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Burning Cities
23:45:17 Feb 26th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed:

What's your opinion on this? Is there a right and wrong time to burn them?
In Scene 1 I will use Bran and Apollo
In Scene 2 I will use me and Argyle (Holy)
In Scene 3 I will use DRT and Holy

Scene 1
Bran attacked Apollo (5 members) and to make a long story short he eventually broke through their blocker. It was a 5 On 1 victory for Bran. Not just numbers, but strategic. I know they wanted to keep Bran from #1.......but with a great victory like that don't you think he deserved the mines?

Scene 2
Me and Argyle (from Holy) met in battle besides in the main Holy war. It was One on One. He had an army and so did I. He had 26k troops and I had 15k troops (he's dwarf and I'm Halfling). When I finally got to his 24k miner he had 26k troops in it and I retreated. Then I came back from school he was prepping on me. I had a few MUs with me and burned a bunch of his troops (he had no MUs). When I just EITSed his city I found that he burned that miner. Don't I deserve that mine after STRAGETICALLY beating his army when I was outnumbered 2:1?

Scene 3
Once again Holy/DRT war. We now are winning. I KNOW they will burn their mines after we defeat the rest of the resistance. Doesn't our KD deserve those mines for sticking it out and destroying Holy? They had us on the run 2 days ago and now their near defeat. Don't we deserve this because we had a strategic victory over them as well.

So I want your opinion. Is it right to burn when it's a GREAT strategic victory? Is it ok to burn when it's only a #'s victory? Also I don't want the "they are just trying to keep you from #1 spot" crap because there's more to it then that.......

23:48:42 Feb 26th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Here, here!

00:02:36 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Cobra:

deserve? Clearly you don't deserve anything since you weren't able to get them.

00:09:24 Feb 27th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Hairy Footed:

You weren't able to get them
We won in all three scenes.........and doesn't it piss you off when you come to burned mines after a hard fought war?

00:10:11 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Mango:

I think that if a player wants to burn their buildings, whether they win or lose, or defend well or not, or anything.

It sucks, but they cant burn if the battle is happening adjacent prepping on the city.

I think that any time is fine.

I have even ran a large army through a core, capturing, buring the production, and moving on leaving them to revolt or be captured back.  It's expensive, but normally I capture enough to burn all the production.

It all depends.

00:11:37 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Cobra:

"nd doesn't it piss you off when you come to burned mines after a hard fought war?"

Sure it does, but I know that's war and I also know I do it also.

00:13:18 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Yeah, it does.

If you have, say, two cores, and your worst enemy breaks through (By sheer weight of numbers) into one of them, go ahead, burn it.

If your isolated and swarmed, go ahead, burn away.
If it's your kd's only core, and you are winning but are out-maneuvered, please, please don't just go on a rabid burning streak. It's mean... :P

02:42:56 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Lelouch:

If the loser feels the winner deserves the mines then they won't be burnt, if the loser feels the winner does not deserve the mines, they will be burnt. This should be judged more on a case by case basis where the only person's opinion which matters is the owner. (And kingdom strategy in some cases)

03:17:04 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Vexsloth:

If you want to keep the mines, you had best get an army prepping on it. That is the only guarantee.

Besides, with your enemy vanquished, you are free to use your armies to attack other players, or build your own mines in the space he occupied, or raze your own cities for fun. You won, after all, you can do whatever you want. Your opponent is dead and can't do anything about it.

The moral of the story is, he who seeks only the mines of his enemies, even more than victory in battle or whatever else, will be disappointed 99% of the time when the cities are either razed, or nub rainbows.

Sometimes, I like to leave some behind, like 5000 taverns or something for kicks. Or a city with 0% productivity.

03:30:56 Feb 27th 08 - Demonic Bernie:

In times of War...ANY filthy trick in the book is allowed!!! why not ruining cities or even burning them to the ground completely...

04:13:25 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Dishonoured:

I have to agree with most people here that sometimes you have to do something lame to get by. I try to have some idea of "honour" while playing but I try to always remain practical too. I guess I don't see razing for tactical reasons as dishonourable really, just shrewd.

04:45:33 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Random:

i raze my armouries, and thats it. i figure that you can take my mines coz ill want em back, but you can't build up troops in the area if i burn my armoury.

05:13:45 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Atreides:

Like ET said, I personally wouldn't burn my main/last income cities. However, a few newly acquired cities that will be difficult to recover and not too helpful...why not? Preventing the enemy from getting cities is pretty much the best way to slow their assault.

And yes, it does piss me off when I take a razed city. But what can I do?

08:55:28 Feb 27th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Scene 1
Bran attacked Apollo (5 members) and to make a long story short he eventually broke through their blocker. It was a 5 On 1 victory for Bran. Not just numbers, but strategic. I know they wanted to keep Bran from #1.......but with a great victory like that don't you think he deserved the mines?
I would just like to point out it was a pure Brans army that broke through our walls, but we were fighting alot of other people from trio, maybe Fafnir doesn't want to talk about hanky's unforunate accident, or squiddies armies, or the multiply building of armories we had to contend with.
But since when did a war end, when you broke through a blocker? Zeta is trying to discourage this sort of fighting by taking out walls.
Also there are some concerns about the armies in the wall at the time as we were missing our 1st and 3rd most powerful armies battle report.
Aswell as that from what I see Trio is still fighting one of our members, it would be unfair to allow Trio our cities to use against him.

14:01:01 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

squiddy only used mu's and i only defended the core ;)

17:16:30 Feb 27th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Yeh the mus you didn't use, anyway he still played a part in it.

22:07:30 Mar 7th 08 - Sir Soccerrogue:

i never raze my cities. i believe only the wusses do that. :)

23:51:41 Mar 7th 08 - Sir Evans:

i dont burn, i think if someosne beaten me then fine, thats their prize...

01:02:35 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

i think it depends on the situation. if the player is about to quit and leave to mantrax or whatever, its only fair he leaves his mines unburned. but if he isnt leaving, and is still fighting the same map, he has a right to burn them all.

ofc if someone beat you unhonourably, then burn everything and build 5k taverns like sloth said :) and send an abusive message to be sour about it!!

01:03:47 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

i think it depends on the situation. if the player is about to quit and leave to mantrax or whatever, its only fair he leaves his mines unburned. but if he isnt leaving, and is still fighting the same map, he has a right to burn them all.

ofc if someone beat you unhonourably, then burn everything and build 5k taverns like sloth said :) and send an abusive message to be sour about it!!

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