Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 45

Fantasia 45
14:50:26 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

Only kd I've played in on Zeta is pesti or solo, so no idea who napped to kill RoC??

DD is boring cause your tactics are the same every era, and honestly doubt pesti is going to continue on Zeta, out of sheer boredom of seeing the same shit. 
So get your facts straight. You seem to forget when you were getting ur asses kicked by mad, that it was 3 of us in CE that bailed you out to the cost of our own kd. So suck on it, coward pricks.

14:55:36 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Looney Tunes:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
The Death Dealers12Mr. Necro Emporos205
CATFIRE4Sir Dwarfninja91
Gondolin9Mr. Burninglegion The Old Wizard86
Pestilence6Mr. Remington82
Death Dealers/Gondolin alliance (21 players) vs Pesti (10)

Albatross27Lord Caedus614
Mad and Dangerous11Sir Aloysius LXXVI341
The Sensitive Fellas13Mr. Von Darkmor203
The Incorrigible Gentlemen13Mr. Hanky Panky185
Fking twathead fckers3Mr. Bling63
MAD/SF/Alba alliance (51 players) vs other (16)

You starting to see the bullshit in your so called strat??? collect as many players as possible and farm. cnts

15:08:06 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

And if you wanna know why I'm frustrated

Here. 8 years ago, fant could easily count on having 10 kingdoms on it, all 10-15 players kd's slugging it out for a prestigious title of winning fant. Fant would go on for months, and as it was your only account, it was a disgrace to be relegated to mant or zeta, depending on when your kd got beat.

MAD came along and fucked the whole game up, with a near 50 man kd at one stage. People quit the game. And for a couple years, we were lucky to get 3 kd's going on fant. Finally it started looking promising with new players, kd's emerging, and suddenly ALBA comes along to do EXACTLY what MAD did and fuck the whole game up to the point players dont want to carry on because its statistically impossible to beat 3 to 1 odds no matter how good your tactics are.

Those are the facts. And if you dont like them you can suck binhs dick. So do the game a favor and fuck off back to wherever you came from.

15:13:10 Dec 16th 16 - Kasakasz (Mr. Kasakas The Relentless):

i believe You have anger management issues sir

as i said before ppl are playing the game like they want and will do that no matter how much You will cry on forums so stop it because i believe Your crying made the same amount of players leave as Albatross and MaD combined...

15:21:09 Dec 16th 16 - Ms. Jasmina:

Bling, here are few questions for you.

On Mantrax, era you won, did you Nap Collective while RoC and Lannisters and White Walkers had no Naps. Is that true?

After Uwer left RoC did you guys fight him or let him enter your kingdom? Did you accept him to easily fight Walkers? Or do you always fight everyone like you claim?

Regarding Zetamania it were Pesti vs DD vs Pesti. There was no Nap but Pesti and DD ignored eachother with a possible cf ir not nap. It was 2:1 and then you guys lost against DD so BL took the era. 

15:35:30 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

On Mantrax, Ferox in its first era, as a 4 man kd napped Collective. We started the era all untagged, and JLT and I formed the kd simply because we both spawned near each other. So we never started as a kd, we finished as one though.

We spawned with collective to our left with FW, directly in our core, and a 30 man RoC kd to our north. So yeah, 4 of us napped a large kd. So whats your point???
I dont recall when Uwer joined, but it was very late era i believe, after I smacked RoC back to their core and sent Arch and JLT to raid you and wipe you all out. For the era, 5 of us held all of RoC and Binh out. 

Pesti is 4 players atm. fck knows where odi gone, as he disappeared with out merge half way through last era, and hasnt been heard from since his baby was born. But rest of us doing our shit, but again, we bored seeing the same crap... farm, giant merge led by necro's naz and then you napping the rest of the map.

Those are facts. 

15:53:46 Dec 16th 16 - Ms. Jasmina:

Ferox is a 9 members kingdom. So you are saying there is nothing wrong when 9 members un Ferox Nap large kingdom but when 7 members of SF Nap large kingdom that is a problem. 

Could you explain that logic?

15:57:21 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Looney Tunes:

We finished as a 9 man kd. There were 5 of us for most of the era.

The first 10 days it was JLT Arch and myself.
You left RoC the era after, joined collective, napped RoC and came after Ferox. RoC napped all the Game of thrones kds and again a farm fest started. Collective never moved for 3 weeks.

16:01:32 Dec 16th 16 - Ms. Jasmina:

When I am in Collective we never do diplomacy so that is false we had no allies. You can ask RoC if you want to check

Anyways not going to argue just wanted to show that Bling Naps when its suitable just like SF did. 

