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China vs North America
20:25:47 May 15th 10 - Mr. Hema Fanboy:

China didn't bomb Pearl Harbour? Would North America of won?

20:27:43 May 15th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

umm...Japan bombed Pearl Harbour, so your question is kinda wrong lol.

20:28:32 May 15th 10 - Sir Jondrus Solardoom:

Ofc,  Canada is bad ass. 

20:30:04 May 15th 10 - Mr. Hema Fanboy:

Would North America beaten China though if they didn't lose?

20:59:01 May 15th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

I think Scottland would have beaten Germany for a fight of independence from Russia.  Then all the Muslims living in South Africa would've had tough border wars with Japan and Australia, but I think they would've won.

So to answer your question, yes North Amerinia would've beaten Chineese.

06:37:27 May 16th 10 - Mr. Most Likely Die:

I swear  Mr. Hema Fanboy.. you have got to be the most clueless person i have ever met.... lets be friends

07:28:50 May 16th 10 - Mr. Kratos Wolf:

Cuba would have won with its missiles.

07:30:55 May 16th 10 - Mr. Skinny Vinny:

i think that if we fought china then we would run out of bullets before they ran out of soldiers :)

07:32:53 May 16th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

as a chinese mann i find what you just said skinny very offencive!!!!
coz i am chinese you think i cant keep it in ma pants aye!!!

07:34:25 May 16th 10 - Mr. Kratos Wolf:

I will re-state.. Cuba.. Missiles... USSR... George Bush.

07:46:25 May 16th 10 - Mr. Theophilus XIX:


Bears.. Beats... Battlestar Galactica.

08:31:31 May 16th 10 - The Architect:

I don't think it would ever be possible to "beat" China in a war.

Technologically, the USA is many years ahead of China, so Air and Sea superiority would not be  any problem what-so-ever.  

The problem is Their sheer numbers.

As of 2008 they have an army numbering roughly 50,000,000, that's active personnel, with another 600,000,000 that are fit for military service, that's double our entire population that they could potentially have in their armed forces.

But their size is also their biggest fault.  Fact is that they don't have 600,000,000 guns.  They can't arm all of those people, but even so, I don't think it would ever be remotely possible to gain a strong foothold in China by Land.

08:41:30 May 16th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

lmao they will just have to use garilla warfare :P
they would be awsome at it mann!!

who needs guns when your a fcking ninja mann !!!
i wish i was a ninja :(

20:17:03 May 16th 10 - Mr. Hema Fanboy:

I think China would win because even with allies, Northern America shoot their own team mates too much. They need aim bots.

20:34:07 May 16th 10 - Duchess Solesta The Cruel:

Ninjas are Japanese, not Chinese.

21:42:51 May 16th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Hema how old are you, 9? Japan bombed pearl harbor you dumb shit.

22:13:35 May 16th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

who are you to say where a ninja is from :P
they ar all around us!!!

stats show 1 in every 3 people is a ninja :O

22:31:39 May 16th 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

19:25:47 May 15th 10 - Mr. Hema Fanboy:
China didn't bomb Pearl Harbour? Would North America of won?

Made me LOL sooo bad!

19:17:03 May 16th 10 - Mr. Hema Fanboy:

I think China would win because even with allies, Northern America shoot their own team mates too much. They need aim bots.

As did that!

Oh Swifty, you never run out of material.

23:09:24 May 16th 10 - Mr. Hema Fanboy:

Ching chong China man might of got nuked, but at least they beat your asses at Pearl Harbour. North American is dirty, like Arabians.

02:27:16 May 17th 10 - Mr. Rylee The:

lol Australia would have won, we kicked the americans ass in the battle of Brisbane and the Chinese in Korea.  

06:24:15 May 17th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Even though it wasn't China... yet again. and Australia would be dead in a year if america invaded. We have implanted control chips in all your kangaroos, and plan to use them to invade.

07:42:45 May 17th 10 - Mr. Rylee The:

china fought in Korea, im pretty sure they where the main force on one side, as with much of the cold war Korea was the battle ground but the Koreans did not do the majority of the fighting.

kangaroos are only dangerous to foreigners, kangaroo boxing is a pre-school sport for the kids who where too scared to wrestle a crocodile.
an adult could beat 1000 kangaroos without breaking a sweat.
and just so you know Australia would be one of the hardest countrys in the world to invade, its just too large and our army specialize in guerrilla warfare.

