Forums / In game politics / fuzzy little man peach that !

fuzzy little man peach that !
22:09:32 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Maybe you have problems with literacy as well? Read a little closer next time.... We never said anything, ANYTHING!(caps so you read it this time) about being better than DB, just trying to be more powerful on hoh.... Whats wrong with that?.....

And winning your first war with 7 members isn't much of a challenge on Valhalla, but the first kingdom Fuzzy beat was Heaven. Although they were not fully settled I believe they are better than anything on Valhalla ;-)

Flame that if you can;-)

22:15:31 Aug 17th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

...WE BEAT HEAVAN BEFORE LOL in my original KD.can you read also said that you were blah blah precentage of it as if that proved your power.however it doesnt show anything.we beat Sarafan knights,a stronger KD then Heaven.we are fighting Wraith and Love and other members from Worlds above nirvana by far.Just give up man.

22:26:11 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

heavan was on fant this era...

22:29:34 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Your starting a whole new arguement-.- I don't care how powerful you think your kingdom is, your still ignorant of the point of this thread;-) Our goal is to pass Dark Blood in hoh power percentage. End of story..... Not saying we're better, nto saying anything about them, just want to beat their hoh power percentage.

Read this post then go back to the Valhalla thread or something;-) Just quit annoying me.... Your trying to start an arguement over something else altogether, if you want to continue with it post it in your embassy or something, just not here....

btw, I'm not coming to continue if you do post this on your embassy, just want to see if you'd really do it ;-)

23:18:45 Aug 17th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

Mr. Ruby Knight


8/17/2008 9:29:34 PMYour starting a whole new arguement-.- I don't care how powerful you think your kingdom is, your still ignorant of the point of this thread;-) Our goal is to pass Dark Blood in hoh power percentage. End of story..... Not saying we're better, nto saying anything about them, just want to beat their hoh power percentage.

When did i mention my KD's power.I was stating one fact.that you cant really try and use a fant KD as your meter point when you are on a different world.

23:37:13 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

"We could say ohh ohh DB were 130% of us before we had a big power drop but we dont as we know it means nothing.We Own the HoH and the maket and a large amount of the map with Evolution our ally.doesnt mean nothing when your on a world below Zetamania."

You were very clearly bragging about your kingdoms power right there lol, don't try to cover it up.... There was no other reason to state it. Not even as an example, you used far to much detail.

"I was stating one fact.that you cant really try and use a fant KD as your meter point when you are on a different world."

I know, but we can use it as a goal, just for the fun of it.... (how many times have I said that now on this thread?).

23:40:12 Aug 17th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

yeah but your arent the person i took problem with lool.gallyon was using it as some kind of verification that his KD were strong.

00:12:26 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

What's lool? ; )

Nitral, why does it matter? This always happen because people forget that this is a GAME. Remember that. Its for FUN. Get it?

00:31:19 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Another Wolf:

They just want Greg to have the HoH as high or higher than DB, thats all, they dont want to prove to anyone that they are strong, just pushing themselves to see if they can accomplish that simple goal, ofcourse this is also a very unstable or inaccurate way to meassure your progress since in fant or wherever DB is there will be wars that people in nirvana are not aware of, so if DB takes a hit that brings them down to 90% of gregs power then it doesnt mean greg grew, it means DB shrunk... if you get what I am saying, it basicly means that what nitral said its true

"I was stating one fact.that you cant really try and use a fant KD as your meter point when you are on a different world."

because of what I explained that is true, but also Ruby says he isent trying to argue, because as he said many times, its just to see if they can do it, and there is no harm in that.

00:32:45 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Old Greg:

wow why does our KD recieve so much flaming? do some of you guys get that bored you make everything go out of proportion. Gallyon clearly said he wanted to be higher than DB in the power %, so how does this mean we are better than DB? we are in nirvana ffs, seriously re read this thread and you will laugh at how bad you mistook it :)

00:33:33 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

well im out anyway.gonna stop posting as in know how annoying it is getting flamed.

02:53:50 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

cough *ghey* cough

03:17:38 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Mr. Old Greg


8/17/2008 4:32:45 PM
wow why does our KD recieve so much flaming? do some of you guys get that bored you make everything go out of proportion. Gallyon clearly said he wanted to be higher than DB in the power %, so how does this mean we are better than DB? we are in nirvana ffs, seriously re read this thread and you will laugh at how bad you mistook it :)

Prob cuz the stupid PMS you send other kds

03:36:36 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Which world are you on again? What do you have to do with Fuzzy? Why must you people keep coming here trying to start stuff...... Do you people just like arguing!? I don't get it.... Nitral left( I hope) and then another one decides to pop in for a visit. Go away...

