Forums / In game politics / PKS Noticeboard

PKS Noticeboard
01:10:26 Apr 3rd 07 - Lord Oya:

babyface, whats a nobber? is that someone with a *beep*, cos our female players may get abit offended :P

02:02:21 Apr 3rd 07 - Mr. Donut Forsakeme:

Sir Falazar

4/2/2007 10:31:20 PMHail PKS, would anyone like to run away now if given the chance?
We may consider leniency for anyone who abondons the lost cause, our hordes have all arrived now, and this shouldnt last overly long.

General Falazar

Mr Falazar,

You have the nerve to come here, to our Noticeboard, and attempt to spread discord and false propaganda amongst our membership?  My Lady Lucy has already said what has to be said, but in far more polite terms than I would have.  All I can add is that it's a shame your manhood is not as big as your mouth - if it was you could do truly great things.

05:02:38 Apr 3rd 07 - Mr. Penguin:

I am fairly new to this game( Im a newb) so I have not been around long enough to hear about PKS, PERC. So would someone please enlighten me in the ways of PKS and PERC.

(Edited by Mr. Penguin 4/3/2007 5:03:03 AM)

07:23:29 Apr 3rd 07 - Lord Osiris:

PKS is an oldish kd who still build Rainbow cities for some unknown reason :P PERC is a movement to stop crappy Rainbow cities from being built ;)

16:43:14 Apr 3rd 07 - Sir Mac:

Osiris you are stereotyping. When you here PKS you imediately think, "Oh my gosh! Those punks who build rainbows!"

However this is not the case. Some PKS members have seen the light and many of them are going through stages where they are not comfortable not having enough food for each city.

So be kind, and wait. One day the PKS may be a full member of PERC.

*This message has been brought to you by the government of the PKS*

18:33:33 Apr 3rd 07 - Mr. Donut Forsakeme:

Sir Mac, please stop using such foul language. Ful members of PERC?


And Osi, much as I feel the mutual love between us, I have to say that if you don't see the reason yet then you must be blind.  You guys came into our area and almost decimated us.  In my case, my income dropped to 385 gold (note - not K) per tick, with armies to pay and peasants to feed.

But, thanks to my one remaining nice little rainbow, no-one starved, no-one went without wages, and I stilll had all resources coming in to start rebuilding with.  If that town had been specialised I would have been dead, but (yet again) a Rainbow was my salvation.


18:44:45 Apr 3rd 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

Hmmm.... I have found that it is good to build a PERC style at the start, but then refract light through water in the safest place of your core... All hail PKS!!!

DOWN WITH THE ABYDOSIAN SCUM! Attacking us like that! I'm sick for two days, unable to protect my people, and your ravening hordes attack, the insolent murderous knaves that are your men at arms, they strike, pillaging and burning our homes, our innocent civilians cruelly tortured by the madmen who are your leaders, and why??? For fun. Murdering us, for joy and pleasure! DEATH TO YOU ALL! Unless you decide to surrender. For I am not a vindictive elf, once you are my prisoner, you shall live. Maybe... you shall tend my camels.

19:28:27 Apr 3rd 07 - Sir Fizban:

Erunion's an elf eh? Hey Osi, how much stone would you pay me to teach them the power of PERC. I'd ownage towns for free, but I don't want to fool with rainbows.

20:38:08 Apr 3rd 07 - Sir Falazar:

Hmm so your Duke can offer generous surrender terms, but if I do the same, you are offended?

Lucy: My roots?  Are you under some mistaken belief that my roots are in PKS or some such, or what do you mean by this talk? I proudly come from the land of the Jesters and have trained a good few officers who are scattered thru the lands now.

General Falazar
(*name has ben fully earned, the rank will be paid for in blood and gold (to Zeta) soon *)

20:58:26 Apr 3rd 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

Well you see Falazar, it is known that all members of PKS are honourable enough not to betray their KD.... Need I say more?

20:58:44 Apr 3rd 07 - Mr. Donut Forsakeme:

Please don't confuse contempt with "offended" Mr Falazar

And ET, that was most eloquently put :)

(Edited by Mr. Donut Forsakeme 4/3/2007 9:01:00 PM)

21:26:51 Apr 3rd 07 - Sir RA Enlightens You:

Well you see Falazar, it is known that all members of PKS are honourable enough not to betray their KD.... Need I say more?

i beg to differ ... but that is old, he hasn't betrayed pks ... yet ...  :-p


22:32:28 Apr 3rd 07 - Sir Falazar:

Yes, not all of your people are to be trusted for darn sure :} 

22:35:17 Apr 3rd 07 - Lord Osiris:

And Osi, much as I feel the mutual love between us, I have to say that if you don't see the reason yet then you must be blind.  You guys came into our area and almost decimated us.  In my case, my income dropped to 385 gold (note - not K) per tick, with armies to pay and peasants to feed.

