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Building philosophy Tall or w
15:42:39 Dec 19th 16 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

There are at least two philosophies in building in this game: Build Tall (a few large cities) or build Wide (many smaller cities).id imagine there is a continuum where by race, kingdom size, map, and tine until the first OOP war shift this one direction or another.

The benefit of a tall empire (your cities) is that your cities are harder to take, they block more space, and you have less cities to defend.

The drawback is that it takes longer for larger cities to reach the bonuses granted to cities closer to resources,and if a single city is lost it can be devestating to your economy early on.

The benefit of a wider kingdom is population growth (overall) is faster as you have more cities with the base level of population growth. You attain optimum resource bonuses faster (city touches resources quicker). If you lose a city, oftentimea the loss in income is limited to the taxes the way the curve of resourcea works.

The drawback is it takes up more space (though it may have been un used space as most people gravotate towards taller empires.

It can be harder to defend, or easier, depending on the map, but a bad plague hit can make its rounds to deveatating effect. It can be costly in manpower anf magic to try and cover it all.

In general I lean towards wide empires. I dont much like building any city over 26k on size.

What about you?

16:27:29 Dec 19th 16 - Binh (Mr. Binh):

wide first two rl days of protection. tall for those times i decided to do additional farming. so my answer is a combination of both.

16:30:54 Dec 19th 16 - Mr. Midnight Toker of Rog:

I think it varies widely. Firstly map, secondarily kingdon size and race 

I never have more thab 4 cities OOP if I can help it.

You go for smaller cities earlier and larger later? Or dropping many small cities early and a few biggies later?

I personally find the large ones a waste, as its hard to geta good return on investment for production.

02:24:20 Dec 25th 16 - Mr. Elsin:

wide first two rl days of protection. tall for those times i decided to do additional farming. so my answer is a combination of both.


04:17:16 Dec 25th 16 - Mr. Bling:

Long. Go Long

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