Forums / In game politics / Nirvana III

Nirvana III
20:42:08 Apr 14th 08 - Mr. Justin:

no phoenix, elliot and fraser are the ones i really want to join me in the angels with.

23:44:04 Apr 14th 08 - Lord Ullic Pendragon:


yeah the only kingdoms that i have seen manage 20+ men effectively...

would be Guals, and Druglords...

well when i was in Druglords we kicked Guals asses... but they had like almost 38 people... they couldn't handle that many people but they came close...


05:30:59 Apr 15th 08 - Mr. Justin:

angels handles a 20+ kingdom perfectly. everyone works together to accompish the same goal and dont stab people in the back and go do their own little ting.

10:37:14 Apr 15th 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

@ seth not all of us are farmers just the path you took around the pass are. dont worry you will have plenty of mines shortly.... dont expect alot from me though my fields will be scorched so long as im awake to do it =-)

12:06:43 Apr 15th 08 - Lord Ullic Pendragon:



you sure you're not a Russian?

19:39:43 Apr 15th 08 - Mr. Seth: bad..cose i see u guys have lumber cities aswell:D
no wonder u lost the war:-))

and if u have cities with mines pls keep them warm cose i'll treat well the miners:P

@Ullic...dont think so cose even tho the russians left their Capital undefended as HH does with their cities, at least the russians had where to withdraw and had the winter to their side...HH doesnt have that:))

23:09:15 Apr 15th 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

@Seth   dont be so smug. i tried to muster def.

00:34:39 Apr 16th 08 - Mr. Seth:

aw cmon Phoenix..belive me i'm not the type to get smugged after a win
i was just kidding commenting a post made by one of your allies:P

yea u guys gave us a good fight and u gave us some serious problems with that incursion of your's:D

00:51:18 Apr 16th 08 - Lord Ullic Pendragon:


yes... but now Havoc has seriously made an act of war upon BC...

and we are warring with Juganitorri now also...

this is going to get really hairy really quick...

02:18:27 Apr 16th 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

its been like that for us all era pendragon XD accept there was another kingdom earlier dont remember the name though...... and then there was blood rose that was hard.

@seth  that little incursion was pretty fun =-)  but too short lived.

03:38:49 Apr 16th 08 - Lord Ullic Pendragon:

yes i think i may know of whom you are speaking of

15:40:52 Apr 22nd 08 - Mr. Seth:

is there anyone left on this map excepting us and Havoc?
Hard to believe anyone escaped from the HVC recruitment as they recruited everything they saw on the map but ....there still is hope that not the whole map joined "the evul side":))

22:19:28 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Furryblaze:

your right they didnt join you so they didnt join the "evul side"

lol   j/k    =-)  

03:26:38 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Seth:

lol furry altho we are only 5 members we didnt accepted any new members..on the other part HVC which already had 3 times more members recruited everyone else on the map...u can be sure alot of thse ppl wanted to join our small team but that was our decission and we'll stick to it..we'll play our cards without any recruitment spree:P
so what r u talking about joining the "evul side"?They all joined one side..and thtat's the evul one as the good one is not desperate on recruitments:D

11:02:14 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Furryblaze:

>_>,   you killed my kingdom you are the evul side to me =-)  do you now know who i am?  i knew changing my name would throw you all MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA..........

18:17:46 Apr 30th 08 - Mr. Slave:

Who is winning? Juganitorii or Havoc?

20:30:40 Apr 30th 08 - Mr. Periannath:

well 20 vs 5 would be bad enough but 20 vs 1 semi active player is well end game ;)

Name Posts Rank Race World Last login
Juganitorul 44 Leader Orc Nirv. 3 days
Seth 170 Vice Elf Nirv. 2 days
* Periannath 80 Mr. Halfling Nirv. Today
Iceman 2 Mr. Human Nirv. 4 days
Crom 51 Lord Orc Nirv. 3 days

22:23:29 Apr 30th 08 - Mr. Kat:

you guys were all multis and thats why u can't log on now

22:39:24 Apr 30th 08 - Mr. Periannath:

yeah.... there was a time when retards were funny but now your not even trying..

22:46:10 Apr 30th 08 - Mr. Kat:

lol i was kidding that was too easy

22:46:58 Apr 30th 08 - Mr. Periannath:

as i said not funny. i never said you were serious hence the NOW YOUR NOT EVEN TRYING...

