Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 45

Fantasia 45
16:18:44 Dec 9th 16 - Mr. Bling:

SF, Alba and MaD are just generally full of assholes is all.

Politics... you fuckers should all just leave the game... really. Do it a favour and go away because you disrespectfull to what this games about. If I was in Alba right now, I'd hang my head in shame at the kind of leadership it had.
SF.. I very surprised with JLT and co.. SF is the kind of kd that should be leading the way with the vets it has. Instead its just settling for 3rd or second. Guys, just quit, really.
MaD at least gave me a fight. And since the first era Aloy started the kd on nirvana or val, cant remember, I've always fought them, so kudo's.

16:20:04 Dec 9th 16 - Kasakasz (Mr. Kasakas The Relentless):

from my point of view You escalated right to war without even try to discuss things with our leaders thus i am sure You wanted this war even before the accident started and You will have it.

17:56:55 Dec 9th 16 - Random (Duke Random):

"You had master tacticians like TBL"

18:18:16 Dec 9th 16 - Ms. Jasmine:

Master tacticians would be TBL and Mike

I remember 10 years ago when I started playing Random was the possibly the first person to really use stg and you could not buy any stone on the market cause the guy was always online and buying everything, he was an asshole basically.
Let others buy stuff :P

19:15:51 Dec 9th 16 - Osiris (Mr. Demandred):

Random was far from the first to use stg :D TBL was a dick for sure but alrite at the game :P I had most fun in the few eras we had 4-5 strong kds on fant like Fate/Carnage Abydos LGC PHI and Zeon etc. W

19:19:13 Dec 9th 16 - Osiris (Mr. Aes Sedai):

Also if you started after me it means your a newbie. If you started before you are a Vet. 

19:46:29 Dec 9th 16 - Mr. Lala:

07:09:26 Dec 9th 16 - Mr. Toroth The Corinthian:

Sorry..your leaders getting too nasty with justin. Also waterbenders always been on beyond the frontline, inside enemy territory causing mayhem and having tons of fun taking cities. Not many people in the game do that at all in this game. He's got alot of guts to be that kind of fighter. Like someone said earlier. Alot of us just sit back and farm. 

There are respectable ways to deal with politics when cities are taken between kingdoms, and between members of kingdoms. Lalas was very hostile, disrespectful, dishonoring and instigative. If she wants to threaten war so much with MaDD. She's welcome to have it. Now. If Albatross doesn't like it. Kick her out of the kingdom. We'll make amends for any cities taken that aren't hers.  Othewrise zip it.

"Lalas was very hostile, disrespectful, dishonoring and instigative."

Well, if you don't know the whole story, you might as well ST!FU. I was ready to put his stupid thing behind had he not sent me his full of sh!t and lies messages. He did and he got what he deserved. 

"If Albatross doesn't like it. Kick her out of the kingdom. We'll make amends for any cities taken that aren't hers."

Well they won't. Cuz the leaders aren't as id!otic as your entire kingdom sounds like. Your KD is on a lifeline anyway after pleading for breathing space earlier, dunno why we agreed to CF you guys .. should've finished your KD up for the era. 

And if they do kick me out, well, it'll be a 3-way war between me, Albatross, Mad and IG. Bring it on! Atleast the era will become a bit more interesting.

I have no idea where MAD went downhill like they did this era. I have played in MAD on Mantrax a couple of years ago and it used to be a great KD. Just not upto the mark anymore. Maybe inactivity or they chose to recruit id1iots like you and waterbender.

20:03:57 Dec 9th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Bling was right about finishing MAD.

Now, you pay the price because Ive just started

01:19:36 Dec 10th 16 - Stewie Griffin (Prince Stewie Griffin):


Army Info
Commander:Mr. SativaKingdom Banner
Kingdom:*No Kingdom*
Size:Group of Armies (Around 500,000)
Status:Moving South West

More drama?

01:58:31 Dec 10th 16 - Mr. Archmeister:

lol no clue, nothing in our forum honestly

02:54:23 Dec 10th 16 - Mr. Bling:

This should clear things up


Army Info
Commander:Mr. SativaKingdom Banner
Kingdom:Fking twathead fckers
Size:Group of Armies (Around 500,000)
Status:Moving South West

13:26:46 Dec 10th 16 - Lord Caedus:

Things like this happen with big kingdoms. 

Whilst I enjoy a flame war as much as the next guy I hope that people haven't been genuinely annoyed by any actions from either kingdoms. 

My intention is to grow the game, encourage recruitment, and lead through new Kingdoms. I'm crap at the game on the field but good with politics and leading. We all play to our strengths. 