16:05:33 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

Sure, Jasmina, get real. You join big kds and farm. its the same shit every era. Nothing changes. IG in its first era had no naps, we just didnt attack SF is all. Call it what you want. Fact is I been here fighting from day one while you sad fuckers make the game the boring piece of shit its become. So do everyone a favor and leave the game.

16:15:25 Dec 16th 16 - Ms. Jasmina:

I do not join big kingdoms and farm. Collective is a kingdom I made and recruited people over a long period of time just like Albatross is trying to do, they are trying to teach new players, even though they might seem like a very big kingdom, there are many players there that do nothing or they do not know what to do. That is what kingdoms should do, teach new people, allow auto join like Alba had in the start, thats why they have that many people. 

Nothing is stopping your kingdom to turn on auto join, you would get more people, but you do not want many weak players you just want vets. Obviously when you only have vets other kingdoms will nap to fight your kingdom. There is nothing to cry about. Fact is and everyone will admit to you guys, we naped because 1 on 1 you guys would beat us, you have many veteran players, and SF, a kingdom of six or seven players this era (yes, we only have that many basically) would stand no chance against IG in a battle without allies. 

When ever there is a kingdom that has that many veteran players they will be a target, and same goes for any kingdom that wins previous era, next era most people will target them as they are the biggest threat on the map. Simple as that.

But I ask you please to drop the 51 members bullcrap, because as soon as IG is hopefully dead, I plan to destroy MAD as well, so that 51 members crap is old, do not bring that crap again please.

16:20:24 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

SF has no vets... what??? lol.

Firstly, I aint in IG, im in a 3 man kd with auto join so again, low on facts.
Secondly, next era, this kd is going to suddenly grow to a 40 player kd. It will have 3 orcs and 37 halfers. End of the era there will be 3 orcs. And their is nothing you can do to stop it. So if we gonna do the whole size matters thing, I run multi's from the word go and never got caught. So I will level the playing field.

18:57:22 Dec 16th 16 - Kasakasz (Mr. Kasakas The Relentless):

and thats why ppl like You bling should be banned out of this game... You are toxic just like League of Legends player

19:11:12 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

lol toxic ahahahahah

19:12:01 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

What a family reunion.

Merry christmas!

19:15:06 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Toroth The Corinthian:

I didnt realize so many  people were against drugs when mad first started. Aloy  and mustve been proud 😁

19:31:08 Dec 16th 16 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax of Mantrax):

Bling. You are a jerk and you know it. BL is also a jerk and he knows it too. In my not so humble eyes.

RoC had no allies nor any NAPs the lastest 3 ages. We accepted a NIP with BL'
s kingdom on Mant as he wanted to fight WW. I wrote against it but.... the deal was made.

The deal with BL ended up as a "BL-deal" with us (my favourite way to say this is a false deal), he disbanded his kingdom when he realised he couldn't win, joined the enemy instead (WW) and attacked us (RoC) without any notice.

If you Bling remember something like that from Zetamania lately, you will know why I had a great pleassure of finding your kingdom (Pest) in a conflict with BL's elver-kingdom. BL just made a "BL-deal" with you too. So learn it!

Besides - all of you who count the member of RoC as active. We do accept new members without any conditions. If they are active, we nurse them. If they are inactive we boot them. Therefore we - sometimes - can have as many as 15-20 members. But we are seldom more than 5-6-7 actives. At least not some with experience.

19:34:25 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:


19:38:03 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Drug Addict:

Babies don't cry as much as some people on Fantasia are doing this era.

19:43:05 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

Nobody is crying. Alba and Jasmina made it very clear. Its not the spirit of the game, but rather ensuring victory at any of the games abuses and enjoyment. So in that spirit, I'm restarting an old script that will create and manage the growth stages for the multi's, which will then be used to feed the 3 orcs.

I'm all for winning at any cost, even the games integrity.

19:48:20 Dec 16th 16 - Kasakasz (Mr. Bolek The Noone):

Bling You do not understand what i am saying ... now to win against us You admit to break the rules of the game ( i assume there is one about this ) because You cannot beat us by playing the game how it is supposed to play You admit that You are weaker player by doing this and we never compromised this game integrity

19:53:08 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

No, I am leveling the playing field. You want a 27 man kd, I have no problem creating a 27 man kd for you to fight against. Game says I cant make multiple accounts, doesnt say anything about my software making multiple accounts. None of them will fight you, dont worry, its not AI. yet. But I will abuse the systems the same way you abuse the spirit of what NAP's were intended for, which was not 3 kd's nap and beat down one kd, it was to protect smaller kd's from being crunched by the big kd on the map. See, u dont like it when someone else bends the spirit of gamesmanship now do you.