20:47:35 May 25th 10 - Mr. Dead Oralive:

Specializing in hit an run tactics is nice til you get hit by a sniper 2 miles away ;)

20:53:10 May 25th 10 - Wolflord Karac:

01:46:25 May 16th 10 - Mr. Theophilus XIX:


Bears.. Beats... Battlestar Galactica.



^^favorite post so far.... Office, love it!

00:13:32 May 26th 10 - Dr. Evil:

who would possibly want to invade Australia?  New Zealand - that is another story.

00:57:51 May 26th 10 - King Ernest Deallus The Wise:

Mr. Vuggy


15:42:51 May 16th 10
Hema how old are you, 9? Japan bombed pearl harbor you dumb shit.
I had to laugh at this when he took the bait! ^^

02:41:21 May 26th 10 - Mr. Ixil:

01:27:16 May 17th 10 - Mr. Rylee The:

lol Australia would have won, we kicked the americans ass in the battle of Brisbane and the Chinese in Korea.  

You mean when ya'll sieged a club and a Red Cross(classy, btw) and the only death was on your side?  You do realize that mostly happened because Australian military personnel were jealous and American MP were dicks, right?

03:26:50 May 26th 10 - Sir Cadmus The Stout:

It's kind of interesting that people are still debating the topic when China had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor. And assuming that the poster meant Japan, what do you mean "would America have won"? We did win.... Even with them bombing us. Wtf kind of question is that. Get out of here, ignorant child. You make no sense, and you irritate me.

03:38:56 May 26th 10 - King Ernest Deallus The Wise:

*sighs and shakes his head at how people still don't get it*

At least TrannyWilburnub gets it ;)


05:00:02 May 26th 10 - Mr. Dead Oralive:

Your giving credit where credit isnt due! Charge him 5 dollar and go buy a sub from subway.

09:32:40 May 26th 10 - Mr. Dargoth:

*opens another bag of popcorn*

China would win because Americans can not do anythings by themselves, they always need 'allies'.

09:42:39 May 26th 10 - Lady Patches Ohoulihan:

02:38:56 May 26th 10 - King Ernest Deallus The Wise:

*sighs and shakes his head at how people still don't get it*

At least TrannyWilburnub gets it ;)


Gets what? China bombed pearl harbour, I've seen the films!

17:44:09 May 26th 10 - Sir Cadmus The Stout:

Lies! D:

18:13:08 May 26th 10 - Mr. Radioactive:

China would win !!! :D

00:22:52 May 27th 10 - King Ernest Deallus The Wise:

Lady Patches Ohoulihan


03:42:39 May 26th 10
02:38:56 May 26th 10 - King Ernest Deallus The Wise:

*sighs and shakes his head at how people still don't get it*

At least TrannyWilburnub gets it ;)


Gets what? China bombed pearl harbour, I've seen the films!

Well, a bunch of people that I know think all Asians are the

03:23:23 May 27th 10 - Mr. Dead Oralive:

All anyone would find if they ever invaded Australia is

05:35:33 May 27th 10 - Duke Rensmauth The Meek:

That's the biggest penguin I ever did done seen!

06:17:47 May 28th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

All the chinese have to do is yell BANZAI!!!! n its all over -_-

16:53:45 May 29th 10 - Mr. Pink Giraffe:

Depends, if america invades china china wins, if china invades america america wins... thats all that there is to it. why? its all europe!!! :D if US (probably US cause i don't see canada invade china) invades europe will say: Ohw you dumb americans! we won't help you again!! why do you keep killing our sons!!! or something like that. but if china invades america (US or canada.. i don't think mexico would get a lot of help) then europe will be like: Heej look at that! we can get those damned WWII loans out of the way by helping our brethren on the other side of the pond! so they will... end of story :-)

14:04:50 Jun 1st 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

If china attacks us Russia will more than likely help by attacking Europe. D:

18:10:47 Jun 1st 10 - Ice Prince Aureola:

then world war III will start!

Hurray for Call of Duty Blakc Ops!

18:55:24 Jun 1st 10 - King Ernest Deallus The Wise:

Huray 4 iliterasy! I cannt spel teh wodr blakc!

20:56:57 Jun 7th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

Cant remember where but the populace of russia has a higher opinion on average of the standard american than some of the euro nations ;/. Thats pretty bad for those of you  that cant put 2 n 2 together...

18:33:19 Jun 9th 10 - Mr. Soccerisback:

*insert epic rick roll here*

*cleverly disguise it with talk of bombs, china, and swifty's penor*
*get banned by zeta again*

I learned my lesson!

18:33:49 Jun 9th 10 - King Charley The Sprisely Active:

I am watching you! >:)

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