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Can you join the Australiaarmy
16:45:34 Mar 4th 11 - Mr. Horus Left Testicle:

if you got an assault criminal record?

18:44:01 Mar 4th 11 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

Why would you want to? They've got a terrible army.

All you'd end up fighting (and losing to) is kangaroos.

20:22:11 Mar 4th 11 - Liege Desol:

Damn those kangaroos! They are vicious fighters using gorilla tactics! Even the US army would lose to them.

21:45:58 Mar 4th 11 - Emperor Alexius Septimus Cidellus:

I think you're in trouble...>>

06:56:42 Mar 5th 11 - Mr. Noname:

omg!!!! Kangaroos using Gorilla tactics?!?!? your screwed

18:29:32 Mar 5th 11 - Mr. Right Hand of Korwyn:

Depending on the seriousness of the crime, petty things like Theif(shoplifting not cars) maybe, but murder and other major crimes no, and Friendly forum user we acculy have a rather good army, so stfu.

19:07:43 Mar 5th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

Might you not end up in NATO assignments if your in the Aussie army?

17:29:15 Mar 11th 11 - Mr. Karl Marx:

Aussies had troops in iraq and afghan, so yeah, they go on NATO assignments.

21:06:15 Mar 11th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

Yah thats what I thought. So why would you want to join a army that ends up as slaves for USA controlled NATO?

07:49:27 Mar 12th 11 - Mr. Pure II:

Hahahahaha. Australia actually does have a pretty good army :L. Ofcourse amercia is more superior but that's because Australia aren't total dickheads unlike amercia. We don't need as great of military force as you guys because we don't have threats on our mainland.

09:46:11 Mar 12th 11 - Mr. Horus Left Testicle:

Here's an interesting fact. Did you know that Australia was the first country to win a major victory against the japanese in WW2? Australia, with the help of a few new zealand troops, and papua new ginue locals, Australia managed to demoralise the japanese army so much to the point where the japanese were forced to abandon thier invasion plans of Australia, despite the japanese having us outnumbered by 5-1. They were going to try again, but the USA intervened and apparently "saved" Australia (Which may be true). Not bad for a country of only 10 mil right?

BTW if australia needed a large army, we would reintroduce national service and beef up the recruitment campain. We could  build an army of 300 000 without doing much damage to our economy. and did you know that there is over 9 mil people on a list fit for service that could potentionally all get drafted in the event of a major war such as WW3 if it ever happened? You combine all this with australia's terrain and location and it would be hard to conquer us.

09:54:46 Mar 12th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

I am from Finland, so I know everything about desperate situations and uneven odds lol XD
If Finland was an island we could have held on to all of our land, the defensive advantage it gives is huge.

But you missed my point, I did not claim that the Australian army is bad, never would since I have no knowledge about it. But I despise USA controlled NATO.

09:55:32 Mar 12th 11 - Mr. Horus Left Testicle:

Another thing, Australia has a bigger military spending than canada, and better amphibious assualt capabilities than canada. There may be more, but i would have to look that one up. The only things i remember canada having an advantage in is armoured forces and a bigger army.

Also, Australia will have a military spending minimum of 42 billion by 2030. Russia currently has 44 billion and china currently 80 something billion.

10:21:48 Mar 12th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

A bigger military spending is almost just waste nowadays lol, at least in Europe. Tho Australia does of course have China and North Korea in the vicinity.

And who said anything about Canada? of course a island nation has better amphibious capabilities than a nation that doesnīt have a single even remotely hostile neighbour, and has USA (Ultimate Shit Asses) as neighbours.

23:54:41 Mar 12th 11 - Puppy Smurf:

Mr. Tyrgalon


03:21:48 Mar 12th 11
A bigger military spending is almost just waste nowadays lol, at least in Europe. Tho Australia does of course have China and North Korea in the vicinity.

And who said anything about Canada? of course a island nation has better amphibious capabilities than a nation that doesnīt have a single even remotely hostile neighbour, and has USA (Ultimate Shit Asses) as neighbours.

I hate ignorance like this. lol I can understand if you were bitching about the politicians, but most politicians are good for nothing anyway. :P

This just seem like you hate the country and everyone in it. Makes you no better than you try making america out as. Actually, it just makes you seem like a 10 year-old who learned some bad words, with all that you're spewing about them.

Before the US, it was Britain doing about the same thing. Before that, there was another more "dominant" (for lack of a better term) world power.... doesn't mean the nation or it's people are inherently bad....... 

01:04:24 Mar 13th 11 - Mr. Horus Left Testicle:

If you read further up, he wasn't sht talking anyone, just defending canada by the look of it. And tyrgalon, i was using canada as a reference, didnt mean anything by it.

07:16:57 Mar 13th 11 - Mr. Pure II:

Who cares Canada is a piece of shit country anyway. And I'm Australian and can see it :P

"Here's an interesting fact. Did you know that Australia was the first country to win a major victory against the japanese in WW2? Australia, with the help of a few new zealand troops, and papua new ginue locals, Australia managed to demoralise the japanese army so much to the point where the japanese were forced to abandon thier invasion plans of Australia, despite the japanese having us outnumbered by 5-1. They were going to try again, but the USA intervened and apparently "saved" Australia (Which may be true). Not bad for a country of only 10 mil right?"

With that statement we only won because of the papa new guinea locals helped us in jungle warfare and then the kokada trail. helped get the Aus and NZ troops from various key locations in a short time and leaving them less vulnerable to air raids and major ambushs.

