Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Banner Comp-Late(by lots)

Banner Comp-Late(by lots)
02:43:29 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Ding:

i just found the banner competition thread and thought that, even though i can't win anything as i'm too late, i could have a go.

here's image shack version(link):


13:08:32 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Ding:


13:12:15 Feb 10th 08 - Lord Scientist:

AHA your banner is wrong, you cannot create great walls.......

16:08:59 Feb 10th 08 - Sir Alban:

part from that, its quite good.

17:09:45 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Ding:

Lord Scientist


2/10/2008 12:12:15 PM
AHA your banner is wrong, you cannot create great walls.......


i thought it was only this era???? anyway i got a new 1 but it saved wrong so i'm recreating it

17:40:49 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Ding:

how do you put them in the post?

anyway here's link:

17:41:37 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Nice work :)

I think you should use real KD banners though ;)

17:46:11 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Ding:

squiddy look at new one in my above post(looks best 800x600)

btw i'll create another few and correct the others(i'm bored atm)

21:10:49 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Ding:

22:25:56 Feb 10th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

how do you make them? I wana learn how :-)

23:07:51 Feb 10th 08 - Lord Scientist:

This may not be animated at all, but it is clearly the best :P

Destroy the armies of evil :P

21:27:16 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Ding I like the last one you made, it's really good :)

I would though if I were you, remove that city in the middle because it obstructs the text.

I'd also change the text to a more appealing font and colour :)

Nice work though :D

22:22:49 Feb 15th 08 - Sir Architect:

Carnage made it onto the banner, woo-hoo!

12:36:11 Feb 16th 08 - Sir Egnever:
This one is by far the superior, It looks great  ^^
Very nice work, I do agree with Squiddy though, the font perhaps could change to   Comic Sans, Black is the best colour
I agree that the city in the center should move, other wise this is an execptional piece of work

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