But, thanks to my one remaining nice little rainbow, no-one starved, no-one went without wages, and I stilll had all resources coming in to start rebuilding with.  If that town had been specialised I would have been dead, but (yet again) a Rainbow was my salvation. <---
if you didnt build rainbows maybe you woldnt have been "decimated"

22:41:29 Apr 3rd 07 - Mr. Donut Forsakeme:

RA, we don't count new arrivals in that statement.  Obviously, some people try the PKS way and find it's not for them - thats true of anything. 

But those members who stick around for an era or two very rarely get tempted away, and NEVER have been in the middle of an era.  That's why we have a solid core of players who'll (quite literally some eras) repeatedly die for us but keep flying our flag.  And that's why you simply can't wipe us out ;)

We don't look for world domination, but as long as we exist no other Kingdom will own the whole map - there'll always be a little corner somewhere with a PKS banner flying, as it's flown continuously on Fantasia for the past 10 or more eras.

22:42:36 Apr 3rd 07 - Lord Osiris:

as long as its not flying near us good luck to ya

23:34:27 Apr 3rd 07 - Mr. Donut Forsakeme:

Lord O, even when it does, for every one you burn another pops up just round the corner.  Thought you knew that by now ;)

As for the decimating: one of the stronger and (at the time) much bigger KDs coming in to attack when we were fully occupied on a different front may have had more to do with it than the rainbows, but that's always been a popular tactic with some Kingdoms .... ;)

02:42:41 Apr 4th 07 - Mr. Joseph:

Donut: Where is Xiax when you need him?

18:05:16 Apr 4th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

Alas, for we know not where Xiax is, for he hath dissapeared. His help, we could most definately use, but without him, we may still win, for we are the PKS, and no strangers to a losing fight, for where has peace ever triumphed long?


18:49:30 Apr 4th 07 - Prince Insomaniak:

*a dark figure enters the room, followed by a flock of ravens*

Greetings mortals, I've releaved some of your kingdom's armies of their duty to your cause...they now lie dead on the fields of battle, all 18000 of them, it was a truly wonderfull sight, watching the creatures of darkness emerge from the shadows to feast upon the corpses of your fallen men have never ever amused themselves this good for ages...I must admit, Peacekeeper troops are actually much fun to mutilate and decapitate...

*suddenly the flock of ravens rampages through the room as the figure of darkness leaves*

22:01:00 Apr 4th 07 - Mr. Donut Forsakeme:

Prince I, make yourself useful and wipe the bird sh*t up as you leave,eh?

11:25:19 Apr 8th 07 - Mr. Donut Forsakeme:

Just had a pleasant exchange with Falazar of Abydos.  Apart from the arrogance involved, anyone notice the slightly suspicious wording?  Be interesting to see how quickly Mr Desert's army reacts to Sir Falazar's wishes.  Nothing conclusive of course, but .......  ;)

Sir Falazar [Abydos] (4/8/2007 10:05:16 AM)GOODBAD
if You return to your city, Desert will not come back and attack you, you are the last of your kind, and we are showing some leniency

You (4/8/2007 10:12:55 AM)
Hey, if I'm the last of my kind I may as well go out fighting ;)


Sir Falazar [Abydos] (4/8/2007 10:13:49 AM)
I shall send them back then I suppose.... waste of my time :}

15:48:48 Apr 8th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Or a waste of his precious seconds where he writes a message. ;-)

20:36:47 Apr 8th 07 - Mr. Donut Forsakeme:

That was exactly what I thought Sir Fiz.  I know that I always begrudge the time it takes to answer him ;)

18:21:24 Apr 11th 07 - Mr. Pastry Bolt:

To the members of Diadochi......

As our name suggests, we like peace so you can turn round and walk away now if you want.

Further warning will not be given.

18:35:58 Apr 11th 07 - Mr. Pastry Bolt:

Err, now meant now - not in ten minutes, or "when you feel like it".  You were given a chance, you chose not to take it.

PKS are now at war with Diadochi

18:53:19 Apr 11th 07 - Sir Falazar:

Hehe, good try :} 
  But if you notice, I couldn't get ahold of him and he didnt turn around... I talked with someone else and sent them instead, and yes, the same wording, but I'm not the other person either.  He just happened to be the closest person to threaten you with.

19:06:30 Apr 11th 07 - Mr. Pastry Bolt:

Sir F, I really don't know what.... wait a minute, did you think I was suggesting... no, surely not! That was the last thing on my mind. 

Wait a minute though - if I didn't mean it like that and you took it as that.....  Do you have a guilty conscience Sir F?  Something you'd like to get off your chest?? ;-)

19:08:12 Apr 11th 07 - Ms. Lewatha:

War will be cool =)


I already had a scary suprise from you guys... I captured a city that had 5000 men defending it and another one that had 5000 men defending it(both mr. loco's last city). 2 times the peasants escape with the resources. Ready to march to mr. Loco's last city. The turn passes and I arrive at mr. Loco's last city and this is what I see...


