Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Ensuing World Conflict?

Ensuing World Conflict?
02:17:14 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Shraeder:

Russia invaded Georgia earlier this month, now with Poland joining the nuclear defense shield and now more suddenly the russian baltic fleet Re-arming.
The U.S. has no called its allies for a meeting.
Now i know the U.S. is stretched wayy out fighting in Iraq, but im pretty damn sure they could reduce troop numbers and pull troops to fight Russia, though right at this time i feel Russia would give U.S. a spanking.

what do you guys think?

02:21:33 Aug 19th 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

The U.S. is allied with like half the world(or dam close to it) so picking a fight isnt really a smart idea.

02:26:28 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Shraeder:

Just because the U.S. is allied to half of the world doesn't mean that half the world didn't Protest when the U.S. went to war with Iraq, Russia had allies to, need i remind you one of the worlds biggest economies, China

02:40:50 Aug 19th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

and probably, the worlds worst army.

04:54:50 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

Wolflord Karac


8/18/2008 9:40:50 PM
and probably, the worlds worst army.


Yet sill if the US went to war with China, both countries would get spanked.


About this subject, the US really cant do anything right now, there to streched to threaten anyone. If russia invaded poland, the US wont do *beep*. Just talk, like they did now. Not to mention if russia gets invaded china will surly help russia.


Russia is smart and is taking advantage of this.

05:00:43 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Basch:

WWIII or Cold War II is about to happen i reckon

05:14:07 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Justin:

This coming from a marine. Why cant ppl get over themselves and fuking stop with all this bull*beep*. Yes America does try to control everything but with the WMD most countries like Russia, Iran, etc. Mainly the whole middle east has, yes we get involved with trying to boss them around. Russia trys to boss smaller countries around because they think because they are the biggest country in the world that their the most bad ass which there not. Both Chinese and Russian Military suck. The strongest are American and Britian Armies. And our borders are so well defended that if Russia or China tried to invade the US borders. They would be destroyed. By sea you have our battle ships and missle subs, etc. If your in the US military you know all of them. By air you have AA, SAM, etc. Now if they have some luck by chance of landing on American soil. there are still about 500k more soldiers mixed between, Air Force, Marines, Army, and Navy. Then you got the personal armies, the rednecks ;) that is a force to be reckon with. Now if Russia and China invaded Europe, thats stupid as well. Europe are our greatest allies and we would help them in time of need. So one small attack on Europe and the US gets involved and Russia and China get spanked bad.

So honestly Either one of these countries attacking eachother is stupidty and proves how stupid those countries are if they attack.

Well let the flaming began cuz i know its going to happen

05:25:04 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Basch:


05:30:29 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Justin:

very nice dot Basch =P

05:41:04 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Bladehadranos:

Wolflord Karac


8/18/2008 9:40:50 PM
and probably, the worlds worst army.


Yet sill if the US went to war with China, both countries would get spanked.


About this subject, the US really cant do anything right now, there to streched to threaten anyone. If russia invaded poland, the US wont do *beep*. Just talk, like they did now. Not to mention if russia gets invaded china will surly help russia.


Russia is smart and is taking advantage of this.

China military are more larger than USA but USA have more powerful army

05:43:57 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Benji IV:

justin ur post is coming from an american view we need someone in the chinese or russian army to post there view so we can get the whole pic =)

05:46:04 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Bladehadranos:

Mr. Benji IV


8/19/2008 12:43:57 PM
justin ur post is coming from an american view we need someone in the chinese or russian army to post there view so we can get the whole pic =)

what about my view?

05:51:13 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Justin:

lol the only reason the Chinese military is bigger. Wait this might make it easier. You stuck the entire Chinese population in a line it would never end because of reproduction.

05:56:22 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Bladehadranos:

yup china super population made China militay large

06:00:42 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Justin:

quick question is China a country were you have to join the military when you reach a certain age?i know we used to have the draft which you had to sign up for when your 18. I just didnt know if china had a similar thing.

06:04:50 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Bladehadranos:

hm.... probably not...

