internal conflicts and farming...and neither of them missed the chance to tell me how I ruined SK by leaving...Slade apoligized because he later found out that Trogador spread lies about what happend, but I never remember Utkarsh apoligizing or anything...I respect those who respect me...and I disrespect those who disrespect me...I am dedicated to a KD as long as my dedication is appreciated in some way.

-My RL is none of your concern, but I am a college student who is studying Biology/Premedicine and as much as I would love to tell you my life story, it isn't very exciting, enjoyable, or fun.  I like to give input on things on the forums and give input so that I am an active person.  I seem to have posted much more than I usually do(less than 200 posts the last 2 eras) and that may stem from the events of this era.  I also fight for aid to be given to the RPing forum because writing is one of the few things that makes me happy in my life...

-On the subject of Shezmu...I respect him so much because he is/was a great roleplayer and I enjoy how he writes.  There are others that I enjoy more, but his comical manner seems to make me laugh a little more.  The blocker that was named Shezmu, was supposed to be Shezmus Insertion Point but I accidentally hit the enter was a joke between me and Sci because we like making funny army and city names because we play VU to have fun.  I speak highly of him also because he is an experienced person whom I want to learn from so that I am as good.  He is a one man army and I am sure you have witnessed this yourself.  I probably would speak more about Sci if he did something for once this era :p

-I don't hate you -_- misunderstandings are normal...and everyone is different in the way they live and act out their lives.

21:23:43 Oct 3rd 08 - Lady Mia Valerie:

Nah. Nothing bad, i think.. Lol. It is up to Jas.. If she is not okay, i am not okay.. Lol. I will always side my KDmate, although if i know she is wrong. :)

Haha.. Thanks Inco.. Heh heh.

21:42:32 Oct 3rd 08 - Lady Mia Valerie:

Heh.. Charley, thanks for replying my post in a polite way. :)

At least you have opened my eyes to a clearer view of who you are. But you have to do the same as well for yourself k? :D


23:45:36 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Sky:

Yeah, I stayed up to catch that army lol. Apologies if I was disagreeable. After reflection, I decided it was my fault I had no bonus turns.

23:53:55 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Archilies:

So that didn't take long for Jasmina to break her word of not attacking Death.  I see that they are so honorable. 

They even waited until we were fighting 3 kingdoms at once.  We are spread out fighting 3 kingdoms and they come in behind to take all of our cities.  That is classic!

I also find it funny she was so upset with all my freinds when they were in that kingdom because we didn't like Faith/Fallen because they like to break NAPS and they didn't believe us. 

Come to find out Fallen tried recruiting Mr. Alexander the Great for themselves and spilled the beans that they were going to attack ODC after they finished with Death!  To bad they couldn't beat us or they would be fighting ODC right now instead of ODC taking easy kills on us.

Oh well, Our small kingdom did more than people expected and kicked Mystical and burnts butt to the curb,  We were fixing to take out Fallen but now we have #1 coming down on us it looks like we are going to be toast.

This is the last era Death will play.  We are new guys on the block and kicked some vets to the curb so we will call this era a plus in our book. Jasmina is full of crap and I think we have proved enough times of that so next time they say they are honorable you can just laugh that is what we are doing until we are no longer in this era.  May ODC think they are the greatest by taking on a small kingdom when they are already streched out!  I don't believe they could make it in any other world but the beginners. lmao

I am out but I hope everyone enjoyed talking sh** to us and then watching your armies die!

By the way Mr. Resistance we have almost taken everyone one of your cities near us.  How do you expect to kill us by Sunday?  Or did you mean to say that was as long as you would last against us. lol

23:58:31 Oct 3rd 08 - Lord Incognito:

Wow... Death have more wars than ODC and ODC still felt threatened enough to try take them out. xD


00:20:33 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Isenguard:

Unfortunatly we have come to the agreement to not play the rest of the era.  Our cities are up for grabs.  Beat ODC to them to equalize the world!

The 3 former kingdoms knew they couldn't touch us and we would have won out by the end in my opinion.  I mean we did just grow our core with Burnt and Mystical Cities and Fallen couldn't touch us.  We were fixing to take over some of their cities as well.  But fighting all 3 plus the number one who is fighting no one but now a dead kingdom is to much. 


We all find it funny that some new players get on the game and cause so much grief to all these kingdoms who say they are really good.... and fromt he looks of this forum think they are honorable. 

We had a great time kicking some butt!  the crap talking was rediculous...especially since the ones doing the talking on the game couldn't back it up on the game. 

We want to thank all those weaker opponents for attacking us and then letting us beat you and take your cities it was enjoyable. 

May Death be remembered as the little guy who stirred up a world and helped cause well over a 1000 posts this era.  May this be the era of lots of crappy talk, sloppy play, and ODC looking like an a$$! lol 

I have to say that ODC deserves themselves and all the bad rep they get.  Jasmina has to be the worst person with deplomacy, or even just being polite, I have ever met.  To Jasmina.... Screw you.  to the rest of you good luck!

00:23:46 Oct 4th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Aww, you guys could kick so much ar§e if you just hung in there... shame to see you go :\

00:26:52 Oct 4th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

O_o talk about an abrupt ending to that...sad to see you go..

00:32:59 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Dead:

Who exactly tried to recruit Alexander the Great into GOTF? I tried to get him out of Death because i thought of him as a nice guy (i've changed my opinion since), but i certainly didn't intend for him to join GOTF and never even suggested it.

Who said GOTF were going to attack ODC after we'd finished with you as well? ODC are our allies and remain so till the end of the era atleast.

00:36:13 Oct 4th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

Oh come on dont be like that... Nobody likes quitters..

And please stop about the back stabbing ...
Did we have nap? no .. I think once you asked and we did not accept.
Were we friends? no ... you joined our KD and left insulting our banner and the leadership...
Did you plot against us? YES .. You asked Burnt to help you against us, and I also know you asked 2-3 more KDs, but I will not go into it.

Alexander told me some things that are on our forum, showing me you have spy in our KD. We let two members from KIE stay here and they are still not kicked. Even thought we know who it is..
You made us use forums less cause we could not risk you giving information to other KDs and we know you would do it...

Well I am done with the explanations, I dunno why I even try.
Afterall .. THIS IS A WAR GAME. Why do we make troops but to fight...

Plus we are not at war with Death only :)
We still love our enemies Gruumsh :)
Talking about Jaxen, ok the switching KDs happened long ago, but punishment comes anyways :)

Army command center

Comingoftheendtimes and Orc Hunters with 48938 soldiers awaiting your orders, my Lady...

The enemy has 97884 soldiers armed with Magic weapons and mithril armor. They have 0 peasants traveling with them. We have 95% chance winning this battle.

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