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American football
23:47:32 Jun 11th 10 - Mr. Lollylops:

According to a Wall Street Journal study of four recent broadcasts, and similar estimates by researchers, the average amount of time the ball is in play on the field during an NFL game is about 11 minutes.

In other words, if you tally up everything that happens between the time the ball is snapped and the play is whistled dead by the officials, there's barely enough time to prepare a hard-boiled egg. In fact, the average telecast devotes 56% more time to showing replays.


23:54:34 Jun 11th 10 - King Charley The Sprisely Active:

That obviously explains why American Football is the best sport in the world and why Football(Soccer) is not a sport at all.

23:54:53 Jun 11th 10 - Mr. Ois:

shows why no one else likes slow boring American pussy rugby :P

23:58:38 Jun 11th 10 - King Charley The Sprisely Active:

I just die when Jim Rome posted his burn on the ball complaints on Facebook and a bunch of idiots started posting that football(soccer) was not even a sport or only poor people play it.  I can honestly say I wasn't too happy with them...stupid Americans...

00:39:52 Jun 12th 10 - Mr. Heroix:

they are only feeling bad, because even Mexico plays better then they do.

02:03:22 Jun 12th 10 - Mr. Ninja:

football and soccer are both fun sports to watch

personally i like football more, bit more intense

ima die hard browns fan, and we will make it to the Super Bowl *please god, in my life time*

04:18:58 Jun 12th 10 - Lady Megan Fox:

Shows why no one ever reads the NYT :P  Never were the best at math...

05:06:33 Jun 12th 10 - Sir Jangstrodomus:

The key item is "NFL"   the clock hardly ever stops.  Where's the numbers including College Football?  

07:03:05 Jun 12th 10 - Mr. Path:

I realize this is just a flame bait topic, but ah well...One good thing american football has going for it is that there is no "divers".  Anyone who fakes an injury are ridiculed and called pussies directly to their face.  Soccer on the other hand worships divers.

In that I think about it, the people who do the most injury faking in american football are the kickers...who are all (ex)soccer players.  Personally I respect rugby(and all its variants) as well as hockey.  I also enjoy the occasional game of soccer, but watching all those effeminate men prancing about and rolling in the dirt crying like babies when people get within a mile of them sometimes makes me turn off the television in disgust.

It's not that I am all about violence in games either.  I just like to watch people playing giving 100% effort.  Players are less likely to slack off in sports where loafing around can end with you having a serious injury.  Every single second of those 11 minutes (if its even true), often have more action in them than at any given moment in most soccer games.

That said, I dislike professional football as well because once again, I think the players slack off entirely too much.  Fact of the matter is....the best american football is on the college level.  Bunch of guys going out there and pummeling each other for free...just for the sake of kicking the ass of their rival school.

15:16:21 Jun 12th 10 - Mr. Lollylops:

Bunch of guys going out there and pummeling each other for free...just for the sake of kicking the ass of their rival school.*

*for 11 minutes

18:10:56 Jun 12th 10 - Mr. Chilean:

Go watch Australian Football and Rugby Union/League and you will realize the difference between the athletes.  I have seen running back come out of the field and they need to use breathing masks after running 70yrds.  Even the slow players in rugby sprint 60 meters and they are still able to play the whole 80 minutes of nonstop running/tackling.

King Charley, American footbal it not the best sport in the world, and football(futbol) requires more physical and metal challenge than amercian football.  American football players are told what to do in the game, they can't think for themselves all they need to know how to do is follow directions.  In football, what you call soccer, in rugby, and australian football all the players must think and analyze the field while playing. They need to be smart and physicaly fit. American Football is far from being the best sport in the world.

19:20:01 Jun 12th 10 - Mr. Path:

And you are far from being the best at recognizing sarcasm. 

...He even clarifies it in his very next post. : (

Before I lose hope in humanity entirely, I want to make sure of something.  Did you seriously not detect that he was joking around?

19:35:09 Jun 12th 10 - Sir Jangstrodomus:

", and football(futbol) requires more physical and metal challenge than amercian football."

I loled at this one.

"*for 11 minutes"
He was referring to College Football and not the NFL. The clock stops mor ein CFB.

19:59:04 Jun 12th 10 - Mr. Ois:

I have seen running back come out of the field and they need to use breathing masks after running 70yrds <--- well duh they do wear like full suits of armour to stop them getting a little cut or bruise

22:47:09 Jun 12th 10 - Mr. Chilean:

I apologize for not picking up the sarcasam

and Sir Jangstrodomus it is obvious that you are american and haven't played a real football game in your life. I have played american football, football, australian football and rugby. American football doesn't require much brains.

