Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Elite Active Players
Elite Active Players | ||||
21:38:27 Dec 23rd 11 - Mr. Old Scratch: Anyone wanna give me a top 10? top 5? Rules: - Must be currently active - cannot list yourself | ||||
22:16:15 Dec 23rd 11 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Heyzeus The Enlightened): Bihn | ||||
23:02:41 Dec 23rd 11 - Penguin (Clown Dexter Morgan): Kath | ||||
23:41:44 Dec 23rd 11 - Mr. Donut Dothat: Galadriel (or she'll beat me up) :P | ||||
23:49:37 Dec 23rd 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Forgotten Warrior): binh elsin tyrgalon wolf anonymous bluelight not in any particular order | ||||
00:08:22 Dec 24th 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Son Gokou): edit heres the last 4 drakos fred the terrorist dalak endless (at least i think she might still be playing) | ||||
00:20:06 Dec 24th 11 - Wilberforce (Lady Impending Gang Bang): 22:49:37 Dec 23rd 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Forgotten Warrior): binh elsin tyrgalon wolf anonymous bluelight not in any particular order Report23:08:22 Dec 23rd 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Son Gokou): edit heres the last 4 drakos fred the terrorist dalak endless (at least i think she might still be playing) Please note all who read this, this guy is trolling a few of these are not old, not elite and certainly not active. | ||||
02:07:10 Dec 24th 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Valkyros IX): What are you retarded Wilber? Which of those players are not old? Which of those are not elite? Each of them have played much longer than you, and are infinite x in skill better than you. The only one who may or may not be active is endless but I read she was playing on Zetamania, so I assume that she is. Each of those players I've listed I know for a fact (save maybe Fred) have been playing at least 20 era's and most of them even longer than me at over 40 era's. Tyrgalon may not be the most skilled player but I included him because he's played alongside me for many, many era's and was always there to fall back on when needed and he always tries harder than anyone else I know in VU. | ||||
02:14:14 Dec 24th 11 - Mr. Derfel: wolf
Ive never heard of them. They cant be that old and that elite if ive never heard of them and i only quit 10 eras or so ago :D | ||||
02:18:11 Dec 24th 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Valkyros IX): Bluelight ( ) I'm sure he's won one or two more, and Wolf ( ) and I think he's also won one or two more ( also an age winner of the new eras) , are era winners... Anonymous is leader of Army of Anubis and after watching him play the last few ages on multiple worlds (age winner of the new eras), he's very skilled himself. All three players have been around for a long while. Don't speak if you don't know. Rofl. | ||||
02:45:40 Dec 24th 11 - Jenna (Ms. Jenna Tailya): Bihn Kob kool elsin jlt | ||||
06:39:50 Dec 24th 11 - Penguin (Mr. Antarctic Devil): wolf? who cares, im 4th in that scores. must be elite | ||||
07:07:26 Dec 24th 11 - Polydeuces (Konig Polydeuces): All he did was ask for our opinions, and I gave mine.. I don't know why there is so much grief over that. You're all just a bunch of fathead narcissists... you're even worse than I am! | ||||
09:13:05 Dec 24th 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Katey Burton): 01:07:10 Dec 24th 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Valkyros IX): What are you retarded Wilber? Which of those players are not old? Which of those are not elite? Each of them have played much longer than you, and are infinite x in skill better than you. The only one who may or may not be active is endless but I read she was playing on Zetamania, so I assume that she is. Each of those players I've
listed I know for a fact (save maybe Fred) have been playing at least