10:36:19 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Shraeder:

Mr. Justin


8/18/2008 9:14:07 PMThis coming from a marine. Why cant ppl get over themselves and fuking stop with all this bull*beep*. Yes America does try to control everything but with the WMD most countries like Russia, Iran, etc. Mainly the whole middle east has, yes we get involved with trying to boss them around. Russia trys to boss smaller countries around because they think because they are the biggest country in the world that their the most bad ass which there not. Both Chinese and Russian Military suck. The strongest are American and Britian Armies. And our borders are so well defended that if Russia or China tried to invade the US borders. They would be destroyed. By sea you have our battle ships and missle subs, etc. If your in the US military you know all of them. By air you have AA, SAM, etc. Now if they have some luck by chance of landing on American soil. there are still about 500k more soldiers mixed between, Air Force, Marines, Army, and Navy. Then you got the personal armies, the rednecks ;) that is a force to be reckon with. Now if Russia and China invaded Europe, thats stupid as well. Europe are our greatest allies and we would help them in time of need. So one small attack on Europe and the US gets involved and Russia and China get spanked bad.

So honestly Either one of these countries attacking eachother is stupidty and proves how stupid those countries are if they attack.

Well let the flaming began cuz i know its going to happen.

Sorry justin but i have to say it?
why in the hell don't you think Russia has none of this, Just because the soviet union collapsed doesn't mean  the baltic fleet has been dismantled or soviet armor couldn't roll through europe again. You fail to realize Russia doesn't need to import its oil like the U.S. and simply for that reason in another long cold war Russia could prevail given time, AA , Sams? You seriously think China or Russia has neither of these things.

Furthermore,  where in gods name do you think America is going to pull up 500k greater troop numbers then Russia and China, You also fail to realize that the in the american forces, Already stretched thin would be fighting Chinese and Russia armies that aren't caught up in a conflict. And Either one of these countries could Draft Equal(Russia) or greater troop numbers (China). Which gives America a fail on the whole ground war part.

Economically America would be screwed entirely, Who do you think America owes money to? Currently China is near the top, call the debts and they are screwed, with the coming american dollar collapse we all know a cold war would go sour for America.

And on top of that don't count china or russia out on Tactical nuclear weapons, or chemical weapons, last i checked guiness still counts russia as holding the greatest amount of chemical weapons.

And now we see Russia postering on former Bloc countries. Personally justin i know any statement you make will have stupidity backing it, so please, bring numbers and not "500k more troops" and "we have AA's" as if China has never made a SAM sight in the world, Also justin to salt the wound, Remember how you guys get spanked by ever tiny little crapper you guys invade Korea, Vietnam, And most Currently in Iraq, now don't even for a minute think that Korean Generals haven't had meetings on strategy with Chinese Officals.

Check and Mate America

10:48:21 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Basch:

Just wanna ask you a question shraeder.
If WWIII actully happened, would you like to see the US and their allies get defeated by those communist countries?

11:35:10 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Bladehadranos:

russia and china i don't think there  heads are communist anymore... and it will be strange and amazing If, US and their defeated by china

11:36:30 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Bladehadranos:

Mr. Shraeder


8/19/2008 5:36:19 PM
Mr. Justin


8/18/2008 9:14:07 PMThis coming from a marine. Why cant ppl get over themselves and fuking stop with all this bull*beep*. Yes America does try to control everything but with the WMD most countries like Russia, Iran, etc. Mainly the whole middle east has, yes we get involved with trying to boss them around. Russia trys to boss smaller countries around because they think because they are the biggest country in the world that their the most bad ass which there not. Both Chinese and Russian Military suck. The strongest are American and Britian Armies. And our borders are so well defended that if Russia or China tried to invade the US borders. They would be destroyed. By sea you have our battle ships and missle subs, etc. If your in the US military you know all of them. By air you have AA, SAM, etc. Now if they have some luck by chance of landing on American soil. there are still about 500k more soldiers mixed between, Air Force, Marines, Army, and Navy. Then you got the personal armies, the rednecks ;) that is a force to be reckon with. Now if Russia and China invaded Europe, thats stupid as well. Europe are our greatest allies and we would help them in time of need. So one small attack on Europe and the US gets involved and Russia and China get spanked bad.