19:58:40 Dec 16th 16 - Random (Mr. Definitely Not Random):

There is no chill in this thread :(

20:01:39 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

04:49:59 Aug 8th 09 - Sir Pure:

A dishonourable thing is nap the big kds and then attack small kds

20:08:14 Dec 16th 16 - Ivanho (Mr. Ivanho The Ocro Imperor):

yep get a chill pill Bling :)

20:10:21 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Lala:

What part of "we might have 27 members but most are new and dormant" don't you get Bling? 

I can count the number of experienced people in the KD on my fingertips .. it's that easy, about 8-10 tops. These are the only people with armies and magic and are essentially running the show. 

The rest of them are either dormant or are still farming or still learning. So, essentially, we could just kick them and have a 10 member KD. And according to you, it's fine for a 10 member KD to nap others. So, why are the rules different for us? We just napped SF and CFed a pleading MAD.

20:10:27 Dec 16th 16 - Kasakasz (Mr. Bolek The Noone):

Bling either You are trolling or You are dumb and at this point i don't know which You are willing to cheat just to be able to fight with us because You cannot adopt to the changes in " meta" of this game. You want to prove small kds can win against big ones and even few of them? try doing something like Why So Serious guys from mantrax this era and if You cannot do that then play against Your multis.

I really don't know why You want everybody to play just like You.

20:10:38 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

I am very chilled. We laughing at you plonkers on skype at how you actually think this is the essence of VU.

20:11:17 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Bling, you have bonds with IG.

Dont play the "all alone guy", because this is a lie.

20:14:02 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

I have no bonds with IG. I called everyone of the useless twats on their own skype channel. And because they are useless twats, doesnt mean i should join the gang bang against them. I could have taken them all out quicker than what SF or Alba did... but you know what, that's dishonourable, same as 3 big kds setting up relations at the era start to fight 1 kd. Which makes u lot cun+s

20:14:17 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Lala:

"the essence of VU" according to who? a select few? Nah, don't work that way. 

20:16:07 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

Maybe is you spent more time actually going through the guides LALA, you would find the history and essence of VU.

Aug 8th 09 - Sir Pure:

A dishonourable thing is nap the big kds and then attack small kds

20:17:08 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Drug Addict:

Maybe if I hadn't been playing VU on and off for 7-8 years, I'd go and read them Bling.

20:37:59 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

A good read for the so-called leaders of the kds.

In this era, I was in Preds. We had a 32 man kd, no naps, and got bitched at by the 5 or 6  20 odd man kd's because of our size. Forget that Lunar were into 40 members already, but this was how the game was played. And when you did NAP, you kept it very quiet because that was flame bait for the forums pre-zonder banning everyone who said boo.

PredsPredators32Mr. Howells1093
POFFPaladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame23Mr. Scythruler568
HavocCarnage26Sir Vencrow1146
REDRed Hand23Admiral Krum961
LWLuna Wolves38Mr. Fox Voncloud859
JESTJester26Lady Mifune112
ZEONZEON42Mr. Messiah278
MusicMusic23Mr. Hemmer403
THCDivision of Marijuana24Mr. Deew Evol I78

20:45:11 Dec 16th 16 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Stewie):

Hey Albatross, STFU! Y'all are trash. And stop with the whole "not-active/dormant" players thing...if you claim that you only have 10 people active, then kick your other 17 dormant players and lets see how long you last on this map. I could 1 v 10 you scrubs.

20:46:17 Dec 16th 16 - Kasakasz (Mr. Kasakas The Relentless):

I think You dont understand what did You just posted Bling;)

20:49:33 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

I know what I posted.

At any given time, the moment a kd exceeded 10% of the games player base on that map, you became flame bait. And you were taken down by all the other kd's who worked to take the big one out first.
Now you guys have decided to get the 3 biggest kds', NAP and attack the smallest. 
Why dont we do this. All kd's nap, and we can wait for the one untagged player to show up and jump him.

20:51:00 Dec 16th 16 - Kasakasz (Mr. Bolek The Noone):

We tagged Your kd because you were biggest threat despite having less members dont You get it? As in we attacked You cos If not attacked we could loose with You

21:13:00 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

Funny, cause I rate SF as probably the biggest threat on the map in terms of ability, the one kd you did NAP.

