Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / End of era scores

End of era scores
00:36:44 Dec 19th 09 - Mr. Bent Yoda:

What the equation for the final score???

00:49:26 Dec 19th 09 - Lady Cheryl Cole:

2-1 x 7

00:50:47 Dec 19th 09 - Endless Despair:

lol Bran <3


New order for the end scores

Forums / News and Updates / New order for the end scores

Author Message
VU Admin


05:03:08 Jun 10th 09

Rulers will be ordered by (troops and buildings in fantasia)^2 + (overall score) + wins^2 + experience^2

The one with the most points will be placed first.

Battle wins and experience will only be given in battles where OP/DP is over 5000 points. The experience have also been updated to include size of battle and experience gained by the troops.
The experience given will be shown (if anything is gained) in the battle results.

VU Admin


05:05:43 Jul 3rd 09
Battle wins and battle experience have been taken away from the ending score due to XP/win farming.

05:57:21 Dec 19th 09 - Grand Ape Kongdust:

the equation doesn't matter, it always ends up as 42

14:27:41 Dec 19th 09 - Mr. Theophilus XIII:

How is 'overall score' determined?

16:19:47 Dec 19th 09 - Mr. Theophilus XIII:

is thhe equation secret? any approximations?

17:28:05 Dec 19th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

Who cares?  End of Era scores are ALWAYS random,  have we not figured that out yet? :)

03:59:04 Dec 20th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

No you guys, Grand Ape is right ofc!

16:57:20 Dec 20th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

yup 42.

all that matters is fant....... if you arent there NO, 0, NONE, NADDA, chance of even placing top 50.

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