Also, my friends that have played football all of their lives and even they know that on average a football play doesnt last more than 5 seconds

23:28:49 Jun 12th 10 - Sir Jangstrodomus:

Yeah I have never played a real football game in my life. It's obvious you are douche and your opinion is on the only one that matters. The fact is no one in the US gives a crap about soccer or rugby. They are second rate sports here.  Rugby is a gay pile and that is it. Aussie football is a little better but not much. You people are playing a strategy game, yet you are unable to find the most appealing aspect of "American Football". Strategy.   Yet it requires no brains as you say. blah spare me. It's obvious you didn't succeed or even play well in your american football attempt. So where did you play your "american football."  In the U.S.? Did you even suit up or was this a backyard flag game?  Opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one.

23:46:30 Jun 12th 10 - Mr. Ois:

and yet americans seem only to love sports only americans play?? The Rest of the WORLD loves football (soccer to you tards) and you call them second rate <3 guess it shows you only like to play when you are 100% sure of a win eh

00:10:39 Jun 13th 10 - Sir Jangstrodomus:

I said it is second rate here in the U.S. and it always will be.    

"guess it shows you only like to play when you are 100% sure of a win eh"

and you called us tards. We will take on any challenge. That's what seperates us from you.  No win is ever 100% guaranteed but i'm sure you think a tie is just as good. 

02:19:11 Jun 13th 10 - King Charley The Sprisely Active:

Mr. Chilean


16:47:09 Jun 12th 10

I apologize for not picking up the sarcasam

and Sir Jangstrodomus it is obvious that you are american and haven't played a real football game in your life. I have played american football, football, australian football and rugby. American football doesn't require much brains.

Also, my friends that have played football all of their lives and even they know that on average a football play doesnt last more than 5 seconds

:) Yeah i played football(Soccer) for 13 years and loved every minute of it.  While people do dislike it because of people diving...there are consequences.  People are penalized at times if they fake(At least I noticed that at times).  After watching the USA vs England game today at a pub, I really saw no diving.  I saw an exciting game with my brother and some people from England who were visiting and none of us had any hard feelings over a few(or quite a few) drinks. 

Jangstrodomus...funny how your opinions make you sound like an even bigger asshole than the others in this thread...
"Rugby is a gay pile and that is it. Aussie football is a little better but not much."

A gay pile...guess an offensive and defensive line all diving on each other is as straight as it gets.  Just because you wear a bunch of pads doesn't make it any less gay(At least from your viewpoint). 

05:54:56 Jun 13th 10 - Mr. Secret Agent Onslaught:

"You people are playing a strategy game, yet you are unable to find the most appealing aspect of "American Football". Strategy. Yet it requires no brains as you say. blah spare me."

A man (quarterback) crouches with another man's anus directly infront of his head, awaits for a ball to be "hiked" to him, throws it to a man (the "receiver") that's open, the man that's open runs until a large man roughly pins him (the "receiver") to the ground as the referee watches from a distance, wishing to join in the fun. And the process repeats.

06:58:18 Jun 13th 10 - Mr. Chilean:

For your information i played football in the usa and started as defensive tackle. our team was state runner ups.  i quit pkayimg after the state championship because football was  not preparing me for rugby, and practices were a waste of time.  And i start in my rugby team in the usa, we are number 4 in the nation in the high school league.  i have experience to back up my opinion, unlike you i dont pull idea out of my ass. i know what im talking about. get some brains before you try to analyze other people.

16:15:23 Jun 13th 10 - King Charley The Sprisely Active:

Mr. Secret Agent Onslaught


23:54:56 Jun 12th 10
"You people are playing a strategy game, yet you are unable to find the most appealing aspect of "American Football". Strategy. Yet it requires no brains as you say. blah spare me."

A man (quarterback) crouches with another man's anus directly infront of his head, awaits for a ball to be "hiked" to him, throws it to a man (the "receiver") that's open, the man that's open runs until a large man roughly pins him (the "receiver") to the ground as the referee watches from a distance, wishing to join in the fun. And the process repeats.

Onslaught +10

17:01:09 Jun 17th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

I've played American Football, Football(soccer) and played some rugby in college but no league.  To be honest I had more fun playing soccer then any of the other sports.  But it's not as widely popular in the states as some could hope.  I also realized straight off that Rugby wasnt for me.  Shattered my wrist and got 2 concussions while I played.  Unlucky but I like having bones in my body.  Though it was extremely fun while I played.  When it comes down to it everyone is passionate about the games they like.  All I can say is I was fortunate enough to try some of them.

When it does come down to sports who plays harder and all that athletes at a college level tend to play harder IMO because they arent getting paid to play.  I've seen Professionals dive/loaf in F or AF and wondered wtf are they doing hurry up get to the next play or wow talk about a dive the guy barely touched you and now your legs broken are you kidding me.  Rugby is the only sport I believe that players at every level play their asses off.  Only thing is people like watching certain things here in the states and unfortunately Rugby and Football arent that we get NASCAR yay for NASCAR.

