Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / A big debate, on the chat box!

A big debate, on the chat box!
06:42:04 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

[21:24] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: I am a born again christian, I am a sinner, and i have repented of all my sins, how about that? beet it!
[21:24] Mr. The Gladiator: sorra, the muslims will put you to work
[21:24] Mr. Sorra: You said that you hate the moslim religon and would rather a girl be prez just because the dudes a moslim. Even though he has the best ideas for the nation you sure cant have him in office cause you know, "dem moslims are after us white men"
[21:25] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: glitch
[21:25] Mr. The Gladiator: they come from their countries and put you to work in your own country
[21:25] Mr. Sorra: ARe you reatred......going to work is get $$$
[21:25] Mr. The Gladiator: haha
[21:25] Mr. The Gladiator: work for me then
[21:26] Mr. The Gladiator: 100 bucks to clean my toilet
[21:26] Mr. Sorra: sorry, i dont work for un-intelligent *beep* rather work for a rock
[21:26] Mr. Sorra: just moving it around
[21:26] Mr. The Gladiator: you get $$$
[21:26] Mr. Sorra: But *beep*s liek you dont have $100
[21:26] Mr. The Gladiator: hit yourself in the head...50 bucks each time
[21:27] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: and my comment up there was compleatly ignored! Hello!?!?! I throw gilt into each one of your hearts, that is why you ignore what i said
[21:27] Mr. Bob The Builder: He's not Muslim *beep*s
[21:28] Mr. Bob The Builder: he's Hawaian
[21:28] Mr. Bob The Builder: His father is Kenyan and he is a Baptist
[21:28] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: You feal the preseince of the Lord God you savoir, and yet you ignore it, dont you feel it tuging at your heart?
[21:28] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: your*
[21:28] Mr. Sorra: lol...have you been abused as a child? Thats the only conclustion i come to when i read what you write. Iv seen rats smarter then you. AT least they can navigate there way through a maze while you on the other hand, are just an angry young boy with no intellegence
[21:28] * Mr. Everish has left Lobby
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[21:28] * Mr. Elliott has left Lobby
[21:28] * Mr. Rameth has left Lobby
[21:28] * Mr. Fivestaropitz has joined Lobby
[21:29] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: which one are you talking to?
[21:29] * Mr. Stalin has left Lobby
[21:29] * Mr. Dartimos has joined Lobby
[21:29] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: me or bob?
[21:29] Mr. The Gladiator: sorra, youre the youngboy
[21:29] Mr. The Gladiator: I can tell
[21:29] Mr. Sorra: all of you asholes who hate Obama for just cause his religon. Even though he ha sthe best ideas
[21:29] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: No, im acutaly 15
[21:30] Mr. The Gladiator: he's got bad ideas
[21:31] Mr. Sorra: Gladiator said Bush is smart. Gladiator now has no credibility on this subject. Its as simple as that
[21:31] Mr. The Gladiator: he's undecided about many things or sometimes improvements his mind till his advisors ive him pointers
[21:31] Mr. Fivestaropitz: YES! BUSH IS
[21:32] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: in the bible it says: You are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, and not of works, lest anyone should boast.!
[21:32] Mr. The Gladiator: sora how old are you?
[21:33] * Mr. Kitchens has left Lobby
[21:33] * Mr. Sorra has left Lobby
[21:33] * Mr. Snuffy has joined Lobby
[21:33] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Gladiator, you are an ignorant racist
[21:34] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: stop posioning the young minds here
[21:34] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: somewhere deep inside you, you feal Jesus's hand moving in your life. Look towards him and beleive, he died on the cross for your sins and has risen again to take the keys of hell and unlock the gate. He welcomes you with open arms into the kingdom of God.
[21:34] * Mr. Sorra has joined Lobby
[21:35] Mr. The Gladiator: how old are you sorra
[21:35] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: He is giving a gift to you, a free gift. accept it and believe in Him.
[21:35] Mr. Sorra: Guess what Ambrosias...I dont really give a *beep* what you say.
[21:36] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: yet you ignore the words of Jesus, he is yet nocking on the door of your heart
[21:36] Mr. Fivestaropitz: *cough*gladiatorwantstogetsorra*cough*
[21:36] Mr. Sorra: because the bible says hate all people who are not white christans (this is what Ambrosias thinks)
[21:37] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: you will feel the presience of Jesus hovering over you all along your life
[21:37] Mr. Sorra: lol...does Jesus hate non-white people?
[21:37] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: pwnt... pwnt
[21:37] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: He loves everyone
[21:38] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: he loves you and so do i, as a brother
[21:38] Mr. The Gladiator: read books and get smart you fool
[21:38] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: For God said, Love your neighbor as you would Love yourselves
[21:38] * Mr. Rincotsu has joined Lobby
[21:38] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: nabor?
[21:38] Mr. Sorra: ok then Shut the *beep* up...he if he love sme i dont you need you telling me.
[21:38] Mr. The Gladiator: what a huge incult question
[21:38] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: nahbor*
[21:38] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: ?
[21:39] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: and he is the one who says read books....
[21:39] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: you get what I’m saying... gosh
[21:39] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: God said love your enemies
[21:40] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:
[21:40] Mr. Bob The Builder: enough from both of're playing a battle needs to find the KKK forum...the other is in totally the wrong place
[21:40] * Mr. Fivestaropitz has left Lobby
[21:40] * Mr. Tempar has left Lobby
[21:40] * Mr. Snow has joined Lobby
[21:40] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Sorra, whoever your name is, God will find you. He is searching for you
[21:41] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Go to him and accept his almighty Love for you
[21:41] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: God is made of love
[21:41] Mr. Bob The Builder: Son....stop preaching the sermon on the hill...
[21:41] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: And he has plenty of it for you
[21:41] Mr. The Gladiator: sorra dumbass read books youre less than 10 probably, you can't compare yourself with older people
[21:42] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Did God not tell his Diciples to go unto the world and teach the people His words?
[21:42] Mr. Bob The Builder: not on the forum he didnt
[21:43] Mr. Sorra: LOL "God will find you. He is searching for you" Me and good are playing hide and seek. it will take a while though. WHat a retard, why would god need to serch for me? SHouldent he just know where i am? But then again, this is coming from Ambrosias who doesnt make much sense on a regular bases anyways
[21:43] * Mr. Peter Jackson has left Lobby
[21:43] * Mr. Trogdor has joined Lobby
[21:43] Mr. The Gladiator: sorra how old are you?
[21:43] Mr. Bob The Builder: This conversations going a bit pearshaped
[21:44] Mr. The Gladiator: do you know that i am 18 and probably twice your age?
[21:44] * Mr. Snuffy has left Lobby
[21:44] * Duke Fafnir has left Lobby
[21:44] * Mr. Condinho has joined Lobby
[21:44] Mr. Sorra: lol dont need to know...
[21:44] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Jesus has already found you, but you are not accepting him as your savior
[21:44] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Jesus is searching for your heart
[21:44] Mr. The Gladiator: stop insulting me cuz you've yet got to get smart
[21:44] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: not your body
[21:44] Mr. Bob The Builder: and i'm almost twice your age Glad
[21:44] * Mr. Mayhem has joined Lobby
[21:45] Mr. The Gladiator: cool, are you married?
[21:45] Mr. Sorra: lol shouldent he know that my heart is in the left side of my body? Why serch?
[21:45] Mr. Bob The Builder: no....not stupid enough to f*ck my life up like that
[21:46] Mr. The Gladiator: youre not going to get married?!
[21:46] Mr. Bob The Builder: why? in case i go to hell for living in sin....i'll take the chance
[21:46] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Your spiritul heart not your heart of the body
[21:47] * Mr. Bayushi Clamps has joined Lobby
[21:47] Mr. Sorra: my point is...WHY SEARCH? SHouldent he know where it is?
[21:47] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: not the heart of the body, but your spiritul heart (rewording here)
[21:47] Mr. Sorra: WHY SEARCH? SHouldent he know where it is?
[21:47] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: He cannot know, for your spiritul heart is sinful
[21:48] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: ?
[21:48] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Jesus is Holy
[21:48] Mr. Bob The Builder: you gotta get out more...
[21:48] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Sorra, don't lower yourself by talking to him
[21:48] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Therefore he connot abide with sinful men
[21:48] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: But he will gladly accept your repentence!
[21:49] Mr. Sorra: That makes no sense Ambrosias....Jesus cant find my heart cause my heart is sinful and he is holy.
[21:49] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: The repentance of sin that is in your heart
[21:49] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Repent your sins and he will find you
[21:49] * Mr. Dartimos has left Lobby
[21:49] * Mr. Mayhem has left Lobby
[21:49] * Mr. Bayushi Clamps has left Lobby
[21:49] * Mr. Agent Fraser has left Lobby
[21:49] * Mr. Consular Gulbranson has joined Lobby
[21:49] * Mr. Stalin has joined Lobby
[21:49] * Mr. Rincotsu has left Lobby
[21:49] * Mr. Lazydragoon has joined Lobby
[21:49] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: believe unto him and you will be accepted into the kindom of Glory
[21:49] * Mr. Rincotsu has joined Lobby
[21:49] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: no....
[21:50] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: live a good life, and do what is right
[21:50] Mr. The Gladiator: bbye bye peepolz
[21:50] Mr. Trogdor: god isnt real
[21:50] * Mr. Bayushi Clamps has joined Lobby
[21:50] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: science has proven it
[21:50] Mr. Bob The Builder: dont get him started
[21:50] Mr. Trogdor: Science proved that we came from monkeys
[21:50] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: many things has started it
[21:50] Mr. Trogdor: MONKEYS
[21:50] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i bet i just walked in on something good
[21:50] Mr. Lazydragoon: trogdor god is as real as you or i...from a hindu/buhddist perspective
[21:50] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: YUP!
[21:50] Mr. Trogdor: OHH OHH AHH AHH
[21:51] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Let me refraze this
[21:51] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: There is a "god"
