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Another big debate
01:00:45 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

[23:20] Mr. Mafia: fuk dark trio and da racist muda fuka squiidy fuk ur mum!!
[23:21] Mr. Gilth: Mafia, watch you language
[23:21] Mr. Jones: what's wrong Mafia?
[23:21] Mr. Mafia: i got betrayd by my own kd coz of racism
[23:21] Mr. Gilth: he got kicked by trio
[23:21] Mr. Mafia: i told squdy i was muslim guess wat hapens next?
[23:22] Mr. Mafia: i think that was the reason
[23:22] * Mr. Heldeofol has left Mantrax
[23:22] * Mr. Snow has left Mantrax
[23:22] * Mr. Ghengas Kahn has left Mantrax
[23:23] Mr. Mafia: so *beep* dark trio any info u wana kno about dem am u man
[23:24] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: no because you're a noob who sucks
[23:24] Mr. Mafia: fuk u ya *beep*
[23:24] Mr. Gilth: no reason to kick noobs
[23:24] Mr. Mafia: tell me the reason
[23:24] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: and you'll always be a noob
[23:25] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: because you SUCK capital S U C K
[23:25] Mr. Gilth: Hairy, quit it
[23:25] Mr. Mafia: computa geek i got a life
[23:25] Mr. Mafia: i aint as sad as u sit here 24/7
[23:25] Mr. Mafia: fuking nerd
[23:25] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: lol
[23:25] Mr. Mafia: u eva been out the house?
[23:26] Mr. Gilth: Mafia, it might have been the language you use that got you kicked..
[23:26] Mr. Mafia: gilth
[23:26] Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured: nope, it was leaking info to our enemies
[23:26] Mr. Mafia: i dont tok lyk this at all to my kd
[23:26] Mr. Mafia: tell me clapms
[23:26] Mr. Mafia: wat did i tell holy?
[23:26] Mr. Mafia: prove it 2 me
[23:26] Mr. Mafia: i got da mail in my messages 2 prove am inocent
[23:26] Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured: your "friends" sold you out just as you did us jackass lol
[23:27] Mr. Mafia: my friends which 1s? tll me?
[23:27] Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured: if you weren't such a noob you'd know that holy and trio get along great
[23:27] Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured: we are just haivng war for fun basically
[23:27] Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured: and your stupid ass got sold out
[23:27] Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured: so there's our proof
[23:28] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: you want proof? here is it
[23:28] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: [17:23] Mr. Mafia: so *beep* dark trio any info u wana kno about dem am u man
[23:29] Mr. Mafia: i sed that now coz u wankrs kickd me
[23:29] Mr. Gilth: thats after he was kicked..
[23:29] Mr. Mafia: ano ya stupid dumb ass
[23:29] Mr. Gilth: normal reaction if you feel betrayed
[23:29] Mr. Bling Bob: lol
[23:29] * Mr. Ghengas Kahn has joined Mantrax
[23:29] Mr. Mafia: n now am sayin it again any info needed on dark trio jus mail me now n ill tel u everythn
[23:29] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: any good player would take this easily and ASK properly WHY he was kicked and improve on it so it doesn't happen in the future
[23:30] Mr. Bling Bob: so why not tell us then
[23:30] Mr. Gilth: Well, Fafnir, lets wait till you get kicked and your cities taken without leaving you a chance..
[23:30] Mr. Bling Bob: sure Mafia deserves an explanation
[23:30] Mr. Gilth: agree ^^
[23:30] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: I wasn't the one who kicked him, BUT he was kicked becauase he was trying to leak info to HOly
[23:30] Mr. Hanky Panky: we was told afia was making a deal to pass info to holy
[23:30] Mr. Bling Bob: so prove it
[23:30] Mr. Hanky Panky: i have evidence
[23:31] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: but us and Holy have a great relationship
[23:31] Mr. Hanky Panky: 2 secs
[23:31] Mr. Bling Bob: so prove it
[23:31] Mr. Bling Bob: thats allwe're asking
[23:31] Mr. Mafia: goo lets see u *beep*s prove it
[23:31] Mr. Bling Bob: sure Trio does nt want to be branded a rascist KD
[23:31] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: lol
[23:32] Mr. Mafia: n i got the mail to prove that am inocent aswell ya *beep*
[23:32] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: OFCOURSE we're racist (sarcasm)
[23:32] * Mr. Thizzle has left Mantrax
[23:32] Mr. Hanky Panky:
[23:32] Mr. Mafia: any info needed on dark trio mail me now for free info
[23:32] Mr. Mafia: i says that so the guy cud get off my back n ask dat *beep* head did i give him any info?
[23:32] Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured: the only ones who want it are holy and they are above your nonsense man
[23:33] Mr. Hanky Panky: i dont no the full story
[23:33] Mr. Mafia: i had just came out of protection
[23:33] Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured: find something else to do about your situation