So honestly Either one of these countries attacking eachother is stupidty and proves how stupid those countries are if they attack.

Well let the flaming began cuz i know its going to happen.

Sorry justin but i have to say it?
why in the hell don't you think Russia has none of this, Just because the soviet union collapsed doesn't mean  the baltic fleet has been dismantled or soviet armor couldn't roll through europe again. You fail to realize Russia doesn't need to import its oil like the U.S. and simply for that reason in another long cold war Russia could prevail given time, AA , Sams? You seriously think China or Russia has neither of these things.

Furthermore,  where in gods name do you think America is going to pull up 500k greater troop numbers then Russia and China, You also fail to realize that the in the american forces, Already stretched thin would be fighting Chinese and Russia armies that aren't caught up in a conflict. And Either one of these countries could Draft Equal(Russia) or greater troop numbers (China). Which gives America a fail on the whole ground war part.

Economically America would be screwed entirely, Who do you think America owes money to? Currently China is near the top, call the debts and they are screwed, with the coming american dollar collapse we all know a cold war would go sour for America.

And on top of that don't count china or russia out on Tactical nuclear weapons, or chemical weapons, last i checked guiness still counts russia as holding the greatest amount of chemical weapons.

And now we see Russia postering on former Bloc countries. Personally justin i know any statement you make will have stupidity backing it, so please, bring numbers and not "500k more troops" and "we have AA's" as if China has never made a SAM sight in the world, Also justin to salt the wound, Remember how you guys get spanked by ever tiny little crapper you guys invade Korea, Vietnam, And most Currently in Iraq, now don't even for a minute think that Korean Generals haven't had meetings on strategy with Chinese Officals.

Check and Mate America


lol no way america and britain will win against russia and china....

12:32:16 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Benji IV:

Mr. Bladehadranos


8/19/2008 11:36:30 AM
Mr. Shraeder


8/19/2008 5:36:19 PM
Mr. Justin


8/18/2008 9:14:07 PMThis coming from a marine. Why cant ppl get over themselves and fuking stop with all this bull*beep*. Yes America does try to control everything but with the WMD most countries like Russia, Iran, etc. Mainly the whole middle east has, yes we get involved with trying to boss them around. Russia trys to boss smaller countries around because they think because they are the biggest country in the world that their the most bad ass which there not. Both Chinese and Russian Military suck. The strongest are American and Britian Armies. And our borders are so well defended that if Russia or China tried to invade the US borders. They would be destroyed. By sea you have our battle ships and missle subs, etc. If your in the US military you know all of them. By air you have AA, SAM, etc. Now if they have some luck by chance of landing on American soil. there are still about 500k more soldiers mixed between, Air Force, Marines, Army, and Navy. Then you got the personal armies, the rednecks ;) that is a force to be reckon with. Now if Russia and China invaded Europe, thats stupid as well. Europe are our greatest allies and we would help them in time of need. So one small attack on Europe and the US gets involved and Russia and China get spanked bad.

So honestly Either one of these countries attacking eachother is stupidty and proves how stupid those countries are if they attack.

Well let the flaming began cuz i know its going to happen.

Sorry justin but i have to say it?
why in the hell don't you think Russia has none of this, Just because the soviet union collapsed doesn't mean  the baltic fleet has been dismantled or soviet armor couldn't roll through europe again. You fail to realize Russia doesn't need to import its oil like the U.S. and simply for that reason in another long cold war Russia could prevail given time, AA , Sams? You seriously think China or Russia has neither of these things.

Furthermore,  where in gods name do you think America is going to pull up 500k greater troop numbers then Russia and China, You also fail to realize that the in the american forces, Already stretched thin would be fighting Chinese and Russia armies that aren't caught up in a conflict. And Either one of these countries could Draft Equal(Russia) or greater troop numbers (China). Which gives America a fail on the whole ground war part.

Economically America would be screwed entirely, Who do you think America owes money to? Currently China is near the top, call the debts and they are screwed, with the coming american dollar collapse we all know a cold war would go sour for America.

And on top of that don't count china or russia out on Tactical nuclear weapons, or chemical weapons, last i checked guiness still counts russia as holding the greatest amount of chemical weapons.

