Forums / In game politics / Devastators recruiting

Devastators recruiting
04:14:47 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

I don't remember threatining anyone with war...and we reprimanded Demetrie, as he is a new player, and would have graciously given the city back...i NEVER wanted you to join our KD...that woulnd't have been a great idea but neither is NAP'n every KD on the map...

1. I wasn't farming..i had all my focus on AoA and i was training very well in Jumpstart...

2. yes AoA was kicking our ass with a 500 nazzie army...there is no reason for that except we weren't very good at communitcating and over half the guys in the KD are new and have A LOT to learn...

3. All you guys did was get on the ship with AoA because he was about to hit you too...I saw him prepping on your cities. I am not stupid either..

4. the only point i am trying to make is that you played us guys lolligagged for days about ANY type of agreement. the reason a few the guys didnt want an agreement is because of the situation we're in cannot trust ANYONE on the lower maps.

Now i know why Justin and the rest of you have a bad rap in the game....the most respected players on the game warned me about you all but i didn't listen and see where that's gotten my KD

Revenge is right....and that's all i have to say about that. I hope to continue this in WAR.

04:23:39 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

Lol its going to continue. BLS is almost destroyed in our core so we will be following you south since Zakk was stupid enough to tell us ur whole core was the south corner. BTW i dont care wat revenge has said about me. He knows nothing about me. My friends in TDS know me and they know im not a multi let alone a bad player. Im a good player who along with TDS(which has a lot of new players but because of our guides they are becoming good players quickly)is showing a kd that thinks pushing other kds around by saying join us or die makes them almighty. Look at you. All that farming and you got nothing to show for it. We havent farmed a whole day. but ur cities are boosting our income quite well thank you. Oh ya Digital Jumpsta what a BA city that is now under AoA control.

07:23:45 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

Also i would like to add.we NAP'd AoA after we started fighting you otherwise we would both have cities in this core and would be fighting them non stop.

08:43:07 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

Kath we arent NAP with AoA. We are neutral with them. They dont bother us and we dont bother them.

08:51:02 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Revenge is right....and that's all i have to say about that.

Im right ! :D

08:54:15 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

revenge i told you to GTFO of my recruiting page once and now a second time GTFO!!!!! Death Proof is made because we are kicking his ass. He underestimated our power. Just because u farm doesnt make you powerful. Its the armies you have to defend ur core that counts. They didnt have jack defending them. A few messly 2000-4000 armies compared to our X and XX armies.

08:57:01 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Hey, no need to shout :'(

15:01:34 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Zakk:

Basically devastators betrayed us. I can supply messages if needed to prove this but I do not care about slinging stuff like this out in the open because its stupid. Justin and the rest of the Devastators are not to be trusted. End of story.

15:17:20 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

Justin, don't be nasty to poor revenge.

He may become angry and flame you :(

15:24:10 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Brutii:

Zakk i can't believe you would say that.  I had a lot of respect for you from 2 eras ago when i met you when you were leading Gauls.  But by what you are doing makes me think that i misjudged you and your kd.  Even though we had war, I still had a lot of respect for you guys because you were a good player and conducted yourselves well in game and in the forums but now im starting to doubt that.  We never had any alliances, NAPs, MAPs and only a 24 hr CF, which no one attacked in, so how could we have betrayed you and not be trusted.

17:31:19 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

Mr. Zakk


7/22/2008 2:01:34 PMBasically devastators betrayed us. I can supply messages if needed to prove this but I do not care about slinging stuff like this out in the open because its stupid. Justin and the rest of the Devastators are not to be trusted. End of story.

You claim we 'betrayed you'......please supply the messages that said that after the Cease fire was over(by 24 hours none the less) we wouldnt attack you....?

19:26:22 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

where the hell does it say we agreed to a NAP you know nothing twat. Since you arent man enough to post the messages i will. You already posted sabbaths last message which was sent 12 hours after the very last message of our conversation:

You (7/14/2008 1:56:46 PM)
Hello Mr. Zakk. Im Justin, Head vice of TDS. I was wondering if you would be interested in a NAP between our kds?
Mr. Zakk [BLS] (7/14/2008 2:01:38 PM) GOOD BAD
I will post this for my other members to vote on. I like to include my members in those decisions
You (7/14/2008 2:03:56 PM)
Ok ill tell everyone of ur response. We also like to include our members in the decisions. Thank you
Mr. Zakk [BLS] (7/14/2008 2:06:01 PM) GOOD BAD
No problem
You (7/14/2008 2:07:56 PM)
by chance are u the same Zakk that lead the guals a few eras go?
Mr. Zakk [BLS] (7/14/2008 2:12:54 PM) GOOD BAD
No that is not me
You (7/15/2008 7:08:04 PM)
Zakk not to sound pushy but is there an update on the MAP?
Mr. Zakk [BLS] (7/16/2008 5:55:42 AM) GOOD BAD
Sorry I was out yesterday with a allergy reaction and I just stayed in bed all day taking some medicine. Right now its not looking good as far as a MAP which is what I was pushing for. I am going to see what they have to say about a possible NAP then. Let me have today and I will have a answer for you by tomorrow I do apologize again though for not being here to answer you yesterday but I just couldn't get out of bed.
You (7/16/2008 12:52:55 PM)
thats what i was afraid of. Aight thanks man ill be waiting for ur word.
Mr. Zakk [BLS] (7/16/2008 1:16:14 PM) GOOD BAD
yeah like i said me and Death Proof has been pushing its the rest of the guys that have the problem plus being in our core they have a problem with that I am trying to work on it though but I am not gonna guarantee anything
You (7/16/2008 1:19:07 PM)
oh i didnt know we were in ur core. sorry about that. setup were zeta put us.
Mr. Zakk [BLS] (7/16/2008 1:32:06 PM) GOOD BAD
yeah its cool I have seen before were mixed kingdoms had backfires and it ended up hurting them in the end so I can see what they are talking about
You (7/16/2008 1:34:14 PM)
ya someof us are from Fant a long time ago so i understand. Thats what we were coming here with KH to do is to test that out a little but they went starta instead.
Mr. Zakk [BLS] (7/16/2008 1:42:40 PM) GOOD BAD
ahh well I know it was offered for you guys to join up with us to make things a little easier...yeah a lot of fant players work here from PKS and I was trained on Fant and did good last era but LGC finally killed me off they had like 22 people and I only had 5 lol
You (7/16/2008 1:47:58 PM)
Ya we just made this kd last era on Mant. 10 days before the era ended. We planned on training our new guys this era then back to Mant for a few eras then testing everyones team work on fant. Damn only 5?lol wow man thats pretty good if you hold out for a while against LGC. Well even if our kd relations dont work out, good luck with the rest of the era.
Mr. Zakk [BLS] (7/16/2008 1:50:12 PM) GOOD BAD
yeah you to and yeah this is a training KD I made for my friends in PKS to train and send up our most active players that show good team work
You (7/16/2008 1:52:03 PM)
thats actually a good idea. Kinda like baseball. Play in the minor league then they send you to the major league. Again Good luck and thanks for your time.
Mr. Zakk [BLS] (7/16/2008 1:53:11 PM) GOOD BAD
no problem
You (7/16/2008 9:15:01 PM)
hey zakk we see AoA is coming from the north west. Would you like TDS to help with that situation?
Mr. Zakk [BLS] (7/17/2008 7:11:00 AM) GOOD BAD
Ok here is the situation. Most everyone is uncomfortable with you guys being in the core so what I propose one more time is if you want to join us since we share the same core. I think it would be beneficial with merging armies and such. It would be a better way to watch each others backs and to keep anyone from attacking you from my kingdom. Let me know what you think asap I am not trying to sound pushy mind you I am just trying to hold my people back from attacking
You (7/17/2008 12:10:33 PM)
can you give me the day to talk to my guys about it. i want their imput before i make this decision. thanks
You (7/17/2008 12:25:49 PM)
ok alot of us have been thinking and we all came up with this position.