18:05:25 Jun 17th 10 - Lord Woodys Sapphire Trebuchet:

back onto the diving subject, its not because there all 'pussys', its the fact referees reward diving with free kicks/penalty's. its like when the keeper got sent off n Uruguay vs South Africa, was clearly a dive for a penalty, but the keeper gets carded, and the penalty goes in, and kills off any chance of a south Africa come back.

05:05:03 Jun 18th 10 - King Charley The Sprisely Active:

I was reading an ESPN magazine article on England where it said they play with honor and don't dive.  Just straight up skill and ability(from what my memory recalls).  Not diving like other European teams.  +1 for England in my book :)

08:07:48 Jun 18th 10 - Mr. Thechamp:

too bad eagles released mcnabb. if favre comes back im cheerin him on :D

08:09:22 Jun 18th 10 - Mr. Thechamp:

23:03:05 Jun 11th 10 - Mr. Path:

I realize this is just a flame bait topic, but ah well...One good thing american football has going for it is that there is no "divers".  Anyone who fakes an injury are ridiculed and called pussies directly to their face.  Soccer on the other hand worships divers.

In that I think about it, the people who do the most injury faking in american football are the kickers...who are all (ex)soccer players.  Personally I respect rugby(and all its variants) as well as hockey.  I also enjoy the occasional game of soccer, but watching all those effeminate men prancing about and rolling in the dirt crying like babies when people get within a mile of them sometimes makes me turn off the television in disgust.

It's not that I am all about violence in games either.  I just like to watch people playing giving 100% effort.  Players are less likely to slack off in sports where loafing around can end with you having a serious injury.  Every single second of those 11 minutes (if its even true), often have more action in them than at any given moment in most soccer games.

That said, I dislike professional football as well because once again, I think the players slack off entirely too much.  Fact of the matter is....the best american football is on the college level.  Bunch of guys going out there and pummeling each other for free...just for the sake of kicking the ass of their rival school



kickers dont get injured often


09:02:26 Jun 18th 10 - Mr. Secret Agent Onslaught:

None of the players get injured often with their 40 kg of body armour.

16:15:24 Jun 18th 10 - Mr. Path:

Aha.  Sooo....that's why there has been 1016 direct (mostly brain, neck, spinal related) and 711 indirect (heat stroke/heart related)  fatalities in american football players since 1931, and under 80 rugby players died in the last 100 years.

Simply put, you are much more likely to get a scrape or bruise in rugby than you are in american football.  You can then show off your scar to people proudly.  If you are lucky, you maybe even get a cracked skull and broken bone or two.  Not having a helmet/padding leaves you vulnerable to these inconveniences.   On the other hand, american football is much more likely to be a real injury.  Vertebrae smashed into splinters, broken spinal cords, pelvic fractures, ruptured aortas, etc.

If you think people in rugby are hitting as hard as they do in american football, you are clearly deluded.  Go watch a match and tell me how many head to head contacts you see.  Then watch american football and pay attention to the same thing.

17:03:08 Jun 18th 10 - Mr. Lollylops:

">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

Superior athletes to fat Americans wearing klingon-armour and only playing for 11 minutes.

Hats go off to them. Rugby players > American handegg. Real Warriors who aren't afraid of getting hurt.

18:24:53 Jun 18th 10 - King Charley The Sprisely Active:

Mr. Path


10:15:24 Jun 18th 10
Aha.  Sooo....that's why there has been 1016 direct (mostly brain, neck, spinal related) and 711 indirect (heat stroke/heart related)  fatalities in american football players since 1931
How many of those people probably had brain injuries before playing? Look at the media and see how many complete f*cking retards play the sport.  Many of them are meatheads who do stupid sh*t all the time and all complain and b*tch on the media.  If I weighed 300lbs and had the IQ of a bar stool, I could play.  Not all players fit into that category though.  I did know a couple really smart guys who played at my college and gave up the sport to do something worthwhile with their lives because they had an IQ above a barstool.

19:20:07 Jun 18th 10 - Lady Patches Ohoulihan:

20:43:12 Jun 18th 10 - Mr. Path:

Shoulder checks and arm tackles....

btw Charley, I find your comment to be pretty funny.  Apparently people who choose not to play football are doing "something worthwhile with their lives".  Would you say the same thing for people choosing not to play soccer?  To me, it sounds like some football players gave you a hard time growing up so you have some sort of grudge.

Show us on the doll where they touched you

23:08:04 Jun 18th 10 - Mr. Thechamp:

jesus christ im tired of all you europeans attacking our way of life. us americans love football. i dont think we care which one is tougher. we just love how we play it. we put padding on so we dont get broken limbs.

