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Computer Trouble
10:02:39 Aug 13th 13 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

I have a problem not related with the game, so I am thinking it should go here...
I bought a new computer, windows 8, touch screen, a good new computer. And it has been only 3 days, I have only visited some major sites like FB, Youtube, mails, and some news and spots portals, and VU of course.

So I have tried to stick to only trusted sites, but yesterday I got an error
Computer needs to restart, error BAD_POOL_CALLER
Anyone have any idea how that came? And what is it?

And how can I get that ,since I only visited these sites. I havent downloaded anything or watched movies or anything, it has only been 3 days.
I have Kaspersky Antivirus too.

Advice please.

10:28:56 Aug 13th 13 - Polydeuces (Konig Polydeuces):

11:07:50 Aug 13th 13 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Blight):

I did Google that, but from there I did not really understand much
Like, how did it happen, why did that error come? From where?
What can I do to prevent that? Any ideas?

11:41:50 Aug 13th 13 - Sir Aloysius:

the link above basically instructs you to...

Update or remove HotSpotShield if there is no Windows 8 compatible version.

13:08:00 Aug 13th 13 - Polydeuces (Sir Valkyros XVII):

HotSpotShield is a VPN, and I guess it's outdated or is somehow incompatible with Windows 8... Either way, they say the fix is to remove it, or update it... whichever works for you I guess... if neither do, maybe you should call tech support.

18:47:23 Aug 13th 13 - Mr. Binh Ladinh:

Depending on what brand of computer it is, but I'm pretty sure most have a free 1 year over the phone tech support thing included in every new computer/tablet. Just call up Say Dell (Whoever the brand is) and just have a chat with them :P

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