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Computer nerds HALP
12:58:14 Jun 1st 10 - Clown Yucko:

There is two pcs connected to switch. i connected the switch to my router providing the two pcs and the third mine with same internet and now i want to connect the 4th pc and make it as a server / storage device. so all 3 pcs could just put stuff in it and share easily. the question is: is it possible to make the simple pc as a server so the other three pcs could use it ?... I know there is stuff like networking, when you put in your docs something and the other guy just enters and takes it, but i want to make that all the stuff would be in the 4th pc

18:16:54 Jun 1st 10 - Ice Prince Aureola:

yes it is.

12:38:36 Jun 2nd 10 - Mr. Pink Giraffe:

it requires eliteness that only my provider gives muahahaha!!!!

11:57:09 Jun 27th 10 - Mr. Bonetroll:

The simple answer is Yes you can
... but there are several configurations, what you have got to decide is what exactly the role of the 4th-PC /Server will be and therefore how best to configure it - ie the network protocols that will be in use on the server (for intranet, internet or both)

1) Will the server be connecting/sharing to the internet ?
ie do you want access to those documents from another remote connection (internet) or just your internal network (intranet)

2) Do you intend to use the server as a firewall ? ie have other 3 computers connect to it via the switch with the router connected to the server (requires 2 net-cards in server) which runs firewall and NATting software and offers access to the internet or have it sitting connected to switch just like the other pc's

3) Will the server be dedicated (only serves) or non-dedicated (sometimes used as another workstation to access the net)

You can also have the Server act as print server (printer attached to it and used by all other PC's

As you can see there are various scenarios, you need to educate yourself on them, probably by asking further questions as well as seeking/reading up on what's available and the benefits to each, and then decide on what best suits your needs.

19:25:33 Jun 27th 10 - Sir Bran:

hehe nerds...

19:37:13 Jun 27th 10 - Sir Erythnul The Gladiator:

Damn you lost me at ' There is two pcs connected to switch '  but glad there are people out there smart enough and willing to help .... now whats a browser again ... :-)

19:45:36 Jun 27th 10 - Clown Yucko:

Bonetroll um i want to make it just a simple server which would keep data, and anyone from those 3 other pcs could enter it, put or take the data from it. that only the 4 pcs would be connected nothing more.

00:20:04 Jun 28th 10 - Mr. Bonetroll:

I would suggest you have Microsofts IPX/SPX protocol (just fyi IPX/SPX originated from Novells Netware but no need to be concerned with this) installed on all 4 computers, might also be best you configure the servers internal network number although autodiscovery should be able to set it so try without first(default 0) [Pls do be careful if you do so via the registry, preferably do it via the gui - I have always done it via the registry so if it cannot be done via the gui there might be a command line tool like else the registry is your only other option]. At the same time also set your frame type, this will be between 0and 3 (I am assuming your using ethernet adaptors) rahter tha leave it as default (Auto) just makes things discovery slightly faster - should be same frame type for all 4 pc's

On the server and the server only you can install Windows File and Print sharing (You can untick this on the other 3, unless of course you intend to share their files out too)
Also ensure you untick TCP/IP on the Server as I take it you do not wish to share your files to the internet.
On the other 3 you have installed Client for Windows Networks
(not needed on the server)
On the server end open up explorer and create a folder called "Data" for instance (you can call it "My Documents" too if you wish but back in the day we were not allowed long names - we used the 8.3 naming convention - 8 characters a dot and a 3 character extension)
... Now right click on Data and click on sharing > share as, etc, etc - should all be self explanatory when you do

That done and all being well (might require a restart), from explorer on the other systems you should now be able to see that share under microsoft networks.
For ease of use, on those 3 pc's you can edit the My Documents properties to point at that share so that most software will automatically save or look there for your documents - copy all the data files you have from each of the 3 pc's into that folder and voila - whichever pc you work from can now read/edit/save to your server

Done - You are done

For safety's sake, if your server has a D: partition this is where it is best to create your Data share, should you require to re-install your OS on that system, as long as you re-install to C: your data shall be safer and remain untouched.

It's that simple -> for a basic understanding of IPX/SPX and how to read ->


00:33:06 Jun 28th 10 - Mr. Bonetroll:

Ahhh, don't think I mentioned but do ensure that on ALL systems the IPX/SPX network address you provide is the same throughout - via gui

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