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Deleted Accounts
02:43:44 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Arch Shade:

Rameth, Fierce, Psykee, Bonfire, Selleron......

I would just like to state that it JUST seemed to happen that all five of these players had large armies about to take Zeon out completely...when they were all deleted for (multing).  Everyone on Nirvana knows for sure that Rameth and Fierce were not the same person, cause many of us kept in touch with both or one of them through other message programs.  They talked at the EXACT same time when Fierce was at college.

Psykee was my girlfriend, we have different ip's and never use each other's computers.  She logs on and plays rarely....making a few moves from time to time.  I am massively active and make moves all the time.  If Psykee was somehow an alt of mine....well...VU you can call her, me, my two friends in REAL life that play and we will show you...she is real and plays.

Also...if I was to alt with her, then wouldn't I make her do moves and build when I was online?  Cause she will not do a single move for about 2 days straight sometimes.....

Anyways....thanks for really upsetting the player base on Nirvana.  ANYONE who has been affected by this....please post here.

03:01:42 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Impeccable:

Yes I think it is odd aswell that on the eve of destruction Tons of accounts are deleted at random for honest play. When People are cross walling on other servers without punishment.

03:21:22 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Arch Shade:

I would also like to point out that Psykee and I have ALWAYS had different IP addresses.  THE ONLY WAY TO KNOW WE LIVED TOGETHER IS THROUGH WORD OF MOUTH(ZEON"S MOUTH).

Also if her and I were "suspected of Multiplaying"  why was I not deleted?  Cause rameth AND fierce were deleted.....

03:23:40 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:

Arch, you don't get deleted for word or mouth of rumours. ZeTa only ever deletes when he has recorded evidence that one of you has logged into another account.

Now this could mean a number of things:

Either your friends logged into each others accounts


They ran other accounts, in addition to their primary ones.

Both are deletable offences and fall under the "multying" catagory.

03:30:08 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Impeccable:

Also if her and I were "suspected of Multiplaying"  why was I not deleted?  Cause rameth AND fierce were deleted.....

03:31:12 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Arch Shade:

But she has NO other accounts.  I KNOW this...she would tell me.  I want them to supply proof....

03:31:36 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Arch Shade:

They apologized in a message telling me that people get sacraficed sometimes when doing this.

03:32:49 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Arch Shade:

Also, I NEVER log into her computer and she never logs into mine. EVER, not once.  NOT EVER I want to see what reason or proof they had.  Or have higher officials in the ZETA group to check it out.

04:19:40 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Hewhowasdeleted:

My account was deleted as my name states.

But I can swear on my life that I was not a multi. Me and my brother share a computer because we aren't super rich and have two.

My account was Arthion and my bros was Brinsbane. If you look at our styles of play it is completely different. plus I am a lot better. I was 6th on Zeta he was unranked. if I was a multi wouldn't they be a lot closer.

I was unfairly deleted and I can't believe the Admin would after I have e-mailed them countless times explaining that we were not multies, because we were trying to deal with temporally banning at the time.

04:41:59 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

wow, I must be lucky because not one of my 7 accts was deleted, and I use the same computer. (the secret is in random ip adresses)

04:48:17 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Impeccable:

There would be such terrible lag to proxy 7 accounts at once...

04:54:51 Nov 23rd 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

I am lucky too. Not one of all 35 accounts of mine in Carnage got deleted:D


btw, can someone post the deletions list link?

05:05:23 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Arch Shade:

Ok Here is my case:

Psykee and I were accused of being multi.  So they deleted the "secondary" character psykee.

Rameth and Fierce were accused of being multi.  So they deleted "both" characters.

They do not delete from word of mouth, but characters must have same IP to be deleted.  But Psykee was deleted, never once the same IP and my character.

How come the rules seem to have differed between us?  I am just curious.  Also it would be nice if some ZETA would stand up and say something to the agry crowd.  Also, tons of multi using goes on, how come is it that by chance everyone who was about to kill Zeon got deleted?  What are the chances?  Someone must take some blame for this.  Was Ms. Bonfire NOT her primary account?  If it wasn't, tell me of her "real" primary.  Same with Selleron.

What has gone on here is manipulation of the Zeta staff to benefit friends that play in the game.  This should not be allowed to continue.  Also those who were wrongfully deleted should be compensated in some way.

Also, if we provide a list of players who "play" in the same way that my g/f and I had to play; I expect them to be deleted as well.  EVEN Zeon members!

