Forums / In game politics / PHI EMPIRE
00:01:58 May 22nd 07 - Sir Wolf Ruga: Jester is giving their cities away to everyone, unfortunately. Dorian Empire shouldn't count on that list because they're fending off Carnage and LDK at the same time while still managing Abydos. | ||||
00:07:41 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Ignis The Broken Lawn Mower: Yup. Last time we we're warring Carnage + Abydos, we obviously had this ENORMOUS advantage, I mean cmon, we should've won easily! And this era we had the element of surprise. Apparently it wasn't obvious that we had every intention of attacking you. The 3 other kingdom's are weak because they lost most of their good players, and couldn't put up a fight. Dorian empire was barely stronger than us (on the chart) at the start, probably due to having 35 players (no offense), and already fell behind us before you got a single army into their core. At least, when they fell behind us they were still on your side of the bridge :). I'm thinking this was due to the other kingdoms the were fighting. Also, I didn't say we would crush you. You have great players, but we aren't bad at all either. As smuff pointed out though, it'll never be a 1 on 1 fight for you guys :). Edit: So jester is giving away all there cities, and suiciding there armies into our blockers, correct? | ||||
00:12:57 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale: yeah element of sprise my ass! falazar was hinting at a Phi invasion even before we had decided what to do with teh Jesters!!!! | ||||
00:14:57 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Ignis The Broken Lawn Mower: Ok now. Back to fighting. *on the map* And I don't know why jester is suiciding, but we definitely underestimated them. Good job jester :). | ||||
00:16:37 May 22nd 07 - Dark Lord Osiris: ignis if you wernt so retarded you would realise you attacked our undefended blockers last era by suprise a week before carnage attacked you. we had no armies in the area yet fought you too a standstill. but ofc the only kd phi would have problems with is lgc (quote from phi) so you shouldnt have trouble with us | ||||
00:17:06 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Dakarius: Just think we were split up, you were warring about 3 or 4 Jester members. 3 were defending against LGC and Carnage and the rest were kinda innactive. Maybe one day we will get a good start ;) | ||||
00:17:15 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale: not really. they are up against over 100k phi troops. which have now been blessed. i dont get it! why are they suiciding the stuff??!! | ||||
00:18:41 May 22nd 07 - Dark Lord Osiris: because they dont like you? | ||||
00:21:01 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale: id rather think that than the idea of them GIVING you lot citys tbh. and if this is a backstabb by abydos then it just confirms my impression of them. but somehow i dont think that all is what it seems... | ||||
00:34:45 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Ignis The Broken Lawn Mower: Lol. We weren't prepared at all when fighting you the first time osiris. Unlike what you think, we did not break the NAP while we had 9999999999999 troops in your core. Sorry. More like 10k. And you guys had armies there. Anyway I'll stop there, since I don't find if fun to flame people, even though you may find it fun to flame. Edit: Nope smuff. Jester just wants Abydos to have all their cities. Well since abydos is fighting 5 kingdoms though abydos needs all the help they can get. And abydos isn't all bad. Most of their kingdom is very nice. And can RP very well. | ||||
00:37:38 May 22nd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat: "but ofc the only kd phi would have problems with is lgc (quote from phi)" -- Osiris please stop taking what I say in the name of Phi at the current time. I am not king and I have never stated that this is the opinion of all my mates. And if you would even try to be decent and fair, you'd admit that I've told you this era that I made a mistake when I said that. And yes Ignis, two eras ago, as we all recall, Abydos broke our understandment about the 12 hours during which there would have been no attacks after the NAP had been terminated. Still we had the upper hand as they had armies somewhere else, armies that never saw the battlefield in the next days, wonder what happened with them... The official version is that they got obsolete by the time they reached us. I am not saying Abydos isn't a powerful Kingdom. It is and I respect the players for their skill and I think they might be good people. Unfortunately, they don't want to show their true face and keep spreading lies... What can I do? I wish we could have a 1 vs 1 fight some time, like I've always did. I just hope it isn't right now cause we seem to have had some tough two eras lately and we need to recover. But when we will, maybe we shall have a true winner and maybe, by that time, you won't be using your "we have 12 new players and 10 inactive ones" line. How many eras does it take one to stop being a new player? | ||||
00:44:24 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale: anyway why would they want 10 inactive players?! lol just boot them and tae their citys if they arent active enough to help out on fant. bs.