Glad to see Twatheads are a new KD for us to stamp on once they've grown ;) 

13:29:27 Dec 10th 16 - Mr. Bling:

Trust me, we dont need to grow. In a kd vs kd war, I'd walk all over you.

Farmers and cowards aren't hard to beat. They predictable.

13:42:17 Dec 10th 16 - Mr. Eddie Late Starter:

Bling you are one of those all talk no action guys. Two eras ago when I was still learning about the game on Zetamania I noticed your core right next to me and I thought this will be a nice intetesting oop war. I pretty much walked over you with little to no resistance from you so please stop with the taugh talk and show it on the map. It was the era I was in RoC and we fought DD and BL won that era, he can tell you I had 700k Advents fielded while you only talked crap like you usually do. 

13:56:15 Dec 10th 16 - Mr. Bling:

Think you got the wrong dude, cause two era's ago I wiped the map clean.

Or maybe it was the era I won on Mantrax.
Cause this era im leading on kills, battles, cities and personality. 

  1. Mr. Bane of Pestilence (Orc)
    Had 383,116 land, 665,787 troops and 22 science points. Killed 1,182,815 soldiers, won 53 of 115 battles and captured 39 cities.

14:22:21 Dec 10th 16 - Mr. Eddie Late Starter:

No I speak of the era I killed you and you had to restart :-) 

  1. Mr. Fecker of (Troll)
    Had 11,146 land, 50 troops and 5 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.

I can only speak for that one era we fought I did not go to Zeta again cause I dislike watching others walk around with my armies :-)

I hope to meet you in the field to see what you're made of.

14:44:57 Dec 10th 16 - Mr. Bling:

If I was playing troll, I was bored.

You dont want to meet me in the field. MaD got their eviction notice and went away nicely. I can assure you, I'd tear albatross apart because they nap whores who like to hide for the first 5 weeks of the era, then come out with pathetic farmed up armies. Give me 5 weeks, and you're dealing with 10 mill OP

15:14:51 Dec 10th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Yet, you still acts like an IG dog.

Like protecting Bogdan Magic City for 40 ticks (AND being online at the very beggining of the tick where the freeze was over and you got an army to help Bogdan and bounce me).

Your middle finger is not legit for me.

15:18:23 Dec 10th 16 - Mr. Bling:

My middle finger is to all of you.

Just cause I disagreed with IG's tactics doesnt mean I should suicide myself for your cause.  I kill because thats what I do. Your army was in the open, so it died.

15:25:21 Dec 10th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Suicide for my cause? Lol, you could stand neutral.

But that was not the option.

(really? being online the very fisrt milisecond to protect bogdan? i was online realoading also, but you can see you won that)

I cant trust the "i like killing stuff" also, coz you've targeted just me and let the albatross army go on in that invasion.

"My middle finger is to ALL of you" (except for bogdan, at least, at the very minimum expectations).

15:31:07 Dec 10th 16 - Lord Caedus:

Bling mate - chill out. 

I hate sauna's and you have nothing but hot air and steam coming out your mouth :P

15:34:25 Dec 10th 16 - Mr. Eddie Late Starter:

Talks like 'you do not want to meet me in the field' and 'will kill everyone' is just cheap talk. I can say the same, when ever you meet me in the field you will die. And that is just a bold statement with nothing to back it up, therefore I rarely make threats if its just cheap talk.

16:40:08 Dec 10th 16 - Mr. Bling:

Staying neutrals a bit homoghey. plus you burned a city, so feck ya.

I never allowed albatross into anything. I told IG exactly the route they would take and it was ignored. IG's tough luck.
And in near enough every era, I will lead or feature in most fearsome. So again, fucky'all

17:18:37 Dec 10th 16 - Lord Caedus:

Bling... are you actually this angry in real life? 

I'm praying for you dude. I hope you can find some peace and maybe even a counselor. 

17:37:00 Dec 10th 16 - Mr. Looney Tunes:

no, I just think you gargle with to much c0ck in your mouth. douche

18:53:43 Dec 10th 16 - Lord Caedus:

Image result for LOL MEME

19:36:19 Dec 10th 16 - Mr. Bling:

'caedus you be sucking in that LOL like a big ass c0ck'

20:15:35 Dec 10th 16 - Mr. Masterforeigners:

Hey now, nothing wrong with sucking dick, it is rude to talk with your mouth full but no need to shame someone for sucking dick.