20 era's and most of them even longer than me at over 40 era's. Tyrgalon may not be the most skilled player but I included him because he's played alongside me for many, many era's and was always there to fall back on when needed and he always tries harder than anyone else I know in VU. Lol fail if you think most of them have played longer than myself, and Binh is infinitely more skilled than me, yes. Some of the others are more skilled than me, sure. However, all of them are infinately more skilled than me? Fail troll is le fail. I shall not be baited. But, so tell me. How long HAVE I played Poly? Let me walk you through this, mmkay? I think you need abit of help. Binh, old, elite, active. Elsin, old, elite, active. Tyrgalon, active, POSSIBLY old. However, I have recieved absolutely retarded messages from him over the eras. I would not call him elite. Wolf, who the fuck is Wolf? Just linking us to an era hardly tells us who he is. Anon, sucky player. Never stood out in anything he does, apart from last era whoring AMs all era, then getting SSed and killed. Before that, all he was known for to me is leading an endlessly dying/fail KD, AoA. Active, possibly. Blue is a bottom feeder/massive whore before he/she does anything. Old maybe, active, maybe. Drakos, old, semi-elite, inactive. Fred The Terrorist, bottom feeder, whore, child-like player of no tangible playing skill. Old, no. Active, maybe. Elite, most certainly not. Dalak, old, possibly? Active, no clue? Semi-elite. Endless, certainly not old. She joined VU late. Why would you think she's played that long? Lol........ Active, nope probably not. Semi-elite. You can hardly stamp an "elite" stamp on alot of them. Some of them are more skilled than the average VU player, but it hardly makes them "elite." If you want a REAL list of old, active, elite players: Binh Elsin Aloy Peng? Devi Von Darkmoor Pope? Dvs If you want to add elite, active but not old players: Tyrin Doomhammer (don't believe Will has played for as many eras as most of those I put in my list above) Apologies to any and all whom I missed out. Be it, I forgot about you, didn't think you were active or didn't think you were "elite" enough for the list. | ||||
09:19:28 Dec 24th 11 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon): but cool enough to make it :O | ||||
10:23:02 Dec 24th 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Forgotten Warrior): People have received worse messages from me, Puppy can attest to that. In any case, since when does what a player has to say reflect at all in how he plays? I'm an example of that. You've played I'd say since era 19 or so maybe earlier. Yeah I forgot how long you've played but many of those players have played quite a while as well. Tyrgalon for example since era 25 I believe. Wolf even before that but I can't recall I think around 12-14, his brother is Phoenix. Endless I think 36 but that's just about as long if not longer than a lot of the current VU players. I don't know much about Fred the terrorist but I have fought against him a few times, and even with him he's won two ages of Fantasia though, even with all odds stacked against his kingdom I think he's a pretty strong player. Drakos had taught me a few things when I played under him in BoW in my earlier era's, he's still playing and he's a phenominal player/strategist. I've only just started playing with Dalak but I know he's played for a long while, and I know he's also a phenominal player. Bluelight is a great player, period. And you guessed it, has been around for a long while. 23:33:38 Dec 21st 11 - Endless (Ms. Evil Shenanigans): Dear Bemofuker Farmers, I won't OOP until the era ends so for those camping on or near my new cities muhahahahaha :p <3 Endless I've played with Endless many, many times so I know for a fact she's a great player. What makes it so that a player who isn't overly active, is then considered to be inactive? All he meant by active, was currently playing on some world in VU. Also, just because you haven't heard of the player doesn't mean anything. Maybe you should spend some time getting to know the community rather than just your own kingdom mates. Oh that's right, it's because you're a stuck up snob who sticks mostly to his own little crew of other stuck up snobs. *cough* penguin *cough* If you don't know who Wolf is, then that just proves it. Anyways, the thread is asking for personalized top 5 or 10 lists. Not for tards to come here and bash people's lists. It's not like he said "hey guys, lets brain storm who the top 10 players are in the game based off of skill" okay sure there are a few people who would be on everyone else's lists, but then everyone else would have their own opinion. We can see that between your list and mine. You do know that game skill alone is not what calls someone an elite player. Other things to consider are such things like, reliability as I've mention about Tyrgalon, determination, all the players I've mentioned will fight 'til their last scout, and some even then will scout spank... Leadership, most if not all of these players will take it upon themselves to rally a kingdom, or take roles of leadership when needed. Tyrgalon and Endless have both done this for me. Sure some people get strong by taking their time and investing in large incomes. Others conquer to get there. Some are in-between. Some even switch up their play style. Which brings me to another quality. Diversity. Most of these players can play in any position and do well. May not always succeed but who does. All in all, just because you're a big cry baby over what happened in FW last era doesn't make my list any less correct than yours. | ||||