01:16:41 Jun 19th 10 - Mr. Secret Agent Onslaught:

"us americans love football."

I agree, Thechamp. Football > American football.

02:47:27 Jun 19th 10 - Mr. Thechamp:

american football > football. is what i ment you retard

02:53:57 Jun 19th 10 - King Charley The Sprisely Active:

lern 2 inglish pl0xen
Mr. Path


14:43:12 Jun 18th 10
Shoulder checks and arm tackles....

btw Charley, I find your comment to be pretty funny.  Apparently people who choose not to play football are doing "something worthwhile with their lives".  Would you say the same thing for people choosing not to play soccer?  To me, it sounds like some football players gave you a hard time growing up so you have some sort of grudge.
You jumped on that pretty quickly ;) Glad you fell for the bait :)

16:02:16 Jun 19th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

I'm still confused on how football players play 11 minute games... I thought they were 1 hour for pros.. 1 1/2 if you count the halftime.

16:24:23 Jun 19th 10 - Mr. Chilean:

Hey, Path. The reason rugby players don't get hurt is because a fundamental aspect of rugby is learning how to hit properly so you dont get hurt. Everyone knows that the football pads are to hurt people rather than protect people. Think about it, what type of tackle do they teach the football players to do. Put your head in their chest and smash them down, only problem with that tackle is that you can break your neck doing so. In rugby their are three different types of tackles head-on(offensive) tackle, side tackle, and defensive tackle. neither of which require putting your neck and head in a position where they are likely to get hurt.  That is the reason rugby players dont get hurt. They are taught to play correctly and safely, rugby players start to get hurt when pathetic no good football player rejects decide that since they didnt make the football team they are going to play rugby.

You said it, head to head contact doesnt mean squat. The reason rugby players dont hit heads is because its idiotic to do so in the first place, secondly it would get nothing accomplished smashing your head into someone who is running at full speed towards you with whose mission is to stop you

21:58:41 Jun 19th 10 - King Charley The Sprisely Active:

Mr. Vuggy


10:02:16 Jun 19th 10
I'm still confused on how football players play 11 minute games... I thought they were 1 hour for pros.. 1 1/2 if you count the halftime.
He is talking about actually gameplay.  From the moment a quarterback hikes the ball until the play is blown dead.

22:08:29 Jun 19th 10 - Mr. Thechamp:

we dont put our heads into their chest. we actually put it to the side and make them go down from the waist

22:16:05 Jun 19th 10 - Mr. Lollylops:

then you make gruff barking noises, straddle their legs and slap their skin-tight leggings around the behind.

23:28:09 Jun 19th 10 - Mr. Thechamp:

what? all im saying is that if you dont like american football, then dont post

23:54:29 Jun 19th 10 - Mr. Lollylops:

It's my thread, yo. I post when I want to, yo.

02:59:06 Jun 20th 10 - Mr. Chilean:

Thechamp, your american im guessing, correct? dont you guys have the first amendment that says you support freedom of speech or is that another amendment gone down the drain like the one that says your allowed the persuit of happiness. 

So please don't tell people what they can or cannot do, im fine with people giving their opinion no matter how harsh, but your nobody to tell people what to do.

03:05:01 Jun 20th 10 - King Charley The Sprisely Active:

In the Miscellaneous Forum, the creator of the thread is allowed to make a certain extent.  Just keep it clean ;)

03:51:10 Jun 20th 10 - Mr. Lollylops:

RULE #1: No women
RULE #2: Accept American hand-egg sucks

04:06:40 Jun 20th 10 - Mr. Riashin:

Thechamp....seriously?  I'm American and I can fully understand that 

A: you're an idiot.  "what? all im saying is that if you dont like american football, then dont post"  This is you saying that anyone who doesn't agree with you should just not talk.  Only Texans would be allowed voices.
B:  American football is a pussy version of rugby.  I have, in fact, noted this on occasion to American football players.  They never responded well to that.
C:  Americans on this issue in general are quite close-minded.  Really, if they opened up a bit, soooo many rednecks would enjoy football.  It's one of the only sports that being a complete dick and fighting during the game with fellow and opposing fans is acceptable.  (aside from hockey)

04:27:50 Jun 20th 10 - Mr. Path:

Charley, flame bait or not, you got some serious mental issues.  I was just curious if they were caused by football players.

05:09:27 Jun 20th 10 - Mr. Thechamp:

Mr. Riashin. i hope you know that american football is similiar to rugby, but do i care? im no idiot my friends. only texans would be allowed voices? im from arizona. im still in arizona. i dont think im considered "texan". and im just tired of europeans downing our way of life. hey its OUR sport. with OUR rules. nothing will change that. idc if you think its pussy to wear pads. trust me its not safer, i get hurt everyother play but im still on the field and i am one of the best wide recivers at my school. my injuries dont affect my skill.

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