04:40:34 May 1st 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:



i cant believe that former BC members went a joined that *beep* Surviver even after he killed me...

hell they said they wanted revenge but i didn't think they'd be that desperate...

Faschism sucks anyways.

To tell the truth i would have rather joined the people who weakened me in the first place. Juganitorri... if you guys could match thier numbers then they would loose...

07:44:10 May 1st 08 - Mr. Periannath:

they were losing before everyone went inactive :)

13:25:15 May 1st 08 - Mr. Whoops:

lol loosing? :P we hold the blockers... before you guys were inactive... and from the north we all send down stronger armies then we had in the south...

So we were not loosing...

But i have to say.. you guys created a good fight between our kingdoms before some got inactive...


16:53:59 May 1st 08 - Sir Surviver:

WHO said fachism?!OMG

*surviver runs*


No wait......ullic arn't you communist or was it me?HMMMM!!!!!!


19:33:12 May 1st 08 - Mr. Periannath:

well we had gained land and lost none up untill that point and we had bigger armies so yeah winning :)

01:38:29 May 7th 08 - Mr. Seth:

whoops..u guys were lucky to hold those blockers..i lost an attack on your blocker and then took your main mg city..i could've hold it even if u guys would've merged all your armies in the area and emptying the blockers for that..and i was training allot of troops there...u guys had not even close enough big armies to take us altho they were higher in hoh..i mean i had only archmages and jug nazguls and the 2nd hoh army u guys had was 200k lvl 1 troops lol
if i wouldnt have been afk i would've razed your entire core with that army and we had enough eccon to pump troops in your core and to counter you guys even if u had 4 times more members..but that's what happens when 3out of 5 ppl are going afk for more than a week and the other 2 are semi-actives:P

anyway it was an intresting war and too bad we couldnt play it to the end :(

08:17:22 May 7th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

well uther the former black chain members that went to HVC are called "traitors"

11:05:06 May 7th 08 - Mr. Whoops:

 the 2nd hoh army u guys had was 200k lvl 1 troops lol 

lol you are joking :p... i don't know if you noticed it... but we had a lot of Berserkers/warlords/archmages and axemen going south... with that merge we could easily kill you... and if you didn't noticed it... only 2 armies (merged) took out your 40k ??(50k??) archmages army... All warlords and beserkz..

00:41:19 May 8th 08 - Mr. Seth:

dang i cant find the eits anymore but the strongest (or second strongest?)army u guys had was Elitenightmares and it had around 280k swordsmen and some other troops..u could ask Tidus about that...and that was fishfood for jug's 15k nazguls:P

u guys defeated my aprox 45k archmages army after it stayed for a week on a city beying afk and thus i didint do anything..if i would've been online that army would've had about 100k archmages or maybe more as when i was afk i already had 20k more archm in training in Boramageddon which was behind your blockers and that was only the begining..but the guy that should've login for me when i was afk just moved the army 2 ticks out of the city and i still dunno why he did that but doing that i just lost 150M that i spent on that city till then

the point is that u guys didnt had any army to counter that at that moment as i remember i had 70% on honour's army merged with another 50k army(and that was your first strongest army when it came out?) and did u forgot those 5 or 6 hoh armies i killed in one day?ask com:P 

not to mention that on the other side the situation was kinda simmilar with juganitoru's nazgul army:P

i know that u guys were training bigger armies in the north but dunno really how u would've handled 100k archmages army in your core while u guys should've moved merged to have any chance to defeat it and i doubt anyone could've freeze it:P and on top of that i wasnt even concentrationg only on army training as i was the mage of the kd and had to give mg support(i already had enough pwr to CW your blockers btw:P)

anyway that's old story, we couldnt wage the war till the end and now it's history...nice played on your guy's part aswell and GL:D

19:32:04 May 8th 08 - Mr. Whoops:

lol i know he had 280k ghosts... :p but there is one thing that you can't get from your eits... You can't see the kind of troops in towns when they are in an army... 

I know you could have survived in Borammageddon for a while... but the point is that you moved out ... and then you could not survive... I know you killed some HOH armies seth, but not the strongest ones...


And you guys keep saying that we had a lot more members... but most of them started very late so they could not affort to train troops... only the last few days of the era they had some good troops...


but i agree it was a nice war :) You played nice as well ;) good luck in the future! ;)

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