Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Armageddon X

Armageddon X
09:56:27 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

Mr. Kobuskan is casting the armageddon spell from Sound located in Fantasia. Unless the city is destroyed Armageddon will be started in all worlds 239 days from today!



10:27:38 Jul 26th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

god that spell should be removed

10:30:21 Jul 26th 08 - Duke Argyle:

yes! god, remove it!

Very impressive Kobuskan, is it still top 37% chance of succes?

11:09:39 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Kobuskan:

26% i believe, got it with the first attempt


Say, Osiris i thought you wherte a mod now, starting questioning Zeta wishdom allready ?

11:24:29 Jul 26th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

im&nb*beep*od not a robot :) arma is stupid. if people cast it before 3 weeks of game has even been played well then might as well not click the play button ;)

12:32:43 Jul 26th 08 - Grumpy old Star:

Obviously somebody got a tad afraid.

17:50:42 Jul 26th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

very afraid.

18:37:29 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

There should atleast be some sort of counter to that spell. So that only a person on the same world would be able to counter the spell

19:18:58 Jul 26th 08 - Duke Camulus:

There is a counter spell Sorra and it's called "Twilight". Only the Twilight members can press it and we will ;-).

19:43:31 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Kobuskan:


are you sure you want to order the spellweavers in xxxx to cast freeze upon with 56% chance of success?

we have 197984 magic power from this range.

come to mamma

21:01:41 Jul 26th 08 - Duke Schneizel:

227 days to beat the enemy :P time to get some spanking done :P

21:29:25 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Mystery:

Dam man seriously get rid of that spell!!!!!! I dont know who likes it!!

22:34:37 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Fordy and Twilight will get him. Kobuskan dont stand a chance :P

23:02:09 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Gallyon:

Beat Kobuskan...Get That Spell gone!! :D

23:29:47 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Uttkarsh Bhardwaj:

well im a relatively new player to vu....but y dont u guyz like Arma....i loved it last era....armies move training was so fun..i was pwing entire kingdoms with my group of armies lmao.....

00:25:53 Jul 27th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Uttkarsh Bhardwaj


7/26/2008 6:29:47 PM
well im a relatively new player to vu....but y dont u guyz like Arma....i loved it last era....armies move training was so fun..i was pwing entire kingdoms with my group of armies lmao.....
They dont like it because it ends the era very quickly.  Instead of like...40 days of an era -_- it is being cut in half pretty much.....they would rather play much more instead of it being used so early.

02:38:07 Jul 27th 08 - Mr. Uttkarsh Bhardwaj:

oo i c...

12:05:12 Jul 27th 08 - Mr. Falazaniak:

armeg is always a good time of the year. everybody trys to kill the caster and fight each other to reach it first

12:18:24 Jul 27th 08 - Mr. Kobuskan:

If you want to destroy my city you have to find it first, lol

12:23:54 Jul 27th 08 - Grumpy old Star:

Kobuskan you are the biggest nab on the planet.
We have to "find" it first? *shakes head*

20:44:33 Jul 27th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Mr. Kobuskan


7/27/2008 4:18:24 AM

If you want to destroy my city you have to find it first, lol

Get like 300k Mus in an army spread 10 armies across the map and use dispell everywhere. Your name will come up on the list if your in the area. we did that last era with elements.

20:58:01 Jul 27th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

dont even need to do that lol you only need like 1k mus if that just click mountains or lakes and the list comes up 

21:22:36 Jul 27th 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

I can see it anyway... Just north of Blawker.

22:20:59 Jul 27th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

arma city is always visible.....*shakes head*

22:29:11 Jul 27th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Sir Soc Innewyork


7/27/2008 5:20:59 PM
arma city is always visible.....*shakes head*
Lol yeah....and I think Kobuskan was joking when he said we had to find it...hence the "lol"

08:00:16 Jul 28th 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Cast Invisibilty, make sure everyone dies ! :P

02:32:17 Jul 29th 08 - Mr. Tained:

ah dont give him any ideas! lol

03:48:45 Jul 29th 08 - Mr. Justin:

He already did cast it

03:15:30 Jul 31st 08 - Mr. Warriorblueson:

has Armeggedon stopped now, did someone take down Sound, the city that cast it?

