Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Commendations

03:53:46 Jun 17th 10 - Mr. Bonetroll:

I would like to say a big THANK YOU ;)
... to all those who went out of their way to help a newcomer (now 10 days old in RL terms) to the game gain a wealth of experience in it.

I would in particular like to say "thank you" to Sir Teirdel, who enlightened me on a few crucial facts of the game, and Mr Arcadian who assisted me in getting into PeaceKeepers therby sheltering me from the ravages of war and allowing me to experiment quite a bit with the game - were it in my power I would offer you both Kighthoods - VU Management please note these two guys down.

PeaceKeepers, a great alliance, a big pity they IMO and from what I have seen and gleaned, had no major aspirations at this time, still a bunch of Hounorable guys who stand by thier word and ideals, ... hopefully if they ever look at staging a comeback they will offer me an invite me so I can show of the prowress they helped me gain.

VU is a great game, pretty well thought out and planned, pity it fell down on the tutorial which I was made to understand was as a result of the tutorial not being compatible with the latest version of the game -
all in all, Well Done Mr Developer, whoever you are - VU is going to go places yet.

Once again, thank you all.


04:10:51 Jun 17th 10 - Mr. Bonetroll:

... I would also like to thank Mr Old Fat and Lazy (Leader of PeaceKeepers), all members of the PeaceKeepers, Dr Evil, Sir Horus VII, Mr Soccerisback and Mr Branca, who all helped in one way or another.

I know there are one or two others I have failed to mention, please forgive me, in all the turmoil my mental notes went missing ;)
... but please do consider yourselves thanked too.

Once again, Thank You all.

Best Regards


07:29:36 Jun 17th 10 - Dr. Evil:

Your welcome Bones.  I am happy to be of any little help I can to new players.

Dr Evil

16:17:05 Jun 17th 10 - King Charley The Sprisely Active:

I am happy to be that VU Management guy!

18:04:53 Jun 21st 10 - Lady Patches Ohoulihan:

I am happy to be THAT management guy!

00:30:40 Jun 25th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

I'm happy to be the guy that hasn't been mentioned at all in this thread yet!

02:36:33 Jun 25th 10 - Mr. Secret Agent Onslaught:

I am happy to be that indifferent guy.

18:15:57 Jun 26th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

I'm happy to be that girl.

03:26:06 Jun 27th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

I'm just glad I'm good looking.

10:56:23 Jun 27th 10 - Mr. Bonetroll:

I'm happy to be amongst the cheerfull, friendly, happy go-lucky folk of VU no matter how many turn out to be ugly/goodlooking friends/friendlettes and/or adversaries or enemies during my term here :D

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