And now we see Russia postering on former Bloc countries. Personally justin i know any statement you make will have stupidity backing it, so please, bring numbers and not "500k more troops" and "we have AA's" as if China has never made a SAM sight in the world, Also justin to salt the wound, Remember how you guys get spanked by ever tiny little crapper you guys invade Korea, Vietnam, And most Currently in Iraq, now don't even for a minute think that Korean Generals haven't had meetings on strategy with Chinese Officals.

Check and Mate America


lol no way america and britain will win against russia and china....

keep dreaming my friend =)

14:19:28 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Clone I:

visit  they have games and a fourm about online games, eating right, virus prection jokes,and much more it is the best site ever
we need some one to post in the fourm abous this game so...

14:41:12 Aug 19th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:



But moving on swiftly, *beep*roaches to win the era of life!

15:37:02 Aug 19th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

C0CK roaches

15:40:47 Aug 19th 08 - Lord Wraith:

Mr. Justin


8/19/2008 5:14:07 AM
This coming from a marine.



Bullsheit. You're a 16 year old twat, not a marine, Justin. -.-

16:02:00 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

What most of you overlook:

a) Georgia attacked first, killed about 2000 Russian passport holders, and made refugees of 40,000 more. Only the demented leader of Georgia could possibly have believed the Russians wouldn't react. Georgia got spanked.

b) Europeans would not be prepared to sit out this winter without gas or heating in their homes merely due to said demented leader. Hence the pictures of "Sarko" smiling sheepishly in Moscow while getting Russia's Medvedev to sign a "ceasefire" that Putin wrote the words of.

c) George Bush and Ms Rice make the usual resolute-sounding noises. Nobody pays attention. In case our American friends haven't noticed, nobody has been paying attention for quite some time.

d) Meanwhile, American cruise missiles need electromagnets to navigate. Such electromagnets, along with many other components, are now manufactured in China. America no longer has factories capable of manufacturing them, since said factories closed down due to Chinese competition.


17:20:03 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Lord Wraith


8/19/2008 7:40:47 AM
Mr. Justin


8/19/2008 5:14:07 AM
This coming from a marine.



Bullsheit. You're a 16 year old twat, not a marine, Justin. -.-

Ive got parents to sign the forum you twat when i graduate im gone. So you shut the fuk up you hores humping b*tch and stop talking about sh*t you know nothing about!

17:33:59 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Justin:

why in the hell don't you think Russia has none of this, Just because the soviet union collapsed doesn't mean  the baltic fleet has been dismantled or soviet armor couldn't roll through europe again. You fail to realize Russia doesn't need to import its oil like the U.S. and simply for that reason in another long cold war Russia could prevail given time, AA , Sams? You seriously think China or Russia has neither of these things.

We wont be the ones invading so it wont matter what they have! What they have on thier so called "mother land" is still nothing. M11 ballistic missles will be shot out of the sky with out new laser technology... Omg ur so fuking stupid. If the other countries dont send oil WE HAVE OUR OWN YOU TWAT. Its call Fort Nox. BILLIONS close to TRILLION of gallons of oil. Along with gold, military armory aircraft. So no we dont need ppl to send us oil. We can fuk the sellers up and go to our fall out Fort and use that oil.

Furthermore,  where in gods name do you think America is going to pull up 500k greater troop numbers then Russia and China, You also fail to realize that the in the american forces, Already stretched thin would be fighting Chinese and Russia armies that aren't caught up in a conflict. And Either one of these countries could Draft Equal(Russia) or greater troop numbers (China). Which gives America a fail on the whole ground war part.

Where the hell are you from Antarctica?Do you actually think we would send our entire military to the middle east?God your fuking stupid as hell. We would never leave the States undefended. And if Russia tried to invade no american civilian would just stand by. Men, Women, and Kids would get guns and shoot those commy bastards.

Economically America would be screwed entirely, Who do you think America owes money to? Currently China is near the top, call the debts and they are screwed, with the coming american dollar collapse we all know a cold war would go sour for America.

Ok you are stupid. The money is just paper. It represents the VALUE of the gold which we have a sh*t load. But yet again you didnt know that cuz ur stupid as hell.