[21:51] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: rephrase*
[21:51] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Science can prove nothing
[21:51] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: but Ambrosias, to blindly follow a faith....
[21:51] * Mr. Trogdor swings from a tree with a banana
[21:51] Mr. Trogdor: Sciecne proves everything
[21:51] Mr. Lazydragoon: and trog, science has not proven that we came from monkeys, they are still missing the link between us...and it doesn't exist becasue aliend made us
[21:51] Mr. Sorra: Lol chimey the Chonga guess What has a tiny brain, a big mouth, and an opinion nobody cares about?
[21:51] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Troggers... your making yourself look stupid, lol
[21:52] Mr. Lazydragoon: aliens*
[21:52] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: but science has Tried to prove that god is real
[21:52] * Mr. Trogdor knows
[21:52] Mr. Bob The Builder: no....its religeon that asks for blind believes in fact based on proof
[21:52] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: It is true
[21:52] Mr. Sorra: Lol chimey the Chonga guess What has a tiny brain, a big mouth, and an opinion nobody cares about?
[21:52] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: many scientist have tried to prove that there isn't a god
[21:52] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: what?
[21:52] Mr. Trogdor: Science trys to prove everything, it hasnt proved that the jewish/muslum,christian god is the real god
[21:52] Mr. Sorra: Ambrosias Arilyonis
[21:53] Mr. Lazydragoon: the story of genissis is og the Annunaki making us
[21:53] Mr. Trogdor: lol, good one ambrosias
[21:53] Mr. Bob The Builder: they re the same....just different names
[21:53] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: but... it is just so perfect... so impossible for there not to be a "divine guiding hand"
[21:53] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: There is more facts in the bible as there is any other living testomony
[21:53] Mr. Lazydragoon: they took the story of genissis from the book of the dead and from sumarian scriptures
[21:53] Mr. Trogdor: actualy bob, they are teh same name
[21:53] Mr. Trogdor: it just looks different for us since it is in different languages
[21:53] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: The book of the DEAD SEA came from the scriptures
[21:54] Mr. Trogdor: Cool name Sea
[21:54] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: not vic versea
[21:54] Mr. Sorra: I believe in god, just not the *beep*ty version that Ambrosias Arilyonis believes in.
[21:54] Mr. Lazydragoon: ambrosia i am reffering to the egyptian book of the dead
[21:54] Mr. The Gladiator: science hasen't proved that we come from monkeys
[21:54] Mr. The Gladiator: It's a theory
[21:54] Mr. Lazydragoon: not the dead sea scrolls...the dead sea scrolls are lost chapters of the old testament
[21:54] Mr. Bob The Builder: yes it has
[21:54] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: For a person to be accepted to heaven he has to be "Born Again"
[21:54] Mr. Trogdor: Science proved a lot of things that the catholic church said wasnt real
[21:55] * Mr. Consular Gulbranson has left Lobby
[21:55] * Mr. Agent Fraser has joined Lobby
[21:55] Mr. Trogdor: omg ur a jahobas witness
[21:55] Mr. Sorra: I believe in god, just not the *beep*ty version that Ambrosias Arilyonis believes in.
[21:55] Mr. Trogdor: u guys are fun to mess with at ma door
[21:55] Mr. Trogdor: hes a jahobas witness...
[21:55] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: yes, you made your point Trogdor...
[21:55] Mr. The Gladiator: well the catholic church has been corrupted at times, and some noobs used it to make off money
[21:55] Mr. Lazydragoon: anu and his two sons manifested themselves into a physical reality, the bible is of the folowers of enlil
[21:56] Mr. Lazydragoon: the egyptian and sumarian texts are followers of enkil
[21:56] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: The BIBLE IS OF THE FOLLOWERS OF GOD!!!!!
[21:56] Mr. Trogdor: the bible is a good book
[21:56] Mr. Trogdor: and exactly that, a BOOK
[21:56] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: NOT MEN!
[21:56] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: this world is pleaged by Foolish men!
[21:56] Mr. Lazydragoon: anu, enlil, and enkil are not men
[21:56] * Mr. Courage has joined Lobby
[21:56] Mr. Trogdor: When ever im bored i find my catholic priest
[21:56] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: glad you misunderstand the definition of theory
[21:56] Mr. Lazydragoon: they are Et's
[21:56] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: and there is no missing link
[21:56] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: the Bible was written by old men in a time way before this...
[21:56] Mr. Trogdor: he always makes sure i "go to heaven"
[21:57] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: that is an old statement that just doesn't hold up anymore
[21:57] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Prove it!
[21:57] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: many of them were actually hallucinating or were even high when they wrote it
[21:57] Mr. Bob The Builder: its a STORY....
[21:57] Mr. Trogdor: u prove its real
[21:57] Mr. Trogdor: hows that
[21:57] Mr. The Gladiator: ok bye peepolz
[21:57] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i don't have to, someone has proven it for me
[21:57] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: alright i will
[21:57] Mr. Trogdor: need to refresh browser brb
[21:57] Mr. The Gladiator: going to watch a ood boxing match on tv
[21:57] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: oh who's fightin?
[21:57] Mr. The Gladiator: in florida
[21:58] Mr. The Gladiator: em
[21:58] Mr. Lazydragoon: ambrosias, do some research into where your faith came from....which is judaism
[21:58] Mr. The Gladiator: Jean pascal
[21:58] Mr. Trogdor: lol
[21:58] Mr. The Gladiator: he's in top 10 pound for pound i think
[21:58] Mr. The Gladiator: you know him?
[21:58] Mr. Sorra: Gladiator, how tall are you? AVarage, tall or short?
[21:58] Mr. The Gladiator: and super middle weight
[21:58] Mr. Lazydragoon: and judaism came from...ohh a direct almost word for word rip off of the egyptian book of the dead...and where did the egyptians get that...sumarians
[21:58] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: The bible has more historical facts then in writen document of history, it has many other books backing it up
[21:58] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: nope, but i see he's canadian
[21:58] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: so go him!
[21:58] Mr. The Gladiator: why are you asking that sora
[21:59] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: he must be a midget then
[21:59] Mr. Trogdor: ur right
[21:59] Mr. Trogdor: it has historical facts
[21:59] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: if he is afraid to say
[21:59] Mr. Trogdor: but its also a story
[21:59] Mr. Sorra: lol
[21:59] Mr. Trogdor: its historical fiction ^^
[21:59] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: There is not one contridiction in the whole intire bible!
[21:59] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: what books back it up ambrose?
[21:59] Mr. Lazydragoon: ambrosia, the only history in the bible is the old tells the story of aliens creating humans through genetic mutation of creatures already inhabiting this planet
[21:59] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Sorra, why did you start dis ting up?
[21:59] Mr. The Gladiator: clamps - well hes going to be an oponent at my romanian boxer buddy at some point who is number 2 pound for pound
[21:59] Mr. The Gladiator: clamps - well hes going to be an oponent at my romanian boxer buddy at some point who is number 2 pound for pound
[21:59] Mr. The Gladiator: clamps - well hes going to be an oponent at my romanian boxer buddy at some point who is number 2 pound for pound
[21:59] Mr. The Gladiator: clamps - well hes going to be an oponent at my romanian boxer buddy at some point who is number 2 pound for pound
[22:00] Mr. Lazydragoon: enlil is mentioned in the bible
[22:00] Mr. Trogdor: the bible makes good fire
[22:00] Mr. The Gladiator: sorra asked if god will love white men lol
[22:00] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: ???
[22:00] Mr. Lazydragoon: and sence the pages are so thin it is good to use for rolling papers too
[22:00] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: There is The Dead Sea Scrolles for one
[22:00] Mr. Trogdor: idk but his sons love me
[22:00] Mr. The Gladiator: clamps - where are you from?
[22:00] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: umm, yeah
[22:00] Mr. Sorra: To Glad: You're the saddest, piss-poor excuse for a man I've ever seen, you chromosome-deficient, uber-impotent, rat-faced tard-popsicle. I'm not surprised you're single, you pimple-faced perpetual wedgie victim. The last time I saw something as fugly as you, I was cleaning up after my dog. I've seen better looking road kill. You're a neo-Nazi, fundamentalist militant Republican-voting mega-*beep* scumbag. Calling you a pea brain would be an insult to peas, you jellyfish-sucking mental midget. Stop bull*beep*ting about your height. A *beep*ing circus dwarf is not 'average.' Lying won't get you on the good rides in Disney. Lying about your weight again, eh? Since when did Pregnant Water Buffalo Size become 'Average'? Do you get a clearer idea of how pathetic you are, you minimum wage earning human equivalent of a bidet? I've seen wounds that were better dressed than you are. Why don't you stop gyrating that gaping misplaced *beep* of a mouth on your face for a *beep*ing minute so I can see what the *beep* a gibbering witless gimp actually looks like?
[22:00] Mr. Bob The Builder: written by men...another story
[22:00] Mr. Bob The Builder: have you read them
[22:01] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i'm in nb
[22:01] Mr. Bob The Builder: I have....they are also known in Israel as the books of legend
[22:01] Mr. Trogdor: jebus was a jew
[22:01] Mr. Lazydragoon: dead sea scrolls are a good read, but in 1947 when they were found they were deamed hearicy
[22:01] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: The bible was writen by men, but led under the Devin Direction of God
[22:01] Mr. Bob The Builder: same as king arthur
[22:01] Mr. Bob The Builder: says who....another man
[22:01] Mr. Lazydragoon: and still considered hearicy
[22:01] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: WOW.... nice Sorra
[22:01] Mr. Trogdor: the bible was written by my uncle
[22:02] Mr. Bob The Builder: and its divine direction
[22:02] * Mr. Condinho has left Lobby
[22:02] * Mr. Snow has left Lobby
[22:02] * Mr. Shadowstalker has left Lobby
[22:02] * Mr. Fivestaropitz has joined Lobby
[22:02] * Mr. Chimey The Chonga votes that the best rant ever
[22:02] Mr. Sorra: lol thanks Chimey
[22:02] * Mr. Meloon has joined Lobby
[22:02] Mr. The Gladiator: does anyone have tsn
[22:02] * Mr. Stalin has left Lobby
[22:02] Mr. Trogdor: ok im going to go to the bathroom ill brb
[22:02] * Mr. Cloutier has joined Lobby
[22:02] Mr. Trogdor: dam im out of toilet paper
[22:02] Mr. Lazydragoon: <---i spend a lot of time reading the bible
[22:02] Mr. Trogdor: ...wheres my bible...
[22:02] Mr. Lazydragoon: as well as other spiritual novels
[22:03] Mr. The Gladiator: sorra
[22:03] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Sorra, I think you are the only person here who has said an actual true fact
[22:03] * Mr. Kilazul has joined Lobby
[22:03] Mr. The Gladiator: shut up you freak kid
[22:03] * Mr. Cloutier has left Lobby