We made TDS so we werent pawns to the leaders. We made and open kd were everyone was the leader. We will join your kd as long as our members of TDS are still under our control. We wont start wars or nothing that arent being fought by BLS but we plan on leaving the day the era ends to make TDS again and go to Mant next era. But we wont join until you talk to Bloody Sabbath. Thanks you and we hope to hear good news.
Mr. Zakk [BLS] (7/17/2008 12:32:07 PM) GOOD BAD
ok I understand if you want to leave
You (7/17/2008 12:34:59 PM)
ya just message bloody sabbath and talk to him for a sec and everything is set
Mr. Zakk [BLS] (7/17/2008 12:35:59 PM) GOOD BAD
yeah I messaged him
Mr. Zakk [BLS] (7/18/2008 12:05:56 PM) GOOD BAD
so it looks like you guys are deciding to attack us and go back on our deal?
You (7/18/2008 12:09:58 PM)
actually i just woke up. Demetrie or however you spell his name took Blue from us and i guess my guys are retaliating and by the looks of it Twamao or something like that is headed towards our Trux. So actually a retaliation to their attacks. I told most of my guys to stop atleast the ones that are retaliating. Some i have to wait for them to get on before they get the pm,
Mr. Zakk [BLS] (7/18/2008 12:15:11 PM) GOOD BAD
ok I will have a talk with them it p i s s e s me off when people do not read the forums like they are supposed to so i apologize for that i just saw your guys preppin and was wondering
You (7/18/2008 12:21:53 PM)
I assume we will be able to take our city back?
Mr. Zakk [BLS] (7/18/2008 12:40:34 PM) GOOD BAD
yeah I am talking to him right your king said he would have a answer on you guys coming over? is that still happening?
You (7/18/2008 12:43:53 PM)
idk he isnt on yet. Everyone sent the polls to him and he said he would send them to me. Thats all i got for now sorry.
Mr. Zakk [BLS] (7/18/2008 12:56:29 PM) GOOD BAD
ok no problem
You (7/18/2008 12:59:07 PM)
This is what i know so far about the poll without sabbath on. Me, Sabbath and Brutii voted for the merge because right now we want to play not restart on a different world. Then Roheran doesnt want it because he thinks there is room down in the south corner which i was supposed to ask you the other day if there was but i forgot. so if you could answer that that would be greatly appreciated. But thats the most i know.
Mr. Zakk [BLS] (7/18/2008 2:10:02 PM) GOOD BAD
well our core extends down to the south. up north of us though there is plenty of room.
You (7/18/2008 2:14:22 PM)
RM. Zakk i came up with an idea that might make us all happy so there arent any MAJOR ajustments. This is in the case where that merge isnt possible.

Ok ive come up with and idea and a message to send to Zakk so we can have peacefull solution. plz read and tell me if you approve.

Mr. Zakk i know you are probably getting tired of these messages but im trying to get a peaceful solution out of this. If our members dont approve of this merge then maybe we can move our core. To the south are a strip of Brown mountains. Wat if we moved our core to the couth side of those mountains and you guys can have the north side of them. Then when we get our cities set and our income up we can burn and destroy all our cities we have set in the norht.Or in exchange for the same amount of cities you have down south we can take the south cities and the same amount of ours you can take. Like that blocker for instance. If we take that you can have that blocker Sabbath had set up to keep AoA out. We dont plan on going further then the black mountains if that helps with it. Would your guys except that and give us the NAP?
Mr. Zakk [BLS] (7/18/2008 2:42:02 PM) GOOD BAD
I will bring this in front of my members to vote on
You (7/18/2008 2:44:29 PM)
Thank You. Hopefully this will be much more satisfying to them.

19:54:56 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

and where's the part where you either NAP'd or MAP'd the KD that started attacking and weakening us....and then kicked us while we were down....? show me those conversations

19:58:05 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

thats the point. There are no conversations. We now just started talking to Anonymous last night. We are neutral with them. they dont get in our affairs adn we dont get in theirs.

20:00:26 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

I don't remember threatining anyone with war...and we reprimanded Demetrie, as he is a new player, and would have graciously given the city back...i NEVER wanted you to join our KD...that woulnd't have been a great idea but neither is NAP'n every KD on the map...

What about the 4 other members(including you) who were prepping on us.

20:05:27 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

Ya and you guys are supposed to be the sister kd to PKS on Fant. If i were them i would find a new kd to recruite from. They need SMART adn HONOURABLE players who dont attack during CF. And dont accuse other kds of being traitors when there was no nap/map or anyother agreement besides the CF which Demitra broke. We messaged Zakk saying we were done with negotiations so there was NOTHING YOU NO NOTHING TWATS!!!! You guys are newbs if you actually think we wouldnt fight back when you started prepping on our cities and attacked our members. ONce again. you guys have nothing to show for that farming.

20:12:32 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Zakk:

its fine you guys look like a bunch of D-Bags now thats great I wish you guys the best of luck in future endeavors but I plan on seeing you guys again.

20:16:01 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

We do??? After all that accusing you just did and no proof??Hmm i say you guys look the the douche bags not us.