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00:46:26 May 22nd 07 - Sir Falazar: fun fun... | ||||
00:50:06 May 22nd 07 - Sir Wolf Ruga: Karacs sources are the same as mine, and we both have it straight from Drakos himself as far as what happened with Jester. Quit pretending you have any idea what happened, please. Thank you. | ||||
00:52:15 May 22nd 07 - Dark Lord Osiris: we didnt want to nap you. you formed a mass alliance. you lost. what are you complaining about exactly? | ||||
01:07:31 May 22nd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat: If anyone could check our side of the map, they should look at the Jester scouts and their names. Did it take you a lot of time Falazar to fool your former mates into this scam? Unethical and Unhonourable from the part of both Kingdoms. Good game guys, good game. Please don't flame me, I am going to bed, I haven't said anything untrue or talked bad words and I really don't have the time for fighting, I was just observing the facts.. | ||||
01:14:15 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Ignis The Broken Lawn Mower: I don't think giving up cities unwillingly is allowed, but it doesn't matter as it's been seen happening a lot. BTW jester's poem :) Roses R Red, Violets R Blue Jester will leave but miss all of you We forfeit our cities to a great ally indeed Abydos wreaks havoc on all that impede. | ||||
01:25:42 May 22nd 07 - Ms. Noadea: As far as I know, Jester decided that this was the best option, forfeiting our cities to Abydos. Abydos are going to have major problems with Legacy and Carnage soon. We all wanted to stay as long as we could, but with most inactive, we decided that there was no point to keep doing something that needed an active kingdom. I wish you two well on your war. | ||||
01:29:15 May 22nd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat: Hey, you're one of Senturu's wives? You must be pretty :) | ||||
01:30:06 May 22nd 07 - Ms. Noadea: So people say... | ||||
01:33:09 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Dakarius: No, she's my mate. She is pretty though =D | ||||
01:49:44 May 22nd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat: *pushes Dakarius aside* Are you a blonde? It's known all through VU world, I fall immediatly for a blonde. If so, how would you trade a kiss for 90k mines? | ||||
02:10:04 May 22nd 07 - Lord Senturu: no weird i have only one VU wife. and Severl VU "Girl Friends" | ||||
02:14:05 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Gorthaur The Cruel: i think DE are doing pretty good against abydos. they go on and on about how there fighting 5 kds at once but..... umm lets see DE, BoW, Ilumiti empire, Pks and now phi but the only ones that were doing anyfighting against abdyos were DE and Bow. actually im surpired at how good DE is doing against you guys, last era carnage took de over in half the time its taking you guys. | ||||
02:28:36 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Sloth: DE is losing while going against maybe 1/3rd of Abydos, they have declined by around 10% relative power every day for 1 week (85%, 75%, etc now 35%) now since we entered their core in force. At this rate they will be nonexistent in 3.5 days. | ||||
02:43:34 May 22nd 07 - Sir Wolf Ruga: We'll just have to see how long that lasts, Sloth, because while I'm seeing the typical strategy of, "Wee, let's rush in to their core and leave our places undefended!" there are plenty of open holes, many of which are more than likely to be taken advantage of. You can bet I'm not going down without a fight for Dorian Empire. If it weren't for them, I'd be dead. >:/ | ||||
02:58:48 May 22nd 07 - Sir Falazar: | ||||
03:10:46 May 22nd 07 - Sir Wolf Ruga: All right, Falazar, I'm pretty tired of hearing about all this defense on Jesters part. What does it even matter to you as far as Jester betraying BoW? I didn't message after that as not to lose my temper and be banned from VU as i was that angry. there is no sense corresponding to useless allies who bail on you....I will never forget that, and will NEVER ally with them under that leadership again." From the wolfs mouth itself. Aren't you Abydos, anyways, Falazar? How can you sit here and tell me that Drakos isn't Jester so he doesn't know, when you aren't on EITHER side? Pathetic. | ||||
03:41:16 May 22nd 07 - Sir Falazar: Can you read?! :} | ||||
03:51:44 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Sloth: We'll just have to see how long that lasts, Sloth, because while I'm
seeing the typical strategy of, "Wee, let's rush in to their core and
leave our places undefended!" | ||||
04:32:25 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Klng Love: wolf ruga i am seeing you running your mouth again and whining again.... what falazar says is the truth....brannigan and i talked as brannigan messaged fal about taking a nap....fal (no offence) but kept pushing the fact of having a nap with us knowing we were mapped with the kingdom abydos was attacking..... i was told that bow was trying to be included so i made no order to attack abydos until we got it straightened out....i went back on a couple hrs later seeing more bow cities being prepped on...i IMMIDIETLY ordered the attack of 1 OF 2 PLAYERS THAT WERE OUT OF PROTECTION SO FAR to make an attack on pharoh. i saw he brought down the majority of his army and thought that was the most strategic place to attack.... that attacked was over ruled by the jester king and i had no choice but to respect his descision.... now wolf or ANY bow member...if you have anything to complain about i want you to stop using jester as a whole.....1 person made the descision to take the nap and leave our mapped allies behind... i along with other mates argued otherwise... but know that our king was influenced by members who just wanted to survive.... this is not a bad thing...our group thought of their lives and it was either nap or be beat...our king said we have to survive so we naped abydos.... bottom line is i along with others did not want that...but thats not how the cookie crumbled... get over it dude... i am embarrased that it happened this way but i will not destroy my jester life b/c of it... every king cannot make descisions that satisfy 100% of the kingdom mates...ppl will be dissapointed in descisions 1 man makes... get over it dude... | ||||