10:57:59 Dec 24th 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent): These are only people I've personally played against. Some may not exactly follow the rules of fair combat all the time *cough*, but they all have exceptional skill even if they were all forced to play fairly. Drakos <3 Karac <3 (he's semi-notreally active) Aloy Penguin Zond (don't be a hater) Puppy (don't know how long he's played) TBL (don't like ya much, but respect ya) Ryan Dvs Elsin Total random order and those are mainly people I've personally played against or with a lot. There are many more exceptionally skilled elites, the majority of whom in LGC. | ||||
11:16:18 Dec 24th 11 - Mr. Derfel: if wolf has played since era 12 then its under a different nickname i can tell you that much | ||||
11:40:54 Dec 24th 11 - Endless (Ms. Evil Shenanigans): I have 1337 boobs for an old chick :p (yep that is all I have to contribute to this thread) | ||||
12:37:57 Dec 24th 11 - Penguin (Clown Dexter Morgan): Roxy, General Mustang FullMetal Binh Winry Thebornloser Von Dorkmoor and ofc that osom Penguin fellow. | ||||
12:38:54 Dec 24th 11 - Mr. Derfel: penguin is a noob pfft silly boy gets deleted for being a multi! | ||||
12:44:33 Dec 24th 11 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon): only cause your ass was scared of my army! | ||||
13:04:14 Dec 24th 11 - Mr. Derfel: you had no army! | ||||
13:06:03 Dec 24th 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Wilb Derping Still): 09:23:02 Dec 24th 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Forgotten Warrior): People have received worse messages from me, Puppy can attest to that. In any case, since when does what a player has to say reflect at all in how he plays? I'm an example of that. You've played I'd say since era 19 or so maybe earlier. Yeah I forgot how long you've played but many of those players have played quite a while as well. Tyrgalon for example since era 25 I believe. Wolf even before that but I can't recall I think around 12-14, his brother is Phoenix. Endless I think 36 but that's just about as long if not longer than a lot of the current VU players. I don't know much about Fred the terrorist but I have fought against him a few times, and even with him he's won two ages of Fantasia though, even with all odds stacked against his kingdom I think he's a pretty strong player. Drakos had taught me a few things when I played under him in BoW in my earlier era's, he's still playing and he's a phenominal player/strategist. I've only just started playing with Dalak but I know he's played for a long while, and I know he's also a phenominal player. Bluelight is a great player, period. And you guessed it, has been around for a long while. By retarded, I meant of things like, ordering people he's at war with, to return cities to his KD mates. Ordering you around to do this/that despite being at war with him. Ordering you around to do this/that while being in the same KD, but asking for stupid things like suicide missions, to protect his undefended cities against small naz spams, or in OOP wars. As Osi said, and to repeat myself, who the hell is Wolf? If he's supposedly played since era 12, he's either a completely unknown player (which is nigh on impossible for such an old player) or plays under a different name. Could you mean Karac perhaps? The odds are hardly stacked against Hex and Freddy, he kills untagged, feeds off his own KD members and NAPs every KD on the map. Drakos is semi-active, at best. He was kicked (unjustly, but kicked still) from Relent for several days inactivity and is a self-proclaimed inactive, he said he didn't have time to play more than 1 chara too. I'm not saying he's not a great player, he's just not on par with people such as Binh and Tyrin. Neither am I, I don't claim to be 1/10th as skilled as them. Same with Dalak, no doubt he is my superior in playing skill, by far. Blue does nothing out of the ordinary, he/she takes most of the spoils for himself, whores for most of the era and, like Freddy, feeds on untagged. Unlike Aloy, who can make armies off his own back. I've played with Endless many, many times so I know for a fact she's a great player. What