And on top of that don't count china or russia out on Tactical nuclear weapons, or chemical weapons, last i checked guiness still counts russia as holding the greatest amount of chemical weapons.

Haha again your stupid. Our new technology lasers that are in our C-130 and on the ground will destroy the nukes before they can detonate so no worry about those. Russia dont has that i saw we just nuke them and get this *beep* over with.

And now we see Russia postering on former Bloc countries. Personally justin i know any statement you make will have stupidity backing it, so please, bring numbers and not "500k more troops" and "we have AA's" as if China has never made a SAM sight in the world, Also justin to salt the wound, Remember how you guys get spanked by ever tiny little crapper you guys invade Korea, Vietnam, And most Currently in Iraq, now don't even for a minute think that Korean Generals haven't had meetings on strategy with Chinese Officals.

You know its hard for SAMs to lock on to a target they cant see. F-117s, B1, B2 take your *beep*ing pick. Besides Russian and Chinese suck at shooting so the AA guns are no match for a great pilot. Why 2 wars we lost wat a record. Russians lost the biggest war ON THEIR OWN LAND!... And ya we are winnning the war in iraq. Terrorists are pathetic fighters and they wont be getting far. Now go play somewhere else this is the big boys thread. Try the role playing. Septim and Charley could use some company

17:40:48 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Dude:

a) Georgia attacked first, killed about 2000 Russian passport holders, and made refugees of 40,000 more. Only the demented leader of Georgia could possibly have believed the Russians wouldn't react. Georgia got spanked.

South-Ossetia is still Georgian territory. Why the *beep* would 2000 Russian passport holders live there? Because the Russians try to annex the area without a war slowly. I agree that they didn't do the right thing by attacking, but other ways wouldn't have helped.

b & c) - So true :')

About d)
How long do you think it'd take before such factories would reopen in the US? The US had the biggest arms production for like half a century. Those factories aren't all gone ;)


@ Justin

Dude, why so offending? People like you make me want to be komrads with Sovjet Russia.

20:59:07 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Dude wrote: "South-Ossetia is still Georgian territory."

By those standards, Kossovo should still be Serbian territory. Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander. Fact is, South Ossetia is full of Ossetians who speak Ossetian, not Georgian, and they want to be part of the same country as their kinfolk in North Ossetia. North Ossetia is part of Russia. They voted 99% to leave Georgia. Those old borders are mere administrative conveniences left over from the USSR. It was Stalin who "awarded" South Ossetia to Georgia. He was Georgian.

Dude wrote: "The US had the biggest arms production for like half a century."

The operative word there is "had". ;) Yesterday's factories don't produce tomorrow's technology. We are seeing a shift in global power.

21:08:10 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Dude:

Bah, you win.

21:31:36 Aug 19th 08 - Lord Wraith:

Justin, I honestly have half an idea (maybe) about what you answered but it seems you're not in the army yet, hence not a marine :p

21:45:02 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Shraeder:

We wont be the ones invading so it wont matter what they have! What they have on thier so called "mother land" is still nothing. M11 ballistic missles will be shot out of the sky with out new laser technology... Omg ur so fuking stupid. If the other countries dont send oil WE HAVE OUR OWN YOU TWAT. Its call Fort Nox. BILLIONS close to TRILLION of gallons of oil. Along with gold, military armory aircraft. So no we dont need ppl to send us oil. We can fuk the sellers up and go to our fall out Fort and use that oil.

Comon man, Do you seriously think that has been deployed in a missle defense system? Justin just shut up, i now believe you are just a 15 year old kid.

21:48:19 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Shraeder:

And anyways, on top of that, I never asked for anyones Stupid Belief in how there country would rule the world, Simply where they thought this conflict is Going so justin, seriously *beep* and lets get on with the discussion please?

21:56:03 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Shraeder:

Mr. Justin


8/18/2008 10:00:42 PMquick question is China a country were you have to join the military when you reach a certain age?i know we used to have the draft which you had to sign up for when your 18. I just didnt know if china had a similar thing.

to answer this in the easiest way i can, China does not Draft or Conscript troops, but maintains the Right to, it is considered a very big honor to be apart of the army to the chinese, and a couple million is nothing to china.

