Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Celebrate HIVAIDS

Celebrate HIVAIDS
17:32:54 Dec 1st 09 - Archangel Argyle:

Celebrate World HIV/AIDS day!

Today, the world aids day we honour those who died in aids, we think of their relatives, and we think about the future. AIDS is a real threat and needs recognition.

So, why don't you join the battle against HIV, and do something!

To show you support, you can buy a red ribbon, and put it on your jacket/bag to make it a subject to talk about, because if someone see a red ribbon, they tend to ask what it is for, and you can tell them about aids, and you are actually saving the world!

with love,
the awesome Archangel!

00:38:25 Dec 2nd 09 - Mr. Taylor Swift:

ill raise my glass to that. hooray for aids.

20:32:06 Dec 2nd 09 - Lord Protector Imnotswifty:

Not the best choice of thread titles.

23:27:20 Dec 3rd 09 - Mr. Yes Twamao:

why would you honor those who died of aids? 

23:38:48 Dec 3rd 09 - Mr. Felic:

because some of them went through deep shit

00:10:54 Dec 4th 09 - Archangel Argyle:

You don't have to do anything Twamao, Im not expecting everyone in the world to care, Im just raising some awareness.

And the title of the thread is excused because my english isn't so good.

09:06:06 Dec 4th 09 - Mr. Confidential:

Haha Argyle, your English is pretty sophisticated.

10:31:21 Dec 4th 09 - Mr. Yes Twamao:

most of the people who have aids or died of aids are? 

13:06:39 Dec 4th 09 - Mr. Mafia:

tha onli person i knw died of aids is Eazy E the rapper lol he was gud aswel not lyk tha rest

20:51:30 Dec 4th 09 - Mr. Felic:

just like poor Eazy Ez :(

14:26:53 Dec 6th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

RIP Ezatious. I didn't know he died but ah well!

Yes yes, let us all battle HIV.

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