06:42:39 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

[22:03] * Mr. Kitchens has joined Lobby
[22:03] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: lol
[22:03] Mr. The Gladiator: bye
[22:03] * Mr. Shadowstalker has joined Lobby
[22:03] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Those who will repent of there sin and believes in God will have everlasting Life in the kingdom of God
[22:03] Mr. Lazydragoon: i am more then likely more informed then you ambros
[22:03] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: after that whole thing sorra wrote, you have "shut up you freak kid"
[22:03] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: there is no such thing as sin
[22:03] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: or god
[22:03] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: that is your come back?
[22:03] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: why repent?
[22:03] * Mr. Kilazul has left Lobby
[22:03] * Mr. The Gladiator has left Lobby
[22:03] * Mr. Nobiggie has joined Lobby
[22:03] Mr. Trogdor: i would rather reign in hell then serve in heaven
[22:04] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: lol
[22:04] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: It is so simple!
[22:04] * Mr. Kilazul has joined Lobby
[22:04] Mr. Bob The Builder: ha
[22:04] Mr. Sorra: Thanks Chimey The Chonga, looks like Gladiator getting mad lol
[22:04] Mr. Lazydragoon: bayshi reincarnation, adn karma are real
[22:04] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Why not anyway!?
[22:04] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: there is neither heaven or hell, the important thing is to not serve on earth
[22:04] Mr. Trogdor: I wonder if teal is a color
[22:04] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: what can you lose!?
[22:04] Mr. Trogdor: time
[22:04] Mr. Bob The Builder: everything
[22:04] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: freedom
[22:04] Mr. Trogdor: id rather play tabula rasa
[22:04] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: lol
[22:04] Mr. Lazydragoon: there is nothing to lose
[22:04] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: everyone.... we need to calm down..
[22:04] Mr. Trogdor: medieval 2 total war is a good game too
[22:04] Mr. Lazydragoon: we live in a illusion
[22:04] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: tell me what can you lose if you simpy repent believe and in Jesus!?
[22:05] Mr. Trogdor: i need to get the expansion
[22:05] * Mr. Chimey The Chonga declares sexy party time!
[22:05] Mr. Bob The Builder: why....the kid wants to back up his statements
[22:05] * Mr. Trogdor rapes ambrosias arilynois anal style
[22:05] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i lose respect for myself
[22:05] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: And Believe*
[22:05] Mr. Trogdor: yea i agree with clamps
[22:05] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: why repent to a ficitious figure? it's so damn silly i'd feel like an ass for trying to trick myself into it is all
[22:05] Mr. Bob The Builder: Should that not be a personal choice rather than being brainwahsed?
[22:05] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Is respect somthing of great cost? compared to everlasting life?
[22:06] Mr. Sorra: Should i give one to Ambrosias Arilyonis Chonga?
[22:06] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I don't think you really need to believe in "god" or jesus
[22:06] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: once you realise the truth you can't just turn back and pretend like there's a god. pretending doesn't help
[22:06] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: just live a good life, do what is right, and make the world better
[22:06] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: and there is no everlasting life
[22:06] Mr. Trogdor: yea there is
[22:06] Mr. Chimey The Chon*beep*ay! simple philosophy!
[22:06] Mr. Trogdor: in HELL
[22:06] Mr. Lazydragoon: we are all god
[22:07] Mr. Lazydragoon: you, me, everyone
[22:07] Mr. Trogdor: im jesus!
[22:07] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I wish I was a cat....
[22:07] Mr. Lazydragoon: manifested in physical form
[22:07] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: hell is just as made up as god
[22:07] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: in fact more so
[22:07] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: that would be fun...
[22:07] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: because people believed in god long before they believed in hell
[22:07] Mr. Trogdor: im going to become a masseffectologist
[22:07] Mr. Trogdor: lol
[22:07] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: hell was added in later, from other stories
[22:08] Mr. Trogdor: and believe that the protheans helped us evolve from an outpost on mars
[22:08] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: hey Troggers
[22:08] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i agree with this: Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I don't think you really need to believe in "god" or jesus
[22:08] Mr. Sorra: CLamps *beep* i believe in god
[22:08] Mr. Trogdor: yes?
[22:08] Mr. Lazydragoon: trog the story is a lot more complex then that
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[22:08] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I got 86% siege now
[22:08] Mr. Trogdor: nice
[22:08] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: um clamps...
[22:08] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I had more after that
[22:09] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i think deep down you really know the truth
[22:09] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I still believe in god
[22:09] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: or a divine power
[22:09] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: I am not finished with the task Jesus has given me
[22:09] Mr. Bob The Builder: in Juddaism there is no hell.....why did the same God change the rules for Christians???
[22:09] Mr. Trogdor: jesus is a man
[22:09] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: but after that I said this:
[22:09] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: yes!
[22:09] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: just live a good life, do what is right, and make the world better
[22:09] Mr. Sorra: That tthe flip side of the coin to crazy fundis is stupied (if i cant see it it doesnt exist) retards yeah i think i know the truth
[22:09] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i see it now chimey
[22:09] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Jesus was a man!
[22:09] Mr. Trogdor: a man isnt god
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[22:10] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: He was God's son incarnated in the flesh
[22:10] Mr. Trogdor: ur a *beep*ing *beep*
[22:10] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i'm just saying i think a lot of people who ague that there is a god secretly know there is no such thing
[22:10] Mr. Lazydragoon: god is real, he is 0, and 9
[22:10] Mr. Trogdor: u obviously made up ur own faith
[22:10] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: hey... I saw this on Mind of Mencia
[22:10] Mr. Trogdor: lol
[22:10] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: He came to live on earth to die for us
[22:10] Mr. Lazydragoon: alpha and omega
[22:10] Mr. Trogdor: he died on a cross
[22:10] Mr. Lazydragoon: everythign and nothing
[22:10] Mr. Trogdor: a LOT of ppl died on the cross
[22:10] Mr. Trogdor: what made him special
[22:10] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: it came down to this "Be good. Pass it on"
[22:10] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: He came and took the sins of the world and died on the cross for our sins
[22:11] Mr. Lazydragoon: the story of jesus was written 200ad
[22:11] Mr. Sorra: Ok but there is a God....and you dont pry to jesues,you pray to god
[22:11] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: good public relations, trog
[22:11] Mr. Trogdor: thank u
[22:11] Mr. Lazydragoon: it was a form of poulation control
[22:11] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: God is a trinity!
[22:11] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Be good. Pass it on
[22:11] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: that is it!
[22:11] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i can agree to that chimey =p
[22:11] Mr. Trogdor: trinity is something in kingdom hearts
[22:11] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: why do you have to make it more complicated than that?
[22:11] Mr. Lazydragoon: the first atemt at it was the story of joseph and his 12 brothers
[22:11] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: He is the Son, The Holy ghost, And he is God
[22:12] Mr. Lazydragoon: the story of jesus is just astrology
[22:12] Mr. Sorra: there is no trinity, god is one...not 3 differnt gods combined into one. This isent Yu-gi-oh here, you dont fuse cards/gods to get even stronger ones
[22:12] Mr. Trogdor: oOoOo ghosts
[22:12] Mr. Lazydragoon: the 12 apostals are just the constilations
[22:12] Mr. Trogdor: i like ghost stories
[22:12] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: if you ask me, church services are so some people can feel good about themselves
[22:12] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: bah! if mre christians read a history book they would see where their stories come from
[22:12] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: There is one God and one God only
[22:12] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: they feel like they have to prove something
[22:12] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: how can you believe something is more than a story for kids when they see it evolve from just that
[22:13] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: I feal like i have to prove somthing, becuase Jesus put it in my heart to prove somthing
[22:13] Mr. Lazydragoon: ambrosia, believe what you believe, but don't force it on people
[22:13] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: god's myth has very modest beginnings and that's all ir is now, just a story
[22:13] Mr. Trogdor: Jesus has a HUMGOUS ego
[22:13] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: [22:13] Mr. Lazydragoon: ambrosia, believe what you believe, but don't force it on people
[22:13] Mr. Sorra: *beep* cant see air, that must mean it's a myth.
[22:13] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: lol
[22:13] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: exactly
[22:13] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: And i am not forcing anything on anyone, i am offering it to you and to anyone who will read my words
[22:13] Mr. Trogdor: he be all like, im ur saver, and romans where all like nu hu and he was all like uhh hu
[22:13] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: you can measure air
[22:14] Mr. Bob The Builder: Lets clear this up for you ....the Bible was written by Emperor Constantine, who merged the Roman religions with Christian stories and bam....we got a bible
[22:14] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Troggers... shut up, lol
[22:14] Mr. Lazydragoon: I have spent years on a speritual search, and the closest i have come to reaching oneness was during a deep meditation on lsd
[22:14] Mr. Lazydragoon: spiritual**
[22:14] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: yep. with the right effort the story of santa clause could become a religion in a thousand years
[22:14] Mr. Trogdor: yep
[22:14] Mr. Trogdor: u know the red suit thing is made up
[22:14] Mr. Lazydragoon: i dissapeared from my physical body, had no recolection of my current self
[22:15] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: yep
[22:15] Mr. Trogdor: the guy who made uncle sam made him look that way and i caught on
[22:15] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: by coca cola corp lol
[22:15] Mr. Trogdor: nahh
[22:15] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Lazydragoon, have you searched Jesus yet?
[22:15] Mr. Trogdor: i did
[22:15] Mr. Trogdor: i found him in my penis and jerked him out
[22:15] Mr. Trogdor: all over the floor
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[22:15] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Have you searched within your own heart?
[22:15] Mr. Lazydragoon: was born and raised southern babtist, i read the bible 5 times cover to cover before i was 14
[22:15] Mr. Trogdor: no just my penis
[22:15] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: *beep*sake....i can say i have
[22:15] Mr. Sorra: Ambrosias Arilyonis-*beep* no one wants to hear you preach, Bayu*beep*here must be no such thing as air cause you cant see it, it's a conspirecy by the governemnt to fool you into breathing. Trogdor-your just an ass
[22:16] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Trogdor... you sound even more unintelligent and misguided than Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis
[22:16] Mr. Trogdor: i actualy read the bible
[22:16] Mr. Trogdor: and it is a good book
[22:16] Mr. Trogdor: i have saw the light
[22:16] Mr. Trogdor: and IT BURNS!!
[22:16] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: LOL
[22:16] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: shut up, lol
[22:16] Mr. Trogdor: lol
[22:16] Mr. Sorra: No *beep* face, your robert munch book isent a bible
[22:16] Mr. Lazydragoon: reading it more, and more i started finding hypocracies and contradictions, the old testament seeming pure and sound, where the new testament seemes to relye on fear as crowd controle
[22:16] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: look "believers" i tried hard to hold on to a belief in god. i fought just as hard as you guys and yunno what, i still had to give in because i wanted to find the TRUTH, not just win arguments
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[22:17] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: there's a huge difference
[22:17] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: There is not a single contradiction!
[22:17] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Give me one and i will prove you wronge
[22:17] Mr. Lazydragoon: ok god is infallible right
[22:17] Mr. Lazydragoon: perfect from the begining of the old testament
[22:17] Mr. Sorra: what was burning was probably your *beep* after it relized that it belonged to an *beep* like you
[22:17] Mr. Lazydragoon: an angry and vengful god
[22:17] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Clamps.... I see where you are coming from but you know what? you are almost as bad as Ambrosias Arilyonis
[22:17] Mr. Trogdor: lol
[22:18] Mr. Chimey The Chon*beep*ou are also very narrow minded in this issue
[22:18] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: right...
[22:18] Mr. Bob The Builder: Xmas in December.....instead of October as is believed to be the true date of Jesus' birth
[22:18] Mr. Trogdor: chimey, i hope u relise i can talk about religion and have a good talk
[22:18] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: you might think that because i spend so little time considering opposing ideas?
[22:18] Mr. Lazydragoon: the new testament..he becomes a loving caring god, wiether of not he put himself there and experience physical reality or not...he still changed
[22:18] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: that is the key to life (or one of them) open mindedness and tolerance!
[22:18] Mr. Trogdor: but i have no repect for ppl that make christianity looks like a comercial business like ambro
[22:18] Mr. Lazydragoon: change=not perfect, there for contradiction
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[22:19] Mr. Trogdor: go door to door to recruit people
[22:19] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: He never changed!
[22:19] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: no Troggers, I know you can be intelligent (can)
[22:19] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i am not close minded on this which i know for sure because i used to be on the other side
[22:19] Mr. Lazydragoon: ohh then can you tell me the story of sodom and gramora real quick
[22:19] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i have seen both sides and still go to talks from christians who try to disprove evolution and stuff
[22:19] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i go to church sometimes too
[22:20] Mr. Trogdor: i go to midnight mass and easter mass
[22:20] Mr. Trogdor: with my grandparents
[22:20] Mr. Trogdor: thats bout it
[22:20] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Clamps... I have alot of respect for you, not blindly following what you believe
[22:20] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: God is an angry and vencful God becuase of the sinners that had populated the earth. He loved every one. He was only angry and vencful becuase of the sin in the life of men