22:01:33 Aug 19th 08 - Lord Wraith:

Thanks to Shraeder, I read Justin's post and feel a need to comment at Justin...

  1. You really are racist, arent you you stupid SOaB! Commy bastards, terrorists are pathetic fighters and all the other crap I couldnt be arsed to go through. You'd make one hell of a punching bag if you're this racist in RL... Or is the Monitor protecting you?
  2. The part about America and money.... America doesnt have that much money. It is in neck deep in debt and I believe it is on a deficit (I could be wrong).
    Now, I was an Economics student (A crappy one, granted) but its common sense that is you have an amount of money, and keep having to owe people this money, you are going to run out eventually. I once read that America has been living off WW2 spoils ever since the end of the war, although I question the credibility of the article as I saw it online.
  3. America is stretched, like it or not. I have no idea, so wont guess the numbers but they have troops all over the world, peace-keeping or fighting wars or what-not. They can not lightly afford a war with Russia AND China. And simple peasants, like you, do not have the training of real marines and that training and experience is invaluable.

Too lazy to comment on the rest. These struck me the most.

22:18:27 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Master Mind:

Lol, Americas army is not stretched out at all. There's only I would guess from knowledge around 200k in Iraq and below 50k in afgan. The armerican army has a size of 2,500,000 so its not really stretched out. Though we do have troops around the world its not a very big number so it's not even mentionable. Also each state has it's own "national guard" so thats worth something. Nah Russia wouldn't give America a spanking. Although it would be tough, America would adapt, and one use other forms of resources. Or two start drilling because there are plenty of places to drill in America for oil we're just not doing it. ( D*M enviromentalist )&nb*beep*erica is part of NATO so declaring war on any country in NATO is like declaring war on NATO itself.

About America's factories the whole thing( as in tanks/war planes/missles etc. ) isn't assembled in China. Though most parts probably come from China.

22:37:40 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Adakis:

Lets put it this way...unless there is one huge merger and a lot of different minded people coming to a singular conclusion - war is bad for the world.  Not just Russia, China, US, England etc....the whole world. 

I'll agree the US is stretched, but devaluation of the US $ is a bit out of proportion.  Canada's population: (app. 30mil) is 1/10 that of the US (app. 300mil) and comprises of 1/1 industry and under 1/12  international business compared to the US.  Currently the $canadian holds at 1.0610 to $US  - I love the Canadians, but really is that even possible? (i didn't mention anything about raw materials etc).

Our next world battle is not a new idea - another war on a worldwide scale has been projected by several futurists, nostradamus, biblical revelation, my roommate etc. call for another large world battle.  This is not about who could, will or should win.  This is about the survival of me.

Unfortunately, i can't use my Nazzies to take over the island of Puerto Rico (of course this is after the Commie Pinkos 'liberate' puerto rico to begin with.)

Don't cut justin down too much - its a known fact that terrorists need to use guerrilla tactics to be successful, Commies smell bad and make crappier machines than we do & with over 1bil people in China we still could crash their network (cuz we stole a majority of their networking & intranet administrators, builders and coders over the past 25years.)

Hope you liked the outlook - if you want to know what makes me think like this - explain to me how a russian won gold for the US in gymnastics, the US had a chinese coach take a redneck (I use that term as her name is Shawn) athlete (to silver in gymnastics - while the other plays for the US table tennis team, an african runs long distance for the US, one of the US relay swimming teams consisted of a Nord, an Aussie, an Italian & some mutt that was truly American.   You know what, forget it - UofM has the most decorated swimmer and soon to be Olympian of all time. So the moral of the story is: Eat it buckeyes.

22:45:45 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. David:

America's current debt is around

 9,609,856,930,483.89 dollars

Go pay that back :) This debt is increasing at a terrifying rate, so the later you read this post the higher it actually is. We are talking about an increase of ten-thousands of dollars per second. China holds a lot of dollars. They keep buying them due which America can continue their debt course. However this wont last forever. The moment China looses confidence in the American Dollar and sells pretty much everything they have you will see the supply of the American Dollar rise greatly, which means it looses value and due the huge quantities that China has, it will collapse and so will America. Be happy about it or not, but America is living on a time bomb that can go off at any time and China plays a key role in this. This is all talking in a worst-case scenario, but don't underestimate it. If nothing improvements, it will happen some day.