21:32:33 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Lala:

11:45:11 Dec 16th 16 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Stewie):

Hey Albatross, STFU! Y'all are trash. And stop with the whole "not-active/dormant" players thing...if you claim that you only have 10 people active, then kick your other 17 dormant players and lets see how long you last on this map. I could 1 v 10 you scrubs. 


And then who'd train them? I don't think IG would be willing to accept and train newbies. If there ever was some sort of an award for being the most experienced yet still crying about trivial things, IG would win the Gold. No one stopped IG from having friendly relations with others so why cry if others do.

You probably know better .. up until yesterday we were fighting the whole Mantrax with just 3-4 fighters. Thats 3 ppl vs (ROC, FW, Mormont and Hornwood) while all of those had their own wars too. No bickering .. no nothing. Just play the game and be done with it. That's how it should be on Fantasia too.

Bling: "Now you guys have decided to get the 3 biggest kds', NAP and attack the smallest."

Dude that 2nd NAP with MAD you talking about didn't even last till the IG war was over. So how's that a nap? The CF was broken even before we had properly gotten into IG's core. 

So why keep crying about something when you don't have your facts right? And tbh, I don't think MAD or SF did as much damage to IG as much as Albatross players did. One of ours took out Bogdan's magic city and then one of us got through the blockers and then a few of us have been scavenging in the IG core.

From where I see it, looks like you guys are giving the excuse that you lost the era just cuz you got scared of looking at the number 51 cuz 51 people didn't sure as sh!t attack you all together. Maybe 5-6 players at max did and it shouldn't have been a big deal for 15 experienced players to stop that.

21:38:30 Dec 16th 16 - Ivanho (Mr. Ivanho The Ocro Imperor):

Lol, totally agree Lala :)

21:49:07 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

Actually, the biggest damage done to IG was by one of its own players casting plague and a dragon. So stop giving yourselves credit, really you farmed you bunch of plonkers

21:54:48 Dec 16th 16 - Osiris (Mr. Demandred):

dont you bring baby smaug into this! 

21:56:24 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Bling:

I'm gonna give you a run down of how the era went so you can see what happened prior to the end of your farming.

1. I core dropped on SF and MAD and RR at the same time.  I had to chose between getting rid of MAD and RR, or getting rid of SF. I chose MAD/RR.

2. I pushed MAD out of our core and chased them into your southern core.

3. We attacked SF, making ground into their core.

4. Osi cast plague and a dragon, which fucked up all our training.

5. Alba snuck in through gaps SF had made. At that stage, plague had decimated all incomes and players went off to go play on Val, knowing that SF was just going to steamroll us. Justain, Stewie, Bogdan and I held out through the end of the plague with negative incomes, for farmed up ALBA to show up.

So get off your fucking high horse you farmers.. you did shit and want to be covered in glory.

22:26:36 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Lala:

"So get off your fucking high horse you farmers.. you did shit and want to be covered in glory."

That's right, I'd be riding the horses in a race if I wanted to be covered in glory, not sit here argue with you all day and console you after you've cried rivers.

"Osi cast plague and a dragon, which fucked up all our training."

Well well, doesn't matter to anyone. Maybe coordinate better next time?

"Alba snuck in through gaps SF had made. At that stage, plague had decimated all incomes and players went off to go play on Val, knowing that SF was just going to steamroll us. Justain, Stewie, Bogdan and I held out through the end of the plague with negative incomes, for farmed up ALBA to show up."

And guess what, SF didn't steamroll you, we did. If I had 15 experienced players in my KD, I'd work on winning the map, not cry on the forums all day long about players going off to other maps or other kingdoms having friendly relations. 

Fun fact: Flip 15 and you get 51. The magic number your KD seems to have gotten scared of.

22:38:19 Dec 16th 16 - Strawberry (Ms. Bittersweet):

This is some weird era we got here, imagine we're already at Page 7 and the era might be far from over, i mean i just checked the other Fantasia era threads and its usually just 5 pages and below.

22:41:50 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

This is the best era in ages. Its a giant pool of tears.

22:44:32 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Eddie Late Starter:

Sad thing is that last 3 pages are the same things, us explaining our side of the story and them sticking to their side. Since there can not be anything out of this, because everyone will just stick to their stories, I see no reason to continue with this nonsense. So I wish you all an interesting and enjoyable rest of the era.

22:47:34 Dec 16th 16 - Mr. Lala:

Probably my last post on this topic too!

00:16:13 Dec 17th 16 - Mr. Bling:

So its been like... 2 hours since i called Alba a bunch of spineless coward pricks.. so here it is u bunch of spineless coward pricks

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