20:17:51 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justino:

i would say this has gotten a bit off topic hasnt it?

20:19:55 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Roheran:

Mr Zakk thanks for your best wishes and I know I for one look forward to battling against you in the future


Ps we are still recruiting ;-)

20:21:19 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

Justino i think its funny. I mean they accuse TDS of being traitors and wont post any proof. I posted the messages between Zakk and i and that showed them up. So now it should be dropped unless BLS can bring any evidence of an agreance to a NAP or MAP.

20:25:50 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justino:

what does map stand for? i think i asked that a while ago but it was never answered

20:33:27 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

its an alliance that cannot be broken. A kd you make this with are allies to the end of the era. usually these are made my ppl who trust eachother a lot. First it starts out as a NAP then as the kds become more trusting to eachother in can evolve into an alliance.

20:34:16 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justino:

why the change in name? what does the "m" stand for?

20:37:16 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

Mutual Alliance Pact

20:37:39 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justino:

o now that makes sense...

20:39:41 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

sorry i thought i should explain it first.

20:39:50 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Zakk:

here is some messages from your king that you might find interesting

Mr. Bloody Sabbath [TDS] (7/15/2008 11:20:49 PM) GOOD BAD
Hey man one of my scouts is stuck in your Blockerc could you opent he gates so i could get him out.

You (7/17/2008 3:33:07 PM)
so I just talked to mr jusin and he said you guys would join up with bls till the era ends and that is totally agreeable with me. just have everyone send in the apps and I will approve them all
Mr. Bloody Sabbath [TDS] (7/17/2008 3:45:29 PM) GOOD BAD
Yea i heard i have been talking with him recently... But yea its simple... i understand that we are in your core and that we face imminent destruction if we do not join you guys. I am ok with that. But as a kingdom and king of my players i would still want full control and actions over my kingdom mates. I dont want your players tryin to recruit my players into yalls kingdom to keep them there and what not. If we join i can guarantee that we will play as a whole kingdom with you guys and help yall when help is needed.

But i just want to put forth that some of our guys arent happy with the possibility of joining you guys soo its gunna develop a grudge to yall. I just dont want my guys coming in and then have yall throwing orders at us.

But in short im ok with this agreement... but may i ask that you give us 24 hours so i can recap with my guys and make sure that everyone is ok with it so that we have everyone on the same page... and if i get everything straigth before 24 hours i will let you know!
You (7/17/2008 3:51:41 PM)
ok sounds good its not the fact that join us or die though...its better to have everyone under one banner to make it easier to watch each others backs for merges or what not I know my guys are excited for you guys coming in. we don't want any grudge or anything like that we are just looking to have some fun. but you don't have to join if you don't want...its totally up to you guys

but yeah let me know and get back to me. I will try to keep anyone from attacking you ...if someone slips up let me know.
Mr. Bloody Sabbath [TDS] (7/17/2008 4:04:43 PM) GOOD BAD
ok sounds good... also if we join... would you apoint me and my fellow vices as vices?
You (7/17/2008 4:15:18 PM)
well I know I will you I will have to talk it over with everyone first
You (7/18/2008 3:04:29 PM)
is there a reason why you guys are scouting our cities are you looking to attack us after we had made a deal?

so after we agree to give you 24 hours you decide to attack us without warning or anything anf you nap'd/map'd the people we were currently fighting. there is your proof I said have a nice life I will see you guys again soon. and wow justin and justino seem to be answering really quickly for them not to be multi's but oh well

20:44:33 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Wow, what *beep*s

You give them time to think over their decision and they attack you
Just shows you should have listened to me ;)

20:44:34 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

its not my fault its summer and i have nothing to do until 2 pm -8 time. I fly through these forums with the internet connection on my laptop. Demitre attacked us during the 24 hours. We still had our guys to convince and if demitre wasnt such a newb and wouldnt have attacked us we probably would be under BLS banner. He attacked and pissed Roheran, Brick pretty much everyone off. There was no point to trust anyone of you after that so we sent the message(there was your warring nub!) aand within 12 hours we attacked.

20:45:28 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justino:

or we are both online at the same time. what a concept.

20:48:27 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Zakk:

and if you read the message I sent to YOUR KING it says if one of my members slips up let me know...but everyone knows now so good luck getting anyone to ever trust you

20:48:46 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

revenge if they listen to you they would be stupid. NOW GTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

20:49:31 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Zakk:

Revenge is my hero!