@Dude: Justin isn't offending! Read what he writes and you see its actually pretty funny what he tries to claim.Come on, don't tell me you can keep a straight face while reading that! :D

22:52:02 Aug 19th 08 - Lord Wraith:

Thanks for the info, Dave... Thats just scary but pretty much similar to what I read... o.o

Although.... if the American Economy crashes that badly... wouldn't that screw the world over because of any products that America produces? Just a though...


Fair point I guess. Hes like our own little clown :p


22:57:45 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Lord Wraith


8/19/2008 2:01:33 PM

Thanks to Shraeder, I read Justin's post and feel a need to comment at Justin...

  1. You really are racist, arent you you stupid SOaB! Commy bastards, terrorists are pathetic fighters and all the other crap I couldnt be arsed to go through. You'd make one hell of a punching bag if you're this racist in RL... Or is the Monitor protecting you?
  2. The part about America and money.... America doesnt have that much money. It is in neck deep in debt and I believe it is on a deficit (I could be wrong).
    Now, I was an Economics student (A crappy one, granted) but its common sense that is you have an amount of money, and keep having to owe people this money, you are going to run out eventually. I once read that America has been living off WW2 spoils ever since the end of the war, although I question the credibility of the article as I saw it online.
  3. America is stretched, like it or not. I have no idea, so wont guess the numbers but they have troops all over the world, peace-keeping or fighting wars or what-not. They can not lightly afford a war with Russia AND China. And simple peasants, like you, do not have the training of real marines and that training and experience is invaluable.

Too lazy to comment on the rest. These struck me the most.

Yes i am racists you dumb *beep*. against everyone, even my fellow crackers =P

23:35:21 Aug 19th 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

to give u the truth if russia, china wars usa iran will step in and take over the middle east and then usa will be rly *beep*ed becuse middle east give usa its oil and even mony and they will lose alot of there bigesst bases.

00:15:49 Aug 20th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

When people argue, they should use proper spelling. It makes you seem smarter, even if you're not. :-D

00:17:05 Aug 20th 08 - Mr. Shoon:

Septim that sounded strange coming even from you :P

00:46:48 Aug 20th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

Is it 'cause I was raised by penguins!?

01:15:25 Aug 20th 08 - Mr. Peace War And Suffering:

comin from a militery point i just sit here thinking wtf are with these post.

admin please remove these type of threads there just anoying!

thanks pws

02:25:02 Aug 20th 08 - Mr. Gravity:

ok, let me give you some insight.


Its that simple.

My tax dollars, my fathers, my mothers, my uncles, aunts, grandparents, friends, relatives, Brothers in Christ, etc, EVERYONE ON THIS SOIL, paid their wages to protect this country.  One of the solutions is the largest nuclear *beep*nal in the world.  and its not all "uranium bombs", or "hydrogen bombs"... there are tactical nukes, proton bombs, etc, lots of ADVANCED nuclear weaponry.  ...

Now believe me this, if a country brings war to American soil, then I'll ride the *beep*ing nuke onto their soil, and watch it detonate.  It'd be a proud way to go.

frankly, if they want to cause trouble, they have crazy sons of *beep*es like me to deal with, that WILL VOTE FOR nuclear strikes.

the end.
you attack, you get nuked, you die, game over.

02:27:47 Aug 20th 08 - General Ezatious:


03:40:53 Aug 20th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

Unless they use a nuke on us, we won't use nukes until it's a last resort. We wouldn't just immediately nuke the hell outta them. My penguin army would first invade their bases, they would then invent a weather machine that would make endless winter! :D

05:06:46 Aug 20th 08 - Mr. Benji IV:

"Now believe me this, if a country brings war to American soil, then I'll ride the *beep*ing nuke onto their soil, and watch it detonate.  It'd be a proud way to go"

OMG and u guys call palestinians , iraqies and afghanies terrorists for doing the same *beep*ing thing (take the nuck part and replace it with a bomb =P)

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