Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Arma IV

Arma IV
19:45:31 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Hungrier Horse:

Mr. Woopie is casting the armageddon spell from Give ME Fire located in Fantasia. Unless the city is destroyed all worlds will end within 240 days!

So soon? The fighting still rages on in fant. Some would go as far to suggest it hasn't even started yet. =/


19:59:50 Apr 23rd 07 - Lord Osiris:

well when a kd watches the fighting for a week "declares war" then casts arma one has to think how much are the ex V members in baccus influence things its another era where someone wants the era named after them even tho thier kd was third most of the era and isnt the dominant force. just spoils the warring.

20:08:57 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Dreadlord The Dressed:

owkey the first arma to end the LGC streak i might just understand but why again the era wont even last that long anyways.

i want to see my scores  :(.

20:11:58 Apr 23rd 07 - Lord Argyle:

I don't like this, Im not even out of protection!!!

20:44:30 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen:

Unless the city is destroyed all worlds will end within 240 days!
why should al lworlds be distroyed just  because  arma is being cast in fant 

It's not fair (90\/0)=@

20:51:18 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

Hungrier:)..I am surprised to hear this from an experienced player like you are:). I am pretty nbbish...but my understanding is tah tZeta put a limit the length of the era (arma casted or not). Arma...if

20:51:21 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

Hungrier:)..I am surprised to hear this from an experienced player like you are:). I am pretty nbbish...but my understanding is tah tZeta put a limit the length of the era (arma casted or not). Arma...if it happens

20:52:12 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

......would just shorten the era by 20 ticks?:)):)...not sure I understand what you are talikng about?

20:54:27 Apr 23rd 07 - Ms. Quietone:

Fra- it's obvious that your kd only went for the top spot-- making sure to stay away from any real fighting while those kds you nap'd took a beating you guys sat back and whored in safety and then only came out to steal away the top spot that everyone agrees you didnt earn-- no need to blame Zeta's era limit to justify your wimpy kd casting arma

21:01:23 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

Simple solution?Just destroy the arma town :p
And on a more serious note I'd like to congratulate Crissxcross for winning this era,I think he has come a long from what I remember him,a couple of era's back mear cannon-fodder in BoW :)

21:05:15 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

I am not blaming anybody. I am stating a fact.

I am astonished that everytime the top spot is not Legacy, there is no recognition. By the way, there is no top spot till Arma Happens.

I dont even undestand how can we be accused of whorring as we had wars since day of which was with Mirror....supposedely not just a little inexpereinced KD.

Anyway...I am not here to justify anything. People think whatever tehy want. Even "others" asked us to cast...and we I wanted to cats myslef. We can block any potential Legacy arma....without any shortening of the era...that is finishing anyway about arma time. So flames here. thanks,

21:10:56 Apr 23rd 07 - Lord Osiris:

People are annoyed because the #1 spot went to someone who looks to have just whored most of the era. whores who win always annoy people. indeed your arma didnt shorten the era but the point is casting arma is a defensive more why cast arma if your goal is to war.

21:52:48 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Hungrier Horse:

Fra, the era still could of been extended by ZeTa, there was even a well-supported suggestion thread for it, so there's no need to try put a guise over your arma.

I can understand why others are upset though, kingdoms such as BoW, Abydos, Only U -- they were kingdoms who genuinely went to war with Legacy to fight us, and attempted to beat us on the field (and kingdoms such as Abydos ended up suffering tremendously on the KD-list as a result, which you took advantage of, while you whored and sat on the sidelines). When you, BACCUS, saw the other kingdoms fighting LGC were sufficiently weakened enough for you to be able to rise through the spots to #2, you decided to jump in. But conviently for you, with an alterior motive.

Instead of going for LGC 's area, like all the other kingdoms did (the way to beat LGC), BACCUS went solely for Dvs' cities he had taken from IE. Once enough of those cities had fallen and he had barely dropped to #2, BACCUS jumped on the arma cast.

Sounds very remnicient of V-tactics, no? No don't doubt it'll hurt BACCUS on a relations with other kingdoms-basis, as it did V. Poor play, guys. Very poor.

22:03:53 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Elsin:

"We can block any potential Legacy arma....

What Legacy arma. We had the top spot for a few weeks now. If we were going to cast it, why would we wait until now?

"without any shortening of the era...that is finishing anyway about arma time. So flames here. thanks,"

Yeh it won't shorten the era. But instead of fighting for the win like the many other kingdoms who can currently cast arma, you took the V way out and locked a Baccus player into the number 1 spot first opportunity you got.

22:07:18 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:

Hungrier, I think you are too much of a strategist:).

If I dont remember wrongly, We warred Mirror since day 1 in our Southern sector (now you have to tell me how this fits into your "whorring" description of us --- by the way, there is not just Legacy in VU...there are other KDs like Mirror that are hard to fight as well).

