Forums / In game politics / Fant Era 85

Fant Era 85
09:22:42 Jun 24th 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:


Sounds like time to join a Val kingdom!

Run long. You won't get far. 

10:01:51 Jun 24th 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

Cheat long. You won't get far.

08:49:11 Jun 27th 22 - Mr. Kal III:

I realy dont like talking in forums here but. I do have to open my mouth about this. Im sure others have spotted it as well.

I am requesting the admins to remove Percy the Arma Caster as it is well known with evidence he purposefuly drops 1 or 2, 90k ctiies without defence andwalls and hands them freely over to bezerkers.

you can see he is now handing a new one built in the north probably gonna hand it over to imperium after its 90k built. i believe its only at 20k so far.   

But yes, i believe this would be cheating in my opinion.

My request, and I already written it to admins about all this, is to ban Percy. So that true gamers may feel what its like to play a fairer game.

P.S. Not complaining towards a specific kingdom however , if the truth hurts please dont read this, thanks.

09:03:30 Jun 27th 22 - Prime Minister Thorbecke:

Hahaha what kind of trolling is this? Would be funny if it wasn't so sad since you're basically mocking the fact that we care about fair gameplay here.

13:11:26 Jun 27th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Boef):

low effort troll

13:17:39 Jun 27th 22 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

No idea who you are Kal, and I realize you are probably just a bad (and I mean bad troll), but on the off chance you’re being serious or someone new/returning sees this:

There’s an agreement among all KDs on all worlds to not attack me so I can cast Arma if/when it’s needed since ZeTa is too busy these days to manually restart an era. We’ve had several eras get dragged out for weeks waiting for someone to be able to cast. Since I’m not playing much anymore, I’ve volunteered to help with this effort. 

Rather than point to me and calling it “feeding”, point to  PDC for knowingly and intentionally breaking that agreement due to his frustrations at events in the game. He was fully aware of my presence and what I do, yet he targeted me anyways.

I intentionally have no troops so people understand I’m no threat, and welcome Eye in The Sky casts on me to verify what I claim. Same as I can’t touch market, can’t cast on anyone, can’t close gates, can’t share LoS/Intel, anything. For all intents and purposes, I don’t exist except to cast Arma if the world needs it.

13:49:16 Jun 27th 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

06:23:42 Jun 3rd 22 - HorusPanic (Sir Horus):

Can we have a map where everyone is allowed to make 2 chars on it? It would encourage shady tactics, but at least its shady on a level playing field.

both chars would have to be in the same kingdom, or a kingdomless world

Rate this suggestion:    


14:04:18 Jun 29th 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

Not that anyone should care about the questionable opinion coming from a new account that has a suspicious language pattern, but MAD/Zerks were 95% of the players unhappy with long eras. Pretty odd someone from MAD would have Kal's take. 

IMO we should all just gang up on Berserkers every era and put them out of the game ASAP since they blatantly cheat and ruin the game anyway. If they cheat (like usual) it'll be good for the rest of us to take them out early and if they don't cheat, they'll just be a complete easy takeover since they always fall over instantly like easy mode AI if they don't cheat.

Then we should drag the era out as long as possible since clearly Zerks prefer watching over playing, as we can see with how much they like doing nothing while watching PDCheat cheats his way to the top and gets dumpstered like trash every time he doesn't cheat!

Damn these Zerkers players are embarrassing and bad :D 

15:03:20 Jun 29th 22 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

There is the whiner again........

00:07:19 Jun 30th 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:


There is the whiner again........

Anyone who has to go against this type of gameplay has earned the right to whine :)

Just so you know, I’ll never stop reminding everyone about who the cheaters are :D. Don’t want anyone new to the game thinking PDC or Chinggis can actually do anything relevant in the game without blatantly cheating! I remember when I thought PDC was good when I was new! 

00:52:50 Jun 30th 22 - Mr. Fcukr:

PDC has never been good, even when he cheats. Just another version of Kath.

00:59:28 Jun 30th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Boef):

PDC is the ultimate proof that activity does matter. Average player, hyperactive, throws tantrums and cheats when it doesn't go his way. He probably told himself and his KD that him accepting Chingis's blatant cheating and taking Percy's farm cities, fucking over the rest of the world, is in any way justified, but we all just snicker at his hypocrisy when he tries to "defend" himself.

But I bet PDC or Kob will come in again and throw cheating accusations around. Atleast Cyrus went from blatantly trolling to making genuinely good points in the past couple of months. Would love to see some of that from PDC/Kob

08:39:25 Jun 30th 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

Can’t we all just nap and farm next era

No one can cheat

No one will complain then

And I will win for once😂

08:42:52 Jun 30th 22 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

I demand world peace😂

12:30:58 Jun 30th 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:

Mr. Kal III:

I realy dont like talking in forums here but. I do have to open my mouth about this. Im sure others have spotted it as well.

I am requesting the admins to remove Percy the Arma Caster as it is well known with evidence he purposefuly drops 1 or 2, 90k ctiies without defence andwalls and hands them freely over to bezerkers.

you can see he is now handing a new one built in the north probably gonna hand it over to imperium after its 90k built. i believe its only at 20k so far.   

