Forums / In game politics / Fant Era 85

Fant Era 85
09:53:47 Jul 7th 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:

Why do you always have to try to post a pic. Then become unsuccessful again. It shows you're way behind us. 

09:59:13 Jul 7th 22 - Friendly Harmless Cyrone:

It's a more entertaining way for me to show everyone what a clown cheater you and PDC are. I'll zoom in on the important part for you;

There's nothing unsuccessful about it. Two years from now when someone wants to know how Fantasia 85 played out, they can come look at this thread and remember that you and PDC cheated the whole time, blatantly!

Also I believe "way behind" would go to the people cheating and losing while doing it. You don't even know what actually winning is, and that is why you cheat so blatantly in front of everyone with absolutely zero shame.

10:03:16 Jul 7th 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:

Try again. Poor soul. I'm clearing wastages from map. 

02:19:38 Jul 8th 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

Yes guys, it’s not Chinggis cheating -again- with PDC for the 50th time this era, it’s him “cleaning up” haha! Guys he’s just cleaning up, not cheating! We all know Chingus is a stand up guy who never cheats, right?

Really sad how your slave master just uses you like an old dog Chinggis! Imagine cheating this much, humiliating yourself in front of everyone, all just to benefit your slave master PDC! Kind of sad tbh Chingus. You must be really desperate for friends!

14:32:18 Jul 8th 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:

Wait. When did i get humiliated? 

14:33:33 Jul 8th 22 - Prime Minister Thorbecke:

I would like to have it noted for the record that despite owning a city called “love pdc” which is currently on the HoH for powerful cities, I do not - in fact - “love” pdc.

15:01:21 Jul 8th 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:

Prime Minister Thorbecke:

I do not - in fact - “love” pdc...

I think you do.

17:25:27 Jul 8th 22 - Mr. Peasant Cyrone:

I mean, everyone knows you cheated heavily this era Chinggis. That's pretty embarrassing. Your cheating is a big reason many people are leaving Fantasia and won't return next era.

For those who aren't all aware:

17:29:22 Jul 8th 22 - Mr. Fcukr:

Chinggis is PDC's buttplug... i mean multi

21:46:38 Jul 9th 22 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dark Knight II):

How does it feel like taking free cities, training a massive Naz army basically able to take down everyone, only to realise you can’t use it?

22:15:15 Jul 9th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Imperator Imperiorum):

Well earned Newb!! Can we call you Newb anymore?

Shoutout to the true wrecking balls of the era in Venemoz and Jasper.

22:20:56 Jul 9th 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:

This 3 will be killed brutally this era. Whoever comes with them dies. 

22:31:49 Jul 9th 22 - Mr. Other Fcukr:

yawn.... oh wait  ....pls dont mr chingnuts

shut up you fking plonker multi twat homophag

22:49:46 Jul 9th 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:

You're with the wrong kingdom bling. Maybe time for a change this era, try Zerks. 

22:57:26 Jul 9th 22 - Mr. Fcukr:

nah, gonna solo wreck your butt.

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