03:45:24 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Justin:

i came in here cuz the stupid little Message ur leader Gallyon decided to send TDS!

04:03:27 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

now for a little tag rearanging...

Mr. Justin


8/17/2008 7:45:24 PM
i came in here cuz the stupid little Message ur leader Gallyon decided to send STD!

04:14:11 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Justin:

wow so cool opportunity

04:27:18 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

lol, love that ^^'

"Prob cuz the stupid PMS you send other kds"

"i came in here cuz the stupid little Message ur leader Gallyon decided to send STD!"

PMS and STDs, something your not telling us Justin? o.O That explains your bad mood...

But on the serious side, I haven't seen the msg so I can't comment, sort it out in private with him but don't come on here flaming us... Your a big boy/girl? now, you can handle it, I hope....

06:03:52 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Mr. Justin


8/17/2008 8:14:11 PM
wow so cool opportunity

I know, I was stoked : )

07:10:09 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

Sir Another Wolf


8/18/2008 12:31:19 AM

They just want Greg to have the HoH as high or higher than DB, thats all, they dont want to prove to anyone that they are strong, just pushing themselves to see if they can accomplish that simple goal, ofcourse this is also a very unstable or inaccurate way to meassure your progress since in fant or wherever DB is there will be wars that people in nirvana are not aware of, so if DB takes a hit that brings them down to 90% of gregs power then it doesnt mean greg grew, it means DB shrunk... if you get what I am saying, it basicly means that what nitral said its true

"I was stating one fact.that you cant really try and use a fant KD as your meter point when you are on a different world."

because of what I explained that is true, but also Ruby says he isent trying to argue, because as he said many times, its just to see if they can do it, and there is no harm in that.''

Wooow!!.. i must completely agree with that whole story :D

15:53:48 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

Mr. Justin


8/18/2008 2:45:24 AMi came in here cuz the stupid little Message ur leader Gallyon decided to send TDS!

Its true.that message was extremely disrespectful and a OUTRAGE to any diplomatic skill.

17:38:22 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Dark Lord Osiris


8/17/2008 10:01:57 PM
and fant players pwning newbs doesnt mean a lot either :)

Rofl at this ;)

19:32:55 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

haha :)....Justin :).. strange, I never send ya a message :). I did send ur king one though :p..

I think I called his kingdom..'Not newby, but not profesional either :)'. and after that I got this whole load of crap from ur king. I was actually trying to be kind instead of insulting :). Srry about that :D

20:28:04 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Another Wolf:

Well Gallyon you happen to be a ball of insult running arround... everything you do or say is insulting to someone ;P... oh and Ruby, people do like to argue, such as I, I like to argue because I like to see what people have to say ;D

"Its true.that message was extremely disrespectful and a """OUTRAGE to any diplomatic skill."""
Does grammar accept this way of putting things?... I read that part and It sounds wrong to me... just pointing that out.,.,.,..,.,.,.


PS. for all of you that didnt know, PMS= Pubic Manipulation Sensitiveness, a serious disease which greatly increases the sensitivity of the pubic area, leading to very, very early ejaculations.

21:21:55 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

*Opportunity watches Wolf get wiped out by Gallyon's armies : )

21:29:47 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Mr. Gallyon


8/18/2008 11:32:55 AM
Mr. Gallyon


8/18/2008 11:32:55 AM
haha :)....Justin :).. strange, I never send ya a message :). I did send ur king one though :p..

I think I called his kingdom..'Not newby, but not profesional either :)'. and after that I got this whole load of crap from ur king. I was actually trying to be kind instead of insulting :). Srry about that :D

I think I called his kingdom..'Not newby, but not profesional either :)'. and after that I got this whole load of crap from ur king. I was actually trying to be kind instead of insulting :). Srry about that :D

Gallyon just because you send it to Sabbath doesnt mean i cant get my hands on it. Im his friend and Head Vice of the Kd.

