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Best of The Beatles
19:46:18 Dec 28th 09 - Sir Paolo Nutini:

i wanna know which are your 10-15 favourite beatles songs:


and in order :)

19:47:35 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Cuddly Bear:

I made a previous thread but it only included top 5. Sweet-ness.

20:02:47 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Chuck Norris:

1 Hey Jude
2 Yellow Submarine
3 Strawberry Fields Forever
4 Yesterday
5 8 Days a Week
6 Back in the USSR
7 I am the Walrus
8 Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
9 While my Guitar Gently Weeps
10 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
11 A Hard Day's Night
12 I Wanna Hold Your Hand
13 Hello, Goodbye
14 Help!
15 Come Together
16 All You Need is Love

These songs are not in particular order.

10:29:34 Dec 30th 09 - Lady Boobson:

1 When I'm 64
2 Hey Jude
3 I Am The Walrus
4 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
5 Twist And Shout
6 Day Tripper
7 A Hard Days Night
8 Paperback Writer
9 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
10 Yellow Submarine
11 All You Need Is Love
12 While My Guitar Gently Weeps
13 Hello, Goodbye
14 I Wanna Hold Your Hand
15 Come Together

I'm a Beatles pop guy, don't get me wrong their psychedelic stuff is crazy good but meh!

Also not particularly in that order after the first 5.

02:47:38 Jan 2nd 10 - Mr. Arzun:

1. I'm Looking Through you
2. Drive My Car
3. Come Together
4. While my Guitar Gently Weeps
5. I am the Walrus
6. When I'm 64
7. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
8. All you need is love
9. Blackbird
10. Eleanor Rigby
11. Fool on the Hill
12. Get Back
13. Why Don't We Do It In The Road?
14. A Day In The Life
15. Nowhere Man

All my number 1 favorite songs.

03:55:56 Feb 1st 10 - Swedish chef Brashen:

1. Hey Prudence
2 All my loving
3 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
4 Revolution
5 Come Together
6 I Wanna Hold Your Hand
7 A Hard Days Night
8 All You Need Is Love
9 Girl
10 Hello, Goodbye

I tend to change depending on my mood but atm I like these in about this order

Got a playlist there with lots of beatles

22:46:45 Feb 20th 10 - Mr. Pantheon Alive:

23:28:31 Feb 20th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

All of Rubber Soul... Cause that's the first album I got and it rocks :P  Also A Day in the Life, amazing song.

20:24:48 Mar 10th 10 - Mr. al Moudi:

Norwegian wood
She loves you
Penny lane
Hello Goodbye
Ob-la-di Ob-la-da
With a little help from my friends
I am the Walrus
All my loving
Hey Jude
Eleanor Rigby
Octopus's garden
Back in the USSR
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Strawberry field

In that order, thats my absolute Beatles list. Interesting how much the choice of songs differ, I would never put songs as Hey Prudence, Drive my car, Sgt Peppers hearts club band on a top list for example.

20:27:46 Mar 10th 10 - Mr. al Moudi:

Im equally amazed that no one had picked some of the songs that I view as the better ones.

21:52:42 Mar 10th 10 - Mr. Nostalgic:

Impossible to make a list, I might be able to make a list of Beatles songs I DONT like... but it would be tiny.

22:02:17 Mar 10th 10 - Mr. Iamandwhatisthis:

1. Hey Jude
2. Hey Jude
3. Hey Jude
10. The rest.

17:23:38 Mar 11th 10 - Lady Bookworm:

I agree. McCartney > Lennon.

16:18:46 Mar 25th 10 - Sir Bran:

i made this thread last year, odd how someone randomly posts in it every now and agani

16:12:25 Mar 26th 10 - Lady Wilberforce Who Loves Stirlin:

Only 3 months ago :P

But just like The Beatles, the thread will never die!

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