21:13:31 Dec 10th 16 - Mr. Toroth The Corinthian:

Damn thats' looking bad. IG had 2x 500ks at MaDDs door trying to get in for like a week, and left their own core gates apparently wide open and let the birdies right in..geez..whoever the tactician was to promote that idea should get fired =D

22:18:18 Dec 10th 16 - Osiris (Mr. Demandred):

yes IG lost because of the tactical skill and diplomatic genius of Alba. wasn't because most of us were so bored with your nap everything strat that we stopped paying any real attention to the map :P

ofc you just got unlocky when we stomped you with very little effort last era ^^

22:59:32 Dec 10th 16 - Mr. Corithius:

It was very honorable to CF while one is down. It doesnt follow madds prior ways  of taking over the whole map though

23:30:58 Dec 10th 16 - Ms. Jasmina:

I was waiting for the moment vet players are going to start saying they got bored and stopped playing the map. Happens every time they lose.

00:08:18 Dec 11th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Lol, I must say I agree with Jasmina.

00:38:06 Dec 11th 16 - Lord Caedus:

Sounds like we have perfected our strategy. 

Make the veterans so bored, they don't bother. :) 

A win is a win - I think if you offered that strategy to Winston Churchill against the Nazi war machine then he would have taken that and we'd still all be celebrating the win. :D 

Also - Bling - the homophobic abuse you throw around is so 90's. Get with the times man, you're better than a seven year old.

00:48:06 Dec 11th 16 - Ms. Jasmina:

Its not a strategy, its an excuse vets give when they lose. Because obviously nobody can beat veteran players when they are active. But as soon as defeat might be an option, they all go inactive. Even thought every move you do offensively against them is countered with the same activity you have. But they will not admit it :)

01:22:21 Dec 11th 16 - Osiris (Mr. Demandred):

yes we totally cast arma not out of boredom :D Last era was fun people mostly fought, this era everyone played happy farmers and napped. but ye im sure your victory was hard fought and well worth it ^^ i would say maybe next time but dont think ill bother with fant until people start actually fighting each other

01:36:13 Dec 11th 16 - Mr. Toroth The Corinthian:

I think sf will be the only napable kingdom next era after this ones politics

01:40:44 Dec 11th 16 - Osiris (Mr. Demandred):

you guys should do an epic 3 way

04:53:11 Dec 11th 16 - Mr. Drug Addict:

Bling, yo, didn't you have a character on Mantrax this era?

04:54:31 Dec 11th 16 - Mr. Bling:

yeah, Binh beat me up :(

06:20:38 Dec 11th 16 - Mr. Lala:

Damn yeah that guy is violent.

11:43:13 Dec 11th 16 - Mr. Eddie Late Starter:

Wankster left or got kicked out of IG and now Bling comes prep 90k city to plunder and take. That must be the great skill he speaks off

11:46:46 Dec 11th 16 - Mr. Justanius The Halfling:

:) Real talk Bling didnt need 3 naps but hes still taking 90s. It was him vs Mad oop and guess who won. I think he is actually using skill not numbers, but its alright for you guys to hate. 

12:50:40 Dec 11th 16 - Mr. Bling:

suck my knob

General Wankster (12/10/2016 5:24:47 PM)GOODBAD
take my 90k

13:38:45 Dec 11th 16 - Mr. Lizard:

Is that an example of obvious feeding?

Is feeding allowed in this game?

13:49:39 Dec 11th 16 - Mr. Bling:

yeah, feeding. Again, suck my knob

13:54:45 Dec 11th 16 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

"You had master tacticians like TBL" 

Master napper actually

4-5 strong kds on fant like Fate/Carnage Abydos LGC PHI and Zeon etc. W

Sorry you cant include aby with them kds, unless your talking about the half  era i played with you.

that be all, see ya in another 2 months

17:20:57 Dec 11th 16 - Zond (General Wankster):

lol not feeding.

plague + dragon.

all my resources were taken or eaten by dragon. had 0 income.

what good is a 90ker? I have no gold. no troops. logged a few times a day and when I started this world the kd knew I was here for 2 weeks tops. after that I was out.

a few of us came back to play with each other. instead the entire map napped against us and sat and farmed all era long.

bling ate madd solo. I started the era when halfers had 90ker already . still managed a top army. I work 12 hours a day. plus drive time. no phone allowed at work. but yes I said I'm inactive when I lost. lmao

there was over a million troops in blocker I sat on. my 2 weeks were up. I rolled the dice and lost. if I was active id of simply brought over the 30k zerks from my blocker and took it. several in the kd were inactive. legend had a week long vacation, bodgan did as well. other just farmed.

game is shit.

17:26:36 Dec 11th 16 - Zond (General Wankster):

SF - battles won 43. battles lost 45.

Alba - won 197. lost 150

madd - won 66. lost 125

bling - won 101. lost 49

IG - won 177. lost 178

17:26:36 Dec 11th 16 - Lord Caedus:

The rest of us enjoy it - it's the same old Vets that moan the game is shit but never leave.

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