04:36:35 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Klng Love: "And as far as being inactive, i responded to all messages in a timely fashion from Jesters, once the told me they had betrayed us and allied Abydos, after being the ones to think up the whole scheme, thereby screwing BoW/PKS/DE, did I stop responding. Indeed, I haven't even opened the last message they sent. Why waste my time reading an attempt to explain their inexplicable actions, life is too short to waste on cowardly traitors. I didn't message after that as not to lose my temper and be banned from VU as i was that angry. there is no sense corresponding to useless allies who bail on you....I will never forget that, and will NEVER ally with them under that leadership again."<------------ this is a darn shame.... a ridiculous statement.... and is unfair judgment.... | ||||
05:01:57 May 22nd 07 - Sir Wolf Ruga: Drakos words also make your entire rant entirely moot. Drakos wouldn't lie to the Brotherhood, has no reason to do so. As far as one person making a decision for an entire army... What? I'm sorry, but after I was in a kindgom wherein half of the KD disbanded and made a new KD because of the leaders inactivity, I find this just plain funny. If the majority of Jester Empire felt SO STRONGLY about not abandoning BoW, why didn't they make their own KD with their own diplomatic stances? | ||||
05:06:05 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Klng Love: you are not only a whining baby but an unloyal piece of work huh....NOONE should be that ridiculous as to leave a kingdom cause they dont agree with somethn....if this was how things were done noone would be in the United States right now....cause the majority doesnt want to be at you stick with your kingdom throguh thick and dont leave casue you dont get what you want.... i will follow my king through the gallows of hell....and thats loyalty....he screwed happens dude...we live and king knows i dont agree with his descision but he knows im with him and my kingdom no matter what.... dont give me that crap dude lol... | ||||
05:51:07 May 22nd 07 - Sir Wolf Ruga: Wow, are you even reading what I'm saying anymore? How ungrateful! I wade through your pathetic mess of a paragraph, struggle to find your poorly constructed point, and then give a feasible response, and am then returned with another piss-poor response? No, my friend, message me when you believe you're worth my time. :) | ||||
05:57:52 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Dakarius: This is not a Jester/BoW thread. this is a phi thread. I asked kindly to leave jester out of this. Now let us return to Phi. | ||||
06:04:27 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Ignis The Broken Lawn Mower: *passes the baton* back to you dak :). Not interested. | ||||
06:10:40 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Dakarius: ummm so, Phi...what the heck does it mean? is it just a letter? plz educate me! | ||||
07:38:04 May 22nd 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:
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07:40:38 May 22nd 07 - Lady Mifune: Please note that I will use the term "we" throughout this post as I do not wish to single out any member of my kingdom. Yes. Jester napped Abydos. We DID try to get BoW in on the nap. It was the one sticking point in the nap agreement. We wanted BoW to be included in it. We did say that we would war Abydos if BoW were not included in the nap agreement. Abydos felt strongly and declined but left the offer on the table. a kingdom...looked at the situation as it stood. Phi told us they would be attacking us. DE, PKS, BoW and IE were expecting us to help in the war against Abydos. We knew we could not survive a two sided war with half our people located over 60 ticks north. We thought that we could war with Phi and let the others war with Abydos. We then thought...why not protect our cites, thereby ensuring that we would be able to give Phi the best fight possible. We accepted the nap. After accepting the nap, some members of our kd pointed out how wrong it was and how it must look to BoW. We re-looked at it and saw that it was not the right decision. That we did wrong. That we did not do right by our mapped allies. Our king apologized. Many in our kd apologized. It has fallen on deaf ears. That is understandable. I am not here to retell this story and look for forgiveness. I realize it will not come. I don't blame BoW. I would not be forgiving either. I am here to explain that we did have the best of intentions at the time. That we made a big mistake and that we now see the error of our ways. And tho many of us think what Jester did was wrong, we would never quit the kingdom because we do not agree with a decision that was made. I will back my king and his decisions weather i agree with them or not. Thank you Phi for giving Jester some props. I believe that had our kingdom not been split in two, we could have really given you a much better fight. I have found you to be nothing but respectful to Jester during this war. I am quite fond of many of your members ( ;) @ senturu) As for why we are giving our cities away to Abydos...we are leaving. We were too split up this era and we have too many inactive people to really make a difference. We hope to go to a lesser world and regroup (Phi of all people should understand that). We plan to return next era to Fantasia. We are giving our cities to Abydos because they are our only real ally right now. We also have many friends in Abydos and we all like them very much. They have been good to our kingdom since before it's inception and we have nothing but respect for them. We wish them the best. We also have nothing but respect for Phi and if we had been napped with you and not Abydos, you would be getting our cities right now. But we are at war with you, and since we will not be there to help Abydos with our armies, we will help them with our cities. Good luck Abydos and Phi with your war. May the best kingdom win. | ||||