03:21:09 Jul 31st 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

Short answer.


08:04:33 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Xerxez:

omg another arma i go to sleep for 2 weeks and again you people casts it ffs cant a guy whore in peace?

08:11:04 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Justin:

lol and this time its Twilight so i think they are having a har dtime getting to the city

12:08:31 Aug 10th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

I'm not even going to waste my time posting in this thread about whats going on..

All i'll say is, GO BUBBA, FLY!

18:58:30 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Justin:

PLZ wilber!!!!!!

12:12:35 Aug 11th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

I'll post an update as soon as something major happens. Which will hopefully be today.

17:55:58 Aug 11th 08 - Mr. Justin:


18:22:51 Aug 11th 08 - Mr. Midget Mac:

The funniest thing ever would be somebody casting arma, waiting for people to get close, then casting teleport and invisibility on the city. LOL! That would be sooooo funny.

18:46:39 Aug 11th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Would be just a TAD difficult for that....but who knows....they probably would have plenty of time to do train enough mages possibly...or they could simply RoF the enemy armies to death...

Better yet....Teleport into the enemies core....that would be a sad moment...

19:26:19 Aug 11th 08 - Mr. Shoon:

 Mr. Harrypooper is casting the armageddon spell from Roxbury Anal located in Fantasia.Unless the city is destroyed Armageddon will start 43 days from today!



Not good....

19:29:37 Aug 11th 08 - Mr. Justin:

honestly i want it to get casted cuz i want my armies moving as fast as scouts. and No prep time helps also

22:28:24 Aug 11th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Kill him!!!

23:02:27 Aug 11th 08 - Sir Hyperion:

Kill him!

I casted it. rofl

23:11:30 Aug 11th 08 - Lord Wraith:

Mr. Midget Mac


8/11/2008 6:22:51 PM
The funniest thing ever would be somebody casting arma, waiting for people to get close, then casting teleport and invisibility on the city. LOL! That would be sooooo funny.
Sir Charley Statler


8/11/2008 6:46:39 PM

Would be just a TAD difficult for that....but who knows....they probably would have plenty of time to do train enough mages possibly...or they could simply RoF the enemy armies to death...

Better yet....Teleport into the enemies core....that would be a sad moment...


With all the mus you should have in reserve, its totally plausible...

06:21:47 Aug 12th 08 - Duke Argyle:

it's gone...

06:23:14 Aug 12th 08 - Mr. Justin:

haha little to late DA. Basch beat you in the Hangaround forum =P

07:14:51 Aug 12th 08 - Mr. Facepalm:






I wanted Arma!!!

07:16:31 Aug 12th 08 - Mr. Justin:

haha same here Facepalm

14:12:29 Aug 12th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Want to know why they cast arma? Its because they didn't want a DB win (but they're a little slow off the mark)

Thats a few members who have betrayed the intentions of their KD (zone) and wanted to war DB.

What is up with people nowerdays?

14:33:32 Aug 12th 08 - Sir Hyperion:

Sir Harry The Crazy


8/12/2008 2:12:29 PM

Want to know why they cast arma? Its because they didn't want a DB win (but they're a little slow off the mark)

Thats a few members who have betrayed the intentions of their KD (zone) and wanted to war DB.

What is up with people nowerdays?


Harry.. Please, shutup and dont give us your bull*beep*.

DB didn't want armageddon cause they were affraid they would loose, then they influence the leaders ( ye ford is a *beep* leader) and make them kick 1 of us who casted it so you can kill the players and the city.

Wake up Dark Blood n0obs!

You have players #1 and #2 on HoH, Sheol is nowhere near as powerfull as they were, and the era is pretty damn boring.

Thanks for ruining it and your image, good job!

As for Twilight (ZONE)  dont call it a kingdom, its not.
Fordius goes bad in the era, offline for a week or so and then gets back and gives out orders.

14:39:07 Aug 12th 08 - Prince Butthurt:

my my venomz, what a sore loser you are ... Wasn't aware of that ...

Always the lame effords of blaming it, because the other kd did want the era win ... how about this era isn't ended yet?

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