Last Hope is defended by 28702 soldiers who seem to be armed with enhanced weapons and handmade dwarven armor. The city is also defended by 3173 peasants.

You totally fricked me out now.. your best 2 cities nearly undefended and your worst is defended by 28000 men... what the hell?

19:30:56 Apr 11th 07 - Mr. Pastry Bolt:

Ms Lewatha, you forget that this is the first time for many eras that PKS has been at this end of the table.  We're more used to defending against the likes of Legacy and Abydos - this is the first time in almost 12 months that we've had to restart.  All credit to Abydos for that btw :).

You're right, though, war will be cool ;)

19:38:41 Apr 11th 07 - Sir Falazar:

Ahh I see, you meant to insult my leading abilities :}

Yes, I can lead quite a few ppl when it is necessary, and we have a good group here at my work that work closely so we could help eachother out when needed.

And we did get rid of you guys a day or so earlier than I had planned for, so I think your name change and world move speaks to that point well.

19:42:39 Apr 11th 07 - Ms. Lewatha:

We haven't had to restart yet. Though that's probably because we are only around for 3 era's.

19:45:24 Apr 11th 07 - Mr. Pastry Bolt:

My name hasn't changed - the dough has simply been (well and truly) baked in the heat of the battle,, and who the hell heard of a pastrynut??? :D

As for the day or two earlier than expected, you were helped a little by our KD decision to relocate.  Would have happened anyway, there didn't seem much point in dragging it out any further, and it's easier to relocate with protection than without ;)

19:51:04 Apr 11th 07 - Ms. Lewatha:

We relocated 5 days ago... We revolted against the old TCS.

20:11:00 Apr 11th 07 - Sir Falazar:

Ahh, I see where ya are now...
Well good luck, you fought hard and well, and maybe next time we'll be on the same side.

21:04:57 Apr 11th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

Good war Falazar, sorry I wasn't more of a challenge, had been sick and very inactive right before you killed me....

Ah, Lewatha. It'll be nice fighting you.

Oh, By the way, would you prefer a stone or a wood coffin? Woods cheaper, but I'm sure the loot we get from you will pay for the stone one. :p

21:18:37 Apr 11th 07 - Ms. Lewatha:

I see why you earned the rank of duke, very good at roleplaying =)

Nothing defeats the Diadochi!
except a redberry pie!

oh, I love redberry pie =)

00:00:32 Apr 12th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

Ah, thou fool! I now shall equip my armies with bakeries!

That is, of course, if the mindless blabber coming out of thy mouth is in fact truth, rather than pointless, and foolish propoganda.

I will meet you in battle, unless of course you are too cowardly, then I'll just have to kill your troops to get your attention.

00:01:41 Apr 12th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

Oh, By the way, thank you for the compliment, I try my poor best to Roleplay, and am sure that you can be at the least just as good.

22:04:19 Apr 14th 07 - Ms. Lewatha:

I'm not bothered with roleplaying for the game =P

I see you guys have called for Illuminati for help?.. It'll be my pleasure to slaughter as many of their troops as I can.

23:37:50 Apr 14th 07 - Sir Mac:

Those of the Illuminati who do not feel our poor plight beneath them and have come to help, came on their own free will.

Although you have slain my last soldiers, my Legacy will live on in my heirs and through the General who has led my forces for generations.

01:54:41 Apr 15th 07 - Sir Arzun:

Mac I am very sorry, we would have sent more, but we are having troubles of our own with Legacy : (

I hope what little help is there will be of use.

17:21:52 Apr 15th 07 - Sir Mac:

Arzun, we completely understand and hope that with the help we are receiving we will be able to defeat the Diadocci, and come to repay our debt.

20:25:49 Apr 15th 07 - Ms. Lewatha:

I doubt you'll be able to beat us. But I wish you luck. You still haven't seen us in all out attack. But that's because we have some members that are pretty bad at building up an economy but are very good in war

07:46:01 Apr 16th 07 - Mr. Murtagah:

lol i got a front row seat for this battle... as i have cities in the area of pks and diadochi.. (had the area first ;)  ) lol. goodluck to both sides :)

03:22:44 Apr 17th 07 - Mr. Deadly Doughnut:

My kd could bake you guys some pies...that is our specialty.  This war stuff dosen't suit us well


08:04:43 Apr 17th 07 - Ms. Lewatha:

lmao deadly donut


PKs would be dead if it wasn't for IE sending in troops.

09:11:55 Apr 17th 07 - Mr. Kimma:

yes, that's cause we are friends with them/have friends with them, friends tend to help, don't they?

13:26:15 Apr 17th 07 - Lady Mifune:

I think IE should win the award for the friendliest/most helpful kingdom on Fantasia.  It has been my experience with them that they are always willing to lend a hand when they are able. 

I <3 IE!!!  Thanks for your help this era!

17:53:27 Apr 17th 07 - Ms. Lewatha:

Kimma> yeah... I just want to be an ass =D

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