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Armeggedon SUCKS
18:31:53 Oct 9th 08 - Mr. Bloody Mayhem:

why when armeggedon is cast on fantasia it will affect all worlds i think that is completely and totally unfair to the people on the other worlds cause they cannot do a thing about it armeggedon should only affect the world it is being cast on

18:40:01 Oct 9th 08 - Mr. Bananaman:

Because era ends after Armageddon. What do you want? To play in starta, while Fantasia is not started at all?

18:41:13 Oct 9th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Actually, after Arma on a lower world, the era restarts. Fantasia beginning is the symbol of the restart of an era so there you have it..

18:54:45 Oct 9th 08 - Mr. David:

There have been more voices to just get rid of Armageddon and perhaps change the spell to do something else, but it has yet to happen.

If you want to stop Armageddon, then don't play on the lower worlds and stay on Fantasia.

19:01:50 Oct 9th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Arma is fun when it goes off =D everyone DIES!!!! AHAHA

19:15:35 Oct 9th 08 - Mr. Bloody Mayhem:


19:36:57 Oct 9th 08 - Lord Incognito:

The possibility is so low that I believe that if you've gotten to the point where it takes the nemy more than 10 Days to kill you, the map needs to be restarted.

21:14:57 Oct 9th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

Fant is the only important map, it decideds the era win. End of story. It shouldn't be changed.

21:23:05 Oct 9th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I think people need to suck it up and go to Fant if they don't want to be helpless in stopping it...I don't care if it goes off...It may give me another chance to work on my quick starting

22:44:06 Oct 9th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

Still, I kinda agree with it ;)
All worlds should be treated like equals :D
why can't all worlds be treated individually, just like more servers on other games..they never end at the same time ;)

I kinda like the idea of armageddon only restarting the world on which it is cast. and not all other worlds aswell when it is on fant ;)

yes ofcourse the people on fant are much more pro then the people on lower worlds. but this way ur kinda discriminating all the new players :(

23:25:54 Oct 9th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

The people who play on fant should obviously get priorities (new map + arma system). Like I said, its the 1 and only map that matters. The winner comes from fant, so why should the winner have to wait for the nubs/lower world to end it could be another 500ticks, if its an early arma.

00:08:09 Oct 10th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

"All worlds should be treated like equals :D"

"why can't all worlds be treated individually, just like more servers on other games..they never end at the same time"


because all worlds are not equal. the era winner comes from Fant. it doesnt matter what happens on any other map as you cant "win" unless your on fant. therfore when fant ends the era ends

00:37:55 Oct 10th 08 - Lord Incognito:

This also happens to be why toddlers can't win the Olympics... ¬.¬
If you want to stop a world wide restart, play with the big boys

01:03:05 Oct 10th 08 - General Ezatious:

There are not enough players to treat each map as equal. Nub faces.

If anything, the game should be rolled back to just 2 maps. With the 2nd map opening only 2-3 weeks into the current game. 

08:51:15 Oct 11th 08 - Mr. Elsin:

"If anything, the game should be rolled back to just 2 maps. With the 2nd map opening only 2-3 weeks into the current game."

Nooooo. Go back to one big joined map :D

With pre-set era end times, Armageddon becomes pointless and should be removed.

21:42:52 Oct 23rd 08 - Mr. Manwe:

yeah seriously! armageddon just annoys me. either have armageddon, or have pre-set era end times. otherwise, it's pointless!!!!

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