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Car trouble
06:54:32 May 7th 17 - Ms. Ella The Dark Rider:

so few days ago I bought a few years old WV Golf, and every time I take the key out from the ignotion, I get a message on the screen 

"Check deadlock. Check owners manual"

So I called the dealership and they told me thats normal, it must be like that. But why would the car warn me every time I turn it off. 

I googled it a bit, but half people say ask dealership to replace the car and half say their car has it the same. 

Can't seem to find anything official about it. Anyone got any info about this?

07:39:26 May 7th 17 - Mr. Chronos:

From what I found online its VW's way of  reminding you that when you lock the doors they will be deadlocked. Which just means anyone inside cannot open the doors or use the unlock doors button on drivers door to unlock doors. Whoever is inside is stuck/safe until the person with keys come back, basically a childrens safety feature. They can't get out if your away paying for fuel for a minute or something like that. Supposedly it's in manual under Safelock.  

14:52:54 May 7th 17 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

did you check the owners manual? i keep mine in the glovebox

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