06:45:02 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

[22:20] Mr. Lazydragoon: and i can also correct the mis translations from biblical hebrew into modern hebrew, sodam and gramora were not centers of sin and debochery, but cities of learning and of the many miss translations of the bible
[22:20] Mr. Trogdor: indeed
[22:20] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I think philiosiphy is one of gods greatest gifts
[22:20] Mr. Trogdor: i like wisdom
[22:21] Mr. Trogdor: and u took that from me!
[22:21] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: trust me chimey i gave the other side a chance and do, but i've heard most of their arguments before so i kinda skip past and ignore when i heard the same old thing again
[22:21] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: being able to think and make your own opinion
[22:21] Mr. Trogdor: i like alchamy
[22:21] Mr. Trogdor: gold, oohh
[22:21] Mr. Lazydragoon: yeah but wisdom and knowledge are sinfull, they cause questioning
[22:21] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: lol, FULL METAL ALCHEMISTS!
[22:21] Mr. Trogdor: yep
[22:21] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Learning and Wizdom are of sin. The more Wizdom you have the more Sin you will know of
[22:21] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: yes philosophy is pretty much our greatest gift
[22:21] Mr. Lazydragoon: trog stay away from monoatomic gold
[22:21] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: [22:21] Mr. Lazydragoon: yeah but wisdom and knowledge are sinfull, they cause questioning
[22:21] Mr. Trogdor: actualy ppl in the 1000's tried to make gold threw alchamy
[22:21] Mr. Lazydragoon: don't injest it, don't tough is bad
[22:21] Mr. Trogdor: FMA just copied the idea
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[22:22] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: LOL ambrose ok that's one i haven't heard in a while. is that a baptist thing?
[22:22] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I disagree, knowledge is a great gift
[22:22] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Lazydragoon, i have contridicted everything you said so far...
[22:22] Mr. Trogdor: chimey, he was quoteing the church
[22:22] Mr. Trogdor: no u didnt ambr
[22:22] Mr. Bob The Builder: now that's up there with the Bush statements....stupid
[22:22] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: either way, I disagree, lol
[22:22] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: contradict is different from give a real answer to
[22:22] Mr. Trogdor: rofl
[22:23] Mr. Lazydragoon: can you tell me why jesus said he would be here till the fetcher came???
[22:23] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: ambrose you should go to the forum topic on this
[22:23] Mr. Sorra: GOD IS REAL
[22:23] Mr. Lazydragoon: remember biblical hebrew, not roman translations
[22:23] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: really i'd like to see what you say when you have time to think and say just what you mean etc
[22:23] Mr. Trogdor: sorra, why type in red
[22:23] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: it was quite popular for a while
[22:23] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: lol
[22:23] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: so people can see it
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[22:24] Mr. Sorra: yeah
[22:24] Mr. Lazydragoon: the fetcer is a refrence to the age of aquarious..which starts in 13 years
[22:24] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Jesus lives in the heart of men, therfore he lives here until the coming of God the Father, Which is also the Son, the trinity
[22:24] Mr. Trogdor: coming of god hehe
[22:24] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: =p
[22:24] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: ambrose post in the forum man
[22:24] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: I am a carrior of Jesus, he lives within me
[22:24] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: it'll be awsome we can talk about it again on there
[22:25] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: how can you just say that?
[22:25] Mr. Trogdor: which forum?
[22:25] Mr. Lazydragoon: cotholosism is the largest form of poulation controle.....remember the pope will always go to hell, in the laws stated in the bible....
[22:25] Mr. Bob The Builder: good for you....carry him somewhere else
[22:25] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: LOL bob!
[22:25] Mr. Trogdor: lol
[22:26] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: no, carry god to the forum and make us believe. you say you are a messenger and such then give the message in your way we wanna hear
[22:26] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: where in the bible did it say that the pope will always go to hell?
[22:26] Mr. Lazydragoon: the bible talk of non-material ism....and if you look at the vadican, you can see that the top of catholisim is directly opposite of that
[22:26] Mr. Lazydragoon: the quickest way to heaven is to give up all worldy possesions and walk hand in hand with god
[22:26] Mr. Bob The Builder: Its a cult like any other
[22:26] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: all I can say is this
[22:26] Mr. Lazydragoon: which if you take a buhddist standpoint mean living in shirhada
[22:27] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I hope god has a sense of humor... otherwise, I'm *beep*ed
[22:27] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: i think he does
[22:27] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: look at the platypus
[22:27] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: lol
[22:27] Mr. Lazydragoon: or dinosaurs
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[22:27] Mr. Lazydragoon: remember the earth is 3600 years old(ha ha)...dinosaurs are a trick
[22:27] Mr. Bob The Builder: god is a platypus???
[22:27] Mr. Lazydragoon: and if you believe they existed you are going to hell
[22:28] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: actually.... that thing about philosophy and intelligence being gods greatest gift
[22:28] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: if god exists he will forgive us who argue against him
[22:28] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I take that back
[22:28] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: farts are his greatest gift
[22:28] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: man even the pope said evolution is true!
[22:28] Mr. Bob The Builder: kinda lowers my expectations
[22:28] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: put everything you said into one post so i can read it, i have lost the discusion
[22:28] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: your not compleating your thoughts
[22:28] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: wha? well it's all there on the forum
[22:28] Mr. Bob The Builder: yeah....but he was smoking pot
[22:29] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: How can god give us intelligence... and not expect us to doubt?
[22:29] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: so how can i anwser this
[22:29] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: "why would the same god who endowed us with reason and logic not allow us to use it" -Galileo
[22:29] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: holy *beep*... we said that at the same time Gnisis Mininus, lol
[22:29] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: tell me where god said not to use reson and logic?
[22:29] Mr. Chimey The Chon*beep*ou just sounded more intelligent, lol
[22:29] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: the free will thing...we're supposed to choose god
[22:29] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: etc
[22:30] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Clamps, you good on my list :D
[22:30] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: see if we use reason and logic we can't believe
[22:30] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: no, he was argueing against the inquisition
[22:30] Mr. Chimey The Chon*beep*our
[22:30] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: and we have to believe
[22:30] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: ergo
[22:30] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: we can't use reason and logic
[22:30] Mr. Lazydragoon: free will in a predestianed universe....please
[22:30] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: to beleive is to have faith, not reason and logic
[22:30] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: reason and logic don't debunk God
[22:30] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: the faith i am talking about is having faith in Jesus
[22:30] Mr. Lazydragoon: remember "god" knows of every action you are going to take in your there goes free will
[22:30] Mr. Bob The Builder: where we not created in his image?
[22:30] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: Ambrosias, do you hear yourself?
[22:31] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: not just through rationalism (sitting back in our chairs and thinking about it)
[22:31] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: He knows, but doesn't do it for you
[22:31] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: I hear the words of Jesus, not of men
[22:31] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: but used with searching history we debunk him
[22:31] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: no...
[22:31] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: no
[22:31] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: no
[22:31] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I can't believe this...
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[22:31] Mr. Bob The Builder: Its called being brainwashed....kinda what the Nazi's did too funnly enough
[22:31] Mr. Chimey The Chon*beep*ou are more lost and you believe us to be Ambrosias Arilyonis
[22:32] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: I am offering you a chanch in hevean!
[22:32] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: than*
[22:32] Mr. Lazydragoon: people look up sumarian history...they talked of mines in africa...which recently have been discovered
[22:32] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: no, you just say that you do that then refuse to put up
[22:32] Mr. Bob The Builder: you are a man....not a god
[22:32] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: How much self respect can be lost by believing in somthing so simpe!
[22:32] Mr. Bob The Builder: you have no choice in the matter
[22:32] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: its a free gift!
[22:32] Mr. Lazydragoon: they tell how they were created by the annunaki as slaves for thier minerals
[22:32] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: so is this invisible rock
[22:32] * Mr. Bayushi Clamps gives him a rock
[22:33] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: there that was free
[22:33] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: ambrosias, youre not convincing anyone
[22:33] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: and it does as much as god
[22:33] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: I do not need to convinc anyone
[22:33] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: ambrosias... tell me this... do you think god can directly effect our lives?
[22:33] Mr. Sorra: *beep* all you *beep*s that make fun of god. You dont believe in him ok, doesnt mean you need to insult him
[22:33] Mr. Lazydragoon: the annunaki wanted this planet becasue of the vast amounts of gold it being a key ingrediant in ambrosia....manna, monoatomic gold, whatever you want to call it
[22:33] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: Bayushi, Ambrosias, you are both being inane
[22:33] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: you said that's what you were driven to do
[22:33] Mr. Lazydragoon: sorra...going to conffese for that one
[22:33] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: i am doing what God has put into my heart to tell!
[22:34] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: o_O
[22:34] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: gnisis check the forum then
[22:34] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: for?
[22:34] Mr. Lazydragoon: its amazing how the golden rule that these so called good christians don't follow
[22:34] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: lol, Clamps and Ambrosias are both of the extremes, lol
[22:34] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: then tell it on the discussion ambrose
[22:34] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: We are all sinners!
[22:34] Mr. Lazydragoon: do unto others as ye would have them do unto you