[23:33] Mr. Gilth: well, Mafia.. thats not very good
[23:33] Mr. Bling Bob: thats no proof
[23:33] Mr. Bling Bob: lol
[23:34] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: that isn't Bling?
[23:34] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: i think it's good proof
[23:34] Mr. Mafia: fs maan ask justan bogdan. or qassim or any member from dark rider empire have i eva leekd?
[23:34] Mr. Gilth: you intended too..
[23:34] Mr. Bling Bob: no...where's the info?
[23:34] Mr. Gilth: thats enough
[23:34] Mr. Hanky Panky: "spare me mate and ile get you info how about that for a deal?"
[23:34] Mr. Gilth: its clear you can't be trusted by Trio
[23:34] Mr. Bling Bob: so where is the "INTEL" exchange
[23:34] Mr. Mafia: intel?
[23:34] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: Mafia be glad we're not one of those noob KDs who put this on the forums
[23:35] Mr. Bling Bob: info
[23:35] Mr. Hanky Panky: bling are you a leader ?
[23:35] Mr. Bling Bob: vice
[23:35] Mr. Hanky Panky: kk
[23:35] Mr. Mafia: fs ave neva betrayd a kd even wen i gt friends in it!
[23:35] Mr. Mafia: u kno what fuk dark trio any info wanted mail me now!!
[23:35] Mr. Hanky Panky: would you allow someone in your kd who says to the enemys he will give info for survival
[23:36] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: look even his writing style matches=P
[23:36] Mr. Mafia: omg hanky i had jus came outa protection n i was jokin
[23:36] Mr. Mafia: i wud neva leek!
[23:36] Mr. Bling Bob: DONT BE AFRAID :) whats that
[23:37] Mr. Mafia: i kno da consequences
[23:37] Mr. Hanky Panky: you do now :)
[23:37] Mr. Bling Bob: so where is the "Info"
[23:37] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: Hanky KD chat......question
[23:37] Mr. Mafia: hanky ur mum knows me very well aswell in bed
[23:38] Mr. Bling Bob: lol...tut tut...getting personal now
[23:38] Mr. Hanky Panky: k
[23:38] * Mr. Ninja has joined Mantrax
[23:38] Mr. Mafia: u kno wat wen it comes to slagging i can slag any1
[23:38] Mr. Gilth: well, Mafia, like I know Hanky, its probably your mom knowing him
[23:39] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: lol you suck at it
[23:39] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: this is VU.........everybody knows everybody
[23:39] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: and unlike you VU has loyalty
[23:39] Mr. Mafia: vu!
[23:39] Mr. Mafia: again!
[23:39] Mr. Mafia: its only a game!
[23:39] Mr. Mafia: its not as if its ur life
[23:40] Mr. Mafia: well might be urs coz ur sittin here 24/7
[23:40] Mr. Hanky Panky: then why you still rambling on
[23:40] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: it's a community (also if it's a game why are you so pissed at being kicked?)
[23:40] Mr. Mafia: coz i got kicked for the worst reason
[23:40] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: which was (wait Hanky let him answer)
[23:40] Mr. Hanky Panky: lol
[23:41] Mr. Bling Bob: sorry...not taking sides here...just trying to be fair
[23:41] Mr. Bling Bob: he says its say its intel
[23:41] Mr. Bling Bob: i think u both got it wrong
[23:41] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: hell yea it's Mafiast
[23:41] Mr. Jones: how is anyone supposed to know another player's race when they play online?
[23:41] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: I don't like the name Mafia
[23:41] * Mr. Ninja has left Mantrax
[23:41] Mr. Bling Bob: lol
[23:42] Mr. Mafia: i dont like fafnir hairy foot
[23:42] Mr. Bling Bob: I,m not racist....I hate everyone equally
[23:42] Mr. Mafia: are u *beep* or sutin
[23:42] Mr. Gilth: You got somethings against *beep* people?
[23:42] Mr. Mafia: hairy fooot wtf man u are *beep*
[23:42] Mr. Mafia: not at all jus slag them
[23:43] Mr. Hanky Panky: o deer
[23:43] Mr. Hanky Panky: mafia
[23:43] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: well you are against *beep* people because if you're saying *beep* is bad then that means you think *beep*s are bad that means you think *beep*s a bad
[23:43] Mr. Hanky Panky: you think we kicked you over racism?
[23:43] Mr. Mafia: whos we?
[23:43] Mr. Mafia: you guys didnt even discuss it...
[23:43] Mr. Hanky Panky: answe my question
[23:44] Mr. Hanky Panky: you told us you was muslim last night
[23:44] Mr. Mafia: i think that was the reason and i didnt leak ya fukin wankers
[23:44] Mr. Hanky Panky: do you think we kicked you because of that ?
[23:44] Mr. Mafia: exactly
[23:44] Mr. Hanky Panky: o deer
[23:44] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: hah
[23:44] Mr. Hanky Panky: no wonder your bombing people every day
[23:44] Mr. Hanky Panky: sorry but man
[23:44] Mr. Hanky Panky: :P
[23:44] Mr. Bling Bob: no politics
[23:44] Mr. Hanky Panky: geeze
[23:44] Mr. Mafia: there u go racist muda fukas
[23:45] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: take this to the forums please
