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PKS Noticeboard
20:18:07 May 9th 07 - Mr. Austin Power:

it's getting boring :<

20:24:47 May 9th 07 - Sir Falazar:


20:59:24 May 9th 07 - Sir Mac:

It is too early in the war to tell who is winning and who is losing. Our allies are just starting their assaults and your armies have beaten some of our armies so... It's just too early to tell.

21:05:27 May 9th 07 - Ms. Lewatha:

your allies...?

tell me more...

21:37:11 May 9th 07 - Sir Mac:

PKS are famous for the amount of allies we have. It is pretty easy to tell who they are.....

21:44:56 May 9th 07 - Lord Osiris:

every other small kd on fant withing a 50 tick radius?

22:09:35 May 9th 07 - Mr. Austin Power:

you fail to amuse Osiris :/

22:10:24 May 9th 07 - Lord Osiris:

i amuse myself thats all that matters :D PKS have a lot of allies because they try to avoid wars well i mean they are the peacekeepers so i guess thats right :D either way it will be fun

22:18:19 May 9th 07 - Mr. Austin Power:

we don't avoid wars, we (or atleast i) just prefer to settle down first

23:32:03 May 9th 07 - Sir Mac:

We prefer to have at least 100 ticks before our wars start so we make sure little kd's that are nearby won't be a threat when we go on our JIHAD's.

15:03:04 May 11th 07 - Mr. Basch:

lol i know all of pks' allies cause we're helping em fight abydos :)

15:14:43 May 11th 07 - Ms. Lewatha:

3 kingdoms against abydos...and abydos is winning it =)

15:16:03 May 11th 07 - Mr. Basch:

whats makes you so sure? we have taken a city from you guys and havnt lost a single one yet

15:18:50 May 11th 07 - Ms. Lewatha:

but PKS have lost about 10 cities by now and so have BoW...

15:39:40 May 11th 07 - Sir Falazar:

Then how can you really say your fighting us Basch :}  ?  

15:57:27 May 11th 07 - Mr. Basch:

what do you mean by that?

18:51:07 May 11th 07 - Sir Mac:

Jester was suppose to be part of the war, but they saw we weren't owning so they backed down...

Also about 8 of our members decided that "we have so many allies, we don't need to train. Let's farm and hope it turns out well."

That didn't help either....

18:52:54 May 11th 07 - Ms. Lewatha:

so many allies...for so far I only count 2... BoW and Dorian empire...

18:55:11 May 11th 07 - Lord Osiris:

Divide and conquer. you should have picked better allies

19:31:45 May 11th 07 - Mr. Donut Eat MY Shorts:

Sir Mac, stop baiting Abydos - remember that they're a newer KD than us, and give them their dues ;)

20:22:14 May 11th 07 - Sir Mac:

Osiris, you should pick allies. One of these era's you are gonna be stuck all by yourself surrounded by enemies. Then you will regret it.

20:29:49 May 11th 07 - Lord Osiris:

we are surrounded by enemies but thier is a difference between warring small kds and allying small kds who will do you no good and cannot possibly back you up when the big kds come to play

20:32:13 May 11th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

@ Sir Mac - we have multiple enimies this era PKS,BOW,IE and DE
every era has a new start whit New alies and New enimies that is plain and simple

@ Mr. Donut Eat MY Shorts - we may be a newer KD but that doesnt say anything about the players in it.

20:53:28 May 11th 07 - Mr. Donut Eat MY Shorts:

CX, exactly the point I was making. 

Abydos are a collection of fine, upstanding, individuals who play the game with great experience, honour and panache and have done for a long time.

Hence my request for Sir Mac not to bait them.  See, I took my sincere pills this morning :P

20:58:49 May 11th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

lol ok than :D just forget what i posted than LOL

06:22:39 May 12th 07 - Mr. Basch:

i'm starting to think fighting abydos was a bad idea lol most of our members only have 2 era's of exp lol and their too fcking lazy to do anything or make an excuse to not follow orders

09:22:57 May 12th 07 - Lord Oya:

Sir Mac, stop baiting Abydos - remember that they're a newer KD than us, and give them their dues ;)

funny i remember PKS's first era, they relied on me  alone to protect them against LGC members and have more experience than abydos :D

10:37:55 May 12th 07 - Mr. Donut Eat MY Shorts:

Wouldn't know about that Lord O - I'm a mere sprog trying to show respect for older, wiser and generally much more accomplished players.

Of course, if you don't want / deserve my respect .........  ;)

10:59:19 May 12th 07 - Lord Oya:

not a question of wanting or deserving your respect, i dont come here looking for it....just stating facts

02:12:15 May 17th 07 - Mr. Donut:

Ohh, touchy touchy :)

Sorry for not paying more attention and answering earlier but been a little busy moving house, updating a couple of sites and getting killed off while I wasn't looking.  Such is life - real life that is, not the VU obsessed kind. You may understand one day ;)

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