[22:34] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i'm not extreme....
[22:34] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Even christains
[22:34] * Mr. Cloutier has left Lobby
[22:34] * Mr. Chicosci Aztig has joined Lobby
[22:34] Mr. Sorra:
[22:34] Mr. Sorra: whats that mean
[22:34] Mr. Lazydragoon: do you want people preaching at you about being morman??
[22:34] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: but we are trying to be more like jesus every day
[22:35] Mr. Sorra: sorra...going to conffese for that one
[22:35] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: I will preach back!
[22:35] Mr. Lazydragoon: how bout the jahova's whitnesses that knock up on your fron door
[22:35] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: He knockes on your heart
[22:35] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: .....
[22:35] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: YOU ALL talk too much
[22:35] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: be good and pass it on
[22:35] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: open your heart to him and recive him
[22:35] Mr. Lazydragoon: they are already deeper into the faith then you will ever be, practicing non-materialism
[22:35] * Mr. Souloflife has joined Lobby
[22:35] Mr. Bayushi Clamps:;topicID=48354&replyes=150
[22:36] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: Ambrosias! repeating yourself does NOT WORK!
[22:36] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: receive that ambrose
[22:36] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Be good, pass it on...
[22:36] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: look at the quality of reason on both sides
[22:36] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Be good, pass it on...
[22:36] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I win
[22:36] Mr. Chimey The Chon*beep*ou all just lost
[22:36] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: you are probably the best off of all of us chimey =p
[22:36] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: lol, :)
[22:37] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I am enlightened :D
[22:37] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: lol
[22:37] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: cuz god wouldn't forget my sorry ass
[22:37] * Duke Luta Mor has joined Lobby
[22:37] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: no... he loves everyone... how can he not?
[22:37] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: well, i like to think i am too. just because i've been thinking about this since i was quite young and i've read a personal library on it
[22:37] Mr. Lazydragoon: there is no such thing as enlightment, just understanding
[22:37] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: meh, i consider it a feeling
[22:37] * Mr. Shadowstalker has left Lobby
[22:37] * Mr. Peacemaker has joined Lobby
[22:38] Mr. Lazydragoon: realization that we are all one being
[22:38] Mr. Lazydragoon: known as earth
[22:38] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: If you doubt, you are thinking
[22:38] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: if you don't, then you are blind
[22:38] Mr. Lazydragoon: turn a stone i am there, spit a tree i am there
[22:38] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: O dear, this is quite a tangle
[22:38] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: meh, thinking is all i have
[22:38] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: it's all i am
[22:38] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: "I think, therefore I am"
[22:38] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: mmm
[22:38] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: WOOT!
[22:38] Mr. Lazydragoon: exactly
[22:39] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: although i think descartes was nuts
[22:39] Mr. Lazydragoon: because the root of your univerce is you
[22:39] Mr. Chimey The Chon*beep*ou think, therefore you are HUMAN.
[22:39] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: he said "i think. i am", which is not backed up by any reason
[22:39] Mr. Lazydragoon: you are snapping the molicules you see froma probability to actualy being in a single place
[22:39] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: that is what humans do
[22:39] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: then uses it as evidence for everything else he says
[22:39] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: lazydragon
[22:39] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: that is inane
[22:39] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: you are all inane
[22:40] Mr. Lazydragoon: that is quantum physics
[22:40] * Mr. Deathknight has joined Lobby
[22:40] Mr. Sorra: Chonga, he isent human....atleast his intllegence is about one of a rock
[22:40] Mr. Sabre: lazy
[22:40] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: why does everything have to be so complicated?
[22:40] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: set in one way, whether skeptic or fanatic
[22:40] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: freaks
[22:40] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: it ISN'T lol
[22:40] Mr. Lazydragoon: look up the double split experament
[22:40] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I miss being 7 years old... :(
[22:40] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: it was nice... lol
[22:40] Mr. Sorra: not to you choga im saying dont give him that benfit
[22:40] Mr. Lazydragoon: that is exactly what we do as obsevers
[22:40] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: you have the a very complicated way of seeing things too chimey
[22:41] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: well, I take pride in that, lol
[22:41] Mr. Deathknight: i just donated 32 eur but didnt get anything
[22:41] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i can't imagine trying to find peace in a tangled mess of the top ten list of new-age books at chapters
[22:41] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: that is not wisdom lol
[22:41] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: but really.... remember when you were like 5 or 6?
[22:41] Mr. Chimey The Chon*beep*ou don't realize how happy and lucky you were until later
[22:42] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: being older sucks! lol
[22:42] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: I think Bayushi, you have researched this from one side of the spectrum. You lazydragon are a rambler and chonga just might still be seven.
[22:42] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: you think wrong gnisis
[22:42] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: lol
[22:42] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: as i said earlier, i have totally looked at both sides because i used to be religious
[22:43] Mr. Lazydragoon: ahh rambler i am
[22:43] Mr. Lazydragoon: secpool of information...yes
[22:43] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Gnisis, I am open minded
[22:43] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: and i continue to pursue good arguments in support of god
[22:43] Mr. Lazydragoon: how much of it is actualy fact...none, because we don't exist
[22:43] Mr. Deathknight: how long does it take for the donations to give you all what it said you get
[22:43] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: lol
[22:43] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: religious could mean falling asleep in church every sunday
[22:43] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Deathknight...
[22:43] Mr. Deathknight: ya
[22:44] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: lol, nvm
[22:44] Mr. Sorra: IM 50CENT!
[22:44] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: lol, holy *beep*!
[22:44] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: do you bayushi? I mean really? "the case for christ" was a good one
[22:44] Mr. Zek: im Chuck Norris .
[22:44] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: try again gnisis. i have a library and actual library of three bookcases
[22:44] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: try again gnisis. i have a library and actual library of three bookcases
[22:44] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: and...?
[22:44] Mr. Lazydragoon: i'm the ani-christ...and ohh what i have planned
[22:44] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: are you the only learned person on the face of the earth
[22:44] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: you know what percent is in support of god?
[22:44] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: like 90%
[22:44] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: hey, how about everyone gets the stick out of there ass and be HAPPY!
[22:45] Mr. Bob The Builder: i got the dvd's;)
[22:45] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: I have done the bidding of the Lord, I can only hope for one thing, that is hope that i will see you one day, face to face and receive you with open arms into the kingdom of God. I will cry tonight, and pray with all the earnesty of my heart, that you will all be recieved into the kingdom of God. The rest of you are in gods hands now. My heart goes out to you with love, the type of love that God is. Repent and receave Jesus into your hearts, Believe in him. It is a free gift! For god said: you are recieved into the kingdom of god through works, not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. I have fulfilled my dutty unto God, and i now go unto peace, with the knoledge that i have fullfiled the quest Jesus has given me. May God be with you.
[22:45] Mr. Bob The Builder: take that as good bye?
[22:45] Mr. Sorra: I AM 50CENT. WADDUP GANGSTA!!!
[22:45] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i think he's killing himself!
[22:45] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: someone stop him!
[22:45] Mr. Lazydragoon: please i ask for you not to pray for me ambros, if i didn't not ask for it you are doing me harm
[22:45] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: no... Sorra, you are a Canadian, lol
[22:46] Mr. Sorra: no i am....50 CENT
[22:46] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: ok.... I believe you...
[22:46] * Mr. Gnisis Mininus has left Lobby
[22:46] * Mr. Burninglegion has joined Lobby
[22:46] * Mr. Gnisis Mininus has joined Lobby
[22:46] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I mean, if you say so... no one ever lies on the internett
[22:46] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: *internet
[22:46] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: what is that guy's problem
[22:46] Mr. Sorra: WHAT UP G's
[22:46] * Mr. Chicosci Aztig has left Lobby
[22:46] * Mr. Rincotsu has joined Lobby
[22:47] Mr. Bob The Builder: Canadian....that explains it
[22:47] * Mr. Chicosci Aztig has joined Lobby
[22:47] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: who? Ambrosias Arilyonis?
[22:47] Mr. Sorra: YOU talkin to me Gnisis
[22:47] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: danget! God said: your recieved into the kingdom of God through faith, not of yoursleves, it is the gift of god, not of works, lesst anyone should boast*
[22:47] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: typo
[22:47] Mr. Bob The Builder: damn
[22:47] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: hmmmm...
[22:47] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: sigh
[22:47] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: exactly
[22:47] * Mr. Killstone The Exploiter has joined Lobby
[22:47] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: you can't earn your way to heaven
[22:48] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: thomas got into heaven without faith
[22:48] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: well, I say (again):Be good, pass it on...
[22:48] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: remember doubting thomas, ambrosias
[22:48] Mr. Sorra: and i say IM 50CENT
[22:48] Mr. Chimey The Chon*beep*ess sorra, lol, we get it
[22:48] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: ok im finished...
[22:48] Mr. Bob The Builder: i got into the cinema without a ticket
[22:48] Mr. Sorra: whats happinin homies?
[22:49] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: you can all hit me on the head with a giant fish...
[22:49] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: not much
[22:49] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: whatch out Fitty! they commin' for ya
[22:49] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: they gonna shoot you
[22:49] * Mr. Van has joined Lobby
[22:49] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: anyone have a fish?
[22:49] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i'll do it