22:11:25 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

Mr. Justin


8/18/2008 8:29:47 PM
Mr. Gallyon


8/18/2008 11:32:55 AM
Mr. Gallyon


8/18/2008 11:32:55 AM
haha :)....Justin :).. strange, I never send ya a message :). I did send ur king one though :p..

I think I called his kingdom..'Not newby, but not profesional either :)'. and after that I got this whole load of crap from ur king. I was actually trying to be kind instead of insulting :). Srry about that :D

I think I called his kingdom..'Not newby, but not profesional either :)'. and after that I got this whole load of crap from ur king. I was actually trying to be kind instead of insulting :). Srry about that :D

Gallyon just because you send it to Sabbath doesnt mean i cant get my hands on it. Im his friend and Head Vice of the Kd.

Yeah i got my hands on it too.

22:12:57 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Revenge:

I got my Beer on it >_>


10:13:13 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

I still don't care you can read it :)

16:21:35 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Brutii:

lol revenge

16:31:23 Aug 23rd 08 - Necromancer Holy Paladin:

... i need something to make fun of...

16:45:22 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Shoon:

Uhhh...GO PKS! :D

16:48:05 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Then go find another thread where you won't lose your arguements;-)

11:28:08 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

I'm sooo time we shouldn't kill everyone before the end of the era..we now had like 10 days of doing almost absolutely nothing coz everyone's dead already..except for our ally's ofcourse :D

and we wont attack them either..we've never attacked any of our ally's (I said that on purpose to get the flaming's true).

lalalalalalala...ooooh yeah! :)

22:58:01 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

YOU LIARS.NAP BREAKERS( i know nothing about you but hey im sure someone thinks you betrayed them).and also DONT JOIN THIS KD ITS *beep*.JOIN TDS SO THAT IoK HAVE MORE PEOPLE TO FIGHT.

23:03:18 Aug 24th 08 - Demonic Insomaniak:

there we go...go back from where ya came from Nitral! oh and get a proper title...Sir Lords are teh gh3y :P

23:36:42 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

HEY SHUT UP was MR.Lord But then i got taken up.i will be returning to Sir Kathandarion Next era,SO BE SILENT.

* draws a holy sword*
or else demon boy.

22:46:14 Aug 28th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

yayy!! Fuzzy has Conquered and defeated everyone on Nirvana except for our honourable ally's Heaven. We are very happy. All our members except two made it inside the top 20 of Nirvana. so we kinda achieved all our main goals :) we Will continue under the name of Insubordination next era. more information about insubordination will be given tomorrow.

23:55:00 Aug 28th 08 - Mr. Guthix III:

What world are you guys planning to start in?

23:55:51 Aug 28th 08 - Mr. Guthix III:

I wanna see if theirs any compition for Boo.

00:03:16 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Old Greg:

Mr. Guthix III


8/28/2008 11:55:00 PMWhat world are you guys planning to start in?

tune in tomorrow to find out insubordinations future :)
see you next time on the Fuzzy show

00:39:29 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:


Army Info
Commander: Mr. Whoop Kingdom Banner
Kingdom: Peacekeepers
Size: Division (10,000-20,000)
Status: Camping


02:38:56 Aug 29th 08 - Ms. Viper:

Hey, I may not have made it into the top 20, but I was 22nd. So I was close enough. >.>

00:14:55 Aug 30th 08 - Mr. Guthix III:

uhhhhhhhhhh. sooo guys gonna stop dilly dalling and gonna tell me if Boo has compition.

or you could just tell me when its gonna be decided or tell me now

08:56:44 Aug 30th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

well, we already decided it quite a long time ago :)
but it will be posted in our new embassy soon

10:44:51 Aug 30th 08 - Mr. Old Greg:

we don't want to give our plan of poisoning the worlds water supply, killing everyones troops leaving their cities undefended for us to take, whoops i did it again.....

14:48:24 Aug 30th 08 - Mr. Woody:

Greg, that's the 3rd time you have given our plan away.....

back to the drawing board :/

22:39:20 Sep 2nd 08 - Mr. Yoshi:

you mind mailing me a new copy of your plan =)


23:02:44 Sep 2nd 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

alright, it's very simple, we're gonna get everyone angry upon us..that way they will all wanna attack us, and surround us..

that makes things very easy for us, coz then we can attack in ALL directions!! ::D

that's a great advantage ;)

01:11:33 Sep 3rd 08 - Mr. Zamorak:

well that make sense but what happens when they get to out of control for you guys

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