As for your crime best luck is to go to army recruitment and ask them.

09:32:49 Mar 13th 11 - Liege Desol:

I'm sorry but when I see something like this "and has USA (Ultimate Shit Asses) as neighbours." I gotta say something. Yes, we know the US ARMY sucks but there is no better military force in than the USMC.

Take a look at this if you don't think the US can be aggressive to its neighbors, admittedly it is old.

09:52:45 Mar 13th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

I hate ignorance like this. lol I can understand if you were bitching about the politicians, but most politicians are good for nothing anyway. :P

Tbh, I am less ignorant than many people of my age (21), but since I canīt prove either statement it doesnīt really matter.
I have to agree about politicians, tho its not that bad in Finland as in many other western countries.

This just seem like you hate the country and everyone in it. Makes you no better than you try making america out as. Actually, it just makes you seem like a 10 year-old who learned some bad words, with all that you're spewing about them.

I donīt hate the USA, I despise it :P
You took my wordplay a bit to seriously, of course I didnīt mean every USAer, but I donīt have statistics and facts so I can give a % of the USAers I find laughable. Thats why people sometimes have to use generalizations, but I newer said its all of them so, so you also made an incorrect assumption. :)

And FYI I am a Finnish atheist, this means I have gotten one of the best educations in the world, and I am capable of thinking logically. I stopped going to religious education one year after starting school, the stories from the bible were newer anything but fairy tales to me. I am amused by how religious and superstitious a majority of the USAers are.
Your also reading more into my wordplay than you should, mind I only made my own interpretation of the USA shortening ;)

As a side note, my English is excellent because I started reading English books earlier than anyone else I know, even tho I have dyslexia. :)

Before the US, it was Britain doing about the same thing. Before that, there was another more "dominant" (for lack of a better term) world power.... doesn't mean the nation or it's people are inherently bad.......

Yes, but that was 100-150 years ago (I know my history, its one of my favourite subjects), and that was common practice in those days.

A modern "western country" should know better, but in a way the USA doesnīt fit into that category, because it never truly experienced the horrors of the war. Sure the soldiers were around the world fighting, but the civilians at the mainland only had to deal with ration coupons...

"Ohhh what a torture, I canīt bake my favourite cake because I canīt get enough butter."

I donīt know from were you are, but if your from Europe, or some other country that got ravaged and devastated like most of Europe did, you will realize this is a fact.
They did of course have to deal with the fallen relatives etc, a death in a distant country fighting for democracy and freedom. So heroic eh? no...war is horror, pain, destruction, death and suffering. The concepts of glory and heroic deaths are like ants under the "war giants" boot.

This is pretty long so I apologize if my rant is to onerous to read for some.


10:04:16 Mar 13th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

I'm sorry but when I see something like this "and has USA (Ultimate Shit Asses) as neighbours." I gotta say something. Yes, we know the US ARMY sucks but there is no better military force in than the USMC.

I never said the USA military sucks...with the amount of money that is wasted on it it kinda has to be at least somewhat good. But as I said before, military power might just as well be air to me, I donīt care as long as your army is strong enough to defend your OWN borders. But if its used to "defend" the borders of a country that doesnīt want it, and used to meddle in other countries affairs, then I will bash it until it stops.

Now the USA army funding is a pathetic remnant from WWII and the cold war, no country needs to spend 1/3 of its BNP on their "defence". No wonder the USA is bankrupt lol. XD

And donīt even dare to come with the most pathetic, laughable and ridiculous argument of them all...I hope for your own sake you know which one I am referring to.

10:59:59 Mar 13th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

And tyrgalon, i was using canada as a reference, didnt mean anything by it.

Ok, was just kinda random when Canada suddenly appeared in the discussion lol :P

12:04:58 Mar 13th 11 - Liege Desol:

12:06:38 Mar 13th 11 - Liege Desol:">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

07:38:32 Mar 14th 11 - Mr. Ghost of Playstation Dude:

Damn Canadians! Blame canada for the japanese tsunami's, earthquakes and reactor meltdowns! Not to mention me becoming a ghost! :o

17:16:39 Mar 14th 11 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

Aussie army sucks

15:09:45 Mar 15th 11 - Mr. Right Hand of Korwyn:

orly where do you come from FFU?

23:04:39 Mar 15th 11 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:


07:04:15 Mar 16th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

No wonder XD

07:26:11 Mar 18th 11 - Puppy Smurf:

"I am a Finnish atheist, this means I have gotten one of the best educations in the world, and I am capable of thinking logically"

Point? How does being Finnish or Atheist mean you're well educated? Also, what does level of education have to do with this argument? 

"I stopped going to religious education one year after starting school, the stories from the bible were newer anything but fairy tales to me. I am amused by how religious and superstitious a majority of the USAers are. 
Your also reading more into my wordplay than you should, mind I only made my own interpretation of the USA shortening ;) "

Ok, this is where you go off into a tangent... where the hell do I mention religion? lol What's the relevance? 

I'm atheist too, so does that make my arguments more valid to you? No, it doesn't.

Yes, but that was 100-150 years ago (I know my history, its one of my favourite subjects), and that was common practice in those days. "

What was common practice and what should a modern country know better in what not to do? 150 years is a drop in the water..... humans as a whole haven't changed much, in that time. People suck, any "logical mind" can see this/


"Ohhh what a torture, I canīt bake my favourite cake because I canīt get enough butter."

Ok, now I know the rest from this on out is just brainwashed dribble. You're more content with having a group of people to hate than anything. lol

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