05:47:54 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

07:26:50 Nov 23rd 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

But I can swear on my life that I was not a multi. Me and my brother share a computer because we aren't super rich and have two.
 well thier you go :P if you both play on the same world you are bound to be deleted at some point

08:23:37 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

You are in fact a multi in all definitions of the word. It was accidental that's all, if you don't believe me look at the word plagiarism. Accidental  plagiarism is still plagiarism

10:22:27 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Kimmen:

It's not only by IP address, it's by MAC address too.

and your MAC address will still be the same, even if you use a proxy.

13:36:21 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Lenard:

Oh please Arch we all know no girls play VU

15:05:48 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Arch Shade:

My girlfriend did.  Also, we didn't use the same computer EVER.

15:08:19 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

i have been affected, rameths support was really helping me as i had my troops away preppign to take out some cities. but, as i couldnt rely on rameth anymore, i was wiped out. my troops were away ONLY because i could rely on him, but i have now ended up being killed, and having to restart on arma

18:02:14 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Impeccable:


19:54:59 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

Mr. Lenard


11/23/2007 5:36:21 AM

Oh please Arch we all know no girls play VU


lies! i talked my girlfriend into playing, although she is very inactive.......... :(

19:57:24 Nov 23rd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim bursts in wearing tin foil on his head and holding a corn dog.


20:45:47 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Sun:

When girls play, they either suck horribly, or they ARE PURE PWNAGE.

21:13:08 Nov 23rd 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

guess whichever I am? ^^

21:15:50 Nov 23rd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

You're a...PIRATE!!!

22:08:02 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Xiax:

Arch Shade, there is no reason to believe your "girlfriend" was deleted because of any relations to you. In fact, the fact that you were not deleted probably means her deletetion had nothing to do with you. She probably got deleted for logging in on another friend's account or maybe even at a library.

01:21:54 Nov 24th 07 - Mr. Ridukuluz:

I lived in an apartment.  My friend here who lives with me plays swerve utopia.  I made him tried visual utopia.  I messaged zeta and told him about it.  We played on different worlds and we never got deleted.  Though he stayed for only one era coz he didnt like it.

02:52:48 Nov 24th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

My friends never get past the tutorial, they always say stuff like "It's too hard"

04:41:18 Nov 24th 07 - Sir Verll:

My friends say this game sucks and that only nerds play it!!

Says alot of my so called friends doesn't it!?

19:00:35 Nov 24th 07 - Mr. Jehova:

edit: nm :)

19:08:27 Nov 24th 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:

Kill your friends and eat their livers.

Put their heads on a stick in front of your home.

Proclaim yourself Jesus.

*beep* Carmen Electra.

20:42:20 Nov 24th 07 - Lord Argyle:

You do realize that if you are in same house it's highly possible you share ip-out of the house, even if you sit on different computers. Meaning a router/switch won't make it possible to play more accounts...Cheaters got busted and angry, very fun...

20:48:21 Nov 24th 07 - Lord Carnage:

IPs *HAVE* to be different for different computers,
unless you have a nice router that firewalls the shaite outta you.
but that is doubtable.

02:45:02 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Arch Shade:

Yeah, I mean my girlfriend and I will take a photo of me and her standing once next to her lap top, then once next to my computer.  And holding a sign saying VU.

Anyways, we took care of it.  She just plays from our neighbor's computer, who I would never even think of playing VU.  So she might be even more inactive than before, but she can at least play.

03:23:58 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Kimmen:

Arch Shade, as long as she's on a different world than you, and in a different kingdom than you, she can play from the same computer as you are playing.
I believe Zeta have said this is okay, and will not be a bannable offense.

04:40:04 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Arch Shade:

But she doesn't need to play from same computer as me, and she never has.
So I took it another step, and she plays at her friend's apartment.  But she doesn't seem to be interested as much.

16:33:38 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Kimmen:

Has she played from the same IP address as you?
Using the same internet connection as you, or someone else for that matter.

17:07:13 Nov 25th 07 - VU Admin:

"Arch Shade, as long as she's on a different world than you, and in a different kingdom than you, she can play from the same computer as you are playing.
I believe Zeta have said this is okay, and will not be a bannable offense."
-Mr. Kimmen

If you are two people playing from the same connection and are in the same world it's better to be in the same kingdom instead of different kingdoms - which might be seen as spying activity.

02:17:56 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Arch Shade:

Yep, that is what I thought. We no longer play from same connection anymore.

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