makes it so that a player who isn't overly active, is then considered
to be inactive? All he meant by active, was currently playing on some
world in VU. Like Dalak and Drakos, sure Endless is probably better than me. I had thought she wasn't playing now though, (sorry mah Julie :D xoxoxo) hence why I said she probably wasn't active and since she joined in the mid-late era 30s, she isn't that old of a player. Also, just because you haven't heard of the player doesn't mean anything. Maybe you should spend some time getting to know the community rather than just your own kingdom mates. Oh that's right, it's because you're a stuck up snob who sticks mostly to his own little crew of other stuck up snobs. *cough* penguin *cough* If you don't know who Wolf is, then that just proves it. This makes me laugh, if anything on VU, I would say I am renown for being friends with most players. From your Julie's, to your Puppy's, to your Roxbury's to your Dvsmasta's, from your Stirling's to your Aloysius'. I have always been a people man on VU, more of a talker than a fighter. So don't spew bs like that. It makes me lol too much. Again, who the fuck is Wolf? Anyways, the thread is asking for personalized top 5 or 10 lists. Not for tards to come here and bash people's lists. It's not like he said "hey guys, lets brain storm who the top 10 players are in the game based off of skill" okay sure there are a few people who would be on everyone else's lists, but then everyone else would have their own opinion. We can see that between your list and mine. Oh no, you're welcome to your own opinion, just don't share it with everyone else if it's retarded. You do know that game skill alone is not what calls someone an elite player. Other things to consider are such things like, reliability as I've mention about Tyrgalon, determination, all the players I've mentioned will fight 'til their last scout, and some even then will scout spank... Leadership, most if not all of these players will take it upon themselves to rally a kingdom, or take roles of leadership when needed. Tyrgalon and Endless have both done this for me. Sure some people get strong by taking their time and investing in large incomes. Others conquer to get there. Some are in-between. Some even switch up their play style. Which brings me to another quality. Diversity. Most of these players can play in any position and do well. May not always succeed but who does. I don't deny that being elite also requires activity and diversity. People like Freddy are 1 trick ponies, sticking to pony spam era in, era out. Something Tyrgalon is most definately not is reliable. He goes inactive at random times, he loses his 90k to the enemy, deep within our core. He walked into his own slaughter twice this era I believe. I have lead a KD of elite players, (of which the likes include Dvs, Abaddon, Aligreat, Quietone, etc) but it doesn't make me any better. I took vice roles in Prosapia (I think), Revelation, Juicy, more of Alis KDs, Fords KDs, Hankys KDs and so on and so forth. Again, it doesn't make me elite. Most of those you named on your list, rarely switch up their playing style, so not sure where you're coming from. All in all, just because you're a big cry baby over
what happened in FW last era doesn't make my list any less correct than
How have I ever even mentioned FW? You're the one bringing that up. I'm just poking holes in your awful list and making sure newer players who read this don't believe scrubs like Freddy are even REMOTELY good players. | ||||
13:22:13 Dec 24th 11 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon): | ||||
13:25:21 Dec 24th 11 - Princess Aisha: Not much has changed xD | ||||
13:27:51 Dec 24th 11 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon): Number One is Binh, others can not even compare, Elsin and Tyrin being the closest though lolwut??? Binh yeah he is unmatched, but ill make a plan to have buttsex with him! Elsin for a long time i havent heard much from his side :/ Tyrin? nope never heard of him. | ||||
13:34:46 Dec 24th 11 - Princess Aisha: If you havent heard of someone as skilled as him, then that is your problem I guess...