07:52:50 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Zerocool The Berseker: giving abydos your cities?? i believe that wont be so for long since they growed their cities for us to take... :) and 1 more thing. we werent really the one who started this war between jester, you guys had the guts to stand and build blockers, where we were suppose to pass going through abydos. you built them before trying to establish a nap. plus you guys killed some scouts for abydos. and by the way @ osiris you're only fighting more or less half of PHI. not the entire kingdom. we had some technical problems that hopefully be dealt within the era. plus the previous era(2 eras ago)??? if carnage didnt interfere you were dead. and if the arma was cancelled all of us know that carnage and abydos were dead. good as one anyways. | ||||
11:55:34 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Seth: lol..and what other kds are u fighting since u have only half of the ppl fighting?:P and btw..till now u fighted like 30%? of abydos.. and about what happened 2 eras ago..i dunno if it would've been as u say cose i wasnt around..but then again who can say for sure what would've/wouldnt happened if dunno who wouldnt interfered and dunno what wouldnt happened lol | ||||
12:25:13 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale: why do you lot keep going on about the number of KDs you fighting! god! its your own fault. however you must be doing somehting right as you holding up (Y). but now it looks like LGC is joining the fun in the north. which maybe due to this comment by osiris: 'if lgc are still so retarded that you think we allied carnage only u and baccus last era then i feel sorry for you.' not good to piss off lgc | ||||
13:24:23 May 22nd 07 - Lord Oya: phi have fought about 5 players of ours so far....5/25 is a fifth...good going lads!!! im fed up with excuses, flaming and arrogance...the only reason i stepped in on this thread cos people acting like retards all the time.....sigh.... and about that era, no you realy wouldnt have beaten us if carnage hadn't hae came down, they did no damage anyways, when we got into your core it was abydos not carnage so please tell me why you think you would have had it should have beat us in the first week with all our armies way up north | ||||
13:34:06 May 22nd 07 - Dark Lord Osiris: but now it looks like LGC is joining the fun in the north. which maybe due to this comment by osiris: 'if lgc are still so retarded that you think we allied carnage only u and baccus last era then i feel sorry for you.' not good to piss off lgc <--- 1 legacy and carnage were already prepping on us before i said that and 2 if lgc didnt belive blatant lies i wouldnt need to defend mysel*beep*ainst thier comments would i | ||||
13:39:27 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Bertrand IN Shame: all, i can say ... Phi has been trying to get in all week ... they have attacked abydos-armies from day one (almost) they have been failing all week ... as the week progresses, you guys become more 'irritant', unfortunately not on the map, but in here ... i can only think of one thing : are you guys finally desillusioned? getting frustrated perhaps? you keep referring to old things, which have already been debated and in which you guys were wrong (aswell as abydos may have acted wrong, so why come back to it?) Show us something, give us something to really worry about on the map, or just shut your pie-hole. (as far as i'm concerned, if you keep up the slander and lies and misinformation, Phi can be my eternal ennemy (not a threat, just a promise ;-) ) | ||||
13:48:27 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Ignis The Broken Lawn Mower: Erm...when did abydos get into our core? Carnage had a much stronger merge than you guys had too... 5/25...sure...let's not count the mages either. Though the last merge we killed off had more than 5 players in it. We've had about 5 working against abydos up until now too. Using your method of counting ofcourse. Anyway this will be interesting. Abydos obviously won't survive the era so they'll probably just throw the majority of their forces at us. | ||||
13:52:33 May 22nd 07 - Dark Lord Osiris: i doubt you will last much longer then us unless you napped carnage and lgc too :D but if we die this era we know it will be with our heads held high fighting anyone who wanted some. fighting to the death. | ||||
14:06:35 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Dingleberry Dave:
You don't know when to keep your mouth shut, do you? You should of left it there and then instead of bringing it back up. But do, go on, insult us, I'm sure it'll help you. We approached you about a NAP before the era (and before you deny it, ask Oya), we were told no, that you would only decide when we all land on the map, which wasn't good for us so we went and made other allies. You had a chance for an alliance with us, you wouldn accept it. So now you're open game for attacking. You made your bed, now lie in it. | ||||
14:31:58 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Bertrand IN Shame: well, we are, it is the rest that seems to have trouble with it ... :-p | ||||
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