But yes, i believe this would be cheating in my opinion.

My request, and I already written it to admins about all this, is to ban Percy. So that true gamers may feel what its like to play a fairer game.

P.S. Not complaining towards a specific kingdom however , if the truth hurts please dont read this, thanks.

Please Admin remove him (character name: Percy The Range Test Officer) from Fant map. 
We have prooves of his feeding with screenshots. He builds freaking 90ker (multiple 90kers) without a single walls & ZERO defenses. Imperium talks about last era when they support him Not Building anything as defense. These cities are "Mines" & "Feeder cities". This era luckily PDC took his cities. Then he retarted with big mines again to feed "Imperium". 

And Percy "you're Exposed". 

12:33:44 Jun 30th 22 - Mr. Fcukr:

What a load of nonsense

13:14:32 Jun 30th 22 - Percy (Sir Percy The Medical Practitioner):

Two things:

1) I actually played last era, so I don’t know where the “Imperium supported no defenses last era” comes from. You were too banned to see it, but PDC and I were neck and neck vying for #1. Aside from that last era back, the entire community on all maps have been supportive of me doing this role, with the no defenses being a global ask. Interestingly enough, I have yet to have an issue with this until PDC decided to feed on me instead.

2) For that reason, I’ve left the world of Fantasia, as I’m not nearly active enough to prevent being attacked, and if PDC is going to intentionally target me, I’d rather the eras wait for ZeTa to restart it than risk being a feed source to PDC.

It’s pretty comical that not a single person has attacked me on Fant as an Arma caster ever since I started doing this (I think last Fall?) except for PDC, yet somehow you try to throw crap on everyone else. 

I’ll not say anything else on this topic to you, as just like PDC, you can’t be reasoned with and use falsehoods to make your “points”, which isn’t worth the breath arguing. Ask ZeTa to review logs, I’ll share my news feed, whatever. Only person to attack me on Fant as an Arma Caster since I started it is PDC.

15:38:29 Jun 30th 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

Chinggis somehow doesn’t realize that he has made both himself and PDC the laughing stock of the game. Great job Chinggis! It’s amazing how every time you type something, it just ends up making you and PDC look even more guilty to the rest of us. Like, do you understand how that last post you made looks to litterally every single other player in this game that isn’t you or PDC? Of course you don’t.

Also getting an “odd” and “familiar” feeling about this Kal guy. HMMMMMM

17:01:56 Jun 30th 22 - Princess Yasmina:

But does it really? 

You have to take into consideration several months of these arguments lead to nothing, so don't know why you think otherwise now?

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Imperium15The Ancient Imperator Imperiorum100
Mad and Dangerous5Mr. Aloysius24
Berzerkerz9Death God Please Dont Cry24
The Dutch Rappers5I am Brainpower18

It just means 15 Imp members and now 5 DR members see them this way, while Mad and Berserkers (14 members) do not. If 14 members of this game support them, we really did nothing. 

15:17:14 Jul 1st 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:

Look how overwhelm Imp is. Whenever we try to STOP them whether in OOP/ Mid (it's always 1vs+5 if u plan attacking them) they throws their peanuts towards us. And try to convince other ally players to do the same who they have played with for years! Although many strongly throws a No Vote on their face. No offense. 

They don't want Zerkers to play as they don't want the sightest competitions. Like that gonna happen ever. I Chinggis will not held back no matter what bullsh1t accusations you come up with. 

19:07:12 Jul 1st 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

Chinggis you really are just clueless. The problem here is you, not Zerkers as a whole. We'd be glad to go against Zerkers and have normal eras. Everyone wants to see Zerkers on the map every era if possible (playing fairly). No one wants to see you on the map though because you cheat. Multi accounts, market feeding... you name it, that's the Chinggis way. There's assloads of objective proof at this point that you're a cheater. Everyone here has seen the Google Doc Venomz made about Chinngus and his blatant cheating, right? 

Anyway, once again, don't get it twisted Chinggis. Cheating and dishonorable gameplay (like capping the Arma city from Percy) is the issue. That is why everyone hates you. No one is mad about competition. If you guys are mad and feel the balance is unfair, talk to us like adults instead of cheating like children and I'm sure we could come up with something to balance this world. 

Most of us literally don't even care about winning or high scores because we realize they don't reflect who the best players are. Skill =/= Winning. Just because there is a correlation doesn't mean someone who wins is good, especially in this game. You are a scrub Chinggus, and that is why you cheat to (attempt) winning. 

TLDR; Chinggus please stop pretending like anyone is taking seriously.

19:09:18 Jul 1st 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

05:13:27 Jul 2nd 22 - Mr. Aloysius:

Cyrone said last era, he is going to quit. And he is still here.

I believe what he is saying now. Hahaha

08:51:44 Jul 2nd 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:

10:54:28 Jul 2nd 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

20:38:10 Jul 2nd 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

Also, idk why you're flaming me Aloysius; I haven't said anything about you or your KD. You can't actually be supporting this guy, can you? Care to explain? 