[23:45] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: and lets see what VU thinks
[23:45] Mr. Mafia: theres all the proof of it guys
[23:45] Mr. Mafia: the holeof mantrax knows that u guys are racist
[23:45] Mr. Hanky Panky: mafia i wasnt being racist what so ever and when we kicked you i didnt even think about the fact you was muslim
[23:45] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: no go ahead PLEASE put it on the forums
[23:45] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: I DARE you
[23:46] Mr. Hanky Panky: i wasnt being racist when kicking you ***
[23:46] Mr. Bling Bob: they have a point Mafia...they were concerned about internal affairs...I would have approached it in a different manner
[23:46] Mr. Mafia: put it on! g
[23:46] Mr. Jones: Muslim isn't a race
[23:46] Mr. Jones: it's a religion
[23:46] Mr. Hanky Panky: ^^
[23:46] Mr. Bling Bob: Xenophobia
[23:46] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: BURNED!!!
[23:46] Mr. Hanky Panky: you have prooved to us how alot of muslims think and it explains all the bombing
[23:46] Mr. Bling Bob: is the word you are looking for
[23:46] Mr. Mafia: u dont even knowat xenophobiais
[23:47] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: Hanky stop it
[23:47] Mr. Hanky Panky: you got it wound up in your head everyone who isnt muslim must be racist
[23:47] Mr. Hanky Panky: thats far from wrong
[23:47] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: when Mafia posts his thing on the forums like a good little boy
[23:47] Mr. Hanky Panky: we dont go to war with countrys that have muslim people there just because they are muslim
[23:47] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: you will make a statement about why we kicked him, give info, and then tell no one from DRT to post anymore on it
[23:47] Mr. Mafia: ank
[23:47] Mr. Mafia: hanky
[23:47] Mr. Hanky Panky: yh
[23:48] Mr. Bling Bob: POLITICS and RELIGEON on someother forum
[23:48] Mr. Gilth: yay, then I can *beep* the thread
[23:48] Mr. Mafia: thats what all muslims believe
[23:48] Mr. Mafia: u guy went to war coz we were muslims
[23:48] Mr. Hanky Panky: they shouldnt
[23:48] Mr. Bling Bob: its not true Mafia...
[23:48] Mr. Hanky Panky: it has effected the way you all think
[23:48] Mr. Mafia: garuntee u that fr fact
[23:48] * Mr. Might The God of Cows has joined Mantrax
[23:48] Mr. Hanky Panky: for one you live in england !!!!
[23:48] Mr. Mafia: scotland
[23:48] Mr. Bling Bob: lol
[23:48] Mr. Hanky Panky: why the *beep* are you here if you hate us
[23:49] Mr. Hanky Panky: same thing !
[23:49] Mr. Bling Bob: tell the Scots that
[23:49] Mr. Bling Bob: lol
[23:49] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: we're Europeans and Americans here.........if you hate us so much why are you in VU?
[23:49] Mr. Mafia: scotland where alot of white people fight with asians (racial attacks)
[23:49] Mr. Bling Bob: where?
[23:49] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: LMAO
[23:49] Mr. Bling Bob: Scots fight themselves too
[23:49] Mr. Bling Bob: every Saturday night
[23:49] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: Scotland? Fighting Asians in Scotland? LOL where? in SCOT-LAND =P
[23:49] Mr. Hanky Panky: lol bling
[23:50] Mr. Bling Bob: geez...half a pint and a fight is on the books
[23:50] Mr. Mafia: glasgow
[23:50] Mr. Mafia: but asians do usually win
[23:50] Mr. Bling Bob: lol
[23:51] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: Mafia I'm waiting for your post
[23:51] Mr. Hanky Panky: me too now lmao
[23:51] Mr. Mafia: its onli fighting in southh siie
[23:51] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: if you don't post then what you say is false.....
[23:51] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: and there goes your arguement
[23:51] * Mr. Jones has left Mantrax
[23:51] Mr. Hanky Panky: im guessing he has no arguement and know i am right
[23:51] Mr. Mafia: hairy *beep* feet u post it
[23:51] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: so post now or forever shut up
[23:51] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: why should I post it?
[23:51] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: I have no problem
[23:52] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: you're the "racist" (accually it's with religion)
[23:52] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: so now you're backing off?
[23:52] Mr. Hanky Panky: he knows we're right
[23:52] Mr. Bling Bob: nice stones
[23:52] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: just as I thought........a noob flaming for no reason (nothing new here Hanky)
[23:52] Mr. Hanky Panky: im actually ashamed people think that way
[23:52] * Mr. Mafia has left Mantrax
[23:53] Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed: btw post this in in-game polotics please
[23:53] Mr. Bling Bob: thats why i stepped in

