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Debate websites
21:55:05 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Vengence:

Does anyone know of any? I mean ones that are for my age, I am 13. please say if you do as I like debating but cant find anyone to debate with.

22:50:57 Jan 3rd 08 - Lord of The Morning:

yeah... the golden age... ... anything really... takes a while to get the hang of it. if you want to debate scams ^^ for any technology related thing...(its a news site with active commenting)

really depends on your interest...

google for
"your interest" + "forum"

11:32:24 Jan 4th 08 - Mr. Vengence:

im looking for ones that are specifically for ppl of my age, lord of the morning i have tried those searches, they are all adult debate websites.

00:21:53 Jan 5th 08 - Sir Iwasfrozen VI:

Why was my post deleated ?

Anyway heres the game again.

And heres my region.  

02:35:50 Jan 5th 08 - Lord of The Morning:

..... why the heck was my post deleted?
because I said porn?
I'm not allowed to say porn? or pr0n?

I'd suggest you learn isntead of discussing, since you're unlikely to know much about anything.... (it's best to discuss when you know lots on a subject, else you'll get owned ^^)

02:59:28 Jan 5th 08 - Ms. Fellatio:

Why was my post deleted? It was only a penis mutilation clip... :p

07:11:59 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Random:

lol why was mine deleted. it was only telling him not to go to a site??

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