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Dwarf Miners
14:52:45 May 24th 12 - Mr. Pikel:

I was playing around with the difference between having miners at a ratio of 1:1 and 2:1 with my mines to see how much it would affect production and therefore whether it would be useful in the future. Well at 1:1 the production goes from 9 gold per mine to 13, and then 16 at 2:1. The increase from 9 to13 had an appropriate 200k jump in production(I have 60k mines so it should be 240k but that's close enough), but when it went from 13 to 16 the production did not increase at all. Not even 1 gold. I am using more food and the army upkeep went down, but the actual gold production does not change.

Below are my production charts for 0, 1:1, and 2:1
I'm working from Underdark so that's where the change should be.

Boson +174,430 +0 +295,580 +0 +0
Underdark +325,993 +535,183 -75,000 +305,344 +0
Nogod +64,510 +153,803 -35,738 +87,751 +0
Thrace +89,617 +271,018 -38,691 +187,280 +0
Mine +3,708 +0 -2,912 +0 +0
Boarder II +348,325 +629,941 -90,000 +425,431 +0
Silvermoon +16,036 +0 -8,727 +0 +0
Bose +208,299 +583,836 -67,500 +458,016 +0
Garden +11,679 +0 -5,932 +0 +0
Total: +3,416,378 -28,920 +1,463,822 +0
Army Upkeep: -971,827
Building Upkeep: -145,383
Total Income: +2,299,168


Boson +174,430 +0 +295,580 +0 +0
Underdark +325,993 +748,884 -90,000 +569,885 +0
Nogod +64,510 +147,961 -35,738 +81,888 +0
Thrace +89,617 +260,725 -38,691 +174,767 +0
Mine +3,708 +0 -2,912 +0 +0
Boarder II +348,325 +606,017 -90,000 +397,006 +0
Silvermoon +16,036 +0 -8,727 +0 +0
Bose +208,299 +561,663 -67,500 +427,414 +0
Garden +11,679 +0 -5,932 +0 +0
Total: +3,567,847 -43,920 +1,650,960 +0
Army Upkeep: -763,999
Building Upkeep: -145,383
Total Income: +2,658,465


Boson +174,430 +0 +295,580 +0 +0
Underdark +325,993 +748,884 -105,000 +569,885 +0
Nogod +64,510 +147,961 -35,738 +81,888 +0
Thrace +89,617 +260,725 -38,691 +174,767 +0
Mine +3,708 +0 -2,912 +0 +0
Boarder II +348,325 +606,017 -90,000 +397,006 +0
Silvermoon +16,036 +0 -8,727 +0 +0
Bose +208,299 +561,663 -67,500 +427,414 +0
Garden +11,679 +0 -5,932 +0 +0
Total: +3,567,847 -58,920 +1,650,960 +0
Army Upkeep: -561,239
Building Upkeep: -145,383
Total Income: +2,861,225

So What am I missing? is there some evil mechanic at work here that is killing off my extra gold?

15:24:49 May 24th 12 - al (Mr. Alalalal):

looks like the only difference is army upkeep. the bonus maxes at 1:1 so this is no surprise

15:47:02 May 24th 12 - Pure (Sir Screwbacca):

I think it is 1 caver per mine, the production increase that it says on the build page would just be a glitch or it doesn't take in the fact of cavers already in those mines.

16:32:12 May 24th 12 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrgalon):

Yeah dwarf cavers (and farmers for halfers) only boost at 1:1 or lower, having more just means those units are taking space and money or food. :)

19:07:07 May 24th 12 - Mr. Kobold:

oh...mer, how annoying. Thanks for the info

11:02:47 Sep 1st 12 - Mr. Mango Chutney:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but cavers/farmers gives 5 gold/food modified by sci lvl. 
So if u have 40k mines u can have 40k cavers and @ lvl 10 mining it should give +400kgold.

15:41:29 Oct 13th 12 - heroix (Mr. Arma Asap):

Most efficient 90k for dwarf consist of:
17419 homes
72581 mines
72581 cavemasters

homes:= (max_buildings*6)/31
mines:= (homes *25)/6
cavemasters:= mines

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