^-^ all yours

01:02:58 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

[23:52] * Mr. Mafia has left Mantrax

Well not yet, but soon =p

01:05:06 Feb 22nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:


Mafia you suck at spelling...

06:10:23 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

lol all this was sad

06:58:50 Mar 2nd 08 - Duke Altron:

why do we need t o know about this?

07:42:34 Mar 2nd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Mafia, damn, there are two ways of dealing with problems, and only one is the right way.

A: "Oh noes! I gunna diez! I will serve you as your slave fereverz if you sparez me!
Another example of A: You *Bleeps* you *Bleeping* *Bleeped* me you *bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeePing* *Bleeps* I'z gunna go all chat speek like dat on yoz! I wud neve, eva, eva, try and do something cunstruciv, you *Bleeps*! Noz, I'z gunna tell everyone superleet secret infos you *Bleeps*

B: Good fighting, but you will never defeat me! You underestimate the power of the dark side... *Koh-bur, Koh-bur*

Also B: Why did you kick me? I did nothing wrong, I feel like I am being mistreated. Why did this happen?

Of the two, which do you think is the better way?

13:07:01 Mar 2nd 08 - Mr. Digger:

wtf am not reading all that.

06:01:15 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Justin:

u shoulda been nice about it Mafia. just b/c u talk tough u think ur gonna get wat u want which isnt true....

06:51:44 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Jar Jar Banks:


20:03:03 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Kensai:

Im so glad im not on mantrax!

20:15:18 Mar 3rd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Koh-bur. Onomatapiea describing Darth-Vaders breathing... Say it out loud Spoon....}

02:31:55 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Pesterd XII:

wow??? some uber spies ftw!:-)

07:52:56 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Remenber:

Maifia i think your being a little bit of a Sook

07:54:50 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Remenber Shut up

Mafia you can come join My Kingdom :D

08:55:07 Mar 10th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Wow Gilth really sucks at keeping the peace xD

17:17:34 Mar 10th 08 - Sir Sinthoras:

1: Mafia should change his language and his attitude. Like ET said, he should have asked why he had been kicked and remain friendly. Not do what he did.
2: Hanky or a Trio vice should have either:
A:Asked Mafia what he emnt by that message, cus he could be speaking the truth, about it being only a lie to holy.
B: Let BRaveheart make the exchange to see whether he ment it or not.
3: Mafia should quit palying vu right away. His name sucks, his attitude sucks and his spelling sucks. In this game racism is not allowed by both the admin and the players, Mafia clearly is a racist.

18:53:40 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Razorfire:

Mafia is currently a member of my kingdom, I take responsibility for him in his time within Generation. He has never been agressive to anyone here. So I believe he has either changed, or is not the same Mafia.

19:13:12 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Thomas VII:

to much to read and it's *beep* not *bleeps* =)

13:14:42 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

i didnt read it, what did it say?

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