That Kingdom was rulling Starta untill we all gathered and killed them, you being among us, so saying you dont know who he is, is lame :) Sure they died against us, but he was the one who fought back the best... When ever Elsin plays he has an important role, top of the world usually, another problem is that so many people have different names so you cant know who is who, he has a new name: Mr. Elfontop has won 82 battles, captured 90 cities and killed a total of 4923345 men and women. First on Nirvana will win that if they ever manage to cast arma as admin gave up on this game again. There are two worlds that stay without arma and they have been done for weeks... Its sad... | ||||
13:38:31 Dec 24th 11 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon):
ROFL you show me how he mass whored troops and "won" ? or that ~3M kills are elite??? if thats skilled then ![]() | ||||
13:40:33 Dec 24th 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Katey Burton): He is a good player Peng :) One of the best. | ||||
13:50:15 Dec 24th 11 - Princess Aisha: Peng is just trolling a bit, but we <3 him still | ||||
13:55:17 Dec 24th 11 - Mr. Derfel: so i take it you can be a top player and never play on fant these days? :D trololol
besides leading top kds doesnt make you good :D Hell i suck and if i can do it im sure wilbernoob can ^^ | ||||
14:01:26 Dec 24th 11 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon): | ||||
14:07:28 Dec 24th 11 - Mr. Derfel: BOTH! My Woden sense is tingling | ||||
14:14:29 Dec 24th 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Wilb Derping Still): 12:55:17 Dec 24th 11 - Mr. Derfel: so i take it you can be a top player and never play on fant these days? :D trololol
besides leading top kds doesnt make you good :D Hell i suck and if i can do it im sure wilbernoob can ^^ Oh yeah, forgot to add I was a vice of Aby during it's later years. I was leading it in reality :P | ||||
14:18:31 Dec 24th 11 - Mr. Derfel: like fuck :D the only good vice was sloth I like vices who can run stuff while i rant and decide who we crush :D | ||||
14:28:22 Dec 24th 11 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon): | ||||
14:46:38 Dec 24th 11 - Zond (The Valhalla): First on Nirvana will win that if they ever manage to cast arma as admin gave up on this game again. There are two worlds that stay without arma and they have been done for weeks... Its sad... He didnt give up again, never started in the first place. I was the one who would contact him about casting armas. Now that i have stopped because tired of hearing people bitch. It never gets casted. All i can say is, told ya so.. :P | ||||
14:58:00 Dec 24th 11 - Tyrin (Mr. Tyrin Failsalot): "~3M kills are elite??? " Honorable mention to Blue for their massive AM armies the last two fants. Even if we did stop them, that was pretty damn cool. | ||||
15:00:24 Dec 24th 11 - Mr. Derfel: guess times have changed. Back in the day winning a map that isnt filled with top kds was worthless :D | ||||
15:18:10 Dec 24th 11 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon): winning by mass whoring troops aint something you should brag :( | ||||
19:56:32 Dec 24th 11 - Stormy (Lord Stormcrowe): hey, a circle jerk thread, sweet! <grabs lotion> | ||||
21:12:22 Dec 24th 11 - Mr. Derfel: you suck stormy | ||||
21:26:53 Dec 24th 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Katey Burton): Still playing VU Stormy my love? You'd be added to ANY list you want bbe. | ||||
21:29:21 Dec 24th 11 - Mr. Derfel: except mine because you suck as hard as hamish! | ||||
23:04:11 Dec 24th 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter): Just to point out although AoA may not be the best kingdom in the world i remember them dominating mant for multiple eras , so how could they be endlessly dying? you must be referring to the remake of AoA , showing that you dont really know who anonymous is... | ||||
02:01:26 Dec 25th 11 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent): 22:00:24 Dec 24th 11 - Mr. Derfel: guess times have changed. Back in the day winning a map that isnt filled with top kds was worthless :D Yes, back in the day. Now we have multi characters. I'm being raped by Binh on two maps! Seriously no other world is quite as good as Fant, but they are a hell of a lot closer than they used to be. FW would have been a huge competitor on Fant for many eras a few years ago, yet they aren't on Fant. Most maps have at least 1-2 fairly good kingdoms. | ||||
02:08:20 Dec 25th 11 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon): FW is majority of LGC. impossibru to play in one map. stormy yes bow before my greatness | ||||
02:25:54 Dec 25th 11 - Mr. Derfel: FW is LGC. Hell even i can see that :D | ||||
02:30:57 Dec 25th 11 - Zond (The Valhalla): im not in FW, but in LGC | ||||
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