20:59:14 Jul 2nd 22 - Legend (I am Legendary):

Aloy has some "Woke" blood? Protect the minority?

22:50:12 Jul 2nd 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

Listen, I'm sorry for being toxic toward MAD in the past when it wasn't warranted. To me that was just fun; trying to create animosity so people had more passion in the game and cared more about winning. Horus had characters in both MAD and Zerkers but I'm willing to believe he was acting on his own. I think maybe this isn't some giant KD wide multi account conspiracy, and is instead just 2-4 bad actors making everyone else look horrible. 

But really, when Percy was testing things 3 or 4 eras ago and had his city in the MAD core, did MAD cap it and ruin the era like PDC did? Nope. Does MAD market feed at the start of the era with multi accounts? Nope. I always grouped MAD and Zerkers together as if they were one clan but this era at least shows me they definitely have different moral standards and it was not fair of me to group them together in all things. It's not even Zerkers as a whole, but literally just a few players within that clan that do these things. I'm probably not going to stop flaming or anything, but at least know I concede that I was looking at the picture as if it were black and white which was pretty closed minded. 

Just read this dude, it's really hard to for anyone to argue in favor of Chinggus after seeing this:

Keep in mind it WAS NOT ME who put that together, so you don't have to feel like you're agreeing with me! Just read it and come to your own conclusion. I just want to play the game without having to police and worry about multi account cheaters. That's it.

11:25:16 Jul 3rd 22 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Thats weird Hef Bundy suddenly left DR, joined Imp and now cannot speak Dutch anymore.... 

18:35:12 Jul 3rd 22 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dark Knight II):

I joined Imp last era and I just noticed I can’t speak Dutch either. I think you’re onto something there!

18:55:58 Jul 3rd 22 - Konspyre (Captain Swedish Rapper):

Och Scheiße

19:07:42 Jul 3rd 22 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Normally Hef Bundy responses to my ingame messages within a few hours, always in Dutch, now he does not.

19:18:04 Jul 3rd 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:

So bad venomz leaving his "own" kingdom to actually save his a$$. I'd never leave my kd in any circumstances.

Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

it's really hard to for anyone to argue in favor of Chinggus... 

15:23:04 Jul 4th 22 - Mr. Kal III:

21:13:27 Jul 1st 22 - Mr. Aloysius:
Cyrone said last era, he is going to quit. And he is still here.

I believe what he is saying now. Hahaha

HAha -ha !

19:44:25 Jul 4th 22 - Mr. Kal III:

Oi , someone needs to sell some food.

21:55:54 Jul 4th 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:

Mr. Kal III:

Oi , someone needs to sell some food.

You still need foods? 

22:02:52 Jul 4th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Swedish Rapper):

Anyone else in physical pain from this puppet show?

23:31:57 Jul 4th 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

I love puppet shows guys! Keep it going Kal/Chingus!

00:20:20 Jul 5th 22 - Mr. Kal III:

Just a personal thing i did 0ver 10 years back.  I remember someone saying this sentence to me long ago about it too:

"Is holo special or something since he uses colored text and the rest of us dont?"

Suprises how very much alike you all are to that of your Veteran Ancestors.

00:43:45 Jul 5th 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

06:48:40 Jul 5th 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:


Anyone else in physical pain from this puppet show?

See how much you folks are wasted.

00:02:29 Jul 6th 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

Oh look guys, Chinggis left Zerkers! He’s totally not doing that to do some shady gameplay that benefits his master PDC! Slave Master PDC wouldn’t have his CheatZerker Chinggis leave for nothing!

Man these guys are so bad lol! I wonder how it feels to cheat and lose? Anyone know? Chinggis? PDC? Any comments?

00:36:20 Jul 6th 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:


We followed Venz. 

01:40:11 Jul 6th 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

lololol it's not comparable. They left DR because DR dissolved (much in part because they don't want to be part of a cheater world with you). Nice try you pathetic little cheater! Great job killing Fantasia and making no one want to play on it though (not because you're good at the game or anything, its because you cheat)!

You and your Slave Master PDC are so pathetic! Tell your Master who gives you all of your commands (like a dog) and uses you as his cheat shield we're all having a good time laughing at you guys!

Damn you are SOOOOO bad PDC Slave Chinngis! 

06:14:14 Jul 6th 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:

I'll slaughter you cities next era. Knob. 

23:59:49 Jul 6th 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

That’s great Chinggis. Can’t wait to see how many multi accounts you use next era!

Also tell your Master Slave Daddy PDC, who we all know commands you like a dog, that he should be pretty ashamed if he loses this era! Imagine cheating this hard and losing! Imagine if PDC and his cheat shield dog Chingus played fair... they’d probably lose to a new KD on Valhalla!

02:21:42 Jul 7th 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

04:47:32 Jul 7th 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:

You're well known whiner. Happy whining next era. 

05:15:49 Jul 7th 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

Good one!

Cheat more PDC Slave Chinggis Cheat!

Happy trying to get anyone in the community to take anything you say seriously!

08:04:25 Jul 7th 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

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