20:50:29 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justino:

who is revenge? is zakk revenge?

20:51:31 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

Zakk we told you about Demitre. It was our guys who voted to end negotiations you nub. How many times to i have to say it foir it to get through ur head NUB????? Honestly its demitre and his stupity that cost your kd their core. But honestly i cant say im not glad. we were worried at first with you around us. Now if your on Zeta and able to see look at the battle field. there are a few BLS cities that actually pose a threat left adn those will be dealt with very soon

20:52:30 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

Mr. Justino


7/22/2008 12:50:29 PM
who is revenge? is zakk revenge?


He is a know nothing nub so dont worry about him. He thinks he is better then everyone.

20:52:57 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Zakk:

Yeah we are all nubs but atleast you can't call us a bunch of d-bag traitors!

20:52:57 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

.....................they attacked us.they said we will give you time to think then sent out a total of 15 armies only 6 of this being lower then a battalion to us and begun prepping and took a city from us during this prep say if one of your members slipped up but there is not a single member apart frmo you in the core who i didnt see preppin on what oyu wud of kicked the whole KD?

20:54:10 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Zakk:

Justin just wishes he was as good as revenge

20:55:57 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Zakk:

all of our armies moved to our blockers and some moved there armies and was not on I know that for a fact so try to bend the truth however you want everyone knows you are looking to kick us while we were down but thats ok that is real honorable play

20:58:06 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

lol Oh ya Zakk coming from you that means nothing. ill quote you "I was trained on Fant and did good last era " if thats so how come we are kicking your ass? Honestly answer that. A person trained on fant should always train as they build their economy except i didnt this era. I trained from the second i set up my army which was a few ticks after i set up the minning city.

21:01:12 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

OH...let me answer that...we were getting hit already and you decided to kick us while we we fighting someone consider it ANSWERED! Oh and i punched your mother!

21:03:41 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Roheran:

well i guess no one is going to agree on this one. both KD's believe they acted correctly and reading all the above evidence I can kind of understand the ambiguity depending on through whose eyes you are looking through. may i suggest we move on from here, if we can leave on mutual terms then great but i guess things have gone too far for that. Zak, good luck with the rest of the era and hopefully we will battle again. Please believe me when I say I for one acted with honourable intentions and I am confident my KD did as well and from what I have read I am sure you believe that of your KD also. So lets move on with the GAME.




21:03:50 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

hey justin who's the catcher, you or justino....

21:03:58 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justino:

well that doesnt seem fair. why would u punch someones mother?

21:04:19 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Zakk:

train who is talking about training I just said yeah real honorable you guys had this planned out and that is fine everyone wants to take down the top guys and that is cool. and yeah I played on fant last era and was ownd by lgc. we had troops moving to fight aoa not you as you guys said you wanted 24 hours to think things over then I get a message 2 to 3 days later from your king saying you guys decided against it all the while you guys had already begun attacking. but yeah 17 people against the 20 some odd people in aoa and the 11 to 12 in our core that had a lot of troops trained up that moved into place to attack us...yeah you guys are great I tell you what....a great bunch of d-bags

21:04:48 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

punch my mom all you like she is a b*tch. Oh ya thats why armies were prepping on our cities during negotiations, Ya you were so down. But not enough to prep on our cities and take them(demitre once again if that hasnt sunk in nubs). Ya not to down to do that.

21:07:06 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Zakk:

@ Mr. Roheran tell that d-bag Justin to move on and I will as well but as long as he continues so shall I

21:08:52 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Zakk:

yeah and we told your king to take the city back so yeah get over demetrie all ready

and here to refresh your short memory

You (7/18/2008 3:20:22 PM)
these guys are considering joining us so we may want to hold off on the attacks till we get a decision
Mr. Demitrie [BLS] (7/18/2008 3:30:11 PM) GOOD BAD
alright i'll hold around here

You (7/18/2008 3:39:51 PM)
ok yeah I am gonna watch them and if you see them get aggressive towards us take them out
Mr. Demitrie [BLS] (7/18/2008 5:05:10 PM) GOOD BAD
ok will do
Mr. Demitrie [BLS] (7/19/2008 1:13:40 PM) GOOD BAD
They are starting to attack now can i kill him .. :D plz plz plz lol i let them take back blue but looks like they were using that time to pump troops maybe?

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