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Era 45 Video
09:10:23 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Insomniac:

Anyone post it?

09:18:18 Apr 3rd 10 - Toaster Struddle:

it hasnt been given out yet i dont think but when it does I'll do the video as always I am taking music requests

14:42:59 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Path:

I liked them a lot better with some degree of commentary.  Not necessarily a vocal commentary, but even the little notes...or maybe a summary of which kds are which for posterity sake. 

17:32:42 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Aqua- Barbie Girl. :D

18:56:17 Apr 3rd 10 - Duchess Laeroi:

This song:

20:14:27 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Selos:

dairy of jane by breakeing benjamin

20:14:50 Apr 3rd 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Requiem for a Dream

21:31:21 Apr 3rd 10 - Duchess Laeroi:

Every damn video uses Requiem for a Dream.

21:46:04 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Onslaught:

Put a bit of Samwell in the video.

09:21:22 Apr 4th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Bliss- MUSE

10:13:52 Apr 4th 10 - Mr. Bishop:

Mr. Selos


06:14:27 Apr 4th 10 dairy of jane by breakeing benjamin


10:38:14 Apr 4th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

struddle didnt you and random do a commentary to era 42/43 or w/e??

11:40:09 Apr 4th 10 - Lady Wilberforce Who Loves Quietone:

Mr. Selos

20:14:27 Apr 3rd 10 dairy of jane by breakeing benjamin


14:10:25 Apr 4th 10 - Mr. Horus The Loser:

manchester orchestra - shake it out

14:30:10 Apr 4th 10 - Dark Prince Hemagyname:

Mr. Selos

20:14:27 Apr 3rd 10 dairy of jane by breakeing benjamin


16:08:07 Apr 4th 10 - Mr. Onslaught:

Mr. Selos
06:14:27 Apr 4th 10 dairy of jane by breakeing benjamin

Chocolate or regular?

17:01:45 Apr 4th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

Ya we did but unfortunately I havent gotten the video for this era I figure zeta is still coding or something so just waiting patiently on him.

17:52:04 Apr 4th 10 - Mr. Fafnir:

I would suggest this song">I would suggest this song" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

06:50:29 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Wolfman:

video is posted.

Can someone upload it?

07:14:10 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Jackdaniels The Destroyer:

it tells me theres a 404 error whenever i click on it

07:23:27 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. God Always Yodles:

07:57:50 Apr 5th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

unfortunately the link was broken or i'd have been working on it already.  Sheesh patience is thrown out the window with most people aint it.  And even if I did have the video already it takes about 2-4 hours to change it to higher definition and about another hour to get all the annotations done.  So be patient it'll be up in about a day at the most.

07:59:48 Apr 5th 10 - Sir Russell Crowe:

Dont rush it, take however long it takes to get it perfect, you are doing good work Struddle and we will love the end product.

08:04:18 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Jackdaniels The Destroyer:

yeah struddle take all the time you need was just saying the link was broken but you do amazing work on these videos so plz keep it up as you do great work

11:17:06 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Insomniac:

the link zeta gave for the video was never broken..

12:53:34 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Path:

13:35:49 Apr 5th 10 - Lord Deno:

Toaster Struddle


09:18:18 Apr 3rd 10
it hasnt been given out yet i dont think but when it does I'll do the video as always I am taking music requests
" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

13:42:25 Apr 5th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

I've already picked the music I will be using and the video is in the process of being saved and transferred over to HD right now it's lookin at about a 5 to 6 hour transfer due to the size of it all which sucks majorly.......

20:41:30 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Abhishek VI The Drug Addict:

Do you use Premiere or IMovie, Struddle?

20:46:34 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Abhishek VI The Drug Addict:

I have a trick for cutting on the Export time on HD movies in Adobe Premiere. Just play it completely in the preview window for once and then when you export it, it just takes an 6-7 minutes.. It happened with me last month and I was surprised to see the time cut.. I think its because it renders the whole video while you play (preview) it so there's not much work left for it to Export......Here is the video I exported for my school project..........

23:41:45 Apr 5th 10 - Mr. Own Mafia:

Unrar and play!

compressed: 4,5 Mb
un-compressed: 1 GB

>> How can 5mb turn to 1GB ?? Is it magic?

23:43:54 Apr 5th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

It was COmpressed, thats the whole point of Compressing a file...

23:45:03 Apr 5th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

Besides putting everything together takes the longest part the Annotations and everything involved with making it look shiney and nice is what takes so long.

05:30:03 Apr 6th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

Annotations are still being worked on and everything but most of this is being completed as quickly as possible.

" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

07:06:48 Apr 6th 10 - Sir Burninglegion The Wise:

Fantastic job toaster ! keep it up your the bomb

04:54:19 Apr 14th 10 - Mr. Wolfman:

Just got around to watching the vid


06:24:07 Apr 14th 10 - Junior Guildmaster Fafnir:

Excellent work

22:06:37 Apr 17th 10 - Mr. Grumbar:


10:37:01 Apr 18th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

I also just got Adobe After Effects So I'm gonna try and change some things up and test out some new things.

13:23:28 Apr 19th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Change the song to barbie girl. >:(

14:17:47 Apr 19th 10 - Mr. Path:

ice ice baby has to make it in here sometime as well.

Anyhow, were more annotations ever going to be added?

14:53:35 Apr 19th 10 - Duchess Wadjet:

oo awsome§!

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