Nobody asked Abydos to attack you guys (as nobody asked Mirror to declare on us...I hope:)).....I agree they did a great job in fighting you and still doing a great job.....and they suffered in the rankings. Same Mad, IE, BOW, and later Only you and Carnage.

Only reason for which we jumped into the war a bit later is because we were fighting Mirror. As soon as Mirror was defeated we warred you...not even 1 day without war:)).

Plus I dont get the link with our behavior. As we are attacking you guys in fact. My armies are not at Arma town...are in the war your talking is not fair and it is just biased. Plus...I dont really get on how other can be upset for arma.

naa...let me tell you: you guys are upset each time somebody else cast arma and one of you is not top spot. Well, thats not sportsmanship....guys...very poor sportsmanship.

22:17:40 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Hungrier Horse:

It's got nothing to do with having "bad sportmanship". We've held the #1 spot for a long time, through dogged fighting, and could easily enough have casted arma ourselves, "bad sportmanship" doesn't even come into it if you're assessing LGC here. But BACCUS? Well, tha'ts another story. Ask how Abydos feel now they see how you played them for your own benefit.

All you've done is a calculated move, you threw all the other kds who fought us to the wolves, let them slave away in a war, then when they were sufficiently weakened enough for you to rise to #2, you as I said, played off Dvs' and immediately casted just as he dropped. It would be a farce for you even to suggest this wasn't a calculated manoevuer. I'd even go far as to suggest this was a backstab towards those who fought us with you, you certainly left them high and dry when you pursued your "aspirations" quietly.

Whoever made this call on your side definately made a  bad one. Expect the same reception V gets for this V-esque stunt. It reeks of plotting, and treachery. I, personally, certainly regret having kept my kingdom from attacking you all those eras ago while you were "Pirates", when I orchastrated the fight vs Carnage with you guys, when you were a fledgling kingdom. Oh how you have changed -- for the worse. It's pitiful.

22:31:35 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Fra Darwinius:


I admire your abilities of trying to turn other KDs against us:).....throwing at us a lot of Mud.

I am ok with your attempt...thats the game:). If the other Kds that are fighting you or not...believe it and help you to win the era....well, that would mean that Legacy deserves victory (even thanks to its mud-throwing activities)...once again.

As I said, we did not ask anybody to fight Legacy. We learned about Abydos courageous declaration in the forums (same for one and only)....and I agree that whenever there is war between equals, rankings might be affected (it happened to Baccus with Mirror earlier in the era as well).

Baccus Monks is a new KD and we dont have anything that can be attacked from an honor point of view. Our allies know us...and I dont have to reply to your unfair and biased...accusations.

22:46:32 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:


22:53:11 Apr 23rd 07 - Duke Sobek:

1.Those ALL who come here to complain, and bicker, well then cast the dam thing instead! So "SOMEONE" else can then CRY CRY CRY CRY..

well the problem is ... Last night we went to with some friends to France and we had a drinking party overthere ... but when we were sitting around the firetable, we needed to cut wood for it, but then the cops entered the domain saying something against me, but I couldn't understand because I don't speak French ... My friend Bart does speak French, but unfortunately he  went to the butcher after the carpacio for this evening on the barbecue ... but I said to Bart ... "Bart I'm a vegetarian, I don't eat meat", so at night we were listing to a CD and there was a song on it. I think that song was something about Armageddon or so ... So I was wondering ... Can I cast the Armageddon instead?

...  I guess that sums it up! ...

23:06:39 Apr 23rd 07 - Sir Arzun:

I was a little disapointed how late Baccus entered the war with Legacy actually. If they were a little sooner, the results with Abydos could have been different. Once our walls fell, and our armies were pushed back to our core (thanks to some poorly planed early defences) Abydos met Legacy head on with a nice fight. They pushed them back a bit, and it looked like things were going really good, but then LGC used the armies that were being used against IE and turned them towards Abydos. If Baccus would have interveened sometime in there I beleive Abydos would be in control of those walls that give Legacy the power in that land.

23:07:21 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Troll King:

Yes you can, anyone can who builds/trains correctly can cast it.

The REAL problem is NOT with those who cast it. its the others who come here and cry about it, can't change it, and have to live with it, accept it (becasue it is in the game) and don't accept it, IS the problem here.

The word "Armageddon" and any talk of the matter should be banned here in the forums like swear words.

Becasue you all are just beating a DEAD HORSE, and to continue on this "useless" subject has no bearing what anyone has to say about it when it comes to ANYONE casting it.

Maybe the real ISSUE should be about Zeta removing it from the game instead, rather then make it an issue to complain when someone in the game casts it. Because ALL in the game can do it.

So live with it, and all should $T$U about it otherwise.

You see anyone complaining about you can train troops? NO!, and that is part of the game to.

