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Buying Title
05:35:16 Nov 27th 09 - Lord Cygnus Lazarious II:

well i have a question first
when i donate I can change my name also?

I have thought this tittles:

Tittle            Name

Ice               Lord Zephyr
Earth            Elementalisc
Commander  Conan
Knight          Rojas
Knight           Anbu
Night            Roxas
Demonic       Nooby
Demoniac     Cataclism
King             Lynus
Prince           Cygnus
Lover           of Cookiez

05:36:50 Nov 27th 09 - Lord Cygnus Lazarious II:

Dark          Attempt
Dragon       Breeder
Guildmaster  Cygnus
Pancake      Lord

so what ya think?

05:37:46 Nov 27th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

you can pay for a title yes. How do you think I got Doctor

05:39:01 Nov 27th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

I would say, go with "Mr.".

05:49:21 Nov 27th 09 - Lord Cygnus Lazarious II:

Dr. Happy Pants


23:37:46 Nov 26th 09 you can pay for a title yes. How do you think I got Doctor

what I mean is that I can change the ''Cygnus Lazarious II'' name not the tittle.

Btw if I donate 12 euros I get tittle but I can get deleted by inactivity anyways?
or I cant get deleted by paying 12 euros or I have to pay 36 euros co I cant get deleted.

05:54:18 Nov 27th 09 - Lord Onslaught The Sexciest:

No, you can't change the name or else the title will revert.

05:58:40 Nov 27th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

LOL! You can pay for the title and change your name when the next era begins.

Era 45 Ice  Lord Zephyr
Era 46 Ice  Man Cometh
Era 47 Ice  Cold

The only thing you can't change, unless you beg Zeta, is the title.  Maybe if you ask "once" he will, but most likely not every era.

I believe it is the 36 Euro donation that keeps your account from being deleted due to inactivity, but it can be deleted for other things.

06:00:37 Nov 27th 09 - Lord Cygnus Lazarious II:

but do I get inactive deleted by paying 12 euros?

06:03:54 Nov 27th 09 - Lord Cygnus Lazarious II:


With paypal you can send via your credit card or from an existing paypal account. Click on the button below to go to paypal.

Your rulername:
Your new title: (If you want bonus turns, write "bonus turns" in this field or click here)

it lets you change ur name?

06:05:39 Nov 27th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

No, it does not let you change your name.

By putting in your Ruler name, Zeta can locate the correct account to apply the title/settings to.

You can put in any name you want there, just don't expect to get your title., if it is not your current Ruler name.

06:06:38 Nov 27th 09 - Lord Cygnus Lazarious II:

ah ok lol

and what about the inctive delete

06:08:15 Nov 27th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Read my 2nd post.

"I believe it is the 36 Euro donation that keeps your account from being deleted due to inactivity, but it can be deleted for other things."

10:08:56 Nov 27th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

lover of cookiez won't work, two letter words have been taken out of the name system.

01:20:17 Nov 28th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

Get rid of the following possible titles:

Commander (already popular)
Demonic (already 1 famous guy has it and he wont approve)
Prince (you can get this title by roleplaying)
Lover (Thats my ingame name! I taxed it!)
Guildmaster (already popular)

Apart from that, go for whatever tacky title you could dream up.

01:28:06 Nov 28th 09 - Endless Despair:

King (is Zeta you'll never get that title lol)


Endless (it's my tacky title and no one else is allowed to have it) :p

10:51:19 Nov 28th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

Go for "Frau"

17:38:58 Nov 28th 09 - Lord Cygnus Lazarious II:

mm mabye Squad Leader Conan? o.O

17:41:06 Nov 28th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Go for "VU" then change your name to "Admin" the next era.

17:43:24 Nov 28th 09 - Lord Cygnus Lazarious II:

I think i am gona pay the 36 euros thing

22:02:57 Nov 28th 09 - Grand Ape Kongdust:

i paid the 36 Euros :)

00:29:19 Nov 29th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

So did I...but I removed my title after a number of eras because I got bored with it and since I had 10 RP points already, I just demoted to Prince...and have an immortal account

05:57:30 Nov 29th 09 - Mr. Splintertusk:

Hey guys was about to donate , it says donate 32 euros to get special features , name or bonus turns. But noticed in your message 36 euros. Whats the correct amount ?

06:08:43 Nov 29th 09 - Grand Ape Kongdust:

it's what it says on the donate page, and if it says 32 it must be 32. that sounds more like what i paid.

06:41:27 Nov 29th 09 - Mr. Splintertusk:

np , thanks have donated. any idea when special features get activated.

06:49:04 Nov 29th 09 - Grand Ape Kongdust:

once Zeta signs on and processes it. so it's usually within 12 hours

06:54:16 Nov 29th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

If you are a very important person, it can even be within a couple hours...if you know important people, it can make it go even faster. 

06:54:57 Nov 29th 09 - Mr. Splintertusk:

ok , thanks for the info.

06:56:38 Nov 29th 09 - Grand Ape Kongdust:

i feel important =D mine was done within 10 min =D

06:58:26 Nov 29th 09 - Mr. Splintertusk:

lol , no pretty new to game so. I'm not that important :) but have enjoyed game so decided to help out Zeta. Looking around to see if any important people are around. :P

09:02:02 Nov 29th 09 - Mzz Mzzery:

Village (idiot, retard, ...)
Your momma

Just a few suggestions... lol

01:11:22 Nov 30th 09 - Lord Cygnus Lazarious II:

In VU there are Dark Lords, Flame Lords even Fire Lords. As well there are Generals, Prince, Demonslayers, Demonic ,Wolflords and Guildmasters.

Its time for Ice Prince Zephyr to appear =D
or maybe Sky Prince Zephyr still need to choose one of those

16:47:53 Dec 9th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Prince shows that you actually earned your title! That's why I don't buy a custom title!

*cough* I'm cheap! *cough*

16:20:03 Dec 11th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

Or just go crazy and buy a Prince title?

19:12:55 Dec 11th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

we need more Doctors

23:56:28 Dec 11th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

we need more hawt feet...

00:21:26 Dec 12th 09 - Endless Despair:

no more Endless nubs ... I wanna be the only one :)

00:51:01 Dec 12th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

The only Endless no0b.  Next era you can be Endless Disappointment ;D

02:02:23 Dec 12th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

I still liked the idea of Endless Spankings, Zeta please allow her to have that name. <3

23:12:56 Dec 15th 09 - Lord Cygnus Lazarious II:

ok I paid when do I get ma tittle?

23:22:59 Dec 15th 09 - Ice Prince Cygnus Lazarious II:


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