[22:49] Mr. Bob The Builder: hang on....frozen or not
[22:49] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: So who all thought i did a good job?
[22:49] * Mr. Clone XXI has joined Lobby
[22:49] * Mr. Chimey The Chonga shoots "50" with a mp44
[22:49] * Mr. Bayushi Clamps slaps himself around with a bit of salmon
[22:49] Mr. Sorra: Well i run of in peoples crib asken where dat money at now
[22:49] Mr. Lazydragoon: ambrosia will you do me a favor...pick up a copy of the egyptian book of the dead, it was written i*beep*ce
[22:49] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: happy gnisis =p
[22:50] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: good job?
[22:50] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I'm thinking about copying this enire conversations and posting it in the forum
[22:50] Mr. Lazydragoon: it was taken from sumarian textes that are some 20,000 years old
[22:50] Mr. Bob The Builder: hand job
[22:50] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Nothing? not even... thanks bayushi
[22:50] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: look man if it really would make you happy then fine
[22:50] Mr. Sorra: lol do it Chimey
[22:50] Mr. Sorra: Post it in fourmsd
[22:50] Mr. Sorra: fourms
[22:51] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: but you should post where you can really get credit for your thoughts you know
[22:51] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: ooooooohhh! I'm too nervous!
[22:51] Mr. Sorra: I'll fill your ass up with lead
[22:51] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: not that the vu community is the final word, but you might find that there are some people to agree with and help you there
[22:51] Mr. Sorra: post it chonga common
[22:51] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: why don't you?
[22:51] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: me?
[22:51] Mr. Sorra: i re-loaded
[22:52] * Mr. Bayushi Clamps ducks again
[22:52] * Mr. Burninglegion has left Lobby
[22:52] * Mr. Shadowstalker has joined Lobby
[22:52] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: christ when's he gonna stop shootin....
[22:53] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Clamps, I respect you... You made good points and I think it will affect my overall thinking
[22:53] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Gnisis Mininus, besides the 7 year old remark, I'm ok with you too :D
[22:53] Mr. Sorra: POST IT! POST IT!
[22:53] * Ms. Sam has joined Lobby
[22:53] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: there were too many different thought threads in too many different places to make any good points
[22:53] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Sorra... your canadian... that's it
[22:53] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: wow why do i sense a big "but' comin on lol
[22:54] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i am canadian too
[22:54] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: sorry lol
[22:54] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: oh....
[22:54] Mr. Deathknight: im american
[22:54] * Ms. Sam has left Lobby
[22:54] * Mr. Condinho has joined Lobby
[22:54] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: nvm... your thought are invalid then, lol
[22:54] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: lol saw that commin
[22:54] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: lol
[22:54] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: sorra, nice huge ass rant before, lol
[22:55] Mr. Lazydragoon: remember abmbros, information is only as good as it's source, and if the source was out sourced then what is it worth(sorry i like talking cirrcles(
[22:55] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i guess i'll just go back to polar bear huntin
[22:55] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: eh!
[22:55] * Mr. Agent Fraser has left Lobby
[22:55] * Mr. Deathknight has left Lobby
[22:55] * Mr. Ninja has joined Lobby
[22:55] Mr. Sorra: you gonna post it? Plzzzzzzzzzzzzz post it
[22:55] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I didn't realize there were so many nutjobs on VU, lol
[22:55] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Ah, well... it is actually a lot easier than it seems. All you really need to know is how much they want to sell it for and usually you take half that price and work your way up (unless it is really low already). They will usually price their items higher than they are worth because they know that they will have to barter. As long as you know the baht exchange rate then you will do fine. All you usually say in Thai is (insert number) ___ baht? And you will barter like that. Once you watch someone else barter it is a lot easier.
[22:55] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: but, at least there are normal people too, who can reason
[22:55] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: ....?
[22:56] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: ok, that was weird
[22:56] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: *cough*
[22:56] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: lol
[22:56] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: ....yes....
[22:56] Mr. Lazydragoon: yeah, smoke dmt, eat lsd, and waorship the giver of languagest....the mushroom
[22:56] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: wait... Clamps...
[22:56] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: im going to past and copie everything and put it on the fourm
[22:56] Mr. Lazydragoon: L:-p
[22:57] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: we can discuse this latter
[22:57] Mr. Sabre: lazy
[22:57] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: like Agent Clamps?
[22:57] * Mr. Clone XXI has left Lobby
[22:57] * Ms. Sam has joined Lobby
[22:57] Mr. Sorra: if you post it...make teh title "most crazy VU chat EVER
[22:57] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: last time i checked i owned every who defied me...
[22:57] Mr. Lazydragoon: sorry sabre
[22:57] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: ha
[22:57] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: anyway thanks ambrose for the talk
[22:57] Mr. Sabre: talk to me on chat for a sec
[22:57] Mr. Chimey The Chon*beep*eah
[22:57] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: maybe just add it to the one already up
[22:57] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I was goint to leave
[22:57] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: but... I spent like another hour some chatting up a storm
[22:58] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: but clamps...
[22:58] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: like Agent Clamps...
[22:58] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: right?
[22:58] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: yeh, same guy
[22:58] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: yeh, same guy
[22:58] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: why?
[22:58] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: noooooooooo....
[22:58] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: lag
[22:59] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: part of agents(or was) and a canadian... how much worse can it get?
[22:59] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: well, that will be kinda hard
[22:59] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: posting it on the fourms
[22:59] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: most is
[22:59] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: i can't highlight everything
[22:59] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: most is
[22:59] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: most is
[23:00] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: the core members of agent are
[23:00] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: the core members of agent are
[23:00] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: freaks
[23:00] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: the core members of agent are
[23:00] Mr. Gnisis Mininus: freaks
[23:00] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: are?
[23:00] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: are?
[23:00] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: are?
[23:00] * Mr. Souloflife has left Lobby
[23:00] * Ms. Sam has left Lobby
[23:00] * Mr. Condinho has left Lobby
[23:00] * Mr. Might The God of Cows has joined Lobby
[23:00] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: canadian
[23:00] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: lol
[23:00] * Ms. Amanda The Great has left Lobby
[23:00] * Mr. Souloflife has joined Lobby
[23:00] Mr. Sorra: sO cHONGA...PLEASE POST....i wanna start *beep* with GLad again.
[23:00] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: ohhhhhh... it is all making sense now, lol
[23:00] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: people can blame me for getting those guys into the game actually
[23:01] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: yeah, they are smarter than most people here. makes sense alright =p
[23:01] Mr. Sorra: it's fun ranting at dumb people like him.
[23:01] Mr. Might The God of Cows: RAR
[23:01] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Well Clamps... it is nice to have an actual conversation with you
[23:01] * Mr. Might The God of Cows should be worshiped!
[23:01] Mr. Sorra: so many things to say, not enough words
[23:01] Mr. Might The God of Cows: WORSHIP ME!
[23:01] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: because I have a much better opinion of you now
[23:01] Mr. Sorra: *beep* YOU MIGHT
[23:01] Mr. Might The God of Cows: WORSHIP ME, SERVANTS!
[23:01] * Mr. Souloflife has left Lobby
[23:01] * Mr. Gnisis Mininus has left Lobby
[23:01] * Dark Piledriver has joined Lobby
[23:01] * Mr. Souloflife has joined Lobby
[23:01] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: you are worshiped might =p
[23:02] * Mr. Might The God of Cows smites Sorra
[23:02] Mr. Might The God of Cows: Clamps
[23:02] Mr. Might The God of Cows: OFC I am!
[23:02] Mr. Might The God of Cows: D:D
[23:02] Mr. Sorra: That wasent funny...
[23:02] Mr. Might The God of Cows: What?
[23:02] Mr. Arch Shade The Dark: lol
[23:02] Mr. Arch Shade The Dark: Yeah no funny
[23:02] * Ms. Sam has joined Lobby
[23:02] Mr. Might The God of Cows: Arch shush
[23:03] Mr. Might The God of Cows: I no likey yous
[23:03] Mr. Sorra: well no one likes you lol
[23:03] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: chimey why you see me too much on the forum and hate me or because of agent =p
[23:03] Mr. Might The God of Cows: Sorra, what?
[23:03] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: a god of cows, aye?
[23:03] Mr. Might The God of Cows: Yes
[23:03] Mr. Sorra: except FA and that is
[23:03] * Ms. Sam has left Lobby
[23:03] * Mr. Mayhem has joined Lobby
[23:03] Mr. Might The God of Cows: FA?
[23:03] * Mr. Deathknight has joined Lobby
[23:03] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: sorry clamps, could you reword that, lol
[23:03] Mr. Might The God of Cows: Whats this have to do with FA?
[23:04] * Ms. Sam has joined Lobby

06:45:28 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

there we have it...

06:46:28 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

For all of those who wish to look at how a real debator debates, here is your stuff.

07:59:13 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[23:01] Mr. Might The God of Cows: WORSHIP ME, SERVANTS!
[23:01] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: because I have a much better opinion of you no
[23:01] Mr. Sorra: *beep* YOU MIGHT
[23:01] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: you are worshiped might =p

I am a grreat Debator!

16:15:37 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

Man...Ambrose... I thought you were gonna like, consolidate your argument and write out your points in a way that reads better, no one is gonna read three solid posts of chat output lol. Oh well.

17:42:32 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

can sum1 please please write a post with a short version of that, basically what they were debating about. thankyou.

18:32:14 Jan 12th 08 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

Why do you post this? Who would read something this long?

19:14:07 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Messiah:


19:14:58 Jan 12th 08 - Duke Luta Mor:

Wow... such idiocity...

Sorra reaaaally proves his maturity with this.  Anyone else agree?

22:00] Mr. Sorra: To Glad: You're the saddest, piss-poor excuse for a man I've ever seen, you chromosome-deficient, uber-impotent, rat-faced tard-popsicle. I'm not surprised you're single, you pimple-faced perpetual wedgie victim. The last time I saw something as fugly as you, I was cleaning up after my dog. I've seen better looking road kill. You're a neo-Nazi, fundamentalist militant Republican-voting mega-*beep* scumbag. Calling you a pea brain would be an insult to peas, you jellyfish-sucking mental midget. Stop bull*beep*ting about your height. A *beep*ing circus dwarf is not 'average.' Lying won't get you on the good rides in Disney. Lying about your weight again, eh? Since when did Pregnant Water Buffalo Size become 'Average'? Do you get a clearer idea of how pathetic you are, you minimum wage earning human equivalent of a bidet? I've seen wounds that were better dressed than you are. Why don't you stop gyrating that gaping misplaced *beep* of a mouth on your face for a *beep*ing minute so I can see what the *beep* a gibbering witless gimp actually looks like?

19:21:43 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

I wonder how long he worked on that one....

19:25:17 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:


19:25:47 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

I dont have time to filter everything out. I will soon pick out peices of the debate.

19:26:19 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

I needed to have this up so i could work with it, and also answer peoples questions.

19:30:15 Jan 12th 08 - Duke Luta Mor:

I do have a question.  What was with the big converting crusade?  I mean, I'm all for it if it was to annoy Sorra :P.

19:33:32 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

Here was part of the debate:



[22:16] Mr. Lazydragoon: reading it more, and more i started finding hypocracies and contradictions, the old testament seeming pure and sound, where the new testament seemes to relye on fear as crowd controle
[22:16] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: look "believers" i tried hard to hold on to a belief in god. i fought just as hard as you guys and yunno what, i still had to give in because i wanted to find the TRUTH, not just win arguments
[22:17] * Mr. Snow has left Lobby
[22:17] * Mr. Sabre has joined Lobby
[22:17] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: there's a huge difference
[22:17] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: There is not a single contradiction!
[22:17] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Give me one and i will prove you wronge
[22:17] Mr. Lazydragoon: ok god is infallible right
[22:17] Mr. Lazydragoon: perfect from the begining of the old testament
[22:17] Mr. Sorra: what was burning was probably your *beep* after it relized that it belonged to an *beep* like you
[22:17] Mr. Lazydragoon: an angry and vengful god
[22:17] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Clamps.... I see where you are coming from but you know what? you are almost as bad as Ambrosias Arilyonis
[22:17] Mr. Trogdor: lol
[22:18] Mr. Chimey The Chon*beep*ou are also very narrow minded in this issue
[22:18] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: right...
[22:18] Mr. Bob The Builder: Xmas in December.....instead of October as is believed to be the true date of Jesus' birth
[22:18] Mr. Trogdor: chimey, i hope u relise i can talk about religion and have a good talk
[22:18] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: you might think that because i spend so little time considering opposing ideas?
[22:18] Mr. Lazydragoon: the new testament..he becomes a loving caring god, wiether of not he put himself there and experience physical reality or not...he still changed
[22:18] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: that is the key to life (or one of them) open mindedness and tolerance!
[22:18] Mr. Trogdor: but i have no repect for ppl that make christianity looks like a comercial business like ambro
[22:18] Mr. Lazydragoon: change=not perfect, there for contradiction
[22:19] * Mr. Uther Pendragon has joined Lobby
[22:19] Mr. Trogdor: go door to door to recruit people
[22:19] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: He never changed!
[22:19] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: no Troggers, I know you can be intelligent (can)
[22:19] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i am not close minded on this which i know for sure because i used to be on the other side
[22:19] Mr. Lazydragoon: ohh then can you tell me the story of sodom and gramora real quick
[22:19] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i have seen both sides and still go to talks from christians who try to disprove evolution and stuff
[22:19] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: i go to church sometimes too
[22:20] Mr. Trogdor: i go to midnight mass and easter mass
[22:20] Mr. Trogdor: with my grandparents
[22:20] Mr. Trogdor: thats bout it
[22:20] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: Clamps... I have alot of respect for you, not blindly following what you believe
[22:20] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: God is an angry and vencful God becuase of the sinners that had populated the earth. He loved every one. He was only angry and vencful becuase of the sin in the life of men

19:35:23 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

It is mostly Lazydragoon and I that are debating.


22:20] Mr. Lazydragoon: and i can also correct the mis translations from biblical hebrew into modern hebrew, sodam and gramora were not centers of sin and debochery, but cities of learning and of the many miss translations of the bible
[22:20] Mr. Trogdor: indeed
[22:20] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I think philiosiphy is one of gods greatest gifts
[22:20] Mr. Trogdor: i like wisdom
[22:21] Mr. Trogdor: and u took that from me!
[22:21] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: trust me chimey i gave the other side a chance and do, but i've heard most of their arguments before so i kinda skip past and ignore when i heard the same old thing again
[22:21] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: being able to think and make your own opinion
[22:21] Mr. Trogdor: i like alchamy
[22:21] Mr. Trogdor: gold, oohh
[22:21] Mr. Lazydragoon: yeah but wisdom and knowledge are sinfull, they cause questioning
[22:21] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: lol, FULL METAL ALCHEMISTS!
[22:21] Mr. Trogdor: yep
[22:21] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Learning and Wizdom are of sin. The more Wizdom you have the more Sin you will know of
[22:21] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: yes philosophy is pretty much our greatest gift
[22:21] Mr. Lazydragoon: trog stay away from monoatomic gold
[22:21] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: [22:21] Mr. Lazydragoon: yeah but wisdom and knowledge are sinfull, they cause questioning
[22:21] Mr. Trogdor: actualy ppl in the 1000's tried to make gold threw alchamy
[22:21] Mr. Lazydragoon: don't injest it, don't tough is bad
[22:21] Mr. Trogdor: FMA just copied the idea
[22:21] * Mr. Rincotsu has left Lobby
[22:21] * Mr. Vyse has left Lobby
[22:21] * Mr. Zek has joined Lobby
[22:22] Mr. Bayushi Clamps: LOL ambrose ok that's one i haven't heard in a while. is that a baptist thing?
[22:22] Mr. Chimey The Chonga: I disagree, knowledge is a great gift
[22:22] Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis: Lazydragoon, i have contridicted everything you said so far...

00:29:54 Jan 13th 08 - Lord of The Morning:


yeah... i agree.... uhuh.. especially on that one!!... not much on that though...

say, can I have your number Ambrosia? We'd be a great team of argumentatorssss!!

01:03:45 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

what the hell is this about lmao

i really cant be *beep*d to read those convos help us lazy people out plz

05:30:31 Jan 13th 08 - Duke Luta Mor:

If wisdom is sin, then by definition God must be the worst sinner of all.

Besides, which is better:  to live in complete ignorance of right and wrong and thus never sin, or to know of and live in a world of sin, yet still live a virtuous life?

And also, wouldn't a degree of questioning be necessary for believers in God to not be mislead by pagan priests and gods?  Isn't it necessary to question the actions and intentions of your priest so you aren't called into holy war while they are just sending you to reclaim a city that earned them a lot of tax?

05:44:10 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

Duke Luta Mor


1/13/2008 4:30:31 AM

If wisdom is sin, then by definition God must be the worst sinner of all.


Wisdom is not sin. Wisdom is the knoledge of Good and Evil. God is not a sinner, you have a choice, if you want to sin or not. Wisdom is just a greater understanding of the world and all things in the world.

05:53:16 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

Duke Luta Mor


1/13/2008 4:30:31 AM

Besides, which is better:  to live in complete ignorance of right and wrong and thus never sin, or to know of and live in a world of sin, yet still live a virtuous life?


You do not have a choice, the more you grow, the more you will learn, wether you like it or not. Therefore you are living in a sinful world. And you will sin, becuase of the temptaitions the devil sets before you.

05:54:17 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

Duke Luta Mor


1/13/2008 4:30:31 AM

And also, wouldn't a degree of questioning be necessary for believers in God to not be mislead by pagan priests and gods?  Isn't it necessary to question the actions and intentions of your priest so you aren't called into holy war while they are just sending you to reclaim a city that earned them a lot of tax?


And this last part made no sence... no offence though.

07:35:51 Jan 13th 08 - Duke Luta Mor:

"Wisdom is not sin. Wisdom is the knoledge of Good and Evil. God is not a sinner, you have a choice, if you want to sin or not. Wisdom is just a greater understanding of the world and all things in the world."

Why then should the bible condemn a city of wisdom?  Why condemn learning?

"And this last part made no sence... no offence though."

Well, think about it.  If the Pope today were to call all Christian presidents to go on a neo-crusade against the Middle East, would you do it?  Would you actually believe God's wish is for us to go and kill everyone, or would you think the pope is abusing his power?

Or what keeps you from joining another religion?  If you truly think about it, anyone with an old document that says stuff, and everyone testifies that the old document in God's own written truth (not that demon-written Bible of yours!) has just as much logical authority as any other religion.  Rather than just simply say "okay, I was wrong before, now I'll join you guys," you question them, and either agree or disagree.

If your pastor were to go out and tell you to kill someone who stopped going to church, I'm pretty sure you'd question that demand too, even if the priest poured all his heart and soul into trying to convince you it is God's will.

Understand what I'm getting at?

09:53:34 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Architect:

@ Luta Mor

"If the Pope today were to call all Christian presidents to go on a neo-crusade against the Middle East, would you do it? "

Uhhh, first off
Pope = Catholicism
Christianity = NOT Catholicism, therefore
Pope really has nothing to do with Christianity.


"Would you actually believe God's wish is for us to go and kill everyone, or would you think the pope is abusing his power?"

I believe, but am not sure, that the Koran says something along the lines of:

9.123: O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil).


4.89 : They desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper.

These verses from the Koran could easily be taken as to say "go and kill the non-believer", therefore giving them some justification for killing any non-believing person.  The bible on the other hand does not give instruction to go and kill the non-believer.  Therefore, if the Pope or some other powerful leader who preaches from the bible were to give a decree like that, we would be able to tell that what he said is wrong and is not backed up by the word of God.  So, no we would not believe that it is God's wish for us to kill everyone because we have his word telling us nothing of the sort.  But, the followers of the Koran could use those passages as a reason to kill people and there is nothing to tell them otherwise.

"Or what keeps you from joining another religion?  If you truly think about it, anyone with an old document that says stuff, and everyone testifies that the old document in God's own written truth (not that demon-written Bible of yours!) has just as much logical authority as any other religion.  Rather than just simply say "okay, I was wrong before, now I'll join you guys," you question them, and either agree or disagree."

What keeps people from joining another religion is their faith.  It is this free will that lets them believe it and continue believing it.  Ask yourself the same question.  Why do you not join another religion when someone from another puts down a very logical reason.  If you can answer that, you will likely have the answer to your question.

13:37:02 Jan 13th 08 - Lord of The Morning:

1. just realized you're a guy. forget my post.
2. catholicism is great part of christianity
3. for 9.123 - fight does not always mean kill. you can fight with words, or not obey..
4. for 4.89 - who is 'they' ?

and the ultimate question that will wreck your mind:
Maybe you think it's faith.. but it actually is stubbornness to see truth?

15:41:39 Jan 13th 08 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

Catholicism not a part of Christianity? What the hell are you talking about? Haven´t you heard or read  that the pope is the alleged heir of Saint Peter? Which was one of the apostles. And Catholicism is also the West roman part of Christianity. Not that they follow its rules exactly. Catholicism is what Rosseau called a religion of the priest. A religion where people do not believe in the  god himself, but a series of institutions and precepts determined  by the church-its members.
And for the ones who wonder why the Christian god is vengeful or contradictory: he is a human creation, which depicts human passions and ideas. Why would a god need to be vengeful? He is above it all, he doesn´t need to. Why would he be angry at the natural behavior of men, if he created them like that? Because it is humans who do not like some kind of actions that do not work with their moral code. Why would a church stop people from protecting themselves from sexual diseases, or unwanted, underage pregnancies? Because they are a bunch of fools that do not care at all about what god wants, they just care about conserving what they were told to believe.

15:43:04 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

well said Architect, though christaianity is still in Catholicism. I simply do not agrea with what the pope said in the past, and posibaly in the future. I am babtist.

"If your pastor were to go out and tell you to kill someone who stopped going to church, I'm pretty sure you'd question that demand too, even if the priest poured all his heart and soul into trying to convince you it is God's will."

Firstly, If my paster told me to freekin kill somone, I would probably leave the church. Secondly I would not make ANY big descision without me knowing inside my heart that it is the will of God.

17:07:37 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

Ask yourself the same question.  Why do you not join another religion when someone from another puts down a very logical reason.

Many people were forced to accept that there is no god based on logic. I can't think of someone who changed religions based on logical argument because religion offers no reason. People change or not change based on what their culture gives them as a religion and based on personal taste...yes taste... if they become disillusioned later in life. The rest become atheist with age.

and the ultimate question that will wreck your mind:
Maybe you think it's faith.. but it actually is stubbornness to see truth?

No comment; I just thought people could stand to read that again.

for the ones who wonder why the Christian god is vengeful or contradictory: he is a human creation, which depicts human passions and ideas.

Yup, and what makes it all so much more confusing for some people is that the notion of god wasn't created at one time by one guy. The christian god is like a massive melting pot for as many as dozens of different religions that were around at the same time and way before. Word of God? No, look at a good book on the ancient classical world and the evolution of christianity from its pagan roots becomes so crystal clear you may just crap your vestments.

ps sorry Ambrosia you seem like a good person but yunno this is a debate of sorts

17:32:43 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

What is fiath?

Belief in, devotion to, or trust in somebody or something, especially without logical proof coming from the human mind of non-believers.

18:44:32 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

1.unreasonably obstinate; obstinately unmoving: a stubborn child.
2.fixed or set in purpose or opinion; resolute: a stubborn opponent of foreign aid.
1. contrary, intractable, refractory, unyielding, headstrong, obdurate.
(definition of stubborn)

Sounds similar to me. Not all stubbornness is faith, but all faith is stubbornness.

18:49:26 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

It does not sound similar to me.

19:19:49 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Mbeidas The Black Prince:

why you people can't just shut up ? just leave my relgion alone wtf

20:13:02 Jan 13th 08 - Lord of The Morning:

@ mbeidas
it's not YOUR religion.
you don't own it. you didn't make it.
I even doubt you contributed to it....

the effects are the same..

21:22:00 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

You are loyal to your faith. If somone comes up to you and points a gun at your head and says "rebuke the Lord, and say that all his teachings are false" I wouldn't hesitate or even think twice, I would say NO!.

If somone were to say "the speed limit on the road is 60 miles per hour" and you say "i dont care, 70 miles per hour is what i drive at home, i can drive here also at the same speed that i drive at home". That is stubberness, not faith.


"If seeing is believing, then believe that we have lost our eyes."

21:35:16 Jan 13th 08 - Duke Luta Mor:

It's not always as simple as that though.  Take the giant evolution controversy.  All evidence points to a world far, far older than 5000 years and there is massive proof of evolution, enough that it is today's most widely accepted theory among the scientific community and a base to modern medicine, yet due to the fact scripture can be interpreted different people reject all the decades of research.  Is that faith or stubbornness?

21:37:29 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

it is fact! Science canot prove anything.

21:40:50 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

In those examples I don't see a difference. If you look at those definitions you and I got, they basically say that stubbornness is being set in an opinion, but faith is that plus especially without logic or proof. Stubborn is bad enough but at least it can be reasonable. I don't even feel exactly stubborn, I am forced to think what I do based on logic; it isn't a choice.
The problem with faith is that a person chooses to maintain their belief, and most times are unwilling or unable to put their finger on why that is until they eventually become atheist. For me it was because I was embarrassed for being so faithful in something imaginary, so instead of just snapping my fingers and becoming atheist, it took years. When people let go of their superstition they can, in time, stop feeling silly about the things they believed by seeing all the people around them who went through the same thing.
The thing that confuses the situation is that so many people believe right until their death bed. I know it can never be proven, but I would love to bet vast sums of money that if 50% of the world's population kept up the lie about Santa Clause, people would believe in him until death too. Believers would feel the fight isn't over yet, mass together a couple times a month, and all egg each other on so they don't all feel crazy or silly.

21:42:53 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

so we are going by biblical faith, and not of science, and what the think they have proven.

21:44:48 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

Ambrosia, you don't seem to understand that you can't just put exclamation marks after your sentences to make them true. If you say science can't prove anything then you are misunderstanding the definition of "science" or "prove" somewhere in your chain of thoughts. Educate yourself on science and see what they mean when they say those two words and you'll see how you are wrong.

22:16:54 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

Bayushi, i AM studing science right now, and quite a few times the teacher said, that science cant prove anything.

Science is man made, it is made by the human mind. So far in history there has not been but one person who is perfect in every way. That is Jesus. Now if science is man made (created and formed by the human mind) then there will undoubtfuly be mistakes in science. Some scientist once believed that maggots came from raw meat. And therfore created a fictional evolutionary hiphothosis. A few hundred years latter a man created a experiement that proved that the magots cames from flies is wrong. Therefore how do you know that Science can be proven wrong in another few hundred years. It is only a matter of time.

That is why we put faith in the bible, not in men.

22:20:34 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

Duke Luta Mor


1/13/2008 8:35:16 PM
It's not always as simple as that though.  Take the giant evolution controversy.  All evidence points to a world far, far older than 5000 years and there is massive proof of evolution, enough that it is today's most widely accepted theory among the scientific community and a base to modern medicine, yet due to the fact scripture can be interpreted different people reject all the decades of research.  Is that faith or stubbornness?


There is more facts pointing towards a world that is 5000 years old rather then a world that is 100,000 years old. and there is also a lot of facts saying that evelution is wrong.

22:22:47 Jan 13th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

ROFL sorry but if you seriously belive the world is only 5000 years old and that facts actually support that then there is no hope for you


Do you belive the earth is flat and that we are the centre of the universe as well?

22:25:38 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

Dark Lord Finwe


1/13/2008 9:22:47 PM

ROFL sorry but if you seriously belive the world is only 5000 years old and that facts actually support that then there is no hope for you


Do you belive the earth is flat and that we are the centre of the universe as well?


It was a medifor...

22:26:06 Jan 13th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

a what? and do you seriously belive the crap you wrote :D

22:28:35 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

Obveasly Dark Lord Finwe handles himself very well. Can everyone see that?


I beleive everything i write in this topic. else i would not write it.

22:28:59 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Chimey The Chonga:

lol, pwnt... pwnt... And I believe that "science" just proved that you are an  *beep* Ambrosias : )

22:29:10 Jan 13th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

can you provide any evidence that shows the earth is 5000 years old?

22:30:46 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Chimey The Chonga:

JESUS! or I assume that is his evidence....

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