So live with it.


23:09:35 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale Shlong:

Troll King its probly best to be less confrontational when dealing with the rest of fant. its not going to do you a lot of good next era.

23:12:12 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Troll King:


For being honest?

I am just calling it as the truth be known.

Truth hurts at times. But they are the facts, are they not?




23:13:28 Apr 23rd 07 - Mr. Cobra:

Hahaha... seems somebody took a page out of V little book of how to be a lamer.


23:18:17 Apr 23rd 07 - Duke Efrandor:

"Fra- it's obvious that your kd only went for the top spot-- making sure to stay away from any real fighting while those kds you nap'd took a beating you guys sat back and whored in safety and then only came out to steal away the top spot that everyone agrees you didnt earn-- no need to blame Zeta's era limit to justify your wimpy kd casting arma"

hahaha, I sure hope you were being sarcastic there girl...?

23:31:20 Apr 23rd 07 - Lord Osiris:

I was a little disapointed how late Baccus entered the war with Legacy actually. If they were a little sooner, the results with Abydos could have been different.  will people stop acting like we have lost! the borders now are the same as they were when we attacked which is a failing on our part yes

00:07:55 Apr 24th 07 - Mr. Elsin:

"What I DONT get, is Arma is part of the game, EVERYONE who can cast it, can cast when they reach a level in order to do so."

:o Your kidding!!?? Thankyou Troll King for opening our eyes! This makes the Legacy war plan much more simple.

Protection - Secure our core
First Week - Pump someone to #1
Second Week - Cast arma for the win

But thats ok right? I mean war doesn't need to be part of VU. As long as we get lvl 10 magic we've earned the right to end everyones era.

00:11:17 Apr 24th 07 - Mr. Morgan:

Elsin has just come up with the ultimate plan.

I have no idea why the stats should be set when arma cast. To prevent pumping? Please.

00:18:13 Apr 24th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

Elsin,I have a question for you guys:are you going to go and try to stop arma in order to have a chance at the era victory?

00:24:20 Apr 24th 07 - Sir Arzun:

Elsin! Are you mad! Don't give out those kind of master plans! Who knows what would happen if people like Firendash got ahold of that!

00:49:22 Apr 24th 07 - Mr. Troll King:

Mr. Elsin


4/23/2007 5:07:55 PM
"What I DONT get, is Arma is part of the game, EVERYONE who can cast it, can cast when they reach a level in order to do so."

:o Your kidding!!?? Thankyou Troll King for opening our eyes! This makes the Legacy war plan much more simple.

Protection - Secure our core
First Week - Pump someone to #1
Second Week - Cast arma for the win

But thats ok right? I mean war doesn't need to be part of VU. As long as we get lvl 10 magic we've earned the right to end everyones era.


Yup, thats correct.

Perty much all I said. But in a bit more way then that.

So ALL stop complaining. Is how the game works.

If you want the game changed, then argue/vote/talk about Zeta changing it.

But who casts it, and when, does-not matter.

Becasue it is how the game works.

So whoever or when ever anyone cast it. It has no relevancy or bearing on anything whatsoever. Because it is how the game runs.

So NO-ONE has a single right to point fingers at anyone for doing something all have the free ability to do so. Complaining about someone casting it is like complaining about some one who breaths, coughs, or passes gas, Etc…

Strategy plays a BIG factor in this game, and Arma is just one of those tools to be used by all when they want to. Moreover, no one should judge anyone for using the games abilities to there liken.


00:52:13 Apr 24th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

this is the first time i peronaly agree whit LGC. its a bit weak casting arma right away when you have the #1 spot.

and im a bit disapointed in BACCUS MONKS, thay could have brought more to the game. this is a war game and i know thay warred Mirror but that war was already decided a week ago. thay already could have had some of there army's up there and fight.

00:53:59 Apr 24th 07 - Lord Osiris:

Strategy plays a BIG factor in this game, and Arma is just one of those tools to be used by all when they want to. Moreover, no one should judge anyone for using the games abilities to there liken <--- you sound way too much like auspex.

00:57:05 Apr 24th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

"this is the first time i peronaly agree whit LGC. its a bit weak casting arma right away when you have the #1 spot."

Legacy has done the same thing.

01:00:05 Apr 24th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

"this is the first time i peronaly agree whit LGC. its a bit weak casting arma right away when you have the #1 spot."

Legacy has done the same thing."

treu but i just agree whit what thay say's now.
Sure LGC did that 2 but that still means i think its weak

01:00:26 Apr 24th 07 - Mr. Troll King:


Well I am not them, believe me.

Still I state the facts as they stand.

The rest is just CRY CRY CRY and nothing more.

Debate to change the game is the matter more needed to be addressed. Rather then all who decide to play by its mechanics.


01:04:01 Apr 24th 07 - Ms. Quietone:

Legacy has never cast arma when the war was not won or lost we play the game to win the war-- the top spot is just the extra incentive- dont compare the two  Baccus is by no means a comparison-- everyone had the ability to cast -- and didnt because the wars were on going- Baccus is a worthless kd who cant stand with the big kds and earn a win- just like a kd that alot of them came from.

01:08:54 Apr 24th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

we are not saying you may not use the Mechanics but that its weak to cast arma when you get to #1 not by warring Big KD's. that means that the one that will win doesnt desirve to win and will never be seen as a winner.

you just dont understand that this game is about War and not about mechanics.
and absolutly no Sim City

01:12:22 Apr 24th 07 - Lord Osiris:

not even sim city 4?

01:13:43 Apr 24th 07 - Mr. Morgan:

Well the era will still be over in the arma timeframe. They mightaswell assure they get number 1 spot.

Lamer or not nuntin can be done(unless someone ends/stops it).

01:14:43 Apr 24th 07 - Sir Arzun:

Yes Legacy always fought, and I have always just kind of just gone with the anti-legacy flow, because it was something to unite against. But I can't do that anymore. I support Legacy in (mostly) everything they've said and done and I don't think that that is changing.

01:15:32 Apr 24th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

nop LOL  NO SIM CITY lol more like CQ :P

01:18:42 Apr 24th 07 - Mr. Troll King:

Everything your saying is just “Opinions” there are many Opinions like A Holes, we all have one.


It is just my “opinion” is based on how the game is and can be played.


Those who do not like how the game works. Either need to talk on ways it needs to be changed or be different, and views how others play the game by the rules should not factor in one bit.

On the other hand, if any DONT like how the game works, both quite the game and go play romper room with less needed abilities to play it.


To give opinions complaining on others following the game rules is pointless.


01:19:40 Apr 24th 07 - Lord Osiris:

who are you anyway? you just like trolling? :P

01:23:56 Apr 24th 07 - Overlord Dvsmasta:

He was a V member from last era.

01:29:53 Apr 24th 07 - Mr. Troll King:

Crazy Xuaron


4/23/2007 6:08:54 PM

you just dont understand that this game is about War


Yes I do get it, and you are correct that this game is about waring.

BUT, you don't seem to get that it is "also" about all freely being able to cast Arma when they feel like it.

Like it or not don't matter. There is many thing in life we don't like. But still have to live with them. It's no Diff here either. To be upset at any kingdom for choosing when to cast it "again" is pointless.

Be upset how the game works, not at others who play the game by the same very rules your allowed to play by.

So, WhatEver, Cry, Cry, Cry some more. I know what I am saying is the "correct" opinion...



01:32:09 Apr 24th 07 - Lord Osiris:

yada yada yada someone else who was in V and thinks comming number one on the highscore lists by any means neccisary. riiight were all going to listen to you :)

01:41:45 Apr 24th 07 - Mr. Troll King:

Right, use "V" for your "pointless" view point.

Besides, it don't matter who/where/when/how anyone casts it!

What brain cell/s are you missing that you DONT get what it is I'm saying?

And if you go look at any of my posting through out on this topic when I did post. You will already know where my thoughts stand on Arma.

But NO, you just want to fling dirt at V or anyone that suites you, to just make pointless postings here in this forum (as so many do this here), is just another fine example of how many in this game are not helping the matter, but instead just keep beating a DEAD HORSE and "maybe" go live a life elsewhere to use your time more constructive. Then CRYING about how others play within the rules.

I guess err know you/some just don't/wont get it what I am saying.. But that's ok, again read the "Brain Cell Part" again,


01:50:13 Apr 24th 07 - Mr. Amunra:

wow, you just made yourself a target boyo, making fun of GOD Osiris is not a good way to make friends, you kinda just made 23 enemies, i think we are 22 but 23 is with my other account!

the hords of the GODs will hunt you for can run but you can't hide... and we see dead people, so dieing isn't an option either, LOL!

01:52:24 Apr 24th 07 - Lord Oya:

arrgh i didnt want to post in this bloody thread but you made me do it troll king.....

i havent seen anyone cry, and the whole vu community has the right to complain so stop being such a nub and be civil would yah!
the point that this thread was supposed to make, is Baccus have gone out of there way to get the top spot... disregarding naps and possible alliance discussions merely for their own gain. There was a time abydos and baccus nearly went to war....maybe we should have to stop bloody whores dictating those kingdoms who are actually playing the game for fun aka war..... you say you went to war with mirror from the get go....another lie from the infamous baccus, no you didnt it was atleast a week or so before you did and as mirror is still gaining back its player base you did in essence attack a weak kingdom, i hope they find their old strength back because i know for a fact that mirror would play this game for the wars not for